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Everything posted by Belle

  1. It is a nice website and I think it's better put together than TWI's own, authorized site. I wish they had had something like that when I was in. I'm sure I would have used it quite regularly. The only thing that really strikes me as funny is that the site states that it is in now way affiliated with TWI, yet the BOD have to give approval for it and closely monitor the site, knowing darn well that they do control the site and the content through their "suggestions".
  2. No, JT, you are not alone. That's part of why I didn't get involved in the water thread on the Open forum. I can't read really long posts (I have ADD, I think :D--> ) And I really can't stand long posts with no substance or point - but you did an excellent job of describing those, so I'll stick with your definition. :)-->
  3. Seclusion and Peremptoriness are the hallmarks of TWI. If they can successfully get you to agree with and submit to these, then they have you hook, line and sinker. When you want out you are labeled as an infidel, a contentious person, a liar, turning your back on God and unworthy of prayer and communication. More seclusion for both sides and more peremptoriness for those left in. They definitely have it down to a mathmatical science.
  4. ex, yes, his mom is the leader and his parents were their MOGFARTS. He was supposed to take over when the time was right and he was considered the "prince" of the organization. herbiejuan, yes, they are also called "the family" and have undergone a few other name changes I believe. Reading their "statement" on GMA's website it reads a lot like something TWI would say. (I'm paraphrasing: We have been liberal in our views on sex and when we learned that people were using that as an excuse to hurt people we came out with a statement that behavior along those lines was absolutely inexcuseable.) Hellooooo!! What NORMAL organization has to even tell people what's acceptable and what's not regarding sex???? --> I'm reminded of the latest family class in TWI - bestiality is wrong - sex outside of marriage is wrong - --> You really need to tell people these things???
  5. Belle

    Women's Health Care

    Good information, Shellon! Things I didn't know and "just assumed" I was being taken care of..... learn something new everyday. Thanks!
  6. I prefer beer for my burps. Tastes good, less filling and cheaper! :D--> sorry for the derail. I just couldn't resist!
  7. Sorry, Linda, perhaps I should have put a smilie face on that. I know he isn't any of them, it was meant to be a joke as they are notorious for excusing vpw's exploitation, abuse and rape of women as being acceptable and/or the women's fault and an acceptable behavior since "he brought us the word". I really enjoy reading about other people's experiences, but when they start justifying and excusing the rampant evil and deception it plsses me off. I wasn't there and vp was long gone by the time I got involved, so it is especially interesting to me and I was fine with his posts until he laid the blame at the feet of those poor GIRLS that vp took advantage of. If you look back, I even stuck up for him when he was merely communicating his observations of DEW from his own perspective. I don't know if it's the truth about how DEW felt or not and it doesn't matter because he was only relaying what he saw and observed and it was interesting to read about it.
  8. I looked at the post, but can't see the clip because of firewalls at work. I was going to wait till I got home because I don't really understand the whole gist of the thing. I'm sure it's the normal TWIt b.s. rhetoric and I'm glad to see that national news organizations are starting to take this cult stuff seriously. I posted a story from GMA this morning on the Open website. The rebuttal from the leaders of that cult sounds suspiciously familiar. I wonder if they all have the same lawyers.
  9. Did anyone see GMA this morning? 'Prince' of Former Cult Commits Murder-Suicide GMA ABC News Story This cult allowed children to be molested by adults. It's getting quite a bit of press. I wonder if now the media would be more open to additional stories about abusive cults....
  10. Definitely going to be a Patriotic Red White and Blue hurricane!
  11. I'm Belle because I'm southern and my mama always wanted me to be a Southern Belle. Since I'm more red neck than anything else, I figure this way I can at least partially fulfill her dream. :D-->
  12. Shaz did a masterful job of handling yet another poster wearing his rose-colored glasses and blinders. :)-->
  13. Thanks, Mike. There's better ways to communicate with the BOD and other specific people you want to share your knowledge with than hijacking someone else's website. :)--> I like reading about HCW's experiences, but I also think he has rose-colored glasses with blinders on the side and he refuses to see the severity of the evil in the TWIts that he so loved. (I also think he may be oldiesman or johniam posting under another handle. ;)--> )
  14. HCW, are you related to Oldiesman or Johniam?
  15. But his wife did and he allowed it, from what I understand.
  16. He said the site would be taken down to work on some things on the website. Take him at his word, folks. He has proven himself to be upfront and honest. I happen to think that if the BOD pulled the plug on the site he would post that as well, but without placing blame on the people from here who have posted on there. Mike, I'm pretty sure your posts are just as long, bombastic and annoying over there as they are over here. Please get your own website and save these webmasters from having to pay for your bandwidth. I promise, I'll send people that way who are interested in worshipping veepeepee and his plagarized works. It's really a courtesy thing as opposed to who suggested it thing. ;)-->
  17. Yeppers, Socks. And even that's a lie. They don't look at the future, they just look at the present and how much money and control they can have right now. The only future they look at is "the hope". They totally skip past any logical forethought or planning for the immediate future or retirement years for their people. I remember one wc person, when asked about paying cash for a home, saying, "We may not be able to pay cash for a home, but we can save so that our kids can. Isn't that a great thing to be able to do?" It's as if they know they're giving people unrealistic expectations but refuse to change. And how many people can afford to save for their children't home if they don't even have enough retirement and college money put away because of the ridiculous counsel of TWIts?
  18. I have the fancy dancy Juiceman something or other that I got a killer deal on at eBay. Now I'm finally using it on a pretty regular basis, but I can't stand cleaning the darn thing. I have a toothbrush and clean it very well every time I use it, but it's getting to be a pain. Is there a trick to it? Something that doesn't take so long with the little toothbrush or that gets the pulp out easier? I hardly use the George Foreman because I don't like to clean it. I hate to put my juicer away with George. Why is it so expensive and time-consuming to eat healthy???? -->
  19. (((((RottieGrrrl))))) So good to see you! I looked at MLMs for a while and found several watchdog websites that give you the lowdown on the groups, what they do and who the leaders are and which MLM they bailed out of before joining the current one. It appears to be one big incestuous group of people heading most of the more successful ones (gee, kinda like TWI and the offshoots...) They use a lot of the same tactics, as you have already noted and I guess some of us don't recognize the bad from TWI well enough to avoid it in non-religious groups. How sad. I wonder if Steve Hassan's book about Freedom of Mind and appealing to the "authentic self" of the woman would help, if you want to get that involved, that is. I know I've had friends approach me and it is such an insult that they look at me as a "prospect" instead of just a friend. It always ends up putting a strain on the relationship (gee - isn't that what WE did in TWI? --> GAWD, I hate facing that fact) Good to read you! I hope you stick around.
  20. dmiller, Now that I found out some of you have been bribing the cook to put pineapple on your pizza, I'm not ruling anyone's tastes out. :D--> I only offered....didn't say he had to accept. ;)-->
  21. WG, I didn't think of it that way. I suppose that would have been even more scary, degrading and destructive to the self-esteem than staying. :(--> And we didn't think anything was wrong.... I'm still wondering where the "rise and expansion" is that was supposed to come with the wc going full time and then again when they went back to really working. Does anyone know any wc that signed up someone for the class? I don't. Never did hear of one.
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