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Everything posted by Belle

  1. Belle


    My favorite snack lately has been "ants on a log" Celery filled with peanut butter and topped with raisins.
  2. Belle


    Twinky! I'd be first in line to volunteer, myself. Not my thing, Shellon. I remember Mama and Daddy having fondue parties when I was growing up and there are a couple of really nice fondue restaurants here in town, but not really anything I've ever gotten all that excited over. I think I'm more of a BBQ kinda gal.
  3. Belle

    Texas BBQ 2007

    Soon as I win that lottery, Tom.... just as soon as I win that lottery.
  4. Belle

    For Pet Owners

    Crystal is beautiful!! As are the kids, PTT! Vixen is also called "Vixenator" LOL! Pumpkin and Kallie are gorgeous! Holy Carp, Batman!! Sophie is one strong dog, WG!! :o TJ couldn't have been born into a better fam, Eyes! Two of the best dogs I've ever had were Chow/Golden mixes: Duchess was my shadow - absolutely beautiful dog! She was named after the first dog I ever fell in love with - a Great Dane Doobie, well, his name fit him perfectly. Doobie had a pink nose with freckles and, for the longest time, all dogs with black noses looked funny to me. Waysider,
  5. I did respond to her, but was paranoid about being too "wordy" so I kept it short and sweet. I was hoping she'd come over here and get more sage advice from the wise souls we have at the Cafe: My response to her was via private message. :) Ham, Can't wait to see their response to yours! It is heartening to see that at least the youngsters aren't so blinded as to the geriatric nature TWI has become. There's hope for them yet!
  6. (((((Suda))))) When I read the first posts I thought you had pulled up some of mine. What I can tell you about me is that, yes, I do go to church and wicca meetings and pagan meetings and Religious Science meetings and Unitarian Universalist meetings. But not all at once. I see validity in each set of beliefs. I see "good" in each "doctrine" and, in all but the Christian meetings, I see acceptance that others may believe differently than that particular gathering of folks. It's no wonder so many people are turned off by Christianity, even, say, those who might otherwise be interested in it, imo. There's a, for lack of a better term, hate taught in churches that I've visited that isn't seen in other groups. I need/want to pull my thoughts together better and to have a more thorough look at what you've posted, but I think it's kinda like my desire to get married and have a family - I may not know exactly what I do want, but I'm darn sure of what I don't want. As more and more is presented to me, I do tend to "waffle" - or at least appear to be inconsistent and, possibly insincere because I a) try to keep an open mind b) see the value in what's being presented and c) am not 100% solidly rooted to any one belief. :) Help confuse things even more?
  7. Belle

    Texas BBQ 2007

    (((((David))))) Praying for you and your parents.
  8. :jump: So happy for you, for him and for her! She's marrying into a wonderful family!
  9. Me ticked about this?? Puh-lease!! I thought it was funny and wanted to share - I'm glad you posted it. I just didn't do it here since I put it in the preacher wanna be's thread. I wish, too, that I could take credit for the incredible photoshop work, but a co-worker did it for me, and I do think he did a dang good job. That was the best pic of the great forehead that I could find, which is why he has so much non-gray hair. Sudo, do my eyes deceive me??? My DAWGS really beat KY???? :o
  10. Still cool as I ever was. But I don't think "dork" was the word that was used.
  11. Oh My! What a history lesson here! Thanks, y'all for taking the time to put all this together! Thank you!! That answers quite a few questions. I'm speechless. I'm so sorry y'all were put through so much inhumanity in your corps training.
  12. :dance: WOO HOO!!! So happy for you, Vickles!!
  13. Belle


    Notta a guy at work had Cholesterol and triglycerides that were through the roof. The doc wanted to put him on Glucophage and a host of other meds. John asked for alternatives to the drugs and the doc told him to go vegan. John already was vegetarian, but not in a healthy kind of way, wine, potato chips and Snickers bars are still vegetarian, ya know? He read Eat to Live by Dr. Mark Furhman and decided to try it. It's extreme, but it's working! In 6 weeks John has lost 30 lbs., his total cholesterol went down 35 points and some other astounding changes for such a short period of time that I can't recall off the top of my head. He says he feels better than he has in decades. Almost thou persuadest me.... I am considering trying it, if you want, we could be our own support group. Please try everything else before seriously considering surgery - that is soooo much harder than any other changes, not to mention the dangers. My ex's Sergeant had it done before we divorced and I can tell you some first hand stories that will make you really think about how hard it is to adjust and cope.
  14. Excerpted from one of their very slow public forums where they are bashing homosexuality and promoting abortions.... What would you say to this poor young lady?
  15. TG explains that some of his posts were removed from Rick Ross's website. I remembered some posts being removed after I found them pecking around one day. If you read just a few posts down on the thread that I started and linked to in my post above, one can see that, indeed, the posts were removed from Ross's site. WordWolf kindly used the Google "cache" option to pull up and post the "forbidden posts", which TG has said that were his and were the ones removed. I'm not sure where the problem is... Maybe y'all did not actually read the thread? :unsure: TG, here's a cheat sheet to the cafe: Guide for New Arrivals to the Cafe What is TWI?
  16. :eusa_clap: :eusa_clap: Suda, that is a beautiful post!! It's also extremely admirable that you took the time to look at information presented to you and to actually consider another's viewpoint. Awesome, awesome synopsis!!
  17. Where do you find these things?? And who documents them? And why was I not invited to help with the research??? Oh I so hope if there's ever another party like Admiral Edward Russell's that I'm invited to it! Oh, Waiter, next round, please!
  18. Roy, you always make me think. :) And, I love your love for God and His kids. Yes, TWI was great at straining gnats and it is proper to focus on what's important, like you and your Uncle Jack, and not the peripheral stuff. Fruit of the spirit is, indeed the most important profit and purpose of the scriptures. I remember the first time I read 1 Tim 1:5 in a version other than KJV: That's really the whole purpose of the Bible, isn't it? To teach love. Love from a pure heart and a clear conscience.That's what Jesus boiled everything down to in Matt 22:37-40: In light of that (pun possibly intended ) could the darkness be used much like the tales of bad people in the Bible in so far as its purpose is to show the light and love of God?
  19. Not any moreso than we have to worry about Catholic priests raping little boys. Or folks like vee pee, craig, jal and benny hinn taking advantage of "the flock"
  20. :P I'm jest messin' with ya, WD. It's 5:00 on a Friday - first round's on me!
  21. White Dove, I don't care what they say about you, you're all right!
  22. Thanks, Dan. I do hope you mean that sincerely. I can grow on a person... kinda like mold, but it can happen. And the feeling quite is mutual. :) I really don't think DWBH is asking too much from John and Jeff. It just looks ridiculous the longer it goes on, imo. They really should respond, even if it's only to provide a link to where they've informed all of their people on their own website. Otherwise, they've really only "used" Paw to further their own selfish agenda, again, imo.
  23. Belle

    Who are . . .

    Some folks just don't learn. What I don't get is why he keeps coming back since we're obviously not his type. :blink: Who wants to hang out with folks you don't like? Dot, that was very nice and very well said. I've been scolded a few times meeeself. I just pull up my big girl panties and try to play nicer.
  24. Belle

    Freedom at Last

    Post when you can and when you feel like it. No rules about that - we're just happy to see folks whenever they have time to stop by for a cuppa java. :) Naww... not too strong. It's natural to have conflicted emotions ranging from utterly peeved at them, to feeling sorry for them, to wondering what the H they were thinking, to being proud of them. It's all good and it's just part of the process. ^_^ LOL! Some people DID have "good old days" and, like Goey's signature, some of those "good old days" weren't really all that good, in reality. Finding the right therapist and getting professional help has been one of THE BEST things I ever did for myself. I can't recommend it enough - but you do want to make sure it's someone who's qualified and right for you. I took my therapist a copy of Steve Hassan's Releasing the Bonds on our first meeting. Told him he'd need to read that as it's what I'm looking for someone to help me do. :) Reading your other posts, Nero, you seem to be doing just fine. You've got an incredible sense of humor and quite frequently have me chuckling over here. Keep on keeping on, you're doing great!
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