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Everything posted by Belle

  1. These stories are amazing. Y'all really had hearts to serve and help people for God. It's so obvious seeing as how you put up with TWIts pounding you further and further into the ground. I have a newfound respect for y'all, even though I already did respect you. :)--> I wonder, if after reading these stories, and knowing that the people going through the corpse training are older and more likely to follow through with lawsuits, if the WAYGB will suggest the re-visit the whole LEAD experience. Naaahhhh, they're not that smart!
  2. Velly, velly interesting. Has anyone ordered the plagarism book from Jeudes site? I was going to order it a while back, but couldn't have it shipped to the house. I wonder what other scholars vee pee copied from that we DON'T know about.
  3. Whenever you learn a new word Mr. H, you have to use it five times so that you remember it. :)-->
  4. OMG, ex! I looked it up It's a good thing my parents don't know what it means or my mouth woulda been full of Lifeboy soap! ;)-->
  5. Linda, didn't she lie to Bob Moynihan to avoid a confrontation? Didn't Bob know she was lying and let it slide? Michele DeLisle made a joke about her "guidance" on a STS once. I remember laughing and thinking it took guts for her to make a joke like that knowing that it would be obvious to those who know the fox and how she operates. She has a son in prison, doesn't she? And another one who will have nothing to do with her? Yep, that's ruling well your own house, I say. -->
  6. HCW on RFR. Every innie should know about this woman they are supporting!
  7. What great examples they are of loving, caring and treating people like they are the salt of the earth, eh? COME ON, INNIES!! IS THIS REALLY HOW YOU THINK GOD WANTS HIS PEOPLE TO LIVE???
  8. 1 - so you are to have spiritual perception, but not required to do anything about it. That's pretty much what they do. I guess that one's right. 2 - Learn TWIt doctine so that you can teach it to others. Just teach the doctrine, no need to actually apply it practically or help people in other ways. 3 - Don't smoke, don't drink, what do you do? Even though you only make peanuts and we don't even give you time to sleep, we want you out there exercising and staying in shape so we don't have to be bothered with you getting sick. (We'll just say you're lying about it anyway) 4 - Live abundantly on a need basis? Isn't that an oxymoron? You'll be happy with what we give you - and if you're not full time staff - you better make a good living and keep brining in the booty for us at HQ. Any wc you know living abundantly?? I don't know any who aren't full time. 5 - Oversee - they do that very well. Laborers? I don't know any wc who do anything besides delegate. If they get their hands into areas of desire or need it's just to tell people that things would be so much better for them if they would "believe" or if they knew more of "the Word." God forbid you should actually help someone! I don't see anything in here about loving, caring for or building up God's people. --> I don't see any real Christian principles here. All it looks like to me is ways TWI expects the wc to continue to prosper TWI.
  9. Here were the wc principles from early 2004 - these are reworded from the extremely verbose ones that craig came up with. I think I have those somewhere too, but I'll have to look: 1. Acquire and enhance your in-depth spiritual perception to a thorough awareness of God's Word as it applies to various life situations. 2. Receive and exercise training in the whole Word of God, doctrinally and practically, so as to be able to teach others. 3. Utilize physical discipline making your physical body, the "vehicle" of communication of the Word, as vital as possible. 4. Believe faithfully to live abundantly on a genuine need basis and to bring physical and material abundance to God's household of The Way Ministry at all levels. 5. Go forth as overseers and laborers in areas of earnest desire, need and humility in the household to bring discipleship and thus the prevailing Word into energized reality to the world.
  10. I'm speechless, HCW. I do want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. I'm so sorry Bob Moynihan and Rob Kehoe accused you of lying. Weakness isn't allowed, so you must be lying. --> B.M. is still like that and his wife counseled women raped by our MOGs and continued to cover for them. She even lied about knowing what craig was up to. So "The Word, The Word and Nothing But the Word" is just an empty phrase used to manipulate people. WAKE UP INNIES!! YOUR PRESIDENT WILLINGLY ADMITS THAT TWI DOES NOT OPERATE ACCORDING TO THE WORD!! SHE KICKS OUT THOSE WHO TRY TO HOLD HER TO THE STANDARD OF THE WORD! Thank you, HCW. :)-->
  11. Truly taking care of the one body of Christ. --> ((((Vickles)))) ((((ToadFriend)))) ((((Suz)))) I'm so sorry! How dare they?!?! And we willingly gave our lives for these creatures. It makes me literally sick to my stomach. When did they quit the hitch hiking part of the training? I know they still do LEAD and that it's as hard and dangerous as ever.
  12. Since I was a good little wayfer I didn't have any friends who weren't in TWI. My family is still in the south and I'd love to move back closer to home (but not home) and where the "real" southerners live. I just can't seem to get motivated to go through all the things you have to when you're moving. Maybe after I've been out a little longer, right now I'm just emotionally exhausted.
  13. They didn't have to ask. My ex and I were so waybrained that we volunteered the information before they could even ask. :(--> Then we'd gladly answer any questions they would have. A few times I would see people who had been put on probation and I would freak out and practicallly run the other way. Dunno why I was scared or what I was scared of: It wasn't them, more likely I was afraid of getting caught looking at them and being put on probation myself for not being spiritual enough to have avoided running into them. Gawd, how embarrassing! I know, too, that my ex has told them all kinds of things about me. Mostly things that aren't true, but are true in his mind since he has never talked to me about his suspicions and he wouldn't believe me if I did get the opportunity to defend myself. He's just too waybrained to believe anything other than what TWI tells him and what he believes because of his waybrain.
  14. :D--> Maybe my CRS isn't as bad as I thought! It is pitiful the levels that they will stoop to in order to "protect" their precious flock from learning the truth. They'll let them rot in jail; tell them to cut off all communication with their families; relocate perverts to other areas when they are exposed; expect them to spend 24/7 at their beck and call, but heaven forbid they should talk to someone who might cause them to pause and think. TWI gets mad at people like you, Radar, and you're just telling the truth. TWI is the one who lies outright, lies by omission and operates so unethically and immorally it's sickening. I really and truly don't know how they sleep at night. It must have something to do with consciences seared with a hot iron....
  15. Once you turn your life over to TWI and let them start paying the bills and running your life you HAVE to become an insider to secure your future. Think about the RCs you know. They've been on staff for so long they can't do anything else. They don't have much of a retirement account unless they stand to inherit a lot of money, so they are hopelessly dependent on TWI. The further "inside" they can get the more likely they are to be taken care of - so they think. We have seen how well they take care of their loyal ones, haven't we?
  16. I'm curious about what l.-i.t.e.i.a.w.h.l. is.
  17. I broke my big toe kicking my little brother in the butt. And then got in trouble for kicking him. I once went camping when I was about 4 years old and squatted on an ant bed. It took a while for us to figure out why I was in so much pain, though. Thank goodness there was a lake nearby! We won't talk about the poison ivy squatting experience my best friend had. O&A, I'm so sorry your friend is still in. :(--> Sounds like y'all had great times together.
  18. Oak, I want to comment on this, but don't have the time or notes I'd like to refer to right now. :)--> Good topic, though!
  19. I don't know why I'm surprised. I mean, remember the people who were set up by TWI by false announcements made at certain meetings to see if they were posted on WayDale? Remember Dobby? Remember Oakspear when he was TWYRIL? (Oak, I know I spelled it wrong, sorry!) Remember the other posters "outed" by malicious and slimy tactics? They should wonder why people don't feel free to speak up and what the problem is if people feel it necessary to seek refuge and information on the web. Instead they just get more indignant and vindictive.
  20. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SHELLON! I thought you were 29 like me. :D--> Thank goodness we still look 29! ;)-->
  21. That pretty much sums it up, UH. :)--> Only now it's WD instead of WOW and there's no fun allowed when you're a WD. You're confronting the world with the word and you better have tons of paperwork showing how hard you're working to get more income streams coming into hq. No drinking, no sex, no smiling allowed. No pins or presents either, unless you count a photo of the BOD and a $10 gift certificate to the TWIt bookstore gifts.
  22. True, David. It reaches a point where you really have to admit that there's just too much evidence to deny it. Sadly some people continue to live in denial. My ex won't even listen. He, of all people, knows that there are 3 sides to every story (mine, yours and what really happened), but he refuses to listen to the other side. As far as he is concerned, when it comes to TWI there is only one side - TWI's and anything contradictory to that is b.s. It's really sad.
  23. How about travelling light and on a "need basis"? The RCs I know had so much stuff they filled a 4 bedroom house with an office, laid down plywood in the attic so they could fill it up and they did. And they still didn't have enough room so they had to put stuff in the garage and were unable to use it for their cars. "Do as I say not as I do" leadership for sure.
  24. So it's okay to lie to wc trainees, but it's NOT okay to let your kids believe in Santa Claus? -->
  25. Too true, Abigail. Many people have stories of the extreme lengths they have gone to in order to "out" people they consider to be "trouble makers". Just the sheer fact that people feel like they have to do things 'incognito' should tell them something about their organization. Why does it matter who sent that? Why does it bother them? Because it raises legitimate questions? It exposes people to another side of the story? Because it might get people to start thinking and making logical conclusions on their own?
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