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Everything posted by Belle

  1. I don't know if this is on topic or not, but I was having panic attacks and shortness of breath. The lc's wife and our hfc's wife both said it was stress. They never offered any help or suggestions on what to DO about it, just commented on it when we asked them. I denied being stressed because, well, that's not the more abundant life. I certainly NEVER considered getting professional help (from a gen. pract. much less psychiatrist or therapist). I suffered silently and felt so weak and like such a fake pretending I was enjoying "the more abundant life" and not able to figure out WHY I was feeling so rotten. A few YEARS later, add to this the lcm scandals, finding the internet sites AND that my husband refused to hear anything negative about TWI. The realization that he would actually choose this group over me came later and much more painfully. I hit rock bottom and I won't go into details because it's rather private, but I did end up seeing a psychiatrist and getting diagnosed with long-term severe depression. I've been put on anti-depressants and going to therapy with an awesome doctor. I feel more "normal" than I have in so many years and my family has noticed. If my family lived nearby or felt like they could really talk to me while I was in TWI, Mom said that they would have suggested I go to a doctor and that they would have paid for it if that had been the reason I wouldn't go. As it was, I would not have listened to them because of the stigma TWIts put on mental assistance. It's pretty bad when your own family that TWI wants you to abandon notices and acts on things for your well being and in your best interest. Contrast that with the people who expect you to devote your lives, family and finances to them who do nothing but tell you to "renew your mind" and memorize more scriptures.
  2. Hais? Does THE require it? How does one Hais?
  3. Belle

    Forum Pruning

    Yeah, if we all edited and deleted old private messages, would that help? I agree, though, Don't touch THE! I finally got the courage to post on it. I can help delete some LOL! posts, too. Or combine some into one long post if it's the number of posts that count. (good idea) Also, I would love to contribute to the rent or salary of the dishwashwer, but I will not pay to have the gum scraped off the bottom of the tables.
  4. I think so, Mr. H. I think he also had too big of an ego to be taken down that many notches. Remember this is the man that loved saying he was "President of a MULTI-MILLION DOLLAR corporation!" and that he could be CEO of ANY FORTUNE 500 COMPANY if he wanted to be. --> I heard one person confess to me that he had given his life to TWI and, nearing middle age, he had no wife, no family, no retirement to speak of and absolutely nothing to show for everything he had given to TWI. "Pretty pathetic, eh?", he asked. What can you say to someone like that?
  5. Belle

    There I Was

    Sleep deprivation is one of the tactics used to wear people down mentally and emotionally so that you can control them more easily. And Ge*ald Wr*n is still sold out to TWI and pretty much the same. You are one tough cookie! A George Mueller type, I think. :)--> Thank you for sharing with us and I love seeing the pics, too!
  6. Belle

    This is scary

    Thank you, Suz! Thanks O&A. I enjoyed reading your story, too! :)-->
  7. Jerry Maguire Kelly Preston Nothing to Lose
  8. Belle

    Cost of having fun...

    At Gunnison, didn't they take the "inner circle" people elk hunting while the free-bee workers weren't allowed? Come on! When one rejoices we all rejoice. I think we were just to rejoice that SOMEONE got to go elk hunting.
  9. Oh, no! :(--> I hope we didn't get him in trouble, but I'm afraid we probably did. :(--> The forums were all but empty until we started posting over there. They'll just fade back into oblivion now that there's nothing but "blessed" comments allowed. FEAR, FEAR, FEAR They are AFRAID: Afraid of having their doctrines proven false Afraid of having to answer for all the lies they've told Afraid their beloved cash cows will find out how evil they are Afraid we will stimulate the brain cells of visitors to their site Afraid of being exposed!
  10. Mr. H, they do! :D--> I know. :D--> I've heard that some of their nick-names come from GSpot. The WAYGB also used to give out false information in different branch and limb meetings and then monitor posts to see if the deliberate mis-information is posted. Several people and marriages have been busted up by TWIts because people were accused of posting here and on WayDale.
  11. O&A, I totally missed that in your post! And we just went along for the ride not recognizing those red flags. I hate thinking back on all the red flags I didn't see. Rascal, I think the fear of NOT finding someone TWI would approve of made people jump to get married to anyone half-way decent, figuring they could "renew their mind" to love the person. I'm glad you and your hubs were able to work it out and learn each other instead of continuing to have unrealistic expectations. :)--> Me? I feel like I've lost 5,000 lbs. since getting out of TWI and getting divorced. The freedom to really be myself and to spend time learning more about me and who I am... It's really kewl!
  12. I can't believe they put married couples in one room together. It's bad enough that the rooms are so small.... I'm cleaning my screen now, thank, tomtuttle!
  13. I think a lot of us helped each other out because we genuinely wanted to. We actually "liked" the people in our area. But we found it disappointing when we needed help with something and people seemed to disappear. I think it wasn't so much among the "leaves" as it was higher up on the chain. They seemed to have absolutely no qualms about asking for help and expecting it. In fact, in our area, they always had another corpse or very commanding person "organize" the whole blasted thing. Helping would become a huge event. Of course, some of the corpse who moved in our area needed TWO full size trucks to move, so it had to be a huge event. I know what you mean about the "special guest appearances", Vickles. It almost seemed like people didn't really want to go to things like showers because of the person, but because of the "special guest appearance". There was a lady in our area who loved to give and do things for people. She had parties at her house quite frequently and even had the audacity to invite non TWI-ers to the parties and NOT try to make them into "witnessing events". Once she became known for doing this she was always being asked to coordinate something or to volunteer her house for things. The same house she bought years after being forced to sell her dream home or face penalty of M&A. She just got tired of moving all the time and facing so many rental nightmares.
  14. danteh1, I agree with JT. People are just about numb to TWI, it's teachings and legalism. They are going through the motions, like JT said. They have also heard the stories from the corpse about their training and, even if told in a joking way, it clearly illustrates the harshness of the program. That, and people see the extreme callousness of the corpse, the hard personalities and people don't want to be like that. They know the changes in personalities of people who go through the program and they are not good. They also see how much time TWI takes of their time, how much more manipulated their schedules and finances are (even if they are no longer on TWIt salaries). The corpse on the field are not living the materially abundant life and it scares people who are used to not having to worry about having their "needs" met. These "back door" mortgages are an example of how desperate people have become for financial security - REAL, tangible, predictable financial security - NOT "believe God" financial security. The same thing for going on staff or WD. People have heard horror stories...people living in dorms, no private phones, limited or no internet access, no privacy, being forced to stay on staff, mandatory lunch times, very strict working conditions, long hours, no money.... There aren't enough people left in TWI for there to be any new people to sucker into these things. Maybe the kids, but kids wise up a lot quicker these days than we seemed to. Thank God for little ones! They are also very internet savvy and know how to look up things - including GSpot. :D-->
  15. Those details were NOT shared with the TWIts. They are under the impression that it was an award of some kind and that TWI was chosen for their spectacular organization. -->
  16. "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, sweetest name I know...." Sadly, I remember that rant by lcm and my ex and I were actually HOPING they would take all the Jesus songs out of the song book. --> :(--> --> Can you say "kool-aid drinkers"? We almost hated Jesus after lcm got through with all his rants and rages about Jesus - not Jesus Christ - idolatry and all that. I think my ex just might.
  17. Vickles, my mom is a lot like you seem to be... biggest heart, willing and wanting to do anything in the world to make things pleasant and nice for everyone. :)--> It's a very admirable trait to have. EVERYONE loves my mom and ANYONE who has a problem with her is automatically labeled as the problem. This is because she does not retaliate when someone attacks her or behaves inappropriately such as your co-worker has done. She paid for (out of her own pocket)some dental work for a young single mother in her office one time. The girl got fired for not doing her work and my mom had absolutely nothing to do with the girl getting fired, but the girl was so peeved that she sued my mom. My mother's character shined through and the case never made it to court. These people are angry, bitter and extremely unhappy people and they look for the person they think they can take all their hate out on. Unfortunately that's you. It's sort of a compliment that you are so pleasant and happy and balanced that you are the one most different from them that they pick you. ;)--> Not much consolation, but it's probably the truth. Like 1000Names said, "living well is the best revenge" - we've seen that here at GSpot. :D--> You are a wonderful, kind, caring person and those people are the problem, not you. Dismiss their insults and complaints. As Mama always says, "Keep on keeping on." and continue being your sweet self. Mama also says, "This, too, shall pass." Good ole Mama!
  18. I will not argue with you, peahead. I just feel very sorry for you and the people who have to live with you, work with you or otherwise be in your presence on a regular basis.
  19. ROFLMAO!!! :D--> :D--> :D--> :D--> :D--> SAD but TRUE. Sad BUT True
  20. I don't believe that, peahead. Maybe you're just too hurt or have been too mistreated to see otherwise. In TWI sometimes I did things because I was told or "strongly suggested" to do things. Other times I did do things just because I wanted to make someone's day, help someone out or just do something nice for no particular reason. I still do nice things just because I want to. There's no motive or expectation on my part when I do those things. When I would go out witnessing in TWI, in the beginning, I did think I was helping people and I was so excited about what I was learning that I shared with people regardless of what TWI wanted. As things began getting more legalistic, I can't say that I really did witness. I would walk around and act like I was, but I wasn't about to bring people into a group that was making me so miserable. I share jokes by e-mail with friends of mine. I like to laugh; I like to make others laugh and I like to share laughs with friends. If you want me to share jokes with you every once in a while, just pt me with your e-mail address. :D--> I don't know what to tell you, but I'm very sorry that you feel there is no altruism in the world. It must be a pretty miserable existence to live like that.
  21. peahead, so there's no good in mankind and anything we do out of the goodness of our heart to help someone can be traced all the way back to being exploited by religion? Good gawd, mon, you need help!
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