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Everything posted by Belle

  1. This says it all. IF they even admitted to the wrongs they have done, then they should be willing to discuss them, apologize and tell what they have done to make sure these things don't happen again. (Which we know is a lie since the same primary violators are still in power) They are so full of FEAR that they refuse to discuss anything with people who are not properly brainwashed. They won't even let "seekers" and those who are "hungering and thirsting after truth" to post or ask questions. That says a lot, too. But why expect that when they don't even have e-mail addresses posted on the "official" site? I feel so sorry for John B, I'm sure he did get reamed for posting on here. Now they know he has come here and read things on here. He's contaminated his mind and very well could be under the microscope. His local leadership (Pa*l G*les and the Moynih*ns) will watch his every move, word and action. On second thought, maybe that's a good thing. Maybe he'll wise up to how much more freedom, love and "abundance" there is outside the whited sepulchre of TWI.
  2. LOL! O&A :D--> :D--> :D--> Too true! 1 Samuel 15:23a I'd be filthy rich if I had a nickle for every time I heard this one.
  3. You're right, George, but I also think that because of the stringent rules on who one is supposed to (allowed to/expected to) marry in TWI encourages people to find someone who is "workable" in the "any two believers can marry" mindset and then they expect to MOLD that person into who they REALLY want them to be. In my case, for example, I changed my hair color, gave up my hobbies, had to become more reserved (dignified seriousness), more scholarly, more matronly, less involved with my family.... I was expected to become a whole different person - by my spouse and by TWI. It worked....for a while. I did become a totally different person and then began suffering panic attacks, severe depression with medical and weight problems before breaking free. Now I feel like a totally different person, but more like the person I was before getting married and I'm so much happier, free-er and peaceful. I don't blame my ex. He was doing the best he could and probably didn't even realize he was trying to fit me into his ideal woman instead of learning the woman he married. I think those kinds of things happened more frequently than people realize and I do blame TWI for those kinds of marriages.
  4. ????? Am I missing something, Thomas Loy Bumgarner? Are you saying some of their "International Countries" have split and cut all ties with TWI? When did this happen?
  5. If you worked for any other corporation in America, you would be able to: question authority, complain to your co-workers without worry about being fired have a meeting with your superiors, spend your money the way you want to, ask for a raise...heck, EXPECT a raise each year.... get paid overtime and be able to turn it down, eat lunch when and where you want, quit when you want to live where you want to have pets if you want to actually have a retirement plan put as much into that retirement plan as you wish have actual health insurance have medical procedures done without requiring approval from your superiors and soooo much more..... But, TWI isn't ANY corporation in America....In fact, I thought they were a NON-PROFIT CHURCH. What would the IRS think about that kind of philosophy from Howard?
  6. Rosie DOES own property in NC, prime real estate from what I understand. Your ABS has been paying taxes on that property for years. I'm sure it's something she was allowed to keep since she's living on a NEED basis. --> She won't have anyone personally taking care of her and caring ABOUT her when she's unable to take care of herself, but she will be able to afford the nicest nursing home....maybe even a private room.
  7. Bridgette Wilson Billy Madison Adam Sandler
  8. Anthony Hopkins Silence of the Lambs Jodie Foster friends tell me I look like Jodie Foster :)-->
  9. So much for "doing good unto ALL men...." --> Heck, they aren't even good to their OWN people, much less those "outside" THE household. Where do they learn to act like that, I wonder...... SATAN? said in my best Church Lady voice
  10. It's just another example of them calling evil good and good evil. --> Good question, Roy. :)-->
  11. Now, see, Jim. This is where I get confused.... First craig went on a long diatribe about people saying "have an open mind" and how that was stupid and basically telling someone to be ready, willing and able to be under devil spirit influence or get possessed. THEN, I read somewhere on TWIts website, this other website, a way rag or somewhere in TWIt words about "having an open mind". Which is it? Does anyone know???? And if they are admonishing "their people" to have an open mind, then what's so wrong with some intellectual dialog? Jesus, Peter, Paul....all of them did it. Maybe TWIt's "people" aren't as "prevailing" as they think they are.
  12. Get your foot off the hose (e.g. give us more money)
  13. I know what craig said, but I think rosie isn't going to go that easily. She's going to claim whatever craig said regarding that is an 'old wine skin' if anyone even has the kahunas to ask her about who her replacement will be since it's time for her to step down. I seriously doubt anyone will remind her that her time is up and I really doubt that she will go quietly into that good night. She's enjoying the power, having people wait on her hand and foot and never being questioned. She ain't going nowhere, imo.
  14. skyrider, if she steps down, then she puts herself in position to be treated like Mrs. W and all the other "older" people who have had their hands removed from the vault of dough. Unless, perhaps they are going to put donna on the BOD and Donna moves in with rosie... Once people like that have tasted power, they don't willingly give it up. She has seen what happened to vee pee pee when he stepped down and what happened to lcm when she got the battlefield promotion. I think she'll fight to stay in power for as long as she can.
  15. Sorry, Hope! I'm not trying to be a problem child. I promise! Owen Wilson The Big Bounce Charlie Sheen
  16. Aw, Steve!, I think I might like to hais. I don't see the logo, Raf. Does one have to have special THE status to see it?
  17. skyrider, you're assuming that she is going to willingly step down after her five years are up. That was craig's rule, not hers. It was a different administration (isn't that their favorite line?). It could be an old wineskin to her and thus, her perogative to change the rules. The new class, however, will generate additional income since they will be charging all 4,000(?) TWIts to take the new class. I wonder if that will stimulate some brain cells in the long timers to decide it just isn't worth paying for boring classes every few years just to maintain your status "in the household".
  18. Belle


    TWI markets miracles and promises them, but can't and doesn't deliver. They don't have any great stories of "deliverance" in recent years. Even the 9/11 stories they tell are barely related to TWI and there are so many more stories that you can't say it was just TWI people or the others were saved because of TWIts. Real miracles, like you said Satori, are very private and aren't advertised or "sold" by those involved. They are spontaneous, genuine and most likely NOT related to TWI in any way form or fashion. That ....es TWIts off and they attribute those things to the devil instead of realizing that just maybe they are the ones not getting anything because of their black hearts. I don't know what to call it...God, karma, all of us being connected.... *shrug* but I do believe in the kinds of "gifts" your dad and his wife experienced. It gives me goosebumps. Thank you for sharing it with us. Now the WAYGB are racking their brains trying to come up with something remotely as spectacular and all they can think of is the really good parking spot they got at the liquor store last night.
  19. ROFLMAO!! :D--> Rascal, the more I think about situations like that and how horrible my ex and I treated people, I think sometimes that behavior came from how miserable we were. I know I was very unhappy and peeved that we weren't living "the more abundant life" that we were supposedly living or told that we would have. I did not want to see anyone else happy. It wasn't fair. Why should they be happy when I'm miserable? I noticed jealousy in other people when good things would happen to happen to us. Like they were thinking, "Why do they get to be blessed? I"m getting up an hour early each day to read TWI's b.s.; I'm giving 18% of my income to TWI; I'm witnessing three times a week...." It's really sad. It's also amazing how much I enjoy helping people, doing nice things out of the blue with no expectations or ulterior motives and how much more goodness comes my way now. I'm so much happier and it's so much nicer and easier to empathize and rejoice with others now.
  20. What's wild is seeing people's reaction when it comes up that I used to be in a cult. :D--> They are dumbfounded and can't believe it. Usually, they say something like, "But you seem so, so, normal!" I tell them how amazing it is that we can be imprisoned in some areas of our lives and not in others. Functional alcoholics are very similar. They seem normal at work and many do an excellent job, then they go home and get blasted out of their minds. We were kinda like that....normal (as normal as we COULD be) at work and blasted out of our minds regarding TWIt doctrine. I feel sooooo much more normal now! Even my therapist says he can't believe someone as plucky as I was involved in such a controlling and manipulative cult. Ain't it grand to be free from the prison?
  21. I agree with Abigail. In my area too, it's illegal to give a bad reference without documentation. In fact, I don't think they can ask any questions here except to verify your employment there, your position, salary and title. You might want to look into that. :)-->
  22. We'll teach you to have more harmony in the home. Priorities should be: God, Yourself, Your Spouse, Your Family, THEN the ministry and others.
  23. Welcome Home! Don't blame me. I didn't write the book. (said when teaching inaccurate private interpretation)
  24. Jason Isaacs Harry Potter Richard Harris
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