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Everything posted by Belle

  1. O&A, that's a great definition! And, notice that "spiritual pressure" was multiplied when a class was running. That's why we had to go witnessing, to take the "spiritual pressure" off of the class and crew. Anytime my leadership was in a bad mood it was either spiritual pressure or spiritual anger. No matter what it was, you stayed out of the way!
  2. skyrider, it DOES look like they are saying it's okay to go to those other places on the internet where "those activities" are okay. I imagine, though, that the line will be removed now that it has been commented on here. The WAYGB gets most of their ideas from GSpot.
  3. Just another way for them to get us to depend on them for everything. Heck, you couldn't go to the bathroom by yourself unless you got permission from your local leadership. --> They recommended the 6-point plan for happy families and built for pleasure or something like that and another marriage book, but yes, self-help books, even Christian ones were heavily shunned by craig. I think, like Oak said, the rest depended on your local leadership. The key, imo, was to read the things you wanted to but to not make too much of a big deal about what you read and certainly don't elevate it above anything TWI taught. THAT would get you in trouble, but it was okay in my area to read and quote from things like that. In fact our RC's wife was a prolific reader and the last wc couple I was under, the wife had tons of magazines around the house all the time, especially those family oriented ones.
  4. Yeah, a dead man can't defend himself and now his wife can't even help convict him since she's got alzheimer's. I still think it could be done as a class action lawsuit, there's too many women who have been abused. Sad thing is they would have to relive all that horrible stuff and I couldn't blame them for not wanting to.
  5. Pierce Brosnan The Thomas Crown Affair Rene Russo
  6. Bob, that makes so much sense and is much more accurate than I was thinking. I was hung up on the "interpretation" aspect of the lesson taught. I was on the right track, but had not gotten the true essence as you have done. I also totally missed this quote from Bullinger which would have helped in my understanding and "discussions" with those in TWI had it registered in my brain: Thanks! I appreciate your time and insight. Galen, I would love to see your work on marriage and anything else you've worked on. I feel pretty inadequate when it comes to major doctrinal discussions but I'm sort of seeing how that attitude comes from years of being second-guessed and made to feel like I'm inferior intelligence-wise to my ex and the TWIt leaders.
  7. :(--> :(--> :(--> :(--> :(--> :(--> I am so sad for Zach and his class! Has anyone even seen/heard from Jim Martin/JimExTwi? Anyone know how to contact him?
  8. Steve!, can we get a new Flat Stanley sent to Zshot or can we all just send postcards to the class so that they don't miss out on the fun because of this hiccup in the project?
  9. Some punishment, eh? :D--> We got in trouble because a few of us decided to do something - maybe it was bbq. Anyway, the small get-together grew and half the branch must have been there. The next fellowship meeting we got in trouble for not inviting our bc's. Then there was a rule enacted that if more than three believers were getting together to do something we had to let the bc know about it.
  10. :D--> I agree with Jim! You rock, Abi! Cool son!
  11. You know what? That's EXACTLY what our RC told us he does to deal with things. He compartmentalizes everything and it makes it so much easier to deal with the lawsuits, injustices and lies. Now I fully understand what he meant. I never got the "compartmentalize" technique or how you do that. If something's bugging me, it's bugging me and I can't ignore it. John, you're right that there is fear and selfishness involved with many staying. I think some realize it's not what they pretend it is but they are too embarrassed or egotistical to admit that they made a mistake or were taken advantage of. Pity because as more people they "think" they love leave TWI or get kicked out for being too high maintenance, they are faced with a very lonely life. Skyrider, it is a pathetic existence. They have no idea what they're missing. I wish I had realized it so much longer ago! :D-->
  12. Ex & Radar, it makes more sense if you just skip over Mike's posts. That's what I do. :D--> (No offense, Mike, but I have ADD and your posts are too long and dont' really add anything to the discussion) JB does sound rather defensive and he is definitely regurgitating the TWIt spiel they've been taught to say when asked about the corrpution in the group. Didn't they used to say an organization is only as strong as its weakest link? and that PEOPLE is what makes the organization? In that case, the organization is rotten to the very core and can't possibly help people's lives since they don't teach accurately and certainly don't provide a good example of what they teach. It's funny because I was initially drawn to TWI because I thought they were full of integrity and not a "do as I say, not as I do" kind of group. Boy was I wrong!
  13. Interesting indeed. Would that go back as far as vee pee's days?
  14. UH, you must have been in TWI I. Friendships outside of TWI were heavily frowned upon while I was in.
  15. Tom, the sin is subject to change at the whim of the current prez.
  16. Yeah, but you DO have to marry another TWIt, don't you, learning? And do they still require the marrying TWIts to both be advanced class grads?
  17. Belle


    TWI taught that no scripture was of any private intepretation, however, they privately interpreted the scriptures and twisted them to suit whatever purpose or greedy motive TWI had at the time. I worked with another poster on here regarding the definition of epiluo and presented this information to my local leadership. Later I'll tell you how I was squelched rather quickly. My ex and I also spoke with another couple in TWI (still in, btw), who also said that they had presented research to HQ that clearly showed they were teaching doctrinal errors in a certain area. TWI did not acknowledge the research and continues to teach the error. This couple continues to support them. Do you have any stories like these? We looked up the usages of epiluo and found that they do not sound like “letting the dogs loose on the game.” It is an extreme illustration that skews the real meaning of the words and the Word. VPW and LCM used that illustration to scare people from believing that they were capable enough to understand the Bible without TWI telling us what each scripture meant. Getting a better grip on the definition of epiluo, it seems to me that TWI were the ones “epiluo-ing” all over the place. I present to you the same information I presented to TWI leadership and ask for your feedback in the doctrinal thread.
  18. One of the things I noticed when preparing a teaching from the required topic of the blue book was the definition of epiluo. Look up the usages of epiluo and see if they sound like “letting the dogs loose on the game.” It is an extreme illustration that skews the real meaning of the words and the Word. VPW and LCM used that illustration to scare people from believing that they were capable enough to understand the Bible without TWI telling us what each scripture meant. Getting a better grip on the definition of epiluo, it seems to me that TWI were the ones “epiluo-ing” all over the place. I present to you the same information I presented to TWI leadership and ask for your feedback: Interpretation in Bullinger’s Companion Bible says that it is the Greek word ?pilusis from the verb ?pilu? “found in Mark 4:34 (expounded) and Acts 19:39 (determined). This shows that the meaning is that prophecy is not self-originated by the speaker.” Mark 4:34 states: But without a parable spake he not unto them: and when they were alone, He expounded all things to His disciples. Bullinger’s Companion Bible notes that this is “kept expounding” and refers the reader to Luke 24:27: And beginning at Moses and all the prophets, He (Jesus) expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning Himself. Luke 24:27 This word “expounded” in Luke is not the same word ?pilu?. I looked up all the usages in Tyndale’s “The Word Study Concordance.” But it is used for Jesus teaching the men on the road to Emmaus. The only other usage I found according to Tyndale and Bullinger is the usage in Acts 19:39 where the townclerk is addressing the men of Ephesus at the riot regarding Diana of the Ephesians. But if ye enquire any thing concerning other matters, it shall be determined in a lawful assembly. Acts 19:39 Bullinger’s notes are: “determined = resolved.” The definition for ?pilusis according to “Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible” (#1955) is “explanation, i.e. application: - interpretation” The definition for ?pilu? (#1956) is, “to solve further, (i.e. (fig.) to explain, decide: - determine, expound” “The New Thayer’s Greek-English Lexicon” defines ?pilusis as “a loosening, unloosing; metaph. interpretation” It then refers the reader to Genesis 40:8 regarding Joseph and the interpretation of the baker and the butler’s dreams. And they said unto him, “We have dreamed a dream, and there is no interpreter of it.” And Joseph said unto them, “Do not interpretations belong to God? tell me them, I pray you.” Genesis 40:8 Thayer defines ?pilu? as: properly, to unloose, untie anything knotted or bound or sealed up. b. to clear (a controversy), to decide, settle: Acts xix.39; to explain (what is obscure and hard to understand): Mk iv.34 (Gen xli.12 var)… Genesis 41:12 referred to reads: And there was there with us a young man, an Hebrew, servant to the captain of the guard; and we told him, and he interpreted to us our dreams; to each man according to his dream he did interpret. Genesis 41:12
  19. Thanks, mstar1. I was intrigued by the commercials, but wondered if it was really good. I'll check it out.
  20. Taxi Driver Rober DeNiro Jackie Brown The Last Picture Show and Taxi Driver are two of my Daddy's favorite movies. :D-->
  21. From one of my favorite movies: Perhaps the laws of physics cease to exist on your stove.
  22. My brother and I always got along and after he graduated from h.s. we got along even so much better. I love getting to spend time with him! We're so different, yet so much the same in some ways. My mom is so ready to be a grandmother and neither one of us is giving her much hope on that happening anytime soon. Especially since I just got divorced. It's so sweet, Shellon, to hear about your wonderful daughters and you deserve to be proud for what a great mom you've been! Thank you for this post. Made my day! :)-->
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