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Everything posted by Belle

  1. Thanks, Galen! Yeppers regarding leadership with no training thinking they knew better than those with actual knowledge about a subject. I'm going to post something on that sometime soon. :)-->
  2. Disney World! :D--> It's centrally located for Sea World, Universal Studios, Gator Land, Busch Gardens, Wet N Wild, Dolly's Stampede..... I also know there are a few party houses in that area as well.
  3. I wonder if that's why the Horneys were brought to HQ and how much longer they'll last. They were used to having their feet kissed and butts licked at Gunnison and we know that they agreed wholeheartedly with craig's definitions of sex and why it was okay for him to commit adultery, even with Mrs. Horney. It will be interesting to see what the placements are this year.
  4. More and more I'm surprised to find these other groups all teaching the same thing. And TWI says there's nothing like them out there! HA! Okay, they say there's nothing BETTER out there, but with all these other groups who are just like them, they really can't claim to be better, now can they?
  5. Belle


    Excellent post, My3Cents! Thank you. I particularly like how you said: Didn't we just put aside those uncomfortable feelings so much more often that we realized? I know I asked questions a few times and got met with such an uncomfortable silence or stammering that I eventually quit asking. I should have kept on pushing. Eventually they would have pushed me out or had to own up to the fallacies of their logic.
  6. TheHighWay, I sooooooo relate to your story! My ex also ran every little decision by someone else. He was always second guessing himself and felt like he HAD to tell them every little detail about our life. One time I broke down and told him how much pressure I felt to get every little thing perfect and how it really bothered me. I'm standing there crying my eyes out and he just looks at me, crosses his arms and says, "But you don't ever get every little thing perfect." Like, "I don't see the problem". Gee thanks for the comfort, Hubby!! --> When we got divorced several people came up to me and said, "He was controlling, wasn't he?" and how much happier and relaxed I seemed now that I didn't have to answer to him. One girl said I was acting like I was always looking over my shoulder waiting for him to come "get me". I think he really thought he was doing what God would have him do because he believes everything TWI teaches is ex-cathedra and would never entertain the thought that they might actually be wrong about something (purposely or not). I'm so glad you're free also, TheHighWay, and that your son can be a kid, messes and all, now! :D-->
  7. Belle


    Oh GAWD, My3Cents! You would have been M&A for doing that in TWI II and TWI III. Okay, you wouldn't be M&A in TWI III, but they would smile and tell you that you would probably be better off in a church somewhere. Then they would kindly tell the others in your area that it's probably *best* if they didn't communicate with you since you're obviously having some *issues*. (Whisper the key words like polite southern ladies do and for an extra touch wrinkle your nose a little when you're whispering)
  8. Do they talk about wc who have strongly campaigned to become lc's or rc's? I know one couple has been campaigning for years to be full time staff because they have a hard time making ends meet and have kids who will be hitting college age soon. Which is probably the number one reason they will NOT become full time staff, at least not till the kids are out on their own.
  9. So, how do they jockey for positions? Do they oh so subtly remind everyone how many people they had sign up for WD, WC and the AC as well as registrants for the AC special? Do they just tell RFR what a cute couple she and DM make? Do they just remind her of how much dirt they have on her? I wonder if the Moneyhands would like to be closer to their son and grandchildren, but don't say anything because that would mean living close to RFR and that might not be so special. Also, they probably wouldn't be able to live the lavish lifestyle they're used to up there where it snows. :D-->
  10. Nandon, it would be nice to think that they have repented of their sins, gotten rid of the people in charge who did nothing to protect God's people and those who even encouraged, allowed and instigated much of the abuse. But one look at their website makes it pretty clear they haven't changed any of that. The experience we had with the family tables website is proof that they run from any kind of questions and comments, no matter how polite and sincere they are presented. They still meddle into people's personal lives and finances. A couple just recently stepped down from an hfc position because they wanted to buy a house. Another couple recently left TWI altogether because of debt. TWI is still manipulating, controlling and Godless. People make up the organization and all the people in charge are wolves in sheep's clothing. They are whited sepulchres. If you want to check it out, go ahead. I think you will have your eyes open wide to recognize more of the manipulation and facades of the people now that you've been out for a little while, but, I think, too, that you will be disappointed eventually if you stay around them long enough. I tell ya, I visited a church that was having a month of special home fellowships. It was so much like TWI at those meetings that it gave me willies and one night I had a panic attack because it was so disturbing. I quit going to those meetings. I'm not strong enough or ready to. Only you know where Nandon is mentally and spiritually. But we're here for you at GSpot all the time.
  11. You have been quoted, my friend. :)--> Very well said! I vaguely remember the Truesgrass. What really irked me was deviled eggs beging called blessed eggs. PUKE!
  12. Thanks, dmiller! All I can say is AMEN!!!
  13. I WISH I could have blown off leadership! My ex wouldn't even think about letting me. He watched me like a hawk to make sure I didn't get us in trouble. dmiller, I'm am having to clean my screen off after reading your post! I can just see y'all whizzing by the caravan sitting on the side of the road peeved because you broke rank. I wonder how many people were wishing they were in your car. JT, you got that right! I would almost have preferred OT times to the legalism of TWI. Only thing is, we DID try to do them all. I eventually gave up, but it was painful watching my husband getting by on maybe 4 hours of sleep because he was spending so much time trying to do everything required of us. Whenever I tried I got sick and was in bed for days, besides, it just wasn't that important to me. UH, you rebel you!!
  14. Out there, I have been out less than a year. Does that count as current? They're still teaching from the collaterals. They still maintain that debt is wrong and attach a negative stigmatism to people who are in debt. They still have corps leaving because of the stringent legalism. They haven't changed much at all; they've just learned to smile and speak "suthern" when they kick you in the teeth. A quick visit to their website sickening website will show you that nothing has changed. All you have to do is read the articles posted. Every last one of them is about service and obedience to the household (NOT TO GOD), giving more and more (TO THEM, NOT TO GOD) and witnessing (FOR THEM, NOT FOR GOD).....same agenda they've had for decades.
  15. dmiller, I'm glad you said it again because I either didn't read it before or it never clicked like it did today. The devil isn't playing games with us, so why would we be outfitted for a game and not battle? If'n you don't mind, I'd like to add this to the GSpot Gems thread. ;)-->
  16. Sorry, no, motorhead. I looked into it once, but didn't have the time to invest. I hope you find someone to swap info with, though.
  17. And another thing! The ONLY time our minister growing up got involved with anything in our family was when my little brother ran away from home and my Daddy called HIM to come pray for my brother. The ONLY thing the minister did was pray for our family and offer support to my parents. THAT'S a true minister, imo! If my family had been in TWI, they would have been telling my Daddy how disobedient my brother is and how he would be stoned if we lived in OT times or quizzing my Daddy on where he and my mom were "missing it" or something along those lines. They wouldn't have offered any support, help or comfort. They don't know how to.
  18. My ex did the same thing....had to run every minor decision by "leadership". He wouldn't turn me in, though. He was afraid of being considered a bad husband because of my behavior, I think. He would carefully think through how to word things to keep us out of trouble, especially if it was a question I was asking. :)--> In a way, he covered for me, but it wasn't because he was covering FOR me; he was covering for me FOR his reputation. It's kind of like he was saying, "Don't you know when you mess up like that it makes ME look bad?!?!?" Big whoop! I'd rather have honest answers, be happy and free than look good in TWI any day of the week.
  19. WOO HOO!! Hurray! Z-shot, sounds like Flat Stanley is going to have a grand time in AZ. I hope you kick but+ in your tournament! Get a pic of Stanley helping you hold your trophy for us. Shellon, I agree with you. It would be nice to at least hear from the last person to see Stanley alive regardless of what happened.
  20. THE won't limit you to two beers either. In fact I think THEre's a two drink minimum. :D--> Gotta love THE!!
  21. OE, I was just sitting there thinking it would be really cool for a kid to have his Flat Stanley attend the awards ceremony and lo and behold, they show Clint holding his daughter's Flat Stanley. I wonder if they got a picture of him toasting with some champagne. :D--> I'm glad Zach's Stanley is back out on the road.
  22. Duuuuude Born in East LA Cheech of Cheech & Chong Spy Kids
  23. Spangles, they were in FL last I heard. Can't remember which part of the state, though. If I think of it, I'll post it here or you can send me your e-mail in a private topic.
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