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Everything posted by Belle

  1. Dolly Parton Best Little Whorehouse in Texas Burt Reynolds
  2. Y'all are amazing! ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!! This is why I come here. I remember so well getting sage advice from y'all and sometimes hearing things that are hard to hear and having to think about things and points of view that I would have preferred to remain ignorant about. ;)--> I could never even begin to express my thanks and tell each one of you how much you helped me hold onto my sanity while I was going through sheer he11 the past five years. I owe y'all so much! I wished that my ex and I had the same connection that Hope & John did, but they obviously have the ability to share with each other on a much deeper level than my ex and I did. I think that's the key there. I read on here many times that if I couldn't share my heart, feelings, frustrations, anger, fear... with my ex then what kind of marriage did we really have? Something I didn't want to face, but once I did it was very freeing and relieved so much pressure. I don't know what my friend needs to hear. I have no doubt that she's hearing it from y'all, though. :)--> I have shared what I read yesterday with her and she said to thank you all for your prayers. It's great to hear how she isn't as trapped as she might think and thank you for sharing your stories in that aspect. (Thanks, Bob, for helping "the other side" ;)--> That's very kind of you.) ((((((((RASCAL)))))))) Once again, you share your heart with us and it's so healing to read. You are truly a remarkable woman, but I knew that the first time I talked to you in the chat room eons ago. :D--> Thank you so much!
  3. CONGRATULATIONS!!! I remember those days way tooo well! Once I was out of school I was recruited to help raise funds for my brother's school awards. :D--> Perhaps Paw would let you peddle GSpot aprons or something like that? I'd buy one....or two....or three.... :)-->
  4. I know it's a shrewdness of apes. Makes me think of some other apes I know, but they aren't in CES, it's the other three lettered cult.
  5. I'm saving money and time off for a family reunion in July. I haven't been since getting married in TWI and can hardly wait to see my Fave-Oh-Rite cousins!! I am, however, up for any GSpot bash in Florida, GA, SC, AL or MS. :D--> I am also willing to host said bash and offer room for crashing bashers.
  6. Belle


    Let me also add that I think this arguing over semantics and the Biblical meanings of these words is way overrated. I'm not sure I believe that the ancient Greek language was as specific as vee pee led us to believe. There are too many examples of Greek words that are synonyms for each other and interchangeable in the text.
  7. Belle


    TWI would argue over semantics trying to enforce their black & white version of life. I just don’t see it that way. God directs our paths and if God works in someone’s heart to have them leave a dangerous or bad situation, then who are we to judge them and throw Bible verses at them? Only God knows what is truly going on in the situation. Each situation is different and unique to the impact it has on an individual. How easy is it to be your best for God if you’re in a terribly oppressive situation and your spouse, though claiming to be following God’s will, obviously isn’t? How easy is it to believe God and be a good witness for him if you have bruises all over (mentally, emotionally and/or physically)? Think God wants his kids living like that? I don’t. How do these verses fit in with that black & white legalistic view of life? Mat 5:29 And if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast [it] from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not [that] thy whole body should be cast into hell. v.30 And if thy right hand offend thee, cut it off, and cast [it] from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not [that] thy whole body should be cast into hell. **************** Tts 3:9 But avoid foolish questions, and genealogies, and contentions, and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and vain **************** Jesus appears to be teaching that life is not all black & white and that legalism is wrong – but I could be wrong Mat 12:1-8 At that time Jesus went on the sabbath day through the corn; and his disciples were an hungred, and began to pluck the ears of corn, and to eat. But when the Pharisees saw [it], they said unto him, Behold, thy disciples do that which is not lawful to do upon the sabbath day. But he said unto them, Have ye not read what David did, when he was an hungred, and they that were with him; How he entered into the house of God, and did eat the shewbread, which was not lawful for him to eat, neither for them which were with him, but only for the priests? Or have ye not read in the law, how that on the sabbath days the priests in the temple profane the sabbath, and are blameless? But I say unto you, That in this place is [one] greater than the temple. But if ye had known what [this] meaneth, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice, ye would not have condemned the guiltless. For the Son of man is Lord even of the sabbath day. **************** 1Cr 10:23,24, 29 All things are lawful for me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but all things edify not. Let no man seek his own, but every man another's [wealth]. Conscience, I say, not thine own, but of the other: for why is my liberty judged of another [man's] conscience?
  8. Thanks, y'all! More viewpoints, suggestions and prayers are definitely what she needs. I may tell her about this thread and see if she'll come on here. She's too scared to, but maybe if she goes to the library..... She can't come to my house because we're not supposed to be talking and she won't use her home computer. Steve, it's good to be reminded of Hope & John's story. That's what I clung to for the 5 years I fought for my marriage. Hopefully this one will end up like theirs and not like mine. :)--> JT, I think that's a great idea! Self-help in the practical sense. If nothing else, it gives her another skill, something to be proud of and time to think about something other than her marriage and TWI. dmiller, you have one of the kindest hearts of anyone I know. Thank you! And I will tell her you said so. ;)-->
  9. MDVaden, I hope business is really booming and that's why you're not here.
  10. I've been perusing the Greasespot Gems thread lately and this quote from SongRemainsTheSame seems very apropo to this thread. Thank you, Song! :D-->
  11. The Elephant Man Anne Bancroft The Prisoner of 2nd Avenue
  12. I was talking with an innie friend of mine this week-end on the phone and she was telling me about how she ran into an old school buddy of hers who told her that she was not the same person they went to college with. The buddy told her that she seemed more self-conscious, sad, paranoid and without self-esteem. All this from someone who was once a very dear friend. The innie said that she knew she wasn't happy with things the way they are but never realized how much her personality had changed. She lamented the fact that she is expected to be a stay at home mom and devote 100% of her time and focus to her husband and children. There's no time allowed between family and TWIt stuff for "Me" time. I don't know if it's expected or if it happens as a by product of the culture and teachings of TWI, but I realized that had happened in my life as well. I had hobbies and friends before getting married in TWI. I had long phone calls with my girlfriends and my mom. I could go out with "the girls" and I could spend time on things I wanted to do. I had to quit all that once I got married. I was also not allowed to go anywhere by myself without putting up a fight. If I did want to go out with "the girls" they had to be TWIts, no more going out with unbeliever friends. --> Even then it was very rare to do anything without my ex shadowing me or not wanting me to go have fun without him. This friend would like to get out of TWI, but she wants to keep her marriage in tact. I hope it works out for her that way, but it looks like it's an uphill battle at this point. One primary thing that's making it harder for her to decide what to do is the fact that she's a SAHM and hasn't worked in a few years because that's what's been required by TWI. The family doesn't have much money because of living on one income (and giving a huge portion of that to TWI). Listening to her hurdles, it sounds like she's got it harder than I did since I at least have a pretty darn good job and pretty much always made more than my ex. Does anyone agree with me? Have advice I can share with my friend? I know nothing about kids, divorces with kids and the best way for a SAHM to get back into the workplace.
  13. Belle

    A Thread For Quitters

    This thread reminds me of the Bloom County cartoon where Steve is trying to quit smoking and he is locked up with Opus. Opus crawls into the toilet and calls 911. Tells them he's being held hostage and that the Tidy Bowl is irritating his buttocks. Steve grabs Opus by the neck and holds him up for the gang to see and has a sign or yells, "A carton of Camels by noon or penguin pate!" I can't find it on the web, but I have it at home and will try to scan it tomorrow. It's hilarious!
  14. These bright posters have pretty much summed it up for me. I was reading your initial post and thinking, "what the heck does this have to do with patriotism?" So the guy had a nice ride. I hope he enjoyed it. He has no room to complain, imo. Some other company just played the game better and now he might have to pick up his toys and go home. We're supposed to feel sorry for him? --> We're supposed to consider him patriotic? --> How is he giving up his entire lifestyle? He will either get laid off or not. It's not like he is the one making the decision if he's laid off. If the company can compete and come back with better quality and better prices then they wouldn't lose the business. Sounds like you and your friend are saying that ripping the government off by selling them inferior products at expensive prices is patriotic. --> Maybe I'm reading your post wrong, but *shrug* he isn't "agreeing to give the work to another company", he lost the bid and the government contract and now he's bitter about it.
  15. Out There, here's a link to information on the trial excultworld Lawsuit Section If you don't know about that one, then you probably don't know about the others....Pat's done a bang up job of documenting facts, posting copies of depositions and newspaper articles. There's a wealth of information there about the ugly legal stuff TWIts aren't told about. The lawyers are probably laughing all the way to the bank with TWIt abundant sharing.
  16. LOL! I can't say I blame you, nandon. I was in my late 20's when I went to Indiana for the AC and had to shower with other women for the first time in my life. It was uncomfortable for me then. ESPECIALLY when I had to shave my legs! I think I only shaved them twice the whole two weeks!
  17. MDVaden, since you did try to change the subject and focus of the discussion, I'm ever so curious to hear what you think of my reply to your post.
  18. I think what we're seeing here is a classic TWI technique of changing the subject so as to avoid answering any questions or continuing any discussions that may cause discomfort. Sartori, correct me if I'm wrong. ;)--> OR, it could be that there is no standard TWI rhetoric with which to reply. Maybe we'll hear a more direct comment once MDVaden has been to fellowship and gotten the proper response to post on here....IF he is allowed to continue posting on here. I've noticed that our Family Tables friend is no longer posting. :(-->
  19. So the original sin of mankind is no longer lesbianism? The WAP class is no longer being taught? R&E is no longer being sold? It's no longer dangerous to leave TWI? The devil isn't going to get you and you won't spiritually die? He's not still quoted in teachings and in the way mag? He was as little as 8 months ago His wife, who knew about, condoned and did nothing to stop his abuses, doesn't teach or speak publicly anymore? She's no longer teaching eqtiquette classes at the AC? You've learned the TWI rhetoric very well, MDVaden. They are spin-masters for sure. If they ever get M&A they could go into politics very successfully, I imagine. I hope you'll be able to see through the rhetoric some day. I'm glad you're here. Thanks for posting.
  20. Nope. Met in TWI and divorced when I decided to leave TWI. Married just shy of eight years.
  21. excathedra - ROFLMAO! :D--> :D--> :D--> You're too much! Ala, I'm so sorry for you and your hubby. It sounds so terrible. No wonder most of us were seriously depressed. :(--> Did they hold y'all accountable for how much abs came in, how many people went WOW/WD, WC and/or AC, AC Specials, etc. How many STS / mag subscriptions were in your area? Outreach?
  22. Belle


    Galen, what is your definition of "uncleanness", then? Are you saying it IS or ISN'T sexually related? BTW, I'm glad that I was given the bill of divorcement but got to stay in the house! :D-->
  23. Ahhhh, MDVaden, but we are NOT all anonymous! ;)--> In fact, MOST of the people on here have at one point in time posted who they are, some use their real name and others would tell you who they are if you are genuinely interested. I don't advertise who I am, but if you really want to know and want to know my qualifications for what I post here send me a PT and I'll gladly tell you. There are many, many ordained ministers, limb and region coordinators as well as Way Corps grads on here. It's not a bunch of "nobodies" posting on here. They are REAL PEOPLE with REAL EXPERIENCES and REAL CREDIBILITY. Don't be so quick to dismiss what they have to say. :)--> You just might be surprised.
  24. Alright, remember that even though they are supposed to all "think the same thing" it's not necessarily true. MDVaden has already told us that there are some things he disagrees with. Like the differences in the areas, maybe some leadership aren't pushing visits to the website and others are. Possibly the full time field leaders who are worried about their future retirement accounts having seen what happened to Mrs. VPW and others. I spoke with a friend on the west coast last night and he did indeed confirm that there is a lot of talk about the website and a lot of "suggesting" that people visit the site and "become familiar" with the teachings posted on there. He said he thinks the next step is indeed going to be required teachings in fellowhsip from those teachings on the site. Although, Bob, I rather like your idea of the hackers. At least it's one way TWI would be "giving" and "sharing of their abundance". :D-->
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