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Everything posted by Belle

  1. Belle

    Toilet Seat Positions

    Ooooohhhh.....calling it "feng shui" would have immediately eliminated this rule from many households that I know of, unless they accused the spiritualists of copying the spiritual insight of these elite TWIts. And, Mr. H, the toilet paper must ALWAYS roll down the front. How they he11 you can find the end of it if it rolls down the back against the wall, I have never figured out. And besides, if the lady is the one who uses the tp the most (as well, she SHOULD be), shouldn't SHE be able to make that rule? ;)-->
  2. Belle

    Toilet Seat Positions

    Although........ We may be starting something here....The WAYGB is known for taking ideas off the GSpot and implementing them. :D-->
  3. Belle

    Toilet Seat Positions

    Steve!, I *think* Bob Eastwood is speaking tongue in cheek. ;)--> It's not a TWIt mandate, but it WAS the mandate of a particular TWIt. It's spiritually irresponsible to ignore his mandates, too. After all, stubbornness is as of the sin of witchcraft, so you just don't question the authority and rules of the head of the household. Here's why it's proper to always put the lid down on the toilet after finishing your business: - It's not fair if he has to put the seat up to pee, but women don't have to do anything at all - It's distateful to look down into the toilet bowl, especially if it needs to be cleaned - If you get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom you are certain of the seat position so there is no need to turn the lights on (unless you're male, then PLEASE turn on the light. - Life is in the details and this is one of those things that keeps the house spiritually clean I'm not advocating lid lifting responsibly, merely sharing the reasons I was told we had to do this in my house.
  4. Someone ever so kindly noticed that I haven't started a thread in soooo long,so I thought it was about time. :D--> I went to the officia TWIt website. I found it velly velly interesting that here it is, Holy week / EASTER, the anniversary of Christ's death (and resurrection), but there isn't a single thing acknowledging that on the website. Usually they put up more than one topic a month if its something important. All they have is a article about reading the context. I guess Jesus really isnt a big part of way world is he?
  5. Belle

    Yankee or Dixie?

    I hafta agree with my sistah, heah. They are "pa-con"s. Sky, you musta been in a town of imposters! Who let them D@mn Yankees take over their town?
  6. Belle

    Yankee or Dixie?

    Oh, do y'all remember Strawberry Coke? It was bright red and turned your tongue red. I would drink those till my tummy hurt! ex, I ate my peanuts boiled. ;)--> wb, thanks for the complement. I just hate those compliments that start with "Bless her heart...." And while I have had Sundrop Colas befoah, I would certainly choose a grape nehi oveh one ah them. ;)-->
  7. Belle


    WTH is just parrotting what he learned from Robert Kiyosaki of "Richd Dad Poor Dad" fame. He makes some good points, but the guy also highly recommends people get into MLM. WTH is also stuck in the TWIt thinking pattern of everything is black & white instead of giving people the benefit of the doubt, he just lumps us all into the "stupid" category of investing and planning for the future. Some of us do pretty darn well; some of us could do better and some are doing the best they can while some just don't "do". Besides all that.... :)--> The point is TWI HAS ABSOLUTELY NO BUSINESS TELLING ANYONE HOW TO SPEND THEIR MONEY OR PENALIZING THOSE WHO DON'T OBEY THEIR MAN MADE DOCTRINES! I just hope Bobby doesn't get in trouble for anything he wrote in the e-mail. They may start forbidding any kind of correspondence via e-mail to avoid paper trails like this....HEY, maybe that's why hq doesn't use e-mail.
  8. Belle

    Yankee or Dixie?

    Yeah and nuthin beats a good ole Moon Pie and RC Cola!
  9. Belle

    Yankee or Dixie?

    I'm just upset they didn't ask about cow tipping or your favorite NASCAR driver. Bob, you would've gotten those though and skewed your score even more. ;)--> Hey ex, what kinda coke are ya gonna to fix? ;)--> Mountain Dew is my favorite. I jest might drop by. :)--> WB, you got that right! There ain't mucha nuthin' southern bout Flawreedah anymore. Cowgirl, I'd comment on the differences, but it really isn't polite to poke fun at those who have to live above the Mason-Dixon Line.
  10. Belle


    Actually, WTH, Daddy DOES answer the question from his point of view in the very next paragraph: Just defending her Daddy :D--> I happen to think that definition also includes buying things that you don't necessarily consider an "asset".
  11. IMO, if this is the case then they should have realized something was obviously wrong with the training. Another screwed up logic of TWI. Ex70's, I wouldn't use that to defend them; I would say that that's why they are so screwed up! They can't train people to be proper leaders and to treat people with love, kindness, compassion....you know, CHRISTIAN traits.
  12. Oak, isn't that, too, when they started having "Advanced Class Only" meetings? I know we went to a few of them and they were always pseudo-pep rallies to get us to "do more" and to help "the less 'seasoned'" believers step up their "believing" (aka giving, witnessing, obedience). I hated those meetings because you just always came away feeling like absolutely nothing was ever good enough for those TWIts.
  13. Well, I guess we've run this topic in the ground already. Not much to say about this same ole - same ole with TWI. Just proves that nothing really has changed with them despite all the claims to the contrary. Me doth think they protest too much! Give us more money Bring us more people to bring us money Pay for more of our stuff Obey everything WE say, forget God and Jesus, we'll tell you if they're right or not. Pray for US so that we can keep taking your money and living this nice cushy lifestyle.
  14. I want to hear the ones that AREN'T fit to print! :D--> :D--> :D-->
  15. I have innies contact me almost daily in the private topics. Guess what they're asking about? Links to the threads about specific topics we've already discussed and new questions about stuff we've already discussed before! :D--> I really think MDVaden didn't mean what he said or didn't really stop and think logically about it. It actually sounds like TWI rhetoric that's been ingrained into their minds by leadership through consistent reptition.
  16. Where, Oh, Where Has Flat Stanley Gone? Why has he left me here all alone? I searched the world over and thought I found TRUE LOVE He met another and SPLAT he was gone!
  17. Belle

    HAPpy Birthday Hap

    Happy Birthday, Hap! :D-->
  18. O-Happy Day! I hope it's a great one!! :D--> Happy Birthday!
  19. Happiest of birthdays to you , George! :D-->
  20. Belle

    Yankee or Dixie?

    Here's my score: 100% (Dixie). Is General Lee your father? But, that's really no surprise, is it? ;)-->
  21. Belle


    If you'd be honest and straightforward we wouldn't have to dedicate a whole thread to you, Mr. Eastwood! ;)--> So this whole thing got started because of one couple? Instead of dealing with the one couple on an individual basis, let's make a wide sweeping exaggerated policy and find verses we can spin to prove our point. This is also how the no gift policy got started, too, isn't it? Thanks, Alfakat and Socks! It really is just plain common horse sense, isn't it? I'm sure my Daddy was shaking his head while answering my questions. I think, though, that's when he and my mom started having some hope that I was coming around and starting to pass on the kool-aid. Socks, that is so true in so many areas. I can't tell you how stupid I feel in certain situations that come up these days. I thought I knew a lot or enough about certain subjects thanks to TWI, but since being out I'm realizing how insulated I really was from the real world despite living right smack dab in the middle of it. Major blinders on my eyes!! I'm learning that I can find information, advice and what-not on my own and actually make wise decisions and take care of myself without having to "run it by" someone for permission or validation.
  22. Thanks for your input, y'all! :D--> Oak, I understand what you're saying completely. That's why I hardly ever venture down here....well, that and the fact that I can't keep up. :o--> It seems to be straining gnats and swallowing camels sometimes, but other times I think, "wait! That's what TWI did and that's what they were trying to teach US to do, so why shouldn't we do that to their teachings?" BUT, on the other side, one has to REALLY know what they're talking about and we have quite a few scholars on here, so that's why I posted that paper. When I wanted out and wanted my husband to see TWI for what it was, the doctrinal issues were the main issues that I would have had to use for him, practical stuff wasn't important to him, nor was what happened to other people. He was a master at justifying all the terrible mistreatment he received at the hands of TWI, so doctrinal issues were the only hope I had. Raf, I, too, remember hearing vee pee go on and on about heteros and allos meaning "the same" and "different" during his whole spiel about the four crucified with Christ. All thieves are malefactors but not all malefactors are thieves.
  23. Mr. H, I thought they were already doing that! You mean those ARE new articles???? --> --> I know they have been recycling the photos and backgrounds for years.
  24. Belle


    Here's my Daddy's response to the first response from Bob. The second e-mail from Bob, I think was just too ridiculous and proved that it was pointless to continue any correspondence with him on the matter:
  25. Belle


    I found the e-mails from my Dad. You can see Bob wasn't responding to any correspondence from an idiot, which may be why he was attempting to be more subtle in his manipulative attacks on me and my dad:
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