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Everything posted by Belle

  1. Outfield, there have been a few discussions about the validity of those orientalism teachings... Not sure how much stock I'd put into the teachings unless Bo has really researched the orientalisms using sources other than vee pee, lamsa and pallai. TheInvisibleDan recommends William R Herzog on this thread. Here are a few comments here at the cafe I was able to find. Fishy More fishy REAL Biblical Research? Are they actually true? Eli, Eli? Wacko? Wow, I'm getting lost in the "search" mode finding some really cool, really old threads, so I'm going to stop here. Just, my point in doing all this was to please check any "research" from TWI or TWI offshoots against outside, proven, reliable sources. Bo may be a great man, but if the source of his information is limited to TWI, Pillai, Lamsa and the likes, it could just be a regurgitation of what we've already learned..... stuff that is not necessarily accurate.
  2. I would never think it was your kid, WG. I think young Christian didn't think much of that woman either, based on this story. It's just surreal to me to think about kids living in a dorm environment full on with roommates instead of family. Kids raising kids and folks being stressed and pushed to the limits mentally, emotionally, physically, etc. does not make for a good "home" environment, does it? :(
  3. Tangental question about corps, but it's not food related and it might make you lose your appetite: I read this story from Christian's website about Stinky. Did the kids not stay with their parents in residence? What was the living arrangement?
  4. Thanks, Thankful. :) Sounds like they are handling things exactly like TWI does. No surprise there. The leaders' conscience is seared. It is sad that those involved with CES are not taking a greater interest in how things are run in "their" ministry, especially if all of this stuff happening has raised no red flags for them. And, doubly so if those people were involved with TWI at one time, but I suppose Sushi's signature line is apropos to the situation, "the lessons repeat until they are learned." Regarding people just getting introduced to CES, I would hope that they would check things out on the internet, but you are correct, a lot of people don't. Heck, people still buy used cars these days without getting a CarFax report - which is beyond my comprehension. :blink: But, there are plenty of people who do, and, hopefully, there will be those who check out CES before giving them any time or money. CES operates the classic BITE model used by cults that Steve Hassan has written about. Tom, give DWBH some hair of the dog that bit him.
  5. Belle

    Texas BBQ 2007

    I agree. It is a close call, but, yah, my vote will have to go with DWBH. He looks EXACTLY like his avatar. What a great looking group of folks! Is the Strange one up front and center like that because he's guarding his snow cones?
  6. Belle

    Picnic Food

    Chef, we did not have any thing "sweet" at all tonight, but it was a good night nonetheless. :) (((((Outfield))))) I can not thank you enough for the Spinach Balls idea and recipe!!!! Holy-Ka-Shmoley! I coulda sold those things for $100/10 balls tonight. They are AWESOME!!! And, as you said, even Spinach haters loved 'em!! Soooo friggin' good!! I used real onion instead of dried, minced onion I used the chicken & herb croutons And they were DEEEE-LISH!!! Next time, I think for my crowd, I will add some freshly minced garlic and cayenne pepper and they will be Ten Star on a Five Star Rating. This time, they were a Six Star on a Five Star Rating. Definitely a keeper recipe and one I already have about twenty people to send a copy to. I took those, some "pigs in a blanket" and tabbouleh wraps... all "clean" to eat and deee=lish, but the Spinach Balls were the talk of the night.
  7. Belle

    Texas BBQ 2007

    Everyone looks great! And, I know y'all are having a wonderful time! When you get time, it would be nice to have names to go with the faces.
  8. (((((Sky))))) I think if someone is REALLY into helping others, they would certainly live above reproach and have a completely transparent "ministry". I'm not saying ministers should live like paupers, but they certainly don't need live like rock stars and professional athletes. I'd reconsider how much I'm charging for things if I've got THAT MUCH disposable income. Maybe she should be giving away books or offering speaking engagements for free IF her true motive is to help people and to bring them to Christ. Here's an aerial view of the multi-million dollar compound she has bought with her fleecing of the flock. You just don't hear stories like this about Billy Graham. That ought to say something about a person's true motives: This is an awesome link showing what he makes in salary: President & CEO, Franklin Graham makes only $94,000 (representing only 0.09% of company expenses) Billy Graham makes $406,830 (0.38% of company expenses) Very reasonable, imo.
  9. Thank you very much, TG. :) I'm kinda glad you didn't pick the three headed Jesus, myself... It hurts my eyes and makes me think I've had too much to drink. I can not comment on your other posts, but, as you can see, there are others who are interested and skilled enough to speak to the topics you present. There's so much great diversity here at the Cafe. You can pretty much find someone to talk about anything.
  10. Alright, who's hoarding the Prozac?? Chef, that sounds awesome! I'm up for adoption if you eat like that all the time. Life is good, isn't it? See my signature line? I mean it. A bad day "out" is better than any good day "in" ever was!
  11. Belle

    Lame Halloween Candy

    Dang, George! I'm so glad it was not as bad as you were told. I've had a couple of my front teeth replaced, so I know how painful and disturbing and expensive that can be. It also seems to be a long friggin' process, not to mention the fact that every single day, twice a day, you are reminded of said incident that caused those teeth to be fake. Of course, they could be considered battle scars he gets to tell the ladies about.
  12. From the About Us section of the front doors to the cafe: Yah, you got a lot of folks here who were horribly abused, destroyed and affected by vee pee, directly and/or indirectly. You do know that he raped and drugged a lot of women, don't you? Some of them post here. Most of the folks here are in some form of recovery or helping others recover... seeing the face of an abuser is not a pleasant thing. I would think it would be very kind of you to find some other avatar. Since your name conjures up images of a three headed beast, may I suggest something along the lines of: I know you don't mean to hurt anyone, but it's creepy. :)
  13. When I was still thick with way-brain, I liked Joyce's teachings and would watch her on tv or listen to her radio show. The more way-brain I eliminated, the more TWI-ish her teachings seemed to me and the less I was able to listen to them. Dottie Moynihan actually gave me one of Joyce's books, Battlefield of the Mind. If that title doesn't tell you that it's about "renewing your mind", then I will. It's very TWI-like. BUT, since Dottie gave it to me, it gave me license to go to "outside" sources for information which had been previously forbidden by my ex. I can see where the draw is, but she no longer does anything for me. These portions from that link are disturbing: **************************** And today, her TV shows, regional conferences and fund raising from her Web site bring an average $8 million a month to her ministry. Of that, the ministry says it spends about 10 percent -- $880,000 a month -- on charitable works around the globe. My comment: That's IT?? That's ALL they spend out of $8 million/month?!?! Dec, 31, 2001 - With the deadline looming, Life in the Word pays Jefferson County $288,177 for its 2001 property taxes at 700 Grace Parkway under protest. March 27, 2002 - Life in the Word sues Jefferson County Assessor Randy B. Holman for their taxes on its headquarters. Meyer claims the ministry should be tax exempt as a church. Holman had decided it did not meet the state law because the headquarters building did not hold church services or allow the public inside. July 24, 2002 - The Jefferson County Board of Equalization rules against the county assessor on Meyer's appeal of her 2002 property taxes on the ministry's headquarters building. The property is stripped from the tax rolls, causing a public outcry from taxpayers, who must pay more in taxes. Oct. 8, 2002 - The Anti-Defamation League accuses Meyer's Rage Against Destruction, a program that goes into schools with a musical presentation, is really a front for a Christian evangelical group that wants to convert students. Oct. 11 and 12, 2002 - Joyce Meyer speaks as the keynote speaker at the Christian Coalition's Road to Victory 2002 convention held at the Washington Convention Center in Washington D.C. She condemns the separation of church and state. April 25, 2003 - Instead of giving the county access to its records and property, Life in the Word drops its lawsuit against the Jefferson County assessor for the headquarters' property taxes. June 6, 2003 - MinistryWatch, a watchdog group that looks at ministries and churches to determine whether they are using their money for charitable purposes, gives Life In the Word/Joyce Meyer Ministries an "F" rating for not divulging their financial picture. Excerpt from News article.... In an audiotape series called "How to Fight the Devil and Win," Meyer recalled how she read a book on freeing people from demons. She saw the book as a revelation from God and began what she called a "deliverance ministry," much of it out of the family’s home on Codorniz Lane in Fenton. ... She said she got on people’s backs and rode them "all over the house, with these demons of anger and fear and violence ... you know our kids are back there sleeping and we’re in the living room screaming at demons half the night. "I mean one woman came to my house, and me and my pastor (Shelton) literally rode her piggyback all over my house. "She threw up in every towel I had. She spit all over us. Rick had to get his tie off. He had to get his jewelry off. Sweat was pouring off of both of us." In a recent interview, Meyer said she understands how some people might consider such activity "goofy." She said she is no longer involved in such work.
  14. Don't hate Twinkie! Don't cry for Twinkie Just eat Twinkie Ode to a Twinkie Oh, Twinkie with your golden hue, You have delicious goop in you. There you are! Were you waiting long, Between Sno-balls and stale Ding Dong? My friends all think I'm kinda kinky Cause my role model is a twinkie. But they don't know what we've been through. Dear Twinkie, I can count on you. I tell my troubles as I bite. You never tell me, "That's not right." You listen to each foolish fear, Then slowly, deliciously disappear. I hold you close when we're alone And think the thoughts that are my own. Then turn to you, my dear sweet yummie. You clear my mind, tickle my tummie. Your outside is a little plain, But inside you are "mellow lane." I like you better than these folks, Who look at me and then make jokes. People should be more like you. You don't judge the things folks do. Inside is where your beauty lies. Within the plain, there's sweet surprise. —Grandpa Tucker Copyright ©1997 by Bob Tucker
  15. NO! I don't! And, that's the problem.... I've been shopping more and more frequently at the LOCAL farmers market, but even some of that's not really local and it's rather limiting. And, even with the "local" stuff, you have the pesticide paranoia.
  16. Tom, I guess vee pee never used that word before. Mike, how do you know what's coming from China to avoid? I e-mailed a bunch of companies after the pet food scare and not one of them would tell me which of their products use imported ingredients from China. There aren't even any laws in place that require companies to label where the ingredients in the foods come from. Heck, many of them don't even know where the ingredients they buy come from! In fact, Kelloggs gave me more information than any of the companies I contacted and, even that was very limited: So, since you're avoiding all things Chinese, I'd sure like to know what that is. I'll gladly join you in your boycott.
  17. Looks like she's a planning commissioner in addition to selling real estate. Planning commissioners are appointed by the mayor and make recommendations to the City Council on significant land-use policies such as tree protection and development standards.
  18. Belle

    Lame Halloween Candy

    (((((Geo))))) (((((Mini-Geo))))) What happened?? How is he doing?
  19. Belle

    The Cone of Noel

    I could sure use that cone sometimes here in the cube farm!
  20. A month? I could get a whole month out of this if I ever get married? KEWL!! <---- thinking of all the fun she could have with a whole birthday month.... WG, thank you and please thank Sophie for the slurp! NYunknown, thanks a bunch!
  21. Oh, geeze - this is on one of those threads (which are good, by the way... especially the top one) I might have nightmares now.
  22. Here's one post about it. And another I'm sure there's probably more about it in some of the Y2K threads and the ridiculous lengths they expected us to go through. I most likely did NOT take any notes on the microwave portion of the meeting as I distinctly remember being shocked and then extremely amused at his whole take on microwaves and how scared of them he is. I wonder if he's still scared of 'em and if he uses them since he most likely has to fix his own meals these days.... :unsure:
  23. Belle

    Song of the moment

    I'm going to a jazz festival / picnic on Saturday, so I've had Chicago's "Saturday in the Park" on the brain. Since there's a group of us going, I've shared the love.... Turns out that's one of "those" songs that can get stuck in a person's head.
  24. Yeah he did! I got confronted directly by Angel@ C@pillary, my hfc, because Miki T@te, an alleged "friend", turned me in for looking at stuff about TWI on the internet. It's also why I was scared sh1tless after finding WayDale and being unable to turn it off. I just knew I was getting possessed and everyone in TWI knew it - especially @ngela and the Moynihans. :ph34r: I have notes on all the evils of the internet, but not the time or inclination to look for them tonight.... maybe this week-end I'll dig 'em out. Craig was afraid of the internet, but moreso, he was afraid of microwave ovens... that was a rant during the Y2K preparations that had me biting my lip to keep from laughing during his tirade at a very serious meeting regarding our preparations and who was gonna go where when all hell broke loose, but that's a story for another day....
  25. Has anyone else read Christian's books? I plan to order them soon. His comments on his latest entry are very kind: Looks like I'm not the only one who contacted him. :) I'm sure he loved hearing from those of you who knew him back then.
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