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Everything posted by Belle

  1. So many different levels of humor on this board. I LOVE it! :D--> Galen, :o--> You, Dear, are way tooo kind! Thank you very much.
  2. I did not know that. Thank you, Paw! :D-->
  3. Anyone remember when you couldn't participate in communion if you weren't abundantly sharing? Another great lcm idea! -->
  4. NEVER underestimate the power of a woman ..... even a woman with small lips! ;)-->
  5. WTH I think this is a natural by product of getting older. :D--> It does seem to get faster every year and those kids I used to babysit no longer get carded at the bars anymore. The fact that most of what vee pee taught was wrong is what matters. He made such a big deal about being the only one to teach the "rightly divided word" like it hasn't been known since the first century. The fact that he couldn't even get this right says a lot about the fallacy of his "revelations" which we now know weren't revelations but rather plagarisms. ;)--> In addition to that, I ask not - what did it cost me, but rather what did it add to my life? IMO, I spent so much time straining gnats and swallowing camels that I missed out on the seeing the forest for the tiny pine needles on the trees. Being anal about Biblical research just doesn't help me be a better person or have a better relationship with God or my Lord and Savior. I'm glad that I know how to study and to be able to defend my positions, but I really learned how to do that before TWI - I basically took vee pee and lcm's word for what they said they researched while I was involved.
  6. :)--> Thank you, Kit!
  7. Galen, my neighbor uses that expression to describe the gals my neighbor brings home sometimes. He's single and has pretty good taste so all the men in the neighborhood watch to see when he's getting lucky. I believe I e-mailed you a picture of me, so you would not be able to find it in the forums, although there is a new picture of Bob and me at the beach recently over there. ;)-->
  8. Jim I look forward to reading your book. I didn't get involved till the early 90's and they never but never talked about "the early days" except to tell us how hard vee pee pee worked to get "the rightly divided word" to us.
  9. I pretty much agree with what everyone has posted. AMEN! When you're doing that everything else seems to fall into place. That's probably the most free-ing part of being out of TWI. No more oppression from the TWIts and unrealisitc expectations and never ending hoops to jump through. I soooo relate, ex! I don't have the kids part, but hope to one day and THAT I would have never had in TWI. I don't give a rat's foot about being some Biblical scholar. I don't care what Greek word is used anymore and now I know that half the ones they taught us were taught incorrectly, so what was "the profit" of knowing all that cr@p anyway? It sure as he11 didn't make me a better person, just more arrogant.
  10. This is really cool! I don't know of any famous people except that they had a huge poster of some Tampa Bay Buccaneer posted at the entrance to the AC on the field one year. I thought they should have posted a picture of me, but....well, I'm not that famous, just famously annoying. ;)-->
  11. Belle


    Zixar, make sure you have a good attorney. I know you're super sharp and have incredible common sense, but when going through something as emotionally tolling as this, it's really good to have someone on your side who can step back and see the forest for the trees to make sure you don't get royally screwed. Thankfully mine was pretty amicable, but we didn't have a lot of property and had absolutely no kids to fight over. We didn't even have to have lawyers involved, but I know also that a good lawyer can make all the diference in the world in situations like yours.
  12. I remember a couple in our area bought a BMW brand new. Of course they paid cash for it, but I remember hearing whispers about whether they really "needed" a BMW when a much less expensive car would do the same job. --> Of course they wouldn't have caught any flack for it because if someone can pay cash for a BMW then they are also contributing heavily to the very nice lifestyle of the right reverend moneyhands.
  13. My parents suggested contacting Steve Hassan and getting him involved in helping get my ex-husband to see TWI for what it is. They were willing to pay the astronomical fees he charges because they wanted to help in any way they could, regardless of what the outcome of our marriage. I know Steve doesn't operate in the old deprogramming style and that for his techniques to work the person has to at least be willing to sit down and listen and consider another side of the situation. The only reason we didn't follow through was because I seriously doubted whether my ex would even be willing to listen. It's a shame since he's a cop and notorious for saying there's 3 sides to every story - his, hers and what really happened. When it comes to TWI, in his opinion, there's only one side to the story.
  14. Thanks, Jim! I look forward to reading your book. You will please let us know when it's for sale?
  15. My therapist is a Unitarian Universalist and has a Doctorate of Theology from Berkely. His background has been invaluable in helping him understand cults and what TWI was like. He knows a lot about a lot of different religions and belief systems. I think they're famous for saying, "We don't care who you worship, just worship." It seems to be a group of very spiritual people who don't think they have the corner market on the truth and are willing to learn from anyone and any religion.
  16. I also think Angelina Jolie is one very hot, beautiful pig and wouldn't mind looking like her one bit.....big lips and all. ;)-->
  17. I'm a Standard Dachshund and the description is right on the money. Funny thing, though, is that the description also fits my very own little Border Terrier to a tee and, so, I'm going to take license with the test and say I"m a Border Terrier because they probably don't have a Border Terrier in their list of possible answers. ;)--> Besides that my bt is a cutie and I'd much rather be associated with her. :D-->
  18. Belle


    there was no hand washing station. The petting zoo people were selling handi wipes and most of the families infected had bought and used the handi wipes but apparently that wasn't enough. There seems to be more and more people coming to the hospitals since it hit the news down here.
  19. Belle

    Try this quiz

    Awww, thanks, Mr. H :)--> Now if they had asked what goes best with, say, crawfish or fried okra, I would have certainly gotten that right! I'm not gonna go there, Bob! :D--> LOL! I learned yesterday it's not good to try to edit or delete a post when something doesn't come out right. ;)-->
  20. Belle

    Try this quiz

    :D--> Bob, I'm not complaining. Dense could work to my advantage! ;)--> I wonder if ANY girls got the size questions right. I know all those years of guys lying to us could prove hazardous to our perceptions. Although, I did get the blue ball question right. How the heck are rednecks supposed to know what caviar tastest like, much less what goes well with it??? I wanna know if Raf got the pineapple question right! I got 18/20 right the second time through....
  21. Belle

    Try this quiz

    9/20 first time through. Better than I thought I'd do. :)-->
  22. Yeah, Nandon. I caught myself thinking the same thing. But then I thought....lcm demanded more respect, loyalty and devotion than the pope every thought of and, on top of that - lcm thought we should consider HIS words excathedra (no offense meant toward our local seestor). Pretty ironic when you think about it.
  23. Angelina Jolie IS beautiful and I do think they are her real lips. Good taste Tom Strange :)--> karmicdebt, nope, it is far from going out of style. Maybe you're looking at old photos? Just last week there was a photo collage of all the different actresses getting the poison shot into their lips and cheeks.
  24. Methinks y'all are pretty darn funny! and, Bob, you are being a sh1t! I'll get you for that! I wanna talk about me Wanna talk about I Wanna talk about number one Oh my me my What I think, what I like, what I know, what I want, what I see I like talking about you, usually, but occassionally I wanna talk about me I wanna talk about me
  25. Rascal says: That Wascally Wabbit talking about how we were conned into thinking TWI was a love and light and helped facilitate that illusion thereby luring others into the dark belly of the beast.
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