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Everything posted by Belle

  1. Since I haven't even been out a year there are still many, many phrases, words and things that crawl up my spine like fingernails on a chalkboard. It's especially difficult when it's a situation where there is absolutely no one around with any knowledge of TWI or my involvement with them. I have an involuntary wince, I think, with some words and phrases and intuitive people pick up on that. Once someone asked if they had offended me or if something was wrong. I shook my head, "no" but it was obvious that something had caused a reaction in me. It's in my head and I couldn't possibly explain it to someone who has never been there.
  2. Oak, I worked for a newspaper during some of my TWI days, too! :D--> (Advertising - I was not one of the princely reporters either ;)--> ) It was my job to read the papers every day so I knew what was going on and could talk to my customers about it. I loved it! Come into the office....cuppa coffee.....an hour or so in the papers....SO NICE! I also put together all the news clippings every time we had a class running - remember how we documented everything "news-worthy" going on during each class and how upset we were making the debbil?
  3. I'm not one to argue over semantics, I got enough of that in TWI. I understand what you're saying WayferNot! and I deal with the same thing. There's a guy at work who is getting all involved with some "Landmark" something or other. It's supposedly some "self help" group and they meet every Wed night and I just recently found out they have different classes you can take (for a nominal fee) and how far you decide to go is up to you (e.g. how much $$ do you want to spend on classes?). They have something going on almost every night of the week and this guy is inviting everyone at work to go and he's pretty darn persistant. I told him I just got out of a cult and that I have no desire to join up with a group that preaches "personal accountability" and requires classes because that usually means that you're being held accountable for the things that THEY deem important. He's pretty much left me alone with that. Another co-worker invited me to her church and it's one I HAD been interested in but then I found out you HAVE to take a class to become a member. Then I started hearing about the hierarchy in that church..... no thanks! I told 'em I'm through with classes and people telling me what I have to do to be spiritual enough to associate with them. I know what you mean about the JW girl. She doesn't realize that she's in the same controlling type of organization and that she COULD be much free-er and happier if she left, but people have to see it for themselves and make up their own minds. IF you wanted to get involved with her life you could ask her questions like, "IF you could celebrate your birthday have you thought about what kind of cake you would want?" or if it bothers her missing out on all the stuff that "normal" people do. :D--> It bothered me. Otherwise, I've adopted the attitude that "everyone is doing the best they can." She's doing what she was taught and is handling as much as she can at the moment. I'm learning to accept people as they are, stupid beliefs or not. I have started learning a lot from others just by listening. I may not agree with them, but asking questions and just being "open" to hear that there IS another viewpoint out there that I might not have considered before has been a pretty wild ride. I can't save everyone, so I just keep on truckin' 'cause I'm still trying to figure life out myself.
  4. Belle

    Poems needed...

    I really like this one! My professor spent a whole day on this poem and the message. Richard Cory Edwin Arlington Robinson
  5. Belle

    Poems needed...

    I also like the whimsy of Shel Silverstein: Sick Shel Silverstein
  6. Belle

    Poems needed...

    I LOVE ee cummings: anyone lived in a pretty how town E. E. Cummings
  7. I'm still just reading Oakspear's posts and contributing to the views of the thread. signed, not concerned p.s. I AM impressed with THE ;)-->
  8. ex10, your Flat has gone to eat snowcones with the Strange one? Where's the other Flat? Is the original Flat still MIA? I LOVE the pictures, BTW! The Bluebonnets are beautiful! :D--> :D--> :D-->
  9. Socks, I have really been enjoying your posts lately. :)--> Thanks for posting. All situations are different and each relationship is different. People have to realize that we don't all handle things the same way, but we are all doing the best we can. Maybe I waited too long hoping my ex would wake up and see TWI for what it is. Maybe I ignored the signs that it was never going to happen. Maybe I should have pushed the issue 5 years ago when I first found out so much of the crap that TWI had been hiding in the closets. *shrug* Who knows? I had to do things on my own terms in my own way and just reading on WayDale and GSpot where people said to just leave and made it seem so easy, so cut and dry - well, it pi$$ed me off. They had no idea what I was going through if they thought it was that easy. It just isn't for some people. I had to hit rock bottom spiritually, emotionally, physically.....in every "ly" way before I was able to even consider divorce and being out of TWI for good.
  10. I've learned so much just in my short time out of TWI. I've also learned how absolutely insulated we were to the "real world" despite living and working in it. I have had my eyes opened to so many other schools of thought, so much theory, so much more knowledge and learning about the Bible, other religions, etc. I feel like a kid again. I also feel so stupid and so far behind intelligently from my co-workers and friends.
  11. My ex still doesn't believe that vee pee died of cancer. I told him about it a few years ago and he accused me of lying. He insists that he didn't die of cancer. *shrug* They're still covering that one up. When I wanted to get out and we had to go witnessing, the first thing I told people about vee pee was about the snow on the gas pumps. :D--> :D--> That quickly eliminated any interest they might have had in TWI.
  12. I don't have anything to add, but I have thoroughly enjoyed reading this thread. Thanks, y'all. I do remember some stories about BG, Oral Roberts & vee pee, but not in enough detail to post. Priceless! Thanks, Kevlar! :D-->
  13. WC training from what I understand: - 1 year working closely with BC or RC - 1 term as WD - 2 years in-residence although I have known WC grads who have had to go WD again after graduation.
  14. Someone had posted that she holds some prime real estate in NC that is worth quite a pretty penny. Didn't one of her sons spend time in jail? I would really like to know what her qualifications are. It seems there are those who rose up among the ranks and have more "hands on" experience and "field" knowledge than she does. She hasn't lived anywhere but hq since moving there, has she? It IS rather odd.....Anyone know?
  15. SecondJames, I LOVE to smile and acknowledge people. I always challenge myself to make someone smile or at least make eye contact in an elevator since most people stare at the floor or the numbers. I love to make people smile. Sometimes that's the only good thing that happens to me on a particular day but it sure feels nice. It think it's part of "leaving people better than you found them." TWI talked about it, but seldom practiced it.
  16. Belle

    Bad Manners

    Sharon, I never went WOW, WD or WC. Heck, I only left my state twice - once for the AC and once for an AC Special. I don't feel like I'm second rate here (I feel like a thread killer sometimes, but that's beside the point). I think those who were closer to the fire, so to speak, have more knowledge and more to share and I, for one, am darn glad they post here and continue to do so for the people who keep moving through. Hang around and get to know us. It's just like in the "real world": you like some people; you don't like others; some frustrate the pi$$ out of you; some you avoid like the plague. The nice thing is that we can all be ourselves here and we don't have POOP telling us how to act or what to think, say and do. Coming from a group that did, it's rather refreshing, even if I don't always agree with everyone. Being judgemental is something I had to work really hard on after leaving TWI and I still catch myself comparing myself to others and condescending to others because they don't think, act or say things I think they should. I'm getting much better, but it's something that we had ingrained in us in TWI and it's a good thing to be aware of. ;)-->
  17. Derail this one all you want! That's why it's here, but I do agree with Bob that talk of RFR is not a derail. :D--> I'm shocked though....she NEVER had any WC training? Never had to scrub toilets or work in the kitchen? TWI built her house for her? WTF!!! And: I didn't post about it, but I certainly got in deep doggie doo for looking it up on the internet. --> Gimme my sign....
  18. Easier said than done, OM. Everything isn't as black and white as you seem to think it is. Some things are harder for some, also. It's also hard to admit that you're miserable when you're deeply involved with a group that claims to help you live the more abundant life. Many people turn their entire lives over to those people and would literally be giving up everything if they left. Not exactly a nice predicament. Sometimes the misery of staying seems better than the misery of leaving.
  19. OM, you're right. I did speak for everyone and I shouldn't have. Just because I am healthier and happier doesn't mean everyone who left is. I realize that there are people who were asked to leave or no longer welcome at TWIt functions who would gladly go back. I stand corrected. I do, however, believe that TWIts in general would not even consider the fact that someone could be happier outside the walls of TWI. I can just imagine my ex sitting around talking with other wayfers about how miserable I must be and how bad my life must be based on what they saw of me before I left and what they "wish" would happen to me.
  20. Gentlemen, I respectfully ask once again for you to stay on topic on this thread. I have started a new thread for you to banter about the lawsuits.
  21. I would really like to keep the thread on topic about TWI's manipulation and spiritual blackmail to keep people in TWI. There is a specific need for that discussion per some innies I am in contact with. WordWolf's post on the Leaving Thread Carry on...... OM, I believe the ball is in your court.
  22. Belle

    Ahat's Birthday

    :D--> :D--> :D--> :D--> HAPPIEST OF BIRTHDAYS TO YOU!! :D--> :D--> :D--> :D-->
  23. Preachin' to the Choir! :D--> :D--> :D--> But isn't it amazing that we, at one time, had repressed our common sense genes so much that we thought like they do? Thank goodness for TWIt free glasses!!
  24. I only look at this thread when Oakspear posts on it and usually his is the only post I read. ;)-->
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