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Everything posted by Belle

  1. What's even odder is that no one will question the behavior. They "may" whisper about it, but not likely since you can't trust anyone in TWI to not rat you out for questioning things. Eventually it will become a common occurence and then people will forget what it was like when women DIDN'T walk around in TWI holding hands and acting like lesbians. The good thing about that is it will instantly alert new people to the fact that something's rotten in NK. Lorna, aren't those the ugliest dresses you've ever seen?? I don't know why they even bother dancing since you can't see their legs. Even more....how the heck can you smile while wearing something like that??? outofdafog, my parents made a few comments too, but in a joking manner. I looked at them like they were committing sacrilige so they quit. Once my dad asked what Moneyhands does all day and neither me nor my ex could really come up with much and what we DID say was so obviously not things that would take a whole day and were pretty lame. Definitely wish I had listened to my parents!
  2. There was a lady in my first twig who came faithfully and always gave generously, but she either didn't take the class, didn't finish the class or just didn't speak in tongues, I can't remember. After Moneyhands came to town he had the HFC tell her that if she wasn't going to speak in tongues that she was no longer welcome at twig and that she was spiritually hitch-hiking off us. Vickles, ain't it nice to forget about trying to get out of cleaning those toilets? :D--> David, isn't it great to not have that mindset anymore and to realize that it was wrong? I mean, it was really a relief to me to learn that TWI was teaching b.s. in that category. TWI teaches performance based religion but they keep moving the hoops they want you to jump through. If you're going to have to follow some stupid illogical doctrine to get to any rewards in heaven, I'd just as soon buy indulgences.
  3. I think I spoke too soon! Dig these boring brown tent dresses on everyone singing. I think now we know who picked out the tent dresses the choir wears! TWI Productions Sorry, but the kids in the "The Greatness of His Power" video just make the rest of the people look really old and out of it. Why do the ladies even dance when you can't see their legs because the dresses are so long and big?
  4. I guess it depends on where you are because to this day my ex refuses to believe that vee pee died of cancer. I think he even asked Moneyhands about this once when I brought it up and they still did not tell him the truth. I understand being possessed by devil spirits is different from something being caused by devil spirits (according to TWI teaching), but it's still devil spirit involved and implies a great weakness in the individual which is what vee pee taught, it's also what craig taught until don came down with it.
  5. That's an all too familiar scenario, Bob. :)--> But, you're not surprised, are you? Even after the tape was played my ex went up to Mr Moneyhands and asked how, if he was doing things like that, could he come up with so much of the amazing and incredible teachings we were hearing and how was he getting so much revelation from (their) god? Moneyhands agreed. He said that obviously we had been hearing hotter bible than ever in TWI and that he just couldn't explain it. IMO, they still idolize the man. They still think everything he taught was correct - that's why they haven't changed any of their teachings or the WAP class. They really believe that craig was a Solomon or David....a man of (their) god, but with a weakness in only one (maybe two) area(s) of his life. -->
  6. Yeah, Oak, those guys were definitely the exception to the rule. Most people don't like him, but P@ul Brook* was a hard worker who had his own cement company and sold everything to move to FL to become full time. He's got four kids and when they were told to go back to work they were also told not to go into debt if they wanted to start their own business. That pretty much prevents anyone from starting their own business unless they twist through some loophole way of justifying what they're doing (which is really just lying to TWI because you know their rules are stupid and unrealistic). Paul's been struggling ever since. Last I heard he was cleaning movie screens and travelling about 20-25 days out of each month to get to the places where he had work. It was clear to me that that was why he was always campaigning for a limb or region position.
  7. Where's nervecurve? I wonder if he cares. He must not since he's just been a hit and run poster. Guess we'll see him again in another 6 months for a couple of days......
  8. LOL! The almighty man of god for the whole family corps had to deal with an empty toilet roll. If he had been speaking in tongues and walking by the spirit wouldn't he have known that he should bring his own toilet paper?? Paul Mosqu*da has tried to cover and convince others that it's okay to have sex outside the marriage. He was key in trying to convince one guy, if I remember the story correctly, that craiggers assertion that having sex was no different than putting your finger in someone's ear. I don't know if they left TWI because they finally realized what b.s. they were promulgating and they repented or if there were other reasons. I just hope they have repented and changed their ways.
  9. Touche`, my friend David, touche`! :)--> TWI's definition of fruit changed constantly but mostly meant how many people and/or how much money were you bringing into TWI. What's funny to me is that they always said you could tell a minister by his "fruit" but none of the corps (that I'm aware of) actually brought anyone to fellowship, much less put someone through any classes. The Bible says that the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness and temperance. It also says that the fruit of the spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth. (Gal 5:22-23, Eph 5:9) So TWI is teaching wrongly because I don't see anything in those verses about witnessing, abundant sharing or signing people up for classes. What I DO see is that your goodness and kind, gentle and loving manner overflows with fruit if the spirit! :)--> I see the truth being told and exposed here on GSpot. I see people on here saying how much more joy, peace and goodness they experience in their lives once leaving TWI. I know personally, that I feel more freedom to help people and, not only that, I WANT to and I ENJOY it. I am much more patient, whereas in TWI I was pretty much so unhappy and miserable and/or arrogant that I actually SOUGHT reasons to get p1ssed off at people or act un-ladylike. My whole demeanor is not much more gentle, peaceful, patient and life is so much better without the pressures, stress and other ugly stuff that came with involvement in TWI.
  10. Belle

    Graduation Time

    Congrats Shaz and outofdafog! You must be very proud Mamas as well you should be! Johnny, I hope you'll let us know how Keanu does since we're all rather fond of him now. :)--> No one asks for your high school transcripts, so near flunking grades or not, he will have the almighty piece of paper that he needs. I spend about $20-$30 on the kids. If I know they are going to college I usually get them a gift card for Bed Bath & Beyond or Wal-Mart because you spend soooooo much money getting things for your new dorm room/apartment. Kids have such different tastes and they like picking things out for themselves so it seems to be a welcome gift.
  11. I can also check with a few of the innies I have contact with and see if they've heard anything. ;)-->
  12. LOL! Hopefully there is yet another lawsuit that we haven't heard about yet. One more to drain the $40 Million dollar coffers of TWI. I'm sure the lawyers laugh all the way to the bank!
  13. Belle

    Oh that's just PEACHY!

    Krys, there IS still damage from last year. I still see blue roofs everwhere I go, albeit less of them, but there are still quite a few. The debris yards where the tons upon tons of debris was taken are mostly cleared out and all that's left is mountains of mulch. Hopefully people who have been waiting or struggling with their insurance companies and trying to come up with deductible money will be able to get everything taken care of and finalized before anything major develops. (Hopefully, nothing major will develop.) My Y2K supplies came in handy last year. I was able to have warm coffee, hot omelettes and didn't have to eat my soup out of the can. :)--> My huge oak tree has been trimmed so that the wind will blow through it without much resistance and the roof is brand new. And, most importantly, my neighbors and I have our bars stocked for any post-hurricane parties we may have again this year! :D-->
  14. My ex still refuses to believe that he died of cancer. I've told him I could show him the death certificate and he says it would doctored by those "cop out" websites and not reliable. --> Maybe one day the Moneyhands will fess up to him about all the lies they've told, promulgated, covered and been paid for. It's going to be a rough day when he finds out if he finds out from someone else.
  15. Update please. Where is Stanley hanging his hat this week? What sites is he seeing?
  16. How many people did you witness to, bring to fellowship and sign up for the class? How many stuck around? How many people did you see the wc bringing in and signing up? I annoyingly witnessed to everyone when I first got involved. It's a wonder I wasn't told to shut up by some people. I brought close to 30 people to fellowship and signed up 2 people for the class. None of the people I brought stuck around and many never came back after the first fellowship and exposure to TWI. WC in my area? I *think* one was supposed to have a co-worker come one night but I can't remember if they ever showed up. If they did show up they never came back. I don't know of one single person that any wc in my area signed up for any classes. Pity since they were supposed to set the example and they were really without excuse when they were full time. (Not really a pity. I'm being sarcastic)
  17. Seeing as how he also had Metastatic Melanoma of the Liver in addition to the Ocular Melanoma. I seriously doubt any exposure to bright lights was the cause of all this cancer and the Ocular Melanoma was only one contributing cause to the demise of vee pee. Here's his death certificate if anyone hasn't seen it: GSpot Document - VP DC
  18. Belle

    Miles Of Smiles

    Well, I've never even heard of the album but y'all make me want to buy a copy too. :D--> Paradiseden, please check your private topics regarding an unrelated matter. :)-->
  19. Radio stations can be the funnest places to work!
  20. Congraduations!! :D--> :D--> :D--> It's a GREAT year for you and Oak!! Good things happening for good people - I love it when that happens!!
  21. I wonder if there was another announcement (threat) about going on websites about TWI that aren't sponsored by TWI..... That's what always drove me to the web searching for exactly what they apparently didn't want me to know. *shrug* Could be my therapist talked about us and my additional therapy here on GSpot at the symposium he was scheduled to speak at this week. *grin* Maybe it's Signals getting the word out there like he said he was going to do. Either way, it's nice to know so many people were here at one time. Hopefully they learned something. :)-->
  22. This is actually from another thread, but I don't want to rob uncle howie of any additional attention by derailing his thread. :)--> I'm sure that seeing how TWI treated Mrs. W was quite the eye opener for many wc. The fact that many wc lurk on here and are coming to terms with the fact that they will basically have nothing to show for their bondage to TWI and will be struggling financially as they get older has prompted some on TWI's payroll to ask for reassignments to allow them to get secular jobs. It is very difficult for them to move into the real world because as JT said, they have no marketable skills and most of the wives have been stay at home moms and/or just secretaries to their husbands. The wc here who asked to be moved to branch level so that the husband could get a real job struggled for the longest time and eventually got dropped from the wc and left TWI because they went into debt. The real world is much harder than living in a 6,000 sq.ft. house and having people wait on you hand and foot. Most who go into the real world end up doing sales because that's really all their experience with TWI entailed. But people in the real world aren't easily manipulated and bullied. They certainly aren't scared of some jerk spouting Bible verses at them. I wonder what this is doing to the wc assignments since it's not good to be changing jobs and moving around every few years when you're in the secular workforce. Of course those on TWI's payroll are fodder for going where ever TWI deems you deserve to be.
  23. D @ m n! I was afraid you were going to say that. I'd just love to think of rosie shaking in her boots and dreaming of sharing a cell with Martha Stewart.
  24. Please, Allan, do tell! :)--> Remember the goatee phase? OMG, that was hilarious! They all looked like evil twins walking around. Moneyhands wasted no time growing his once craiggers showed up with one. Most all the people in my branch never took the time or had the money to go to the movies but as soon as craiggers started quoting "Jerry Maguire" everyone in the branch went to see the movie. It was like we suddenly had permission to do something fun. I can just imagine all the women at hq and the corpse wives dying their hair blue-gray, having it cut into old lady short hair curls that only get washed and styled once a week and donning matronly ugly print dresses with collars up to their necks until they can have "turkey neck" surgery to get the wrinkles placed "just so" in order to wear blouses with somewhat lower necklines.
  25. TF, you may be right. I'm sure that seeing how they treated Mrs. W was quite the eye opener for many wc. The fact that many wc lurk on here and are coming to terms with the fact that they will basically have nothing to show for their bondage to TWI and will be struggling financially as they get older has prompted some to ask for secular jobs. It is very difficult for them to move into the real world because as JT said, they have no marketable skills and most of the wives have been stay at home moms and/or just secretaries to their husbands. The wc here who asked to be moved to branch level so that the husband could get a real job struggled for the longest time and eventually got dropped from the wc and left TWI because they went into debt. The real world is much harder than living in a 6,000 sq.ft. house and having people wait on you hand and foot. Most who go into the real world end up doing sales because that's really all their experience with TWI entailed. But people in the real world aren't easily manipulated and bullied. They certainly aren't scared of some jerk spouting Bible verses at them.
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