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Everything posted by Belle

  1. They still don't talk about it and they still won't admit that he died of cancer.
  2. Yes, I did think that they would get revelation that I had visited verbotten websites. Yes, I did think that they would get revelation that I was witholding from them. Yes, I did think that horrible things were going to befall me for not "living the word" according to their doctrines. Yes, I was a walking ball of fear, paranoia and oppression. But then, I realized that they had no clue what I was doing and thinking. Then I learned more about what frauds they were from the people who were posting. Then I started seeing it in the local leadership and recognizing the manipulation techniques that they were using. I began to question things and through their answers and how they dealt with me began to see how incompetent they are. They don't scare me anymore. I laugh to think that I actually gave them any kind of power over me and that they really do think that they have a private line to God. I think Moneyhands "revelation" that my ex's dad was possessed and needed to be excommunicated from us was a "convenient" revelation just because Moneyhands didn't like the guy. What a way to get revenge or pull a passive-aggressive attack on someone who annoys you....get "revelation" that they have a devil spirit party going on and should be avoided.
  3. Craig was really good at reminding us that HE was the MOGFART at every opportunity to speak.
  4. I have no doubts that many people in TWI before craig took over and a few after he took over had real good relationships with God and were able to heal, help, receive revelation and do all kinds of wonderful things to help people. I have real doubts that anyone in the upper echelon of TWI ever got any revelation or were in positions where God could work in them. I KNOW that no one in my area was receiving revelation because of my activities and things that, IF they were really working for God, God would have told them. To the lurkers, come here with confidence that your identity here is safe. If you post, just be careful about posting specifics to your area. You can contact one of us through the private topics if there's something you want posted or think we should know. We'll post it so that it can't be traced back to you.
  5. Born and raised Republican - still am, despite the fact that TWI also supports it. :)-->
  6. Paw sends Flat to me after they polish off a few clam bakes, doesn't he?? Or has he played hookey for so long and had so much fun that he has to go back to school?
  7. Belle

    Candy Bombs Away

    This is awesome! :D--> I love that blog site and I'm going to donate! It's sure a lot nicer and fun than having TWI blackmail it from me. ;)--> Thanks!!
  8. Very interesting, Kevlar. Thanks. I never saw anything even remotely akin to this the whole time I was in, but then again, I didn't get involved till after lcm started his absolute power trip.
  9. It DOES still go on today, Catcup! My ex says that he operates on a "need to know" basis and if TWI tells him he doesn't need to know then he doesn't need to know. --> I think he's more on a "need to think" basis. He needs to think but can't or won't.
  10. Good to read you again, Catcup! You're missed when you're not here. It's funny that they still claim lcm was "The Man of God" but that he had his own faults just like David and Solomon. They don't have anyone to fill those shoes now and it's got to be killing them because that's one less thing they have to lord over God's people.
  11. You're absolutely right, justwannabeme. I was one of those people worried about getting possessed for reading the stuff on there. I just wonder how they justify their website after so many years of telling people the internet is pure evil run by the debbil himself. I also wonder if they realize how many people they're driving to GSpot by encouraging them to go on the web. If you go to their website they can not tell who you are or where you've been. You can not "get busted" by visiting their website and visiting GSpot or any other anti-TWI site. I don't know all the savvy computer jargon either, but I do know that they can not trace your computer or find out who you are.
  12. Good for you, Trefor, for not allowing TWI to come between you and your family! I'd like to say that I would have done the same thing, but I'm really not sure. I was pretty controlled by my ex and he was a wuss when it came to going against any suggestion from leadership. Trouble? I'm sure we could find something to get into. ;)-->
  13. Signals, I was scared to death when I first went anywhere I knew would get me in trouble. I just knew that they were going to get revelation that I was on anti-TWI sites and that terrible things would start happening to me. I also watched people get busted by TWI for posting and some of them had their marriages ripped apart with that being a major contributor to the destruction. I wasn't about to let that happen to me and my marriage. I failed, but my intention was to get out from under the thumb of TWI with my husband. I was turned in by a "friend" because I told her that I had gone on the web and seen the lawsuit and some of the things I read about it. They don't want people to know how rampant and how far back the abuses, lies and deception goes, but they also don't want the things going on inside TWI to get out either. It kills them for their boring, repetitive teachings to be posted on here and they really hate it when questions are raised about their money, their numbers and their leadership decisions. It makes it harder for them to use "spin control" when innies come on here and read the truth and the errors that they're being taught. It generates questions in the minds of the innies that they most likely aren't going to ask TWI about, but rather will ponder and talk to their "earthly" friends and family about thereby moving them ever closer to the door to freedom!
  14. I dunno. Some refuse to hear enough to have enough information that what they're being taught is a lie. I know one person whose ex-spouse will not have a conversation that they believe will try to talk them out of TWI. They know nothing of the lies outright and they haven't seen any inconsistencies or wrong teaching in the doctrines. My ex doesn't know anything about the abuses save what he's been told about the lawsuits and he knows that TWI would have lost their @sses if the trials had gone to court. He chalks it up as one person (lcm) being wrong, not the whole organization. His mantra is that TWI would be perfect if it weren't for the people because people aren't perfect. He certainly doesn't believe that anything they are teaching is wrong....not even the things I pointed out. Also, in the beginning of my involvement I didn't think anything was wrong but that I was the one with the problem. I came from a very rebellious, partying background and thought it was all new and uncomfortable because it wasn't something I was used to. Once I started getting peeved about the way we were being treated, micr-managed and having our time manipulated I started fighting back. Then the 1st lawsuit announcement came out and we were forbidden to go on the internet. That's when I found out I wasn't the only one feeling that way and that there was tremendous validation to the things I had been thinking. THAT'S when i started aggressively trying to get my husband to see the things I saw. I think maybe there are SOME people who fall into your theory, but you can't blanket categorize everyone with that. :)-->
  15. dmiller – It’s a shame you missed your brother’s wedding. Those pictures and memories can’t be replaced. Knowing your loving heart, it probably hurt you as bad as it did them for you to not be there. Is that an incident that helped you to start seeing TWI for what it was? I’ve got Smith, Brown, Jones and Williams in my blood…. (Yep, I’m about as plain as they come) I’m sure you can imagine the family reunion schedule I have with names like that! Once I got engaged to be married any and all trips were verbotten. We spent all our money and vacation days on TWI functions. We didn’t even go home for Christmas. With my ex not speaking with his family, it’s not like we were splitting time between families. Thankfully my family came down to see us when we didn’t come up there. I won’t be missing anymore family reunions unless I’m on my deathbed. In fact, I’ll be in Mexico in July for one rip-roaring time with my Smith cousins! :D--> Trefor Heywood – I have the feeling you’ve always been rebellious and not a wee bit sorry about it! :D--> I wish you were closer so we could get into some trouble together. ChasUFarley – I would never miss acknowledging one of my favorite posters!! You KNOW, too, that I can’t resist commenting on my southern neighbors. (You do know that Mississippi’s motto is, “At least we’re not Alabama”, don’t you?) :D--> My ex was also much more of a “disciple” than I was. We were seriously contemplating going WD just a few months after our wedding. Part of me is so glad we didn’t go, but part of me thinks that might have been just what I needed to have seen the light. I can’t imagine being in your shoes on any of those occasions. If there was a “We’re not worthy” smilie, I’d insert it here! No job, no belongings, no support….one more than one occasion?!?!?! You totally have my respect and admiration!! I think I’d be a stark-raving lunatic after that. I remember, too, those arguments which were really “scolding sessions” with my family. The ex doing the “scolding” or me repeating what he insisted I say. I hated every minute of it and it just made my family more scared to be around us not knowing what the next thing was that would set him/me off. I’m so glad you got to be with your dad! Pity that limb coordinator had become a mini-lcm by the time he got to MA. Amazing how much some of the people changed, isn’t it? The coolest, kindest people became absolute monsters. The ones who realized this and didn’t like it are the ones who left…..so what’s left at TWI? Monsters! And they aren’t just under the bed… Some lesbian at hq also accused my ex of being a homo. She was supposedly “cured” but eventually lived in rosie’s house and later ran off with her lesbian lover. I recently spent some time with a couple who was in the wc training with my ex and they told me some of the most horrible things that my ex went through when he was in the training program. Broke my heart to hear it. He’s such an obedient guy and he was so abused by those people. I just can’t imagine going through what he went through, much less what you had to go through. ((((((CHAS))))) You’re one tough cookie!! Thanks for sharing with us. :)--> btw I might be in your neck of the woods in July. ;)-->
  16. Happy Birthday, mstar!!! I hope it was exceptionally wonderful!
  17. I can't site sources, but I do distinctly remember reading some time ago someone who was "in the know" posting that TWI did have two sets of books..... Maybe they are still around or someone remembers where that post would be.
  18. She's building up to the exciting announcement that she is moving donna in with her and she's moving to emeritus status. Aferall, her five years ARE up.....
  19. AND ANOTHER THING...... :)--> What Shaz said! When I finally realized this and came to terms with that and the fact that I really couldn't share my heart with my husband or count on him to stand in my corner....when I realized he would choose a group of miscreants over me....I realized it my whole life was a lie and it was so much easier to walk away. (It wasn't easy, mind you, just easiER.)
  20. Signals, you'd be surprised at the lengths TWI will go to in order to find out who is posting on here...... The whole state of Florida was interviewed one person at a time when they thought I was posting under another name. THE WHOLE FRIGGIN' STATE!! WHY would it be so important to find out who was posting on here??? What are they trying to hide??? IF YOU ARE INNOCENT, ABOVE REPROOF AND THERE IS NOTHING TO HIDE, THERE SHOULD BE NO CONCERN ABOUT THIS WEBSITE Unfortunately, that's not the case. They KNOW the incidents and things posted on here are true. That's why they get so riled up and so defensive and so concerned about who is posting and what they're saying. There are too many secrets and too many skeletons in the TWI closet for them to NOT be concerned about sites like GSpot. And don't get me started on why they spent months trying to find out who sent a letter to someone at hq by tracking down a Pitney Bowes machine code...... -->
  21. Okay, color me stupid.....what the heck is GMIR? I don't remember getting anything worth keeping from my way rags.... Course my ex took care of that for me by taking every last one of them. :D--> Houseisarockin- You are very kind and made my day. Thank you. :)--> I haven't been called "mouth of the south" for nuthin' so I don't expect people to always read what I type, so I really appreciate it. :D--> So here we are back at cultivating fruit... --> I don't think they're talking about the fruit of the spirit here. Fruit of the spirit doesn't come from witnessing and "speaking the truth abundantly!" the way that TWI teaches. Besides that, I don't know many of them who are really living the more abundant life. Joe believer on average doesn't make much money, drives a clunker and is getting deeper into debt because he isn't going to be able to keep paying the rising rental fees once he retires. On top of that he's most likely miserable and thinks it's just because he isn't living "up to the standard of the word" instead of the fact that just maybe he isn't really being taught the accuracy and greatness of the word. Those depending on TWI for their lifestyle only appear to be living abundantly because they drive nice cars, live in nice homes, don't have to work and get to spend all their time playing around and interfering in people's lives, but most likely they lose sleep at night wondering what they're going to do when they get sick and start accumulating healthcare bills like Mrs. W. Who's @s s are they going to have to kiss next and will they still be able to collect a paycheck or will they finally have to face life in the "real world"..... pretty scary if you ask me.
  22. Isn't there a website where you can go and look up how much you "should" be getting from SS based on what you've put into it? Or at least request a report with that information? I know I get a statement mailed to me every so often from the SS Administration with that information. Of course, I don't believe for a minute that I'm really going to be getting as much as it says, if anything, by the time I retire, but it would still be a good start if someone were wondering how much they might have coming to them....
  23. JustThinking – TWI was good at keeping us too busy to even think, much less take care of everyday chores and stay in touch with family and non-TWI friends. (Well, non-TWI friends weren’t really allowed, were they?) I talk to my family more than I did BEFORE TWI now that I’m out and realize how precious they are to my life. SafariVista – It IS irritating and very depressing to think about. Especially for people for whom it’s too late to make amends with some of their family. Your parents sound like wonderful, loving people! Persistent and definitely doing all the right things. Thank God for awesome parents who never give up on us!! Those nephews probably think they have the coolest aunt from their Dad’s side now! :D--> Those WOW and WD families sound like they were more dysfunctional than the most dysfunctional “earthly” families sometimes. I’m so glad I missed that part of the TWI experience!
  24. Allan – You have a beautiful family, btw! Those girls are knock-outs! And all the men are very handsome! ;)--> You have my utmost respect for standing up to those idiots trying to intimidate you and Selina. My ex would just cower when they attacked us. He would stare at the floor and not say a word when he had already agreed with me. As soon as they started talking, I was invisible and after it was over I was an infidel and contentious woman. Selina has a great strong husband! signals – Funny how they start sticking to you like velcro when they realize they can get something out of you, isn’t it? Sunday dinner – good. Pity they didn’t come over to use the shower instead. GeorgeStGeorge – Glad you didn’t have to handle the same things that some did, George. Your family sounds absolutely wonderful and loving. Oakspear – LOL! All I can say, Oak, is LOL!! And, AMEN! from the choir!
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