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Everything posted by Belle

  1. Sorry, y'all! Thanks, George, for the heads up. Everytime i checked there wasn't confirmation I was right and then I 2qwn'5 online for a while.... Here's my quote: If any of you so much as pass gas in my direction and upset my delicate nasal passages, your testicles will become my private property.
  2. The innies that I'm in contact with haven't heard the announcement....unless it was made at a meeting that they missed, it wasn't announced ministry-wide. Tsk, tsk, tsk.....Rico, you should know that TWIts are getting smarter and the only ones who blindly follow the TWIt b.s. any more are those with no money or those counting on living off the bank account of TWIt itself. You're a smart man, Rico. Do something worthwhile with your life before you're too old. It's not too late to change. You can't possibly be happy eating **** every day and lying for those who pay your bills. Can you?? Maybe I've over-estimated you, but I've always thought you were one of the few there with a real heart and brain. Quit paying attention to the monster behind the curtain.
  3. My Life as a House My favorite from that movie is: WW, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE RUNNING SCARED!!
  4. Learning, I hope you're out or that I didn't get you in any trouble by posting this so prominently. Truth is, they probably would have read it anyway, but this definitely brought attention to it. If you ever have something announced in your area like this again, please feel free to private topic it to me or anyone else on the board that you feel comfortable telling. (If you use the private topics you don't even have to give away your e-mail address, so you are still extremely anonymous.) That way they can't trace it back to you. Several people who still fellowship with TWI contact me and not one person has been caught. Just an FYI. :-)
  5. Besides that! If you're gonna send my hard earned ABS money to the Tsunami Relief fund, then how bout I cut the % I give you and send it to them directly myself??? At least that way I know it actually gets donated!! -->
  6. So true, Catcup!! I wonder, too, how TWIts feel about all these hypocritcal things they're doing at HQ. I know they're excited about "change" because they "think" it's getting "better" but if this is a one time thing and IF TWI does not tell people it's good to give to others and to charities (which they won't) then they haven't changed at all. They certainly haven't changed, imo, because they HAVEN'T apologized or tried to make any sort of amends for the lives they've ruined.
  7. Belle

    Hurricane Supplies

    Here in FL most things you would buy for hurricane supplies are tax free this week. I want to stock up on a few things but have a couple of questions: Battery operated TV or Radio - which would be better? All I have right now is a walkman, but AA batteries last a lot longer than D batteries seem to. Although I'd love to not have to walk around with a walkman. Do batteries really need to be stored in the freezer? SOME websites say that it's not necessary with technology these days, others say it IS necessary and yet OTHERS say it's not necessary but to keep them in a cool place.....during hurricane season when you have no power for a week there IS no cool place except the freezer, which doesn't last forever. Thank goodness I inherited all the Y2K supplies so I have a butane stove, battery powered camping lamp, potable water tablets and other stuff I thought I'd never use in my lifetime. :D--> :D--> Much as I hate to sweat I just can't justify $750 for a generator. Any "convenience" items not on the standard supply list someone would recommend? I always stock up for the neighborhood post-hurricane parties we have at my house ;)--> , and didn't miss too much except "seeing" the information as opposed to just "hearing" it on the radio. But maybe there's things I don't know about that make life easier. Thanks!
  8. Quoted from Learning on the Impure and Intimidated Thread: Learning, have you verified this? Is it true? When did they do this? If you don't want to give your identity away, I understand, but none of the innies who contact me have mentioned this. Doesn't mean it hasn't happened, just that maybe they didn't get the announcement in their areas. I'm in shock if it is true! Just goes to show you how much the TWIts consider what we post on here. Next thing you know they'll be sending out annual reports..... Signed, Belle *who is NOT holding her breath on that one!*
  9. Belle

    devil spirits

    I type fast, Mell. It's no biggie to do it, just sitting my butt down to actually do it. :D--> I promise I will get to it soon!
  10. Sadly, it is true. One at a time, sometimes one couple at a time, but never in a big group. They were also told not to discuss it among themselves in case someone hadn't yet been asked about it. That alone tells what kind of organization they are....and it ain't good!
  11. Well, unless you're living in separate houses I'd say you've got the perfect amount of insanity to be doing something right!! Most marriages don't last HALF that long these days. CONGRATULATIONS AND HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!! Luv Ya, Cool Darlene Waters!!!
  12. Johnny, that's really neat! We could have used that for our post-hurricane parties down here!! Beer was pretty much out of the question due to the lack of power and refrigeration, but that's only a minor inconvenience since there's so much more to choose from. :D--> I would figure you for a Jack Daniels Single Barrell kinda guy.....or Crown Royal. Also really cool (pun intended)!! That is, unless those mammoths and mastodons peed on the ice you're sucking on. ;)--> Probably the most insightful thing I've read on this thread. :P-->
  13. VIP News and of course Really Important News
  14. Very interesting and thought-provoking, Roy. Thank you. Your heart for God is truly wonderful and refreshing. Thank you for sharing your heart with us. :)-->
  15. Great idea, Sharon! I'll buy the first round...something WITHOUT water in it.... Perhaps a glass of Yellow Tail Shiraz/Grenache. What would you like?
  16. :D--> HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ALA!! :D-->
  17. Geeze, let the d@mn thread die already!
  18. :D--> Magic 8 Ball says "Try Again Tomorrow!" :D--> IF....IF....PFAL was correct, THEN the subject of healings would work with a mathmatical exactness and a scientific precision. It doesn't and not one person can say why with any certainty. You (rhetorical) have absolutely no right and no way of knowing about a person's believing or "whatever" you think is "required" from God for results. It's very personal and a more honest answer, imo, would be "I don't know."
  19. Michael Finley is a drummer and WC. He played drums at HQ for a few years. Could that be the Michael you're thinking about?
  20. Belle

    We Set A Date

    Oak, I'm so happy for you and Reikilady!!! I would love to be there!!! Please let me know which hotel to get a room at. I'll call tomorrow to make reservations.
  21. Here's some ideas from my very dear, very cool Uncle Ronnie: Some pretty good long lasting, but somewhat obscure songs: (1) Yardbirds - for Your Love; (2) Led Zeppelin - Tangerine (obscure but very good; (3) Guess Who - Albert Flasher (FM only hit) (4) Little Feat - Dixie Chicken (the anthem); (5)-(6) Humble Pie - Hallelujah, I Love Her So, I Don't Need No Doctor; (7) Santana - Soul Sacrifice (from 1st album; Want some really obscure, but great music......: (1) Fever Tree - Imitation Situation/San Francisco Girls (go together); (2) The Illusion - Did You See Her Eyes; (3) Bloodrock - Kool-aid Kids; (LOL!! If you look for and find this one, I want to hear it!!) (4) Cactus - Parchman Farm; (5) Al Kooper - Dear Mr. Fantasy; (6) Rare Earth - Get Ready (single version, the long version is 20 minutes long)/ Hey Big Brother (live version) *********************************************** From Belle: Dunno if these fit, but this is my all time favorite homemade CD and it's got "Dixie Chicken" mentioned above on it. Some Kind of Wonderful - Grand Funk Railroad The Letter - Box Tops Tulsa Time - Eric Clapton Don't Ask Me No Questions - BB King Soul Man - Sam & Dave Dirty Water - The Standells Listen to the Music - Doobie Brothers Hey Hey (Indians Coming) - Wild Tchoupitoulas In the Midnight Hour - Wilson Pickett I've Always Been Crazy - Waylon Jennings Let's Make a Better World - Dr John Baby, I Love You - Aretha Franklin Up on Cripple Creek - The Band Dixie Chicken - Little Feat Ain't Too Proud to Beg - Temptations Louisiana Saturday Night - Mel McDaniel Honkly Tonk Women - Rolling Stones Down in the Valley - Otis Redding Against the Wind - Bob Seager Have You Ever Seen the Rain - CCR Family Tradition - Hank Williams Jr Best of Me - Delbert McLinton
  22. Belle

    devil spirits

    J@net Myr@cle and a couple of others told my ex that he was possessed with the homo spirit while at the same time confiscating his phone records because they didn't want him calling his ex-GIRLfriend back home. --> THAT ALONE would make someone question their ability to discern spirits you'd think.... mell, I will be home tonight and will type up as much as I can for you from the actual syllabus. There's two places where they talk about devil spirits - three actually - Advanced Class, Defeating the Adversary and an Advanced Class Special where craig talked about the different ranks and hiearchy of devil spirits.
  23. I'm jealous!! I got to see 3 Dog Night and Steppenwolf at Mud Island in Memphis before moving down south. It was one of the best concerts I've been to (and I've been to many a concert :D--> )
  24. Oooohhhh yeah! Waterworld!! Smokey and the Bandit series Now that all the Star Wars films are out, how about starting over remaking them?
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