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Everything posted by Belle

  1. I don’t know much of anything about Scientology but I read that Tom Cruise has really been pushing the limits with the media by promoting Scientology big time in interviews so the publicists for his latest film have reduced his “face time” in the media. It’s just so hard to believe that people really believe and follow science fiction as real. I wonder if the big stars have to go through the same kinds of processes, classes and dehumanizing treatments that everyone else does. This statement is really scary when I stop and think about it. We weren’t zombies while in TWI, but we definitely gave up our personal perspective on things in lieu of TWI’s reality as it was taught to us. Now we know that the reality that they were projecting and having us believe wasn’t even the truth. There’s a whole ‘nother reality among top leadership that they will stop at nothing to prevent the lowly believers from learning because that would empower them and give them reason to question the validity and integrity of the leadership body. Once they start questioning those things, they quit passively allowing TWI to run their lives, thoughts and emotions. TWI had this one down. Leadership became the only ones who could receive revelation from God. If God told us something different from what they wanted us to believe they would point out our inadequacies and inferiority to their “mature spiritual insight”. Those top secret WC meetings that we weren’t privy to and the different “levels” of information. The more “in” you were, the more information you were privy to. As assistant coordinators we heard more than once information that we were told specifically to keep to ourselves unless someone persistently asked or seemed to “need to know”. Authority? Who wasn’t afraid of getting involved in a face melting session with some leadership over something petty? Who wasn’t afraid of being M&A because of insubordination or “genuine spiritual suspicion”? You’re not believing God big enough….not giving enough money….get your foot off the hose……you “misunderstood” the teaching….haven’t we heard all these enough times to make you wanna puke? I don’t know so much about this one. Definitely this went on, especially during classes, specials and wc training. On the field they kept us so busy and our time so manipulated we didn’t have time to stop and think. We’re to be thanked for diverting the Y2K disaster and chaos from my time with TWI. I think most of us are all too familiar with this one. Nothing was ever good enough. How many times during a reproof session did you apologize just so the dang thing would be over? Apologize for doing or saying something you KNEW you were right about? I did more times than I care to think about. It seemed at times that my ex jumped at the chance to apologize for anything. No comment needed on this one. :)--> I never thought about the ramifications of this. I thought it was just part of establishing the uniqueness and superiority of the group as well as solidifying one’s “belonging”. Constriction….good word, good description of how I felt. I’m still working on building my vocabulary. Gotta think on this one some more. “Empties floating by” – “just body & soul” – “no better than the animals” – “unbelievers” – “Rank unbelievers” – “possessed” – “indigent” – “contentious woman” – “mole” – “natural man” – “sincerely wrong” – “religious” – “earthly family” – “without natural affection” – “an Achen in the camp”…… we could go on and on, couldn’t we? And here I thought we were uniquely abused. Learning and reading more and more about cults and controlling groups I realize we’re just a dime a dozen in the spiritually abused world. Would that I had read and known all this stuff before getting involved with TWI! But, then again, don’t know if I would have recognized or believed that they were actually applying these techniques on me…. *shrug*
  2. Belle

    Favorite Camp Songs

    FOUND IT!!!! :D--> :D--> :D-->
  3. They lie and withhold information from people and then when we complain, ask questions or leave, we are called possessed. I'd say we're possessed.....possessed with the brains to withhold our money and get out of that purely evil organization!
  4. Belle

    Favorite Camp Songs

    My dog was walking me this morning and in the warm, humid weather it was the same thick woody smell that I remember so well from my Girlscout Camp days. Memories came flooding back and all these camp songs started running through my mind. I can't remember all the words to most of them, but I sure had a good time singing the parts of them that I do remember. What are some of your favorite camp songs? Here are bits of some of the ones I sang this morning: I'd love to find the rest of the words to that one. I learned it at a Methodist Church Camp when I was a counselor with my best girlfriend. That's the only time I've ever heard the song. I was Baptist, but they let me come anyway. :)-->
  5. Here's to you, indeed. A classic and a classy lady.
  6. Surprisingly some parents were too scared to turn in CHILD MOLESTERS even when it was THEIR OWN CHILD being molested!! Why? Because leadership knew what was better for their own child than they did?? Because they were AFRAID of being labeled troublemaker and possessed!
  7. Source of Quote Just another string of lies coming from TWI and Rico....They don't want people informed! That's why they don't want them on GSpot and that's why they won't make their financial books public and that's why they won't tell their followers about the $39,000 they spent to be "Pick of the Week" and that's why they won't respond here. They lie about people being able to make up their own minds and make their own choices. They lie by omission and what's even more sickening is that they still sleep at night knowing the judgements they are going to have to face one day.
  8. Very well said, Lindyhopper. :)--> methinks he doth protest too much
  9. I'm about sick and tired of all this tip toeing around and bending over backwards to be politically correct these days. If someone doesn't like the way BSA operates, then they should start their own friggin' private club. And get the facts straight before jumping on bandwagons. We have the Miss Black America, Miss Latina America, Miss Asian America.....and any of those girls are qualified to enter the just plain "Miss America" pageant, but if we were to have a Miss White America pageant it will be all over the news, there would be riots in the streets, mass murders, dogs and cats living together....it would be horrible. My ex is a sniper. He belongs to a club that's only for snipers. If you don't meet the qualifications, you're not allowed in the club. Jaycees have to be between 21 and 39 years old. My mom is a Sweet Potato Queen and that is a VERY particular club! ;)--> There are all kinds of clubs with membership qualifications and to tell someone they HAVE to accept someone into their private club is just plain wrong. I'm for treating all men and women well and I'm against discrimination, but when it comes to clubs, memberships and "civil rights" I think we've gone too far and The United States of The Easily Offended is rather annoying if you ask me. If someone doesn't want me in their club, I sure as heck don't want to fight to make them "be my friend".
  10. CONGRATULATIONS KEANU!!!! AKA TREVOR CLAY "TIGER" NYE!!!!!! AND DAD!!!! Most excellent news, Johnny Lingo! thank you for sharing the specialness and details with us. I can just see Mr. Staley's face at the dinner table hearing that there are two more Keanus heading his way. :D--> Real World responsibilities have a funny way of teaching us hard lessons sometimes. This is when he starts realizing how much you've done for him and how special his parents are. :)--> Whether he travels a bit with his money or goes straight to work, it will be a year he's sure to remember. Congrats!
  11. Very Kewl!! I think I've had as much fun as Zach's class following Flat Stanley. What are we going to do next year? :D-->
  12. She thought my claws caused damage? I'll show her damage!
  13. You probably made her day with that statement, Pirate. :D--> She may print this thread out, highlight that and post it in her office. Her five years are up, aren't they? How is she going to spin this so that she can continue living off the backs of the kool-aid drinkers?
  14. I agree wholeheartedly, Mr. H! :D--> Why give to that fund and not others? Are there any Way Disciples in that area? Are there even any fellowships in that area? Why not give to the charities that help with domestic crisis? You know, hurricanes, mud slides, wildfires....things that actually affect their own?? More specifically, why not help their own? Why not spend that money paying for Mrs. W's care? Why not pay for Bernita Jess's medical bills? Why not provide a REAL and honest retirement plan for their own employees? Why not supplement the income of the wc on the field who stupidly work their patooties off for them for free???
  15. Don't rush back on our account, Mike. ;)-->
  16. Unless it involves talking to him or talking to people outside TWI or reading books not published or sanctioned by TWI. As long as that "wherever" is twig, TWI's library, your leadership, another believer.... He's who I tell you he is. He's great and all, but PAUL is the one we really should be studying. We don't ask WWJD, we ask WWPD, pee-pul! NEVERMIND the fact that knowing WHO SOMEONE IS versus KNOWING SOMEONE are TWO TOTALLY DIFFERENT THINGS!! TWI only wants you to know WHO Jesus is - not KNOW Jesus personally! Nevermind that intimate, personal relationship with him. He's absent, ya know? Don't trust any other preachers, but you can trust ME to tell you what the Bible says about Jesus. ;)--> Well, at least he got that part right.
  17. Glad someone can translate qwerty code when one's fingers are one off. :D--> Thanks, Raf!
  18. You got it! I love that band!!
  19. Someone mentioned that they would use it as a tax deduction, but they are tax exempt and as such, don't pay taxes, right? I'm cornfused. --> And why give to that fund and not others? Are there any Way Disciples in that area? Are there even any fellowships in that area? Why not give to the charities that help with domestic crisis? You know, hurricanes, mud slides, wildfires....things that actually affect their own?? More specifically, why not help their own? Why not spend that money paying for Mrs. W's care? Why not pay for Bernita Jess's medical bills? Why not provide a REAL and honest retirement plan for their own employees? Why not supplement the income of the wc on the field who stupidly work their patooties off for them for free???
  20. Indiana campus here. It was so effen hot and there was no a/c to be found. I would have lived for cold showers, but there was the slight problem of having to share that shower with many other women at the same time....
  21. Dang! Here I thought I had picked a challenging one! Anything with Nicholas Cage in it, gets my attention. :D-->
  22. Me too! I had quite a few friends drop out of college to follow them for a year or so actually. Very cool people watching at their concerts! :)--> Some folks say that life is just a veil of tears Not me man I can't pack enough into these years I don't care if it's spring summer winter or fall Make no fuss about the seasons, 'cause I like 'em all
  23. Grateful Dead "All Around This World"?
  24. Debbie Reynolds The Unsinkable Molly Brown Ed Begley
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