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Everything posted by Belle

  1. Belle


    gc, I'm in Florida and the heat kills so many plants I'd love to grow. I do have a huge oak tree that is my front yard so it gets almost no direct sun. I may try that in Feb. like you did. I love lavender and would really enjoy having some in my yard. Thanks for the tip! :)--> I'll watch Whole Foods for the plants.
  2. Oh, and those teenage boys? They'll go see the movie! They want to be where all the teenage girls are. Leastways, that's how it was when I was growing up.
  3. Hey! How did I get dragged into this??? :D--> :D--> I'm insulted, Raf! I may project that "girl next door" image, but I can be "come hither" when I want to be. ;)--> Galen, I think it's attitude and an air of confidence, including sexual confidence that women exude that makes them attractive in a "come hither" way. An extremely naive or bashful girl can't pull that off without looking silly. (my opinion) Cowgirl, sorry if this thread offends you, but the facts are that young men, especially pubescent young men think about sex and women and body parts 99.9% of the time....the rest of the time they're thinking about sports or cars. It's just a fact of life. *shrug* I don't think these guys are demeaning women or saying that boobs make the woman but rather speaking from experience :)--> and from the viewpoint that as a horny teen you'd rather see as much of some woman as possible and the more there is to look at, all the better. I could be wrong, but that's the way I see it. *shrug* Just because you don't want someone to think of your daughter that way doesn't mean they don't. That's why Daddies are so protective! They KNOW what those young men are thinking! :)--> -->
  4. Vic was a huckster, a slimy snake oil salesman and a good one at that. Any good salesman knows that you have to alter your techniques to suit the person you are selling right away. Linda, he would never try to rape you because he knew he didn't have a snoball's chance in h to sell you on those lies. He knew if he melted your face he wouldn't be able to get whatever he wanted from you. He wasn't 100% pure evil either. No one is. I'm sure he was kind when he felt like it and, more often, when it suited his purposes....whatever those purposes were. Even abusive parents and alcoholics have moments of clarity and lovingkindness. It doesn't make them good people or take away from the fact that they are horrible, abusive, evil people.
  5. Looks like Rosie isn't stepping down after her five years....not surprising. She's moving people she's not happy with either.... The Moneyhands moving to the UK - ha ha ha ha ha - That's so far away from their son, and their grandkids who are all at HQ. She must be pretty unhappy with Harve, too. Wonder where he is. I wonder how J Reyn*lds is doing, too. I guess if you're too dependent on TWI for your paycheck and too scared to try to support yourself you'll do whatever she tells you to do.
  6. Reminds me of the country song "Some of God's Greatest Gifts are Unanswered Prayers" We were taught about the cookie jar and paid for Mountain Top Checkbooks. We were told we could demand red curtains. It never hurts to ask, but to demand as we were taught in TWI, was wrong. To be taught that if God didn't "come through" we weren't believing enough or we weren't "in alignment and harmony" was even worse.
  7. A little birdie at HQ gave me this information: President: Ros@lie Rivenb@rk Vice Presidents: Vince McF@dden Roger Mitl*r John R*pp Secretary Treasurer: Je@n Yves DeLisle 2005-2006 ministry year will have: 15 Regions New Foundational Class in Mar/Apr Miceal Ad@ms & family @ HQ to setup a new Int'l Outreach Ldrship training program Sean Strickl@nd and family new country Coordinators of New Zealand Moneyhands will be special ambassadors to United Kingdom to help with outreach and leadership training Per Rosalie all this was done to plan for and prepare for the next 5 years of growth Florida's new region coordinators are N@viellos and they will also coord FL.
  8. Belle


    mstar, I don't know much about it, but I found these websites that might help you help your friend. http://www.palace.net/~llama/psych/injury.html http://www.angelfire.com/or/lethercry/main.html http://www.healthyplace.com/Communities/Se...njury/bloodred/ Good luck! You must be the right person to help and it's great that you're trying to get information to be that support. :)-->
  9. Rolling Stones :D--> "I'm a holly terror, a tornado Wind me up; turn me loose; and let me go"
  10. ROFLMAO!!! That's never stopped me, Darlene CW!! :D--> :D--> :D--> I think drawing a distinction between talking and praying regarding Jesus is moot because either way it's acknowledging him and relationship driven, which is absolutely contrary to anything I was taught in TWI. "You have a direct line to God. Why would you need to talk to Jesus?" I also think, but I don't know for sure, that vee pee really didn't spend much time teaching about Jesus and a personal relationship with him or why else would that person have had to write to vee pee? Why would vee pee have to tell people to go wherever they had to go to learn about him? Because they weren't going to get what they needed and should have from TWIts!! (My opinion only)
  11. I don't remember if any letter like that was included, but I sent copies of a lot of similar kinds of letters to the lawyers in one of the cases.
  12. Did he forget the administrations he himself taught? Kinda big for his britches, wasn't he? So much for all of us being of one body and CHRIST as the head. It's so funny to me now how TWI ignores administrations when it's convenient for them. Vee pee's ego screams loud and clear in this incident. Gee, and some people wonder where craiggers got that from....
  13. So vee pee said that the word was already over the US before craiggers took over? If I read that right, then craiggers HAD to follow up with something. He had to have a new class, write a new book and reach more people. I was so confused when he made the announcement. My ex was insistent that craig wouldn't have said it if he hadn't had revelation about it and that I needed to not doubt the man of god (not MY GOD, he's not man of). I run into so many people who have never heard of TWI just in my town, there's absolutely no way the word is over the world. Besides that, the standard that was set by the TWIt himself was that every person would have a twig within walking distance.....that ain't no where near happening and it never was.
  14. We actually did try to make the songs fun in the fellowship I was in. When we would visit other fellowships they would act like we were being sacreligious laughing, leaning and standing during the songs. M@tthew H@rmon did go on a rampage for a while having us tell the people in our fellowships who couldn't sing well to either sing very quietly or to lip sync to the songs. That was horrible! I never did and I never sang out loud around him because I figured I was probably one of the ones he was talking about. Bob can vouch for the fact that I can't carry a tune in a bucket. :o--> It got boring singing the same old songs over and over again anyway. I don't miss 'em one jot and tittle!
  15. It was a long, fun ride for vee pee. He HAD to keep studying and finding new things to twist and teach. It was HIS PROFESSION!! He raped, scammed, robbed and destroyed people the entire time. It's not like he just woke up one morning and thought, "Hey, I wonder if I could get away with....." My profession is as an analyst. I have to continue to study and learn new programming, new applications and formulas if I want my paycheck to keep rolling in and the longer I do it, the better I get at it, therefore the more money I make. Vee pee was no different. He picked his ride and rode it all the way to the motorcoach.
  16. Sounds very interesting. Thanks for sharing it TF. I'm going to see if they have it at the library.
  17. Excellent post, Satori. I, too, hope they read it and get the message. :)-->
  18. :D--> BUSTED!! likeaeagle - 3 Hour Commute??? Girlfriend, that's no way to live!! You probably only have time to eat dinner and get ready for bed once you get home. I used to commute 2 - 2 1/2 hours a day and it was miserable! No wonder your social life is suffering. I didn't mind too much because it gave me a good excuse to miss TWI stuff sometimes, but would rather have had a life. I took a pay cut to work closer to home and fewer hours. The salary I lost is more than made up for in the gas I don't have to buy, the wear and tear I'm not getting on my car, the toll roads I'm not using and the peace of mind and less stress I have. Just some food for thought...... :)--> Regarding dating.....here's a thread from a while back that has some really good information on it. Way v NBW Dating Also, since I'm so full of myself this morning... I'd like to say "don't discount starting a long distance relationship". I've found that I actually am more at ease getting to know someone over the phone because you don't have the distractions that exist when you're meeting in person right off the bat. You also have to talk and so it's easier to get to know someone and talk about things you might not otherwise if you were going to movies and such. I know quite a few couples who met this way and one of them ended up moving close to the other person taking the relationship to a more committed level. The airlines have good deals rather frequently, so if you're watching, you can fly to see each other pretty frequently without spending and arm and a leg. Southwest Airlines has been a Godsend for Bob and me! ;)--> Now that I've totally stuck my nose in your business....I'll mosey along now. Just know that you're not alone and many people feel and/or have felt the same way as you. I've been there! I also highly recommend therapy as I know I'd still feel like the defeated, inadequate person TWI taught me to be if I hadn't gone into therapy.
  19. Belle


    LOL! coolchef, I actually did mean inches! :D--> I buy fresh ginger root and use it a couple of inches at a time. I've found that nothing tastes as good as the real thing picked fresh, so I use fresh whenever possible. Let me know how you like it!
  20. Sarah Gilbert High Fidelity Jack Black
  21. That's why I asked her, Zshot. ;)--> Thinking of you and a possible beginning of a beautiful friendship for the two of you, if nothing else. Sounds like likeaeagle could use some time with a perfect gentleman like you. :)-->
  22. Belle

    Favorite Camp Songs

    I LOVE the songs in the round!! :D--> :D--> Kum-bi-yah is beautiful, Johnny, especially in rounds around a campfire with people you really enjoy spending time with. ****** Make new friends but keep the old One is silver and the other gold *********** Fish & Chips & Vinegar One Bottle Top Two Bottle Top Don't put your trash in my back yard My back yard Don't put your trash in my back yard My back yard's full
  23. Belle


    I have chocolate mint, pineapple mint, peppermint and spearmint growing in my back yard. I can't get grass to grow and heard these take over, so I'm hoping for a nice smelling mint-covered yard! :D--> I also enjoy the flavors in my tea. I never heard of cooking with lavender either, but I'd love to try that salmon recipe. I don't see lavender down here and wonder if it's too hot for it and where I could find some.... Laleo: I use a fresh lime-ginger sauce for my salmon and absolutely love it! Juice a couple of limes grate a couple of inches of ginger add a couple of tablespoons of honey Mix it together and pour over the salmon. Baste the salmon and save some of the sauce for after the salmon is cooked, too. Also makes a great salad dressing!
  24. (((((likeaeagle))))) Nothing's worse than feeling lonely. I'm not sure where you are located, but I had some great dates from an online dating service. Nothing developed, but it was fun and it got me back in the "dating scene" as well as exposed me to all kinds of men of different beliefs. What hobbies do you have? Do you play raquetball? ;)--> Do you belong to any clubs or attend activities going on in your area? We have arts festivals in my area every two or three months and it's a great place to wander around, eat "fair" food like funnel cakes and strike up conversations with people. Are you involved with an offshoot of TWI and only around men who used to be involved with TWI? That's what it sounds like. If so, maybe branching out and dating someone who's never even heard of TWI would be better for you. Regarding trust issues and healing: If you've been trying to handle this on your own then I really suggest visiting a therapist. I've been in therapy since before leaving TWI last year and I know I wouldn't be nearly as healthy mentally, spiritually, physically, emotionally if it wasn't for therapy. Whta things have you tried? We might could offer more suggestions or help. Congratulations on your 5 year anniversary!! :)-->
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