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Everything posted by Belle

  1. AWESOME!!! Thanks for sharing with us!!!
  2. Belle

    Kosher Salt

    Well, dang! I guess this is something I'm going to have to try although I refuse to by Penta Water!
  3. Have a BLAST!!! Wish I could go with you. Have you seen Danny Ganns? (Don't know if I spelled it right) Mama and Daddy go see him every time they go to LV and we have to watch his video every time we go home to visit. :D--> He's actually really good, even after the 50th time.
  4. I was thinking the same thing!! :D--> Hopefully someone will know.
  5. Well, I don't know why they picked Moneyhands unless Rosie merely wants him as far away as possible. Which is entirely possible from what we've learned about their relationship..... It certainly isn't because Bob and Dottie bring hoards of people and dollars to TWI. I don't remember either one of them mentioning witnessing to people much less signing anyone up for a class in the whole time I've known them and known of them. Looking forward to a lot of "new" people at our next party, John! :D--> I wonder when they're moving. I'll host the party!
  6. That, and it only makes sense, since Rosie and Donna have been trying to erase all Craig's influences with the exception of the doctrines/rules/legalism that they had him implement. They went back to the collaterals and all things vee pee once Rosie and Donna took over, so it would only be natural for them to go back to the things Geer said vee pee wanted. Besides that, how much money does Rosie think is over there? Does she think people in the UK don't have internet? OR does she think she can move and hide her ABS booty over there easier than she can here in the US of A?
  7. Ya know, at the 96 Advanced Class at Indiana also had a major face melting session from the Mosquito because a few guys started singing and people started joining in and others began to gather around because they were so good. They DID have a song leader. It WAS orderly. It WAS thoroughly enjoyable. It was PROMPTLY SHUT DOWN and the group got yelled at for quite a while and as if that wasn't enough, they had to hear the same s h 1 t again in front of everyone when we were all in our seats waiting for the beginning of the next class session. Geeze! FUN IS NOT ALLOWED IN TWI!! DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT - ESPECIALLY IF YOU HAVE MORE TALENT THAN WAY PRODUCTIONS OR THE SINGING HAGS OF TWI.
  8. WeWereScammed: I agree 100%! I think vee pee saw what "profession" he could get the most power, money, control and ego stroking from with the least amount of work and set about making that his business. With Harry helping him they accomplished their goals and then some. Regarind non-Way beliefs being talked about on here.....I agree that it's a good thing. I learn from everyone on here. Sometimes I agree, sometimes I don't and sometimes I'm intrigued enough to look into what was mentioned. It's good for innies to read about other beliefs and to learn that there's more out here than just TWI and Anti-TWI thoughts, groups and beliefs. There IS something better out here despite what TWI keeps saying.
  9. My ex did the same thing. He gave up a primo position with an awesome department doing what he absoluteley LOVED to do in order to go WOW and then into the WC. Got kicked out of the WC shortly before graduation for some totally absurd idiotic and false reasons. They so destroyed his self-esteem that he didn't even get back "on track" so to speak until after we had been married for two or three years. During that time I completely supported us and gladly at that since he was going to be getting back into the line of work that he liked and it would be a steady paycheck and a much better paycheck than what he had been getting. He was a totally different man after finishing his re-certification courses and getting back into law enforcement. He still only has a few years of saving piddly amounts toward his retirement and is so far behind his age bracket in the savings category that I really feel sorry for him. Some friends of ours in TWI are in their mid to late 50's and they have practically nothing saved for retirement - like maybe $10,000. They're starting to have health problems and the husband's job is physically demanding. I don't know how they're going to continue to live at even the modest lifestyle they're accustomed to. It's really sad. They've given up so much for TWI and have absolutely nothing to show for it.
  10. How many regions were there before? Is this just a ploy to lure those living off TWIt ABS into thinking that Rosie and Donna are going to continue paying for their aristocratic lifestyles even when they start racking up the health care costs? Or is it spreading out the eyes to better micro-manage people now that they're getting the hang of smiling while they stab you in the back and steal your wallet?
  11. And now they've added more monkeys to the top of that tree.....all that means to the ones at the bottom is more cards to stay up all night making and more "I'm so blessed" letters to write.
  12. What's DVD? :o--> My one and only trip to HQ was about two years ago. We took the longest, most boring, most uncomfortable bus ride up there with one or two other buses from our region and at least one other region. With all of us there the balcony wasn't even open because they didn't need the space. I don't even think the whole bottom section was filled, it might have been pretty full, if not totally, but the balcony was definitely empty. With them not enforcing the 250 mile radius so much now, it's probably really empty when the regions aren't forced to crusade there. Thank God I'll never have to do that again!!
  13. And I voiced mine. Just because I don't agree with you and I thought you were entirely incorrect in your judgment of what they were saying, doesn't mean that I don't like you. :)--> I do. I just thought that you were overreacting to a few posts that were all in fun. I didn't realize there was a statute of limitations on threads and posts. I apologize. If something you have posted is more than 1 day old I shan't ever reference it. Again, I have nothing against you. I just voiced my opinion as you did. I certainly didn't mean it as an attack and I'm sorry that you felt that it was. Your initial posts were pretty harsh and condemning, I suppose I just matched the tone of your post. Again, I didn't mean it to be an attack, merely another viewpoint and opinion. That's what I like about this place is that we can agree and we can disagree and we can agree to disagree.
  14. Belle

    A Thread For Quitters

    LOL! George, when you're a serious smoker there's nothing worse than being "stuck" somewhere with no cigarettes!
  15. Belle

    A Thread For Quitters

    David, I've quit trying to quit! :o--> I go through phases where I quit and it's easy then phases where I try to quit and it's just frustrating as all get out. I don't smoke so much anymore because no one at work smokes, I only smoke on my way to work and the way home then maybe a few more at night. I've already got so much stress in my life for now that that would just be one more thing, and I don't have the mental and emotional energy to fight it. My next step, though, toward cutting down is to quit smoking in the house. It's just too easy to light up when you don't have to go outside. Besides that, the smell... I do pretty good at keeping the house from smelling like smoke with candles, Febreeze, vacuuming and whatnot, but it would be so much better without having smoke in it at all. :)-->
  16. A shorter commute will be sooooo much better! In the meantime, books on tape saved my sanity and I got to hear a lot of books I wouldn't have otherwise read. I recommend Janet Evanovich, Sue Grafton and Stuart Woods. :D--> They're not too long and they are very entertaining and easy to listen to. Most libraries have them on tape/CD so you don't have to buy them. If you ever want to chat offline or need to vent to someone, please feel free to contact me. :)-->
  17. Belle


    Wacky, I'm in my 30's and it scares the crap out of me when I think about retirement and how to pay for it. Watching the news about things like Enron and the GM pension funds and Social Security I've pretty much realized I'm my only resource and I can't really depend on anyone or anything else. Even the stock market is pretty volatile, but the more time you have to invest the better off. I hear arguments both ways on the wisdom of Roth's versus traditional IRA's, but I think doing something is vital. That's part of why I feel so much more secure being in a house that I'm paying off. It's at least one thing I've got taken care of. I know I'll have a roof over my head. I feel like if I'm not socking away money for "tomorrow" then I'm not really making ends meet because I won't be able to work forever. There are financial planners who can help set up a workable plan with what we DO have to invest. American Express has started financial services that include many products and insurances. Getting a job that will provide a means to invest does sound like a good idea. Or maybe a second job so that you can keep doing what you like? I dunno about your cost of living, but some states, like Florida, don't have state income tax and the cost of living is much better than it is in most other states. I'm sure you'll get some great information here and I don't really have any great advice as I'm just plugging into my 401K and I've made some pretty stupid mistakes in my younger years, but I just wanted you to know that you're not alone. :)-->
  18. The marajuana goes in the top drawer. The cocaine and speed go in the second drawer. And the heroin goes in the bottom drawer. Always separate the drugs.
  19. Rush Hour? Jackie Chan and Chris Rock
  20. Harve is overseeing Ohio. He didn't go too far. Rosie probably still has him living at HQ and under her thumb. She probably wants to gloat every time she sees him on campus. Is it worth it, Harve? Would you not rather make your own money and live freely where ever and however you decide? Eating sh-1-t for so many years is unhealthy. Ask John Reyn*lds and Bill Green*.
  21. Raf, I was being facetious. I knew who Satori was referring to. ;)--> And I agree with you Jasmine definitely had more "come hither"ness about her than Belle. Galen, LOL! You men are entitled to your opinions and you are also free to express them! I really didn't see anything in anyone's posts that should be offensive or upsetting to anyone. *shrug* I like cowboy butts (especially in semi-tight Wranglers) and a great smile. :D--> If all men preferred small breasts some gals would be very lonely. Cowgirl: You're really taking things to extremes and reading something into their posts that isn't there. We all have particular physical attributes that we're more attracted to than others and it's perfectly acceptable to voice those opiions. They never implied that women with small boobs are unattractive! They certainly never even implied that's what they're teaching their kids. You're foot-U-ME ing. It also gives the impression that you might just be a little overly sensitive about this subject....
  22. OK, I'm a dork!!! :o--> I was thinking so hard about the quotes that I didn't read all the conversations. You win.
  23. It's a Bruce Willis flick and I can't remember which one....guessing..... The Last Boy Scout? If not, then I it's probably the other one I'm thinking of....can you guess two in one post? :D-->
  24. Belle

    A Thread For Quitters

    I'm proud of y'all! I've quit many times. :)--> The one thing that helped me most was Kevin Klein's "7 Days to Quit Smoking" tape. It's a little 15-20 minute section you listen to each morning and it tells you today what changes are going on in your body and gives you tips on how to combat which stage of withdrawal and cravings you're probably going through.
  25. I wanna play!! It'll give me a great excuse to play tourist down here. :D-->
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