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Everything posted by Belle

  1. Belle


    There is so much wisdom on this board! I just LOVE learning from y'all! (ooohh deja vu all over again) Wacky, it's great that your house is already paid for! If you can find a job and work just enough hours to get the health insurance or at least be able to pay for it yourself and sock a little $$ away then you'll be just fine. It's definitely possible to find a job doing something you would LOVE and I'm sure you would make a lot of dough with the week-end nanny idea. Babysitters are hard to find and people are willing to pay for a good one like you would be.
  2. Belle

    We Set A Date

    I hope y'all are taking pictures of all these errands and planning you're doing. That's part of the memories! :)--> I've got the hotel room booked and now watching for flight deals to get there. :D--> Are you registered anywhere yet?
  3. Belle

    Job hunting

    Ahhhhhh, the teen years! I was a holy terror to my mom. I remember on more than one occasion Daddy trying to reason with me and get me to apologize to my mom for something stupid I had done. I also remember her once yelling that the house wasn't big enough for both of us. Since she was sleeping with the guy paying the bills I had no choice but to tone my behavior and attitude down a bit. :D--> You most definitely seem to be able to thrive in a position where you'll have lots of interaction with people. Your bubbly personality and strong work ethic will be a tremendous asset to anyplace smart enough to hire you. :)--> Looking for a job is a full time job. I'll certainly keep you in my prayers! Remember, too, that YOU are interviewing THEM as much as they are you because you want to make sure they are "worthy" of having you work there. That attitude helped keep me from accepting positions where I would have been miserable.
  4. Belle

    New Used Cars

    Thanks so much, Y'all!! :D--> I am printing this out to show Mom and son. My ex and I used Carfax when we bought his car. There were some cars we didn't buy because of the problems reported with them. We "justified" buying the Monte Carlo because it was just way too cool and awesome looking....ended up spending another $3K replacing the transmission or something right after we got it. --> Shoulda heeded the warning on the Carfax report.
  5. How long would it take to clear all 256 levels? My Daddy tried to play it twice and was so bad our sides hurt from laughing. He has never touched a video game since.
  6. Bringing this up cause I want to at least look at it but probably won't watch the whole thing. :)--> Don't want it to get lost, though.
  7. One of my childhood favorites, Song! :D--> :D--> That, or a Moon Pie and RC Cola!!
  8. That's just awesome, Chef!! :D--> :D-->
  9. Belle

    Happy 230th Birthday

    Indeed!! :)--> Thank you for answering the call to duty!!
  10. Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil?
  11. WELCOME, RAILROADER!!! Thanks for the information!!! Sorry I missed your post. When Raf gets back in town I'm sure he'll be by with a cuppa coffee for ya. I'd give you one but I don't know how to post 'em. :)-->
  12. Belle

    Kosher Salt

    Alright, Satori, I bought some kosher salt last night, but haven't used it yet. While I was in line the lady behind me saw the salt in my cart and started telling me how she had just started using it last month and absolutely loves it. Of course I told her that I had kept hearing that and had to find out for myself. She said I wouldn't be disappointed. :)--> Krysilis, there's instructions on salting meat in preparation for cooking on the box I bought. I wonder if that's what your butcher did that made everything taste so well? If you'd like, I can e-mail you the instructions from the box.
  13. Barbara Streisand What's Up Doc? Ryan O'Neal I'm not looking for romance, Howard. As the years go by romance fades and something else takes its place. Do you know what that is? Senility? Trust!
  14. (((((ozbirdau))))) I do not have any children and I have no way of knowing how much pain and heartache that must be and to be led to think it's your fault it just down right devilish and pure evil! It's so infuriating, I don't even have words to write. I am sooooo sorry for your loss and even sorrier that it was multiplied thanks to TWI. David, I agree, that was absolutely wonderful and perfectly expressed. I had forgotten about that scripture and certainly never thought of it in light of dispelling the "law of believing" b.s. :)--> Thank you.
  15. Johnny, you just may be right, there! Harvey has been reading GSpot on a regular basis and if there was any shred of humanity and respect for God left in his little black heart, he very well could have come to his senses and asked to have less responsibility while he plots his next move. He certainly wouldn't be the first person to do that. The wc who came to my area a few years ago did just that....asked to be taken OFF TWI's payroll. They wanted to get "worldly" jobs and to start living like "normal" people with 401Ks, a permanent home, a nice car, a life.... It only took a couple of years for them to continue moving toward the door to freedom. It was a very rough couple of years and they learned some really tough lessons in the process, but they made it through the rude awakening and are better off for it. They still believe all the things my ex said about me and think I'm courting major five star general devil spirits, but you can't expect them to drop all their TWIt brain right away, can you? ;)--> Harvey could be thinking about his future and contemplating how he could have become so cold, heartless and legalistic. He could be finally more scared about having to answer to God for his actions than having to answer to rosie and donna. It could happen! (said in my best Judy Tenuta voice)
  16. Yep, we had the power when we were "believing" for God to give us whatever red drapes we demanded from him. He HAD to. He had to keep HIS WORD. When it didn't work, it couldn't be God was wrong and it certainly couldn't be that vee pee was wrong! --> People tend to always want a scapegoat....someone or something to blame....everything has to be cause and effect so someone "caused" things to go bad or go good. There is no "shtuff happens" in TWI-world....or in many other people's worlds either. We learned a black/white mindset from TWI so everything was good or it was bad. Either way someone was responsible for it. Now I just trust God that He will take care of me and I'll tell him what I'd like to see happen, but know that He knows what's best. If it doesn't happen MY way I don't beat myself up because I know I'm still going to be taken care of. IMO, that's what we should have been taught.
  17. Y'all I have been looking for my notes and I can't find them....I wonder if the ex took them when he moved out. I just wanted you to know that I haven't forgotten, I just can't find the darn thing!
  18. Belle

    New Used Cars

    My neighbor's son just turned 17 and he's been saving his money to buy a car. He's got $2200 saved and doesn't want to wait to save any more money. Mom asked me what kind of car she would recommend since she knew that I paid cash for my car. I'm clueless about what would be a good car in that price range. Any suggestions / advice?
  19. I hated going to school in the summer, but I loved the smaller classes and the individual attention that you got from the teachers. I also liked that it seemed to be less "clique"-ish. My teachers always made it less formal and tried harder to make it "fun" for us, but we were there to get extra credits toward college so we were already a little "odd". We were allowed to wear shorts which isn't allowed in the regular school year. I loved that! :D--> We'd even meet outside sometimes which we really enjoyed. Drivers Ed was boring but how many girls really care about how the engine works and how to change a tire? None of us gals in my class did.
  20. The jurors on the news this morning confirmed what I thought.....He's most likely guilty of doing this stuff, but not necessarily with this kid. The mother is a manipulative, lying gold digger and she didn't even pretend not to be when she was on the stand. She was actually insulting to the jury. She should be put on trial for being an incompetent mother. The jurors said that there just wasn't enough evidence to convict him IN THIS CASE. Not that they don't believe he's a perv, but that they can't convict him in this case just because they think he's guilty in other cases. They had to stick to the evidence IN THIS CASE. The jurors sounded reasonable, reliable and intelligent enough to have made a good decision. I think they did the only thing they could do based on the trial, the witnesses and the evidence. It just stinks that MJ is getting away with being a perv and hopefully the trial alone will be enough to make parents think twice about letting their kids have anything to do with him.
  21. I agree. The comments I've heard are that it's the right case, wrong family. He should be found guilty, but this family and that prosecuting team aren't gonna be the ones to get justice for all the kids moleseted by this awful pervert.
  22. Happy Birthday, Verbalkint!! :D--> :D--> :D--> Hope it's absolutely wondermous!!!!
  23. WW, you or karmicdebt take it since the two of you were the ones to figure it out. I would have had to cheat...I was clueless, but now that you mention Back to the Future, I do remember it. :)-->
  24. And "You don't mess around with Jim" Jim Croce I love that song! Give us those nice bright colors Give us the greens of summers Makes you think all the world's a sunny day Oh yeah
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