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Everything posted by Belle

  1. This should shed some more light on the Living Tree people: Living Tree Society
  2. I agree with Jim. :D--> A Border Terrier, imo, is the PERFECT dog!! I should know, I own one! Border Terriers aka little brown dogs (lbd) They aren't as hyper as a Jack (Jack breeders tell you that someone should be home all day as they aren't good to be left alone. They don't shed much Very low maintenance re: grooming They don't bark much (but when they do it's LOUD!) They don't stink or have "doggie breath" They are small (14-17 lbs) They are smart and learn quickly!! and mischevious in a funny way :)--> They are extremely food motivated. They don't have any major health problems thanks to very careful, conscientious breeding. The breeders are all very wonderful people and do everything they can to make sure that their puppies are taken care of and go to good homes. They love to give kisses!!! If you don't like your face licked a lbd is not for you. You can do all kinds of fun things with them like earthdog, conformation, rally, agility, obedience, therapy visits..... I'm a member of the Border Terrier Club of America. If you want more information or pictures let me know. Here's a picture of my princess.
  3. I haven't been following this thread too closely, but, CM, I have to say that sounds exactly like the rhetoric we got from lCM. Interesting initials..... He also said he yelled because he cared. If someone is in my face or yelling at me, I can guaran-d*m-tee you I will NOT even try to get their message. I'm through with letting people condescend, insult, verbally attack and otherwise attempt to communicate with me in an infantile, cold, insulting way. Speaking in KJV English makes it sound like someone is just parrotting whatever they've been told. It doesn't necessarily inspire confidence in the intelligence and reasoning capacity of an individual. We got real good at not thinking but rather answering questions with the learned responses we got in TWI. Just my observations....YMMV.
  4. I can't find the thread, but someone posted that they had heard John R*ynolds laughing about them making the donation and that it was "sizeable". Wonder if it costs the same as paying to be the pick of the week?
  5. Belle


    To the top for a friend. :D-->
  6. Belle

    devil spirits

    I'm a total slacker, mell! I'm sorry! In the meantime, here's the advanced class of vee pee werewolf online. This link takes you to the section where he talks about devil spirits and specific ones. AC Syllabus - Devil Spirits
  7. Belle

    PFAL Online?

    OH MY FRIGGIN GAWD!!! I never took his class, just craig's, but HOLY CARP BATMAN!! Here's reference to that video he showed in CFS. If anyone doubts people's stories about having to watch it. AC Syllabus
  8. If that's how he felt, why didn't he just join the Southern Baptists?? I grew up listening to that kind of shinola......which is why I left them and went to TWI. I just didn't realize I had jumped from the frying pan into the fire. I second the thanks, ex! :D--> Dan, committing some of those sins is fun. Don't know if I'd want to delegate those! ;)-->
  9. so are the spelling tests, apparently! :D--> sixth
  10. Ham, those sixt grade science tests are HARD!!! ;)-->
  11. Was this recently, Song? :(--> Poor guy! My hfc wanted to go into the corps and she has a disease, I can't remember the name of it, but it caused her feet to have grown in such a way that she didn't walk "normal". She had surgery on both feet while she was here and was walking much better, but still challenged somewhat. She is extremely sharp and intelligent, bright, funny, and a natural leader. Exactly what they should want in the wc. BUT because of her "handicap" she almost didn't make it in. It was a big deal and Rico and others didn't keep their word about WHEN they would let her know IF she had been accepted into the program. so much for "say what you mean and mean what you say Even Moneyhands campaigning for her didn't seem to be helping much. They finally let her in the program, but I think it was because they were concerned about "discrimination" lawsuits and not because they recognized her quality. This was only a few years ago. They had to adjust a few of the more physical things for her, but she made it through the program with flying colors. Pity they can't get people to sign up for their classes, much less the "more advanced" stuff, and the ones they do have banging on the door they won't let in.
  12. That's why I have a truck with a truck bed!
  13. I guess I underestimated the national news. I figured that since they were so biased toward her family they would be hesitant to publish anything that might exonerate her husband.
  14. Belle

    Call me Ham

    David, Those titles of respect are reserved for "adults" meaning anyone considered a lot older than you. It's akin to calling me "Ms (Last Name Goes Here)". You only call people in your peer group or younger by their first name. To move into the "ma'am" and "Ms." category means I'm getting older and I don't wanna get older!! As for "little lady"....I'd MUCH rather be called that!! Or "Honey" or "Sweetheart" or "Miss Priss" or "Dear"...... I love it when an old southern gent uses that kind of language. You just don't hear it much anymore thanks to all the feminists out there. I guess if a 15 year old kid called me "little lady" it would be awkward. You're absolutely correct and besides that, if he DIDN'T call me ma'am he would have had visions of his mother's hand pinching his ear till he did say it. :D--> I so remember those days!
  15. Belle

    Call me Ham

    I remember the first time I was called "Ma'am" I scolded that young man and told him I knew what a ma'am was and I am NOT old enough to be a ma'am! OMG, I'm starting to sound just like my mother!!
  16. These are quotes from the slide show on the home page of the site: I am so glad my parents know not to keep me alive if I'm ever in a vegetative state like that.
  17. Belle

    PFAL Online?

    Mike's in Heaven on this site. Hoooray!! A place for vee pee worshippers!!
  18. It's not sensational enough and it speaks the truth so it won't be on any national news. Schiavo Autopsy
  19. Belle

    Call me Ham

    Ham, is that what your friends call you? ;)--> I'm so used to calling you Mr. H.....but I'll try to remember. BTW, this avatar is MUCH better than the female looking Joe Walsh avatar. :D--> I heard Robert D Rayford on the John Boy and Billy show talking about the Morse Code dudes beating out the cell phone text messaging dudes in a contest.....thought of you, Ham. :)--> Were you one of the Morse Code dudes?
  20. Rico is definitely a company man. He's got the TWI line down pat and has had so much practice that he can spout it off without batting an eye. He probably sleeps well at night too. Pity.
  21. I wonder how many other wc asked to step down in their level of responsibility and how many asked to be taken off TWI's payroll. Maybe expanding the regions is rosie and donna's way of keeping their thumb on some people by feeding their ego...."see you're a big bad region coordinator now".
  22. I remember it the same way, Oak. It was really just an announcement. The Moneyhands read the letter they sent to HQ regarding rosie's new position and I don't really remember much of it but that it wasn't really all that nice, especially if you read between the lines. The quote I do remember is from the opening paragraph of their letter, "We take no pleasure in battlefield promotions...."
  23. Way Corps Principals: I will include some comments from the current WC Coordinator under each principal. Way Corps Principal #1 Acquire and enhance your in-depth spiritual perception to a through awareness of God?s Word as it applies to various situations. The in-residence WC average fifteen hours of study each week, these Biblical students endeavor to master the materials by making it their own in understanding and in heart. ~~~~~ Principal #2 Receive and exercise training in the whole Word, doctrinally and practically, so as to be able to teach others. The in-resident WC receive an abundance of doctrinal training in the Word of Life, being part of the weekly STS and biweekly WC Meetings that emanate from HQ as well as live STS presented at the campus. ~~~~~ Principal #3 Utilize physical discipline making your physical body, the "vehicle" of communication of the Word, as vital as possible. It is an enlightening experience for them to recognize how strong they can become after one year of training, as well as how much more they want to accomplish in the upcoming year. ~~~~~ Principal #4 Believe faithfully to live abundantly on a genuine need basis and to bring physical and material abundance to God?s household of The Way Ministry at all levels. The WC training would not be possible without the faithful support of spiritual partners, and the in-residence WC learn to be good stewards of all that has been invested in their lives. ~~~~~ Principal #5 Go forth as overseers and laborers in areas of earnest desire, need, and humility in the household to bring discipleship and thus prevailing Word into energized reality to the world. Under the supervision of the Staff, the trainees work "heartily, as to the Lord" in various departments. They are able to develop new skills and to enhance skills in which they are already proficient. Then closes with this: The in-residence WC are committed to speaking always with grace, their words seasoned with salt, that they may know how to teach and serve as representatives of our heavenly Father. (If nothing else you can see how the principals have changed definitions since some of you were in training) Kathy from: Way Corps Principles Thread and from: New WC Principles Here were the wc principles from early 2004 - these are reworded from the extremely verbose ones that craig came up with. I think I have those somewhere too, but I'll have to look: 1. Acquire and enhance your in-depth spiritual perception to a thorough awareness of God's Word as it applies to various life situations. 2. Receive and exercise training in the whole Word of God, doctrinally and practically, so as to be able to teach others. 3. Utilize physical discipline making your physical body, the "vehicle" of communication of the Word, as vital as possible. 4. Believe faithfully to live abundantly on a genuine need basis and to bring physical and material abundance to God's household of The Way Ministry at all levels. 5. Go forth as overseers and laborers in areas of earnest desire, need and humility in the household to bring discipleship and thus the prevailing Word into energized reality to the world.
  24. Belle

    Put Your Stamp on It

    I'd put "the princess" on my stamp. My AKC Champion Beverlea Fox Hollow Vixen JE aka "Vixen". :D--> She lives up to her name, too! ;)--> How about you, mstar? You didn't say what you would put on yours. :)-->
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