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Everything posted by Belle

  1. I looked it up George. He was the lead singer. I'm horrible with bands and names. I can guess a song sometimes but can't answer cause I don't know who sang it. :D--> I had some music trivia buff friends so sometimes I remember odd things about a band/singer/song/album.....
  2. Tarzan was king of the jungle and Lord over all the apes But he could hardly string together four words: "I Tarzan, You Jane."
  3. Belle

    PFAL Online?

    I also have many many stories where I or someone I knew didn't see what we really and truly believed would come to pass. I have just as many stories where I just knew and believed there was absolutely no way something was going to happen and it did. I believed the outcome would be completely different from what it was. We can all tell stories on both sides the issue. For that reason alone you can't possibly say it's a law and that it works without fail, with a scientific precision and mathmatical exactness. If your understanding lines up with what vee pee taught, then yes, the problem is with your understanding. ;)-->
  4. Belle

    PFAL Online?

    And what did Jesus pray? He prayed "THY will be done" He didn't say, "give me red drapes" and he didn't demand that God give him a Harley. He believed God would take care of him. There's a difference. He even asked that he not have to be crucified. He wanted to avoid all that torture and pain, BUT said that he would do whatever is God's will. Paul asked "thrice" that God would remove the "thorn" in his side and still didn't get answers to his prayer. It just isn't that simple and it certainly isn't a law. That "all things" obviously doesn't really mean "all things" otherwise the Pistons would already be champions. :)-->
  5. Groucho there are quite a few people on here who know Anthony and about his group. They posted information on the link to the previous discussion about this group that I posted on page 1. :)--> Apparently the guy just really has a big vision for helping people and is doing so with what he knows, which happens to be very TWI influenced.
  6. Oh, that might be what it is. Do I lose?
  7. Life is a Rock Joey Levine! :D-->
  8. DANG! I'm totally at a loss, Trefor.
  9. Demolition Man Sly Stallone Cobra
  10. They just did a story on a website that has all kinds of information on people. It's pretty scary the amount of information they say you can get. Check out http://www.zabasearch.com You can find information on almost anyone. They only have one address on me that's about 10 years old, but they have all the information on my ex, including the past three addresses we lived at together - one being my current address. Wild since he's always been very careful about keeping his information private. Guess this might be a good place to find all those missing people in FriendTracker....
  11. Vickles I tried to find where mooney posted that Michael was a terror and I can't find it. This is the only thing remotely related to what you're saying she said: The media has done nothing but promote lies and twist facts to serve whatever interest they seem to have. If you can find where she said that about Michael, please show me. I don't remember it. What I DO remember are all the things he did to try to get Terri state of the art treatments and to be able to take care of her himself and how her father kicked him out of the house and treated him contemptuously because Michael spent money on Terri and her care instead of giving it to the parents....
  12. Belle

    PFAL Online?

    Can I have a snowcone, Tom? :D-->
  13. Belle

    PFAL Online?

    Mike, you took my quote out of context: If it doesn't then I can very easily discern why..... - THAT, Mike, is your helium balloon. Your argument still doesn't hold water. Mike said: Yeppers! We're all idiots here, Mike. You would do much better to spend your time on the PFAL website. Please don't feel obligated to waste any more of your precious time on us non-thinking emotional complainers. I will not argue with you and I usually ignore any post and most threads when I see your name. I probably should have continued to do that.
  14. Did this play in the US, Trefor? ;)--> I'm stumped!
  15. I love doo-wop, George. I'm just stumped on this one. When you post the answer we'll probably all go...."oooohhhh, yeah! I know that song!"
  16. Beverly Hills Cop Bronson Pinchot True Romance
  17. Belle

    Call me Ham

    Touche' Chef! :D--> I spose I can stay as young as I want to in my mind, can't I? I'm really looking forward to the time when I'm old enough to say whatever I want and get away with it because people think I'm too old to scold. :D--> Every day above ground is a good day, Sir! You are absolutely correct!
  18. Jim: I knew I liked you for some reason! ;)--> He11 on paws is a good way to describe Vixen, too. I'm always laughing with and at her. It's impossible to be in a bad mood when she's around. Everyone in the neighborhood loves her.
  19. Thanks, Lavender and Reikilady! She's spoiled rotten. Sudo, Laddie is a cutie! Lavender, WELCOME TO GSPOT!!! :D--> :D--> Glad to have you here! :D--> :D-->
  20. Belle

    PFAL Online?

    Perzackly, Catcup! He said it's a LAW like the LAW OF GRAVITY. Every single time I let go of something it falls to the earth. Why? Gravity - it's a law. I can, without fail, predict what is going to happen. If it doesn't then I can very easily discern why..... vee pee's law of believing doesn't work that way and the reasons why vary, can't be proven and are extremely inconsistent. It's downright devilish how vee pee and TWI taught us to condemn others and ourselves when things don't work out the way it seems they should. Excellent, Catcup! Very well said!
  21. We can all pretty much agree on what "love" and "a sound mind" mean. It seems the thing many differ on is the definition of "power". In light of this thread, I tend to see the power as power to take care of ourselves and our relationship with God. Power to keep anger and hate and other negative thoughts/feelings in check (not to ignore them). Power to keep our minds thinking and functioning soundly. Power to love despite the consequences and outcome..... Nothing like the materialistic, dictatorship and God controlling power that we were taught in TWI. What kind of power did Jesus have? Power to HEAL, power to RAISE PEOPLE FROM THE DEAD, power to LOVE.... Not the kind of power we were taught.
  22. Clay, I apologize. As I'm sure you can tell, your post struck a nerve. :)--> I still have quite a bit of waybrain and knee jerk reactions sometimes happen. Fortunately they are getting to be fewer and farther between. I typically stay away from these kinds of discussions (why is another story for another day), but these are just a few of the things rumbling through my brain as I've been reading the past few pages: Satori: Is this akin to "seeking after signs" and having a "let me see then I'll believe" mentality that is shunned in the Bible? Dunno, just asking.....remember it could be waybrain making me think this way. I do think that we can't pigeon hole things that happen or try to see them as all black or white. When something bad happens these days I tend to think...."ok, did I do something wrong or make a bad decision?" If I didn't, then I chalk it up as a "#2 brown stuff happens" thing, deal with it and move on. My roof had to be replaced after the hurricanes. TWI could consider me weak and not believing for my house to be protected or an attack of the adversary because I was hosting a class in my house....depending on the situation. I choose to think that my roof was in perfectly good condition before the storms and not needing immediate replacement. Once the hurricanes came through, it did need to be replaced. Brown Stuff Happens! I deal with it - get a new roof and move on. No biggie. We learned to overanalyze and pick things to death in TWI. I may be wrong or becoming too simplistic, but I choose not to do that anymore.
  23. I wonder if the producers of Staying Alive have as much money as TWI socked away.
  24. Belle

    PFAL Online?

    Touche' Mike. You accuse us of focusing only on the perversions of vee pee (of which there are plenty, while you continue to ignore, justify and/or praise those same perversions. finish the sentence, Mike. "....and moved on to another, different perversion or lie." He "pointed out" the same disgusting things over and over and over again. If you want to call that "pointed out", fine. I call it "dwelling on" and "pounding into people's brains". This is just one of many items that your precious dr brought up, taught and exposed people to. It's the standard, foundation and pattern he taught and encouraged in his ministry. It's the beginning of what became twice the child of satan than he was. Dr started it, Mike. We're just exposing it and reminding people of it and trying to help others get out, get over and stay away from TWI and other destructive groups like the one your precious dr created.
  25. HCW, if indeed Harvey is making decisions based on what's "best" for his child then it's a step in the right direction considering most TWIts don't give a rip about how their continuous moving and relocating affects their kids. Harvey has probably also come to terms with the fact that TWI does not want to shell out big bucks for some ridiculous college degree when the wc training program is really all anyone needs in life. --> I hope you're right. Allan, that's very interesting information! Mice*l Ad@ms must need to be "watched" or on the fox's #2 stuff list for them to bring him to the states. I'm sure all the horrible things posted by people with direct knowledge and experience with him have nothing to do with the reassignment. Unless he thinks he's got a shot at living the high life and climbing further up the fox's *ss. Since the Moneyhands are going to the UK, Rhy* Mill*r may or may not be continuing to coordinat the UK. Although the announcement said that the Moneyhands were going to be "ambassadors" - who knows what that means..... Maybe Rosie's going to let Mice*l Ad@ms bring his concubines with him if he promises to share. ;)-->
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