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Everything posted by Belle

  1. Very well said, Mstar1! I agree 100%. Emoto's work is fascinating! My little brother gave out copies of one of his books for Christmas presents last year. Re-rail: Mstar1, is it common for most artisans that you know to leave little treasures in their art, like you do? What kinds of other things do you know about?
  2. Surely someone can link Hocus Pocus. Where'd everyone go??
  3. Hey Bob, Supe had a straight job Even though he could have smashed through any bank In the United States, he had the strength, but he would now Here's a few more lines.... Hopefully that'll help. :)-->
  4. They passed that learning on to the hfc's and assistants. We had to have "song leading lessons" during the already way too frequent, way too long, way too boring hfc meetings.
  5. I'm here, Song. Just went to powder my nose. Boiled jumbo shrimp, eh? I'm going to have to get some of that. Isn't it amazing how things we do affect others and sometimes much further away than we evern dreamed possible? Sometimes indirectly and sometimes when we aren't even aware of it.
  6. Thanks, y'all! I really appreciate the wisdom and the amount of things people are willing to share on here. i still don't always recognize the techniques being used to be able to separate them from TWI but I do find myself tying to "read between the lines" for messages that most likely aren't there. We got so adept at heeding unspoken rules in TWI that I sometimes find myself thinking, "what is he REALLY trying to say?" instead of taking people at face value. Now, if I could only recognize it before putting my mouth or fingers in gear. :D-->
  7. Roller Boogie - That's it George! Thank you!! :)--> It was 26 years ago! OMG! Now I feel really, really old!! We watched that movie so many times my girlfriends and I could quote it word for word.
  8. Ruthless People Bette Midler Hocus Pocus
  9. Well I'm not on the beach, but it IS starting to rain. Maybe Vixen and I will dance in the backyard together in our natural states. :D-->
  10. Dunno, Oak. Gr*g Bolch*k was the wc director at Gunnison last I heard but that was about a year ago.
  11. Belle

    PFAL Online?

    Are they going to shut down the learning tree people, too? Recall all copies of PFAL for being defective? How is it they seem to pick and choose who they shut down?
  12. Belle

    PFAL Online?

    I feel terrible. I keep spoiling online fun for all the vee pee and TWI worshippers. :(--> I just thought that since God would have all men come to a knowledge of the truth that TWI would be excited for more and more people to have exposure to their gems of truth. *shrug* You don't think it's because they're too embarrassed for people to hear that they feel it's necessary to teach people that bestiality is wrong, do you? Are they going to dredge up vee pee's video and that's why they don't want people to know all the all truths for free?
  13. Belle

    PFAL Online?

    Then don't refer to it. It IS necessary given your habit of mis-representation and private interpretation. I didn't get involved till the 90's so I don't have access to the same material you do.
  14. Belle

    PFAL Online?

    Mike, that’s missing the points being made. That’s what I’m talking about. You are missing the lessons in these stories by putting your blinders on. This is how you get into trouble justifying David’s sin and go off into private interpretation world. Are YOU, Mike? You’re the one reading with blinders on and lauding vee pee over God. I didn’t mis-quote you, Mike, I just didn’t want to have to re-read your mindless drivel. You are implying here that you, and you alone, have the accuracy of the scriptures and the vee pee breathed word. Pretty d@mn arrogant, doncha think? Pride goeth before a fall….. And, BTW, I type my responses in Word before copy and pasting them into a thread. That way I can spell check, grammar check and get some of the anger out of my posts. I would suggest the same for you, especially since it makes one question the integrity of your words when you constantly change them and then accuse people of mis-representing what you’ve said.
  15. Don't forget the additional revenues that a new foundational class will generate from the old TWIts. You know they won't be letting them take the class for free. ;)-->
  16. Wacky, I'm sorry. I suppose my question prompted the naysayers to chime in. I could have looked up dowsers on the web, but I didn't want a clinical, scientific or skeptical answer. I wanted to hear a personal answer including personal experience. I think it's cool that carpenters leave little things behind. I never knew that! Song, I imagine people finding your little treasures get a warm fuzzy feeling and you put a grin on their face. You, too, mstar1! :D--> Imagine the grin and giggles as they find your hidden treasures. I also never knew that bridge builders ran in clans all over the country repairing old bridges. That's cool. I always just thought of the engineers and hard hats and "big business" type bridge building. People would do well, too, to pay attention to the Aboriginis. I'm so amazed that they have been successful at maintaining their culture, history and attunements to the earth. Animals have incredible instincts, too, as you said. How have we gotten so far from that? I would love to buy more hand-crafted items and to be more crafty myself. I admire that in you, Wacky. :)-->
  17. How do you control waybrain? Do you still have it? Does it sneak up on your or trigger responses unexpectedly? I jumped on CM in another thread because he unintentionally posted word for word something we used to hear under craig's regime. I snapped. :o--> I used to snap a lot more frequently but thankfully haven't expressed my extreme disgust, distaste or anger at whatever was said or done that caused it. Usually because it comes from people who have had absolutely nothing to do with TWI. I at least have presence of mind to realize they don't know that the words, phrases or logic they are using come across as nails on a chalkboard for me. There are still so many things that set me off....especially if it's in my own thoughts or actions. Does this happen to you? How do you handle it?
  18. "Cheers!" "The canapes are good, Song. You should try one. I think they have crab on the other plate." "'If there is or are gods'....I'm intrigued....are you saying you doubt that there's a one true God or multiple gods? Do you subscribe to the Unified Field Theroy or that we're all connected and there's more "energy" transference than, say, spiritual? If not spiritual reason for our being, then what reason do you think?" "I haven't considered anything other than TWIt doctrine for so long that I'm really enjoying hearing other theories, thoughts, beliefs and such."
  19. Belle

    PFAL Online?

    Mike, you stated that you study with blinders on and you laud the word of vee pee over the word of GOD. For this reason alone you should keep your mouth shut and your fingers still. You know nothing. You're missing the whole lesson in any section of scripture by keeping those blinders on. The bad stuff is there for a reason. God doesn't say to only study the "good parts" of everything He had recorded. It's comical that you think you are the only person in the whole world (vee pee included) that understands what you call the depth of PFAL. Calling PFAL the word of God and then saying that the guy who plagarized works and taught that plagarism and twisted scriptures doesn't even know the depths of what he taught is downright psychotic. You're scary, man. Very scary. We don't have to defend ourselves or counter your words for those lurking. I'm sure you make those lurkers laugh and wonder what the he11 kind of a group could raise someone like you. Maybe your words cause them to consider if their thinking is as effed up as yours obviously is.
  20. Vickles, I also remember reading a book called "I could do anything if I only knew what it was" by Barbara Sher. She has great advice and tips on figuring out what it is you would LOVE to do and how to get started making money doing it. Here's one of her websites: Barbara Sher
  21. HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!!!! There are lots of good daddies on this board and I'm proud to know each and every one of you even if it is only "cyberly". :D--> Remember, too, that as your kids get older you'll get smarter. ;)--> Whil I was growing up my Daddy was never as smart as is is now.
  22. Mstar1, you just reminded me of the dog walker on "King of Queens" who gets paid to walk Arthur, Carrie's dad. LOL! Vickles, you could start a "Granny Nanny" old people walking, visiting busiess. :D--> With older people moving in with their kids or living alone and lonely thsse days, there's probably many people who would pay to know that their parents are getting some much needed attention.
  23. Belle places a spinach canape, some brie, a few crackers, a shrimp and smoked sausage skewer on her plate. Heads to the bar to get a glass of Yellow Tail Shiraz~Grenach. So tell me, Song, Who's fault IS it? :)-->
  24. Glad to have you here, Lavender! We are a fun bunch and it's pretty uncanny the similarities between various spiritually abusive groups. Glad you're enjoying time off! :D-->
  25. I've never even heard of such things, if so, not enough to even think about them. I'm fascinated! Tell me more! What's a dowser?
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