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Everything posted by Belle

  1. Hey, Catcup, this is from the "Finger" thread of CW. The Moneyhands have been in TWI over half their lives and were fresh out of college when they got involved. Bob had been working two jobs at the time, so you KNOW the appeal of not having to do so much work HAD to be there. They got a free ride with TWI and figured out how to make it into a great meal ticket for life. But, I was wondering more about Dottie. She's supposedly got a degree with some kind of emphasis on therapy, right? They went to New Knoxville shortly after college, so she doesn't have any practical "real world" experience and any "practice" she's done has obviously been with the desired outcome of people keeping their mouths shut and protecting TWI's leaders and the Moneyhands paycheck. Given how long she's been involved with TWI and covering for all the sins of the leaders, do you think she has a totally warped sense of what's right and what's wrong? She flat out lied to the whole branch at our meetings about the lawsuits and then looked a couple in the eye in a personal one on one meeting and said that she had no prior knowledge of any of the sexual abuse.....actually, she and Bob lied.
  2. JL, I've not only wondered the exact same thing, but I believe it IS true. Look at the Moneyhands. They KNOW most all the skeletons in the closet and they help hold the door shut. Why? It's not because they believe what they teach - how COULD you knowing what they know? They continue along because there is no way on God's green earth they would have the kind of lifestyle they have if they had to work for it. What about rosie? She wouldn't have the lifestyle she has without TWI's bank account. She has been quoted here as saying that you don't need to read the Bible every day. Exact opposition to what we've been taught repeatedly. I'll bet she can't quote one scripture from memory, the old bat.
  3. And, Groucho, you're absolutely right about not having to have all the answers. One of my favorite answers now is, "I don't know." and, if necessary, "I don't really care to know." or "I really think it doesn't matter in the whole scheme of things." :D-->
  4. Catcup, I never thought about the socialization process. You're so right! I've always had self-esteem issues, but never to the detrimental level that TWI and my ex brought me down to. I think I must have lived like a cornered animal for so many years that I began attacking and fighting everyone on every front. I would argue and yell at my co-workers like craig yelled at us. I would be impatient with them like they were with us. Then I switched jobs and didn't want to act like that anymore, but I didn't know what "normal" was, so I ended up keeping my mouth shut and trying to keep people from knowing anything about me and TWI. It was extremely awkward and I felt like everyone thought I was "weird". I did get into some heated debates with a few people, but nothing like the former job. After getting out, getting divorced and starting a new job at a new company, I feel as if I've grown past that for the most part, which means I behave and get along with co-workers like I did BEFORE TWI's influences came into my life. No one here believes me when I tell them what a biatch I was. They think I'm kidding. I still have a lot further to go, but I'm so much further along than I ever thought I would be with less than one year of freedom. Discussions like this one really help so much!
  5. Someone commented to me that they refuse to call vee pee, VPW, Dr. Weirwille or VP because those are the things that he was called in TWI and it contributes to waybrain. They use Mr. Weirwille or Victor Weirwille mostly. I never thought of that. Why was his middle initial or middle name so emphasized? Was it to falsely inflate his importance? Did craig start doing the same thing using his L. in imitation of victor? Did he use it before his ego started swelling? Just curious observations. I think I'll follow my new friend's lead and quit using vee pee, but rather Victor or Mr. Weirwille....
  6. I dunno but I do know it's one of Michael Jackson's favorite places to hang out. Maybe it has something to do with lightening your skin?
  7. I love her books! I've listened to all of them on tape/CD (long commute). I can't wait for another one to come out. One of my co-workers is good friends with a good friend of hers and he's gotten to meet her at several casual parties. I've begged him to take me with him to the next party, but he's also gay, so it might not fly. :)-->
  8. Just let it die, David! The horse has been beaten to death and it's now putrid smelling and covered with maggots. You made your point. Please move on to the benefits of smoking pot for medicinal purposes or something else more exciting.
  9. Happy Birthday!! Don't worry about the physical age....it's the mental age that matters! :)-->
  10. Happy Birthday from another member of the day late-dollar short gang. :D-->
  11. Belle

    Little Boy Found

    AWESOME NEWS!!! And so glad to hear he's okay, too, only a few scratches and very hungry. :D--> I agree, David, he deserves a special merit badge for making it that long in the wilderness on his own. So......does this mean the mother WASN'T afraid??? ;)-->
  12. Hey Bob! --> I have his parents information if you need it.
  13. Can I get an "AMEN!!!" from the choir? It's waybrain to think you already know the answer to your probing questions which are actually none of your business and even more waybrain to continue the same line of questioning after getting the answer because it wasn't the answer YOU wanted. Furthermore, it's also waybrain to completely disregard someone's request to change the subject and leave someone alone because "what YOU have to say is just sooooo important" that you feel justified in continuing along a topic that people have repeatedly asked be dropped. Sorry, I'm just really peeved and sad that Catcup feels the need to defend herself publicly. If TWI would teach and allow those kinds of differences, Catcup, there wouldn't be so many people dropping like flies from their ranks. There also wouldn't be nearly as many divorces. My ex actually considered me leaving TWI as breaking our wedding vows. I told him I wasn't turning my back on God, just TWI. Not good enough. I know quite a few marriages that ended for that reason. My neighbors have been happily married for 40 years. She's Presbyterian and he's Catholic. They accommodate each other's schedules and support their involvement with their respective churches. My ex's grandparents were of different faiths. The grandfather was Christian Science (or something like that) and the grandmother was Catholic. They were happily married till death parted them. But even that wasn't example enough for him. :(--> Groucho, my marriage was much like yours....a TWI function. I changed so much to fit into the TWI mold that it was making me physically and mentally ill. Everyone thought we had the perfect marriage and, for a while, we did, but the more TWI got involved in our lives the more problems we had. Catcup, thank you for sharing so much personal information with us. :)--> Hugs!!
  14. Yeppers! We learned self-righteous indignation and we definitely learned (by example no less) to NEVER admit you're wrong and never to back down in an argument unless you are arguing with leader.....
  15. My therapist is Unitarian Universalist. He knows a lot about a lot of different religions, beliefs and thought processes. The first session we had I took Steve Hassan's "Releasing the Bonds" and gave it to him. Told him he needed to read it and he did. :)-->
  16. Those kinds of things sound like lawsuits waiting to happen, but they usually don't because the person never gets the help they need thanks to the manipulation of the church. I wonder if John is going to be allowed to keep those comments on his site now that we've pointed them out. What's funny to me is that I've heard from a couple of very reliable sources that John is a typical TWIt who verbally abuses his wife and has backed her into corners yelling at her until she does whatever it is HE wants her to do. If that's the happy family and helpmeet standard of TWI I'd rather have counselling. Effen Hypocrites Spiritual Abuse - plain and simple.
  17. Belle

    PFAL Online?

    WW, this kind of stuff STILL GOES ON!! I know of a CHILD (not a teen, not a college student, but a CHILD) who was sexually assaulted by someone in TWI AT A TWI FUNCTION. NOT ONE PERSON CALLED THE COPS!!! NOT EVEN THE PARENT OF THIS CHILD!! This parent was content to let TWI "take care of the situation" which was to move the assaulted child's family to a different fellowship. And they call us "without natural affection"
  18. Smurfette, I think TWI has forbidden their children to go or mandated that they not go to that part of the trip for years. I vaguely remember something about it as recently as a couple of years ago. Think of how stupid the TWIt kids much seem to other people. Pity since many of them are smart.
  19. Please check your private topics.
  20. This quote is from the Family Tables TWI website. They flat out claim that you don't need therapy if you take their classes. Once you've had their classes, they chastise anyone who does use therapy as usig a "rent a buddy" system and paying someone to care about them. This is why so many people are so messed up when they come out of TWI and, imo, why so many people are still in TWI. Bob says, "if you don't need therapy, you don't need religion." ;)-->
  21. With all due respect, HCW, I will have nothing to do with classes for a while....probably a LONG while. Especially not with a church. When I was church hopping I was surprised at the number of churches who "require" that you take their class before you're allowed to "join". Nope. Not for me.
  22. The WayBrain here is Song jumping to conclusions in a situation he knows nothing about. Also, harrassing and continuing to ask questions until he gets the answer HE wants, regardless of the truth and veracity of it. We are NOT talking about Geek and I WOULD PREFER that we not talk about Catcup. :)--> I don't start topics just for chits and giggles. There's reasons behind it and derailing a thread that's important to me, lurkers and other recent outties is downright selfish, uncalled for and it peeves me to no end! Please keep the thread on topic. Yes, Catcup, therapy and anti-depressants have done wonders for helping me maintain my sanity which, before leaving TWI and divorcing, I was seriously questioning. I'm also glad to have found the perfect therapist for me the first go-round. I was a total basketcase and doubt if I would have looked around to find a good therapist able to help me.
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