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Everything posted by Belle

  1. LOL! Some of those "anal leakage" products actually sell very well. It's probably considered a "chick flick" but it shouldn't be it's hilarious and rivals "Something About Mary" in side splitting laughs, imo. Although, it is starting to look like a stumper. I'll wait a couple of more hours and if no one has it I'll post something new. Here's another quote: "Follow the yellow brick road....follow the yellow brick road....It's a cute puppy!"
  2. I will be someplace very exciting for July 4th! With an orchestra and lots and lots of people and fireworks. :)-->
  3. Belle

    Its Field Day!

    I KNOW! I KNOW!!! ;)--> Sounds like a blast, Mr. H!
  4. Sunesis, that's just sick! And yes, there's always truth to jest, even if it's just a bit of truth, but I'm thinking there was more than "just a bit" of truth to that statement. craig probably liked Metallica because they sang about him: King Nothing
  5. Nope. Here's another quote: What kind of marketing braniac puts anal leakage on his product? How can they even sell that crap?
  6. Correct-a-mundo, George. Sorry, I'll be more explicit next time, WW. Pirate's song lyrics are from "Why Don't We Get Drunk and Screw" by Jimmy Buffet. I answered it, albeit not explicitly, in one post and then posted lyrics to my song in the next post. The lyrics now up are: You just love me when you want me baby And you think it oughta be alright with me
  7. They DO look nice! Wish I had gotten one of those rooms. I had 4 bunk beds and no space in my room. I wonder if the showers are co-ed..... :o-->
  8. Good answers, y'all. Thank you! :)--> I'm sure it's not just one reason why they stay involved and everyone has presented good ideas on why. Those who still believe "there's nothing better out there" baffle me seeing as how they haven't even looked to see what's "out there". They would be very surprised IF they can put their egotism and arrogance in a box for a while. Leaving would mean having to face facts that you made a terrible mistake; that you have no "real" friends when it comes to TWI; that you have nothing to show for your life; that you are capable and responsible for making your own decisions. Besides that, like Skyrider said, they have nothing outside TWI to go to because of how they've alienated people. (Imagine those TWIt kids who were so rude to the Holocaust victim. Think they have many "outtie" friends they can confide in or get help from?) It's definitely taking the easy way out by staying in. Which brings us to the lazy people..... ;)--> If they left they would have to actually work. They'd have to find a real job. They'd no longer be "royalty" and be able to expect people to lick their boots. Gasp! They might have to clean their own home and move their own furniture and mow their own yard....if they are lucky enough to be renting a house. On staff at hq or Gunnison definitely throws another kink into the chain, doesn't it? You have housing, food, no free time since your schedule is made for you and people who have to pretend to like you "in the unity of the spirit". You don't have to do squat or think about squat unless some TWIt tells you exactly what that should be. I consider that the equivalent to living as a vegetable, only you're able to move your body. What I DON'T get is those who have seen how these people live and still decide to put themselves into that position. I mean, there's a girl who has a college degree from a prestigious college, a really good job and has lived with wc and seen how those who aren't being paid by TWI are struggling to make ends meet and all the time and financial constraints on them. Yet she STILL has decided to go through wc training. Three years of being out of the professional loop, especially with the changes in computers and software at warp speed, she's going to have a really hard time finding a job equivalent to what she left. There's no promise of becoming a paid minion by TWI when you sign up, so why on earth would someone do that to their lives and their profession and future?? THAT I really don't get... -->
  9. Thanks! Then she definitely has NO REAL WORLD EXPERIENCE. All she knows is how to cover foot for the abusers and evil-doers. She must be pretty darn good at shovelling those skeletons back into the closet on a regular basis.
  10. Very insightful and wonderfully said, HCW. :)--> I think I'm going to add that to the gems. Thank you. I'm starting to enjoy the fruits of my labor like we're supposed to do. I'm not one bit guilty about it either, which wasn't the case just a few months ago. Maybe that's another reason why people feel so much lighter, free-er, happier and more peaceful once they leave the oppression of TWI.
  11. Belle

    PFAL Online?

    That, and they then speak out of the other side of their mouth saying the ministry IS the people..... Grrrrrr!
  12. Mr. H, I was telling my therapist about these Holocaust threads and we discussed how and why we threw out so much credible information and knowledge we had before coming to TWI in order to believe what they told us..... He loaned me a book called "Why People Believe Weird Things" by Michael Shermer, founder of George's favorite site http://www.skeptic.com. There's a chapter entitled "Who says the Holocaust never happened, and why do they say it." and another entitled, "How do we know the holocaust Happened" and yet one more on "Pigeonholes and Continuums - an African-Greek-German-American Looks at Race" I only got the book last night, but it looks very interesting and will contribute some of the authors thoughts as I get to peruse through it.
  13. Put the whole TWIt staff and the TWIt kids on janitor duty with him! HCW, I can't believe those kids did that! My heart breaks for that poor woman. As if she hadn't already been through enough.... :(--> Yeah, that's a good witness for TWI. Sure would make me think I'd like to be a part of that group.....NOT!! Good for Jasmine! You must be so proud of her as well you should be. :D--> Can you imagine how embarrassed and how stupid those kids are going to feel when/if they ever realize the truth? How much confidence are they going to have in their parents and TWI then?? Maybe that's not such a bad thing.
  14. Belle

    For the dog lovers

    Very touching, Linda! THanks for sharing it. If you think a dog can't count, try picking up three dog treats and only giving him/her two of them. :D-->
  15. You just love me when you want me baby And you think it outta be alright with me
  16. Pirate, I love "I'm Henry the Eighth I Am"!!! :D--> I'm also quite the Parrot Head. When I moved to Florida, I thought I'd be sitting on the beach at a tiki bar singing Jimmy Buffet Songs like, "Why Don't We Get Drunk & Screw" and sipping fruity drinks with little umbrellas in them. Boy was I wrong!! Work gets in the way too much!! But I do know my Jimmy Buffet songs anyway somehow. ;)-->
  17. Since I'm sure of my answer, here's my quote: This isn't the Glickman Barmitzvah is it? Moira are you in here?
  18. Only we can do that to our pledges!" Animal House :D-->
  19. HEY! I'm not old and I knew the song once you mentioned it......'course, my daddy had a Herman's Hermits album I used to listen to with him all the time. :D-->
  20. Belle

    Vickles Happy Happy

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY, VICKLES! I hope it was totally awesome!!
  21. Belle

    PFAL Online?

    WW, my ex calls them liars AND says, IF it happened we can't blame the ministry for what PEOPLE do. "The ministry would be perfect if it weren't for people" is his mantra. Makes you sick, doesn't it?
  22. One thing I have been thinking of recently... How in the world can some way corpse still be involved with the way? I know of several couples who are absolutely convinced the way is the best place to be and has all the answers. One couple are about to be new way corpse grads and are very young and naive. BUT the other are branch coordinators, have been around since at least the 80's and seen a bunch of ..... They are obviously not in it for money. They still think its the real thing. How can that be? Especially since before going into the corps they have seen how the non-TWIt salary corps struggle to make ends meet.
  23. I know of a situation where this happened only recently. They are still aiding and abetting pedophiles rather than going to the proper "worldly" authorities! Jim, my daddy worried when I got my license, too. :)--> If I had had waybrain back then I could have blamed HIM for my wreck!! :D-->
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