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Everything posted by Belle

  1. Clue 3? You're quite the stumper, Trefor. :)-->
  2. Belle

    There I Was

    Outandabout, thank you for the update. I wish you only the best. If you ever need an ear to bend, please feel free to contact me. :)-->
  3. Belle

    A Thread For Quitters

    Congrats You Three!!! That's AWESOME!!! Karmic, that's awesome! Make 'em keep it up.
  4. Belle

    We Set A Date

    Awesome! Just let me know who to shuttle and when. :D-->
  5. Perzackly, John u are! My ex thought that our marriage HAD to conform to TWI's cookie-cutter marriage and was constantly asking advice and whatnot from leaders. I was constantly undermined and in trouble for not wanting to conform or not doing a good enough job to conform to what he was told. It was a constant battle trying to balance being myself with the rules and expectations of TWI.
  6. You got it, Raf! I love that man! Hearing him play in person is incredible!
  7. Belle

    We Set A Date

    Got my plane ticket and reserved a rental car last night! :D--> I signed up for "Ding!" on Southwest's website and they send you special notices for unadvertised sale prices that are only good for a day. Got a killer deal. I highly recommend it if you have SW at an airport convenient to you.
  8. Belle

    A Thread For Quitters

    How are the quitters doing?
  9. Sounds like a plan, Vickles. :)--> Once you get a few good customers the word of mouth should take off.
  10. Georgio, Harvey sent a letter to be posted in response to all the information that was coming out about how they were mis-treating Mrs. W. I believe it's still up on the home page of GSpot. When you read it, you'll see clearly how Harvey is not the friendly, laid back guy he supposedly once was. He's a full blown TWIt who will do/say anything to cover TWIt foot.
  11. Belle

    PFAL Online?

    Mike said: If you ignore him, he will leave. Just don't address him or comment on anything he posts. It works. It just takes a little time. He was ALMOST gone and someone addressed a post of his and BAM! he's back with his b.s. Just ignore him. He is so off the wall that even lurkers recognize his delusion.
  12. Try this one: Yeah, sir, you might want to send a maintenance man over to that office across the way. The lights are off, and they must be looking for a fuse box, 'cause them flashlights, they keep me awake.
  13. Okay, it's from "The Sweetest Thing" with Christina Applegate and Cameron Diaz. I know most think it's a chick flick, but really....please check it out. You'll be laughing your face off! I'll pick something else...
  14. Belle

    Little Boy Found

    Dunno if it's been mentioned, but Brennan is a "special needs" student. They are much more likely to take things literally and that would contribute to the difficulty in finding him. He was doing what he had been told without being able to reason as well as someone without the same mental challenges as Brennan. His parents have done the best they can to take care of him, but Ron, like you mentioned, I wonder why any child, ESPECIALLY a special needs child, would be in a position to be alone in a camping situatio. Thank God the boy is okay.
  15. Belle

    Gas fir my car

    I've been wondering if it was worth it to pay the few thousands of dollars to have your engine converted to the one the runs off old fast food oil....Anyone heard of that?
  16. Speaking of a wedding, I just got a killer deal on SW Airlines so I will definitely be attending said wedding and will not need to sleep in the WOW-mobile. :D-->
  17. Belle

    PFAL Online?

    Chemistry?? Woah! Between that and your Ham and morse code skills - I'm duly impressed! Nothing easy about any of that. You should be very proud of yourself. Don't give up on the masters and doctorate! It can happen!
  18. Belle

    PFAL Online?

    Hey, Mstar1, How's the weather over the mountains and under the sky? Do you do any whitewater rafting? ;)-->
  19. Belle

    PFAL Online?

    What are you studying, Mr. H? Rascal, wherebouts in MI did you grow up?
  20. Belle

    PFAL Online?

    I've never been to Michigan, but Mr. H, Florida is also geographically "challenged". There aren't even bumps down here unless you count sand dunes. ;)--> Rascal, I LOVE the Ocoee and the Chatooga. We stay at "The White House" B&B when we go there, but really the Eau Gallie River in WV makes the Ocoee pale in comparison. They often use whitewater rafting in alcohol and drug rehab programs because the rush is incredible, and safe. :)--> I would love to be back in the True South again and definitely someplace that isn't 100 degrees 300 days out of the year.
  21. Belle

    PFAL Online?

    West Virginia is Gorgeous!! I got to spend some time there in July. We went whitewater rafting on the Eau Gallie River and the New River. It was the week-end before "Bridge Day". I love whitewater rafting and that's got to be one of the most beautiful places I've ever been whitewater rafting. I was born and raised in the same town my whole life - even went to college there. Got too big for my britches and wanted to live in a "big city" (don't laugh) so I moved to Orlando. It was close enough to get home in a day, but too far to go home every week-end. Got here, got involved with a cult, maybe you've heard of 'em?, got married and now that I'm out of that cult and divorced I've been toying with the idea of getting the he11 out of dodge. My ex has also requested that I do just that. ;)-->
  22. Belle

    PFAL Online?

    Mr. H, I'd take the rain over the sweltering heat any day of the week. Belle shakes her head wondering how the HE11 she ended up in Flaming Florida Thing is, in Florida (lightning capital of the US), it's not really wise to be outside in it. Sometimes Vixen and I buck the rules, cross our fingers and go play in the pond by the house though. 2 girls splashing around causes quite a ruckus sometimes.
  23. Belle

    PFAL Online?

    You're right, Mike. Maybe you should just quit wasting your time here. The rest of us, we should respect Mike and ignore him so as to not cause him any more grief. So, how's the weather? It's raining here, but I'm looking forward to curling up on the couch with my newly borrowed "Why People Believe Weird Things" book my therapist loaned me.
  24. Belle

    PFAL Online?

    I'm not "blessed" and it will be a long time before I ever am again. I'm happy, thankful, peaceful, content, satisfied, blissful, rewarded, endowed, fortunate, joyful....but I'm not "blessed"! .........sorry, I thought this was the waybrain thread.......
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