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Everything posted by Belle

  1. LOL! Does sum it up in a nice little concise scripture, doesn't it? Wish I had seen and believed that before having to learn it the hard way. :)-->
  2. I hear ya, Chas! A company where I worked got bought by a huge conglomerate and at the same time some of our biggest customers were merging and cancelling much of their business with us. I could see the writing on the wall and started bringing things home after the second round of layoffs. You'da thought I had marched into the boss's office and demanded to be fired the way my ex reacted. Sheesh!! It didn't take a genius to see that more layoffs were coming down the pike. So then, in every fellowship, I hear teachings that "just happen" to be about believing, fear and getting what you're believing for. Little comments and questions....one more reason to stick their nose in my business. Now that I'm "out" it's the people in church, co-workers, neighbors and friends who give pause to some of the things I say and/or do. LOL! I'm not re-married, but God help the man who's naive enough to marry me. :D--> Just one suggestion that I might have a "problem" in an area, even if the suggestion isn't there but could be "inferred" if one were to read between the lines (read between the lines really and the inference isn't even there) I buck, arch my back and DARE you to expose any weakness I might have! Gawd I hate it when I do that! Thanks TWI for putting us always on the defensive.
  3. You had me going there, JL! I understand your point and have done the same things. I cringe every time I think about standing up in my office and asking my boss if she would be wearing a machine gun or an electric chair around her neck..... And I was right, doggone it! I guess when you finally start to see things for what they are and the rose colored glasses come off, it's just hard to imagine people not seeing it, too....especially people who cover for all the evil and horrible deeds over and over again.
  4. They may have new titles afterall, this IS a new administration. --> Maybe they're calling them Fuhrer.
  5. Belle

    PFAL Online?

    And those are awfully strange and erie eyes on those strange, erie things. :)--> I'm getting goosebumps...
  6. Don't go using big words around us rednecks, Ham. We have to skip over the ones we don't understand and I already skip over too many as it is. ;)-->
  7. Worst: Rocky (anything after the first 2) Best: All the Harry Potter sequels :D-->
  8. Candace Bergen Miss Congeniality Sandra Bullock
  9. Well we made all the hot spots. My money flowed like wine Then that low down Southern whiskey began to fog my mind Here's a "little" more for you
  10. 15 Regions - I know a few regions consist of only 2 states. So it's really about 2-3 states per region at the most. MAYBE AK and HI are 4th states for a region or two.
  11. Steve! This is what I do know, from the Leadership Changes at TWI thread: Maybe one of the lurking innies I'm in contact with can fill in the blanks. I imagine that the Green*'s are still RC's of GA and SC. Weren't P@ula & J0seph Wr*n RC's of NC and another state?
  12. Bob brought up some very good points on the thread titled "Rationalization". I don't want to derail that thread but started thinking about how TWI does pick and choose which aspects of the OT to adhere to, teach and propound and which ones aren't "to" us. Here's what Bob said: Moses choosing men to oversee tens, thousands and tens of thousands - Godly and TWI standard The 10 Commandments - for our learning, not necessarily a standard, especially that stuff about coveting your neighbor's wife. Stoning gay and/or rebellious children - Godly and TWI wishes it could be their standard, but they have to settle for public humiliation and M&A. Robbing God of his tithes and offerings - actually written to leadership, but that's just a minor oversight on the part of TWI teachers - TWI standard Just a few off the top of my head. I know there's more...
  13. Belle

    PFAL Online?

    Shazdancer, I'm terribly sorry for getting the site shut down. I really thought that TWI had given up their copyright since classes are being run all over the place. Heck, I took it from a group of people in the early 90's before I found out they weren't actually TWI. I was excited to see that Mike had a place to peddle his wares and truly hoped that he would find a home over there instead of continually fighting a losing battle and derailing threads over here. Your ex is in debt to a "cop out"? That should put him on double secret probation, shouldn't it? I'd think they'd make him turn in his nametag till he got his finances in order. Debt is one thing, but debt to a "rank unbelieving cop out" - That's something else entirely! ;)--> (read tongue in cheek - you are NOT those things.) But you're right. It does show that TWI is still monitoring our little corner of cyberspace. --> Hey, y'all!! --> Since we're putting in requests.....Please have Moneyhands contact my ex and tell him to reconcile with his family.
  14. Thanks, Andrea and I agree with Shazdancer, Awesome Post!! We do have lots of rewiring to do. Good for you getting help with it. I think I'd still be a basketcase if it weren't for the wonderful therapist I have. Thankfully, I found him the first go-round and didn't have to search around to find one I was comfortable with and felt competent to handle all my "issues". :D--> If you're happiest being alone then that's great, it's nothing that you should have to defend. If you think you don't deserve to be remarried, that's a different thing, cause you totally are worthy! I do hope to get remarried some day and I refuse to wear black....it'll be blue jeans & a t-shirt! We'll use plastic flatware and paper plates but only because it's easier to clean and BBQ would look out of place on fine china. :D-->
  15. Ham said: Mr. H, that's extremely similar to my situation. I can just imagine Moneyhands telling my ex how he "saved" him from this contentious woman. He "saved" him from his devil possessed family. He "saved" him from anyone who actually gave a rat's a s s about him. If being cut off from all your true friends and loved ones is what it takes to be "saved", don't ever save me! They will have quite the rude awakening when Jesus comes, won't they?
  16. Bob Eastwood said: That's sick! Just sick!! and true.... :(--> I remember reading that the Gil*s in FL commented to their fellowship regarding their own young daughter being M&A and kicked out of their house by saying it would have been better if she had died. I imagine they would have stoned her without one ounce of remorse if they thought that it was one aspect of the OT that they should cling to, because, they really do pick and choose which parts of the OT to continue obeying, don't they? Think of how many people would be dead if TWI could justify stoning because it wasn't "done away with" through Jesus. Disobedient children, people deemed gay through spiritual suspicion, people accused of stealing money from TWI....
  17. Thinking about the recent topics we've been discussing and the great responses, I started wondering "How do they justify the mis-treatment of people?" Not what they tell/told us, but rather, what they tell themselves.... What is the inner dialog when they allow ShazDancer's ex to be in debt to her and to get away without paying child support? While they counsel women who are in to take as much as they can from their exes who leave TWI? What goes on in Moneyhand's mind when he thinks about telling my ex his father is possessed with devil spirits and suggesting that he not have any contact with his family? Does he think, well, I don't like the SOB, so who cares if it rips ex's heart out? or is it "Ha ha ha, Another broken marriage and family. Time to put another notch in my belt." What goes on in your mind, Mr. Linder, as you read the posts on here? You know that they are true and that what you're doing is sneaky, underhanded and that many, many people have been hurt by those you worship. How do you justify that in your heart? Do you have a heart left, or is it just a big, black lump of coal? Dottie, what do you tell yourself that lets you sleep at night? How do you justify allowing men to rape and abuse women without doing anything to stop it and to protect other women from being hurt? Donna and Rosie, what sort of justification is there going on for your relatioship to not be shameful? Why hide it? What did you tell yourself when you recruited women for abuse? Ramona, do you ever weep over the death of a man who loved you and wanted to protect you? Do you ever regret your actions? What were you telling yourself to make you think it was okay to lure women like pray?
  18. Right On!! I remember shortly after I got married and talking to my best girlfriend growing up. We were both newlyweds, but I felt jealous that she seemed to be heading down the path that both of us had dreamed about growing up, but deep down, I knew that my life was not going to turn out like that and I was very sad. I didn't talk to her much after that because of TWI and because of the pain. Shortly before I actually left and got divorced I had started talking to her more on the phone. It upset my ex because, well, he didn't really like me talking to anyone, but especially not someone from my "good ole days" who wasn't a TWIt. When I got out I called her and we had a great heart to heart and our relationship has continued without ever skipping a beat. THOSE are true friends, best friends, the kind of friends Jesus would want us to have. My little brother is still in touch with most of his entire circle of friends dating all the way back to kindergarten. (He's 32 years old now) They play fantasy football together, get together for the heck of it even though they all live in different states and they still cry on each others' shoulders when necessary. Every one of them has done stupid things in the past and every time the rest of them pick that one up, dust him off and they get back to life. I wish I hadn't given that up.... Have a wonderful time, Groucho!! :D-->
  19. Belle

    Sad news for Cindy !

    Uh-oh! I knew that was coming!! Beware the wrath of Smurfette!!
  20. Well, I STILL don't know it, but now you've definitely piqued my interest in the movie. :D--> Any particular genre, or would that give it away?
  21. Since I'm sure of my answer....Thanks, Raf! Here's my lyric: And underneath a street lamp I met a Southern Belle Well she took me to the river, where she cast her spell
  22. It's the Safety Dance Dudes.....Men Without Hats and Pop Goes the World One of my best girlfriends used to sing this song all the time. But she's also the same girlfriend who thought the lyrics to "Amadeus" were "Hot Potatoes - Hot Potatoes" :D--> Hence my hesitation to guess the song.
  23. John Malkovich Dangerous Liaisons Glen Close
  24. Bridgett Jones Diary Hugh Grant Mickey Blue Eyes
  25. Sometimes I can read the lyrics and then hear the tune in my head. Other times, I read the lyrics and have absolutely no clue what the rhythm and sound should be. I can read this one and hear a tune, but not sure it's the right one. Good one, Raf!
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