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Everything posted by Belle

  1. OMG!!! What are the odds?? Poor people, they are in for a rude awakening. Mr. Linder, please tell them to be nice to these people. They most likely had no idea.
  2. Georgio, I'm so sorry!!! I actually know quite a few people who have returned here in my area. One guy moved to another country where there wasn't a fellowship and when he moved back, he looked up TWI and ended up marrying a lady who was wc-alum. I know one guy who was put on probation, then M&A, then allowed back so many times it was pathetic. I have no idea why he continued putting up with the abuse. I know one lady and her brother who had gone through wc training and left for decades, but came back shortly before I left. Really sad, but her life and kids were a mess and I think she just didn't know where else to turn, but she's in for a rude awakening considering the TWI she left is not the TWI she returned to. One guy wanted to come back and the BC was bragging about how many hoops he was making the guy jump through to come back. Poor guy did it all just to be able to come back. One family was put on probation and I'm not sure if they were ever M&A but we WERE told not to talk to them if we saw them. They were gone for a couple of years and then came back. There's a lot more people who were put on probation and "allowed" to come back, but yep, in my area, there was a revolving door. Pretty sad. I used to be jealous of those people who left and so disappointed when they returned.
  3. Ultimately it was OK to stone an innocent 3 year old because of something minor that her daddy did? Ultimately it was OK to stone someone who slept with another man's wife? Ultimately it was OK to alienate a man who just happened to lose his testicles? Ultimately it was OK to stone someone to death who accidentally killed someone? TWI doesn't teach these things from the OT, but they teach that bestiality is not okay. WHY?? Why do they NEED to even cover that subject? Why NOT teach that adultery is wrong...ALWAYS....no matter HOW spiritually mature you think you are?
  4. 15 regions, Ham. :)--> But who's counting.... I wonder if they added the regions and extra positions because they had to start bribing some people to stay and the way to do that was to offer them money thereby increasing the dependence on TWIts for their livelihood and making it less likely that they would leave and share all the nasty little secrets they know. (Could I have made that sentence any longer??) Extra Regions More minions paid to keep quiet They'll stay quiet because they can't get a real job after being depending on TWI for their livelihood for so many years
  5. Well, it takes people who know what they're doing to maintain a website and they probably have limited resources in that area. And WW, that's so true about the pictures. I wanted to do a photo album for our fellowship and was "given permission" to do so. BUT once I started it, I started getting all kinds of rules I had to follow: - Must put every person's first & last name in a caption under the picture - Must tell the date and event in the caption - Must remove any pictures of people who are "no longer standing" - Must remove any pictures of people who were just visiting because they were witnessed to but never took the class and stayed around You get the idea.....I quit the album. It was too much work and no fun by that time. I don't do all those things for my own photo albums and it was an album FOR the fellowship, NOT a witnessing tool. Maybe that's why they don't have any pictures of people. Too much work to keep it updated with people dropping like flies.
  6. Does anyone else notice the ever-present “H*rney”s have been very quiet and you don’t see their names anymore. I wonder if they’re being punished for Jaque’s services to the MOG now that he’s gone. G*ry Fred*ick, CFO and D*onna are the two officers on the president’s cabinet. That would be the two with the most information on rosie, would it not? Moneyhands’ son has made it to the cabinet, too. He must be as good an a s s kisser and free ticket rider as his daddy. The Matl*cks are recent grads of the wc. Maybe a year or two ago. I hope they’ve been able to find good jobs since graduating. They’re nice people. The Greens are still in GA. Wonder how his health is. Maybe it’s better having a few years away from NK under his belt. I sure hope so, because as soon as the medical bills start piling up, he’s in for a rude awakening. With Harm & Debra being in IA, I guess that means she’s no longer a “Singing Lady”. Hard to believe they went back through the wc program after being so mis-treated by craig. I hope they’re doing well. Maybe he’s flying again? R*dney Grilli*t in OK is also a newly graduated wc. He graduated a few years ago and lived with the Moneyhands for a couple of years. Really nice guy, so are his parents. Sad that they are still so blind.
  7. TGN, I think you're on to something there. I've been thinking about those things a lot lately. Remember when the woman with the issue of blood was healed by touching the hem of his garment? He "felt virtue go out of him". I think there's a lot to be said for touch and energy/virtue sharing with love for your fellow man in the healing process. That's why massage therapy (with a properly trained therapist) is so good...it's human touch and was recommended to me when I got divorced. I can say I think it is an important part of my healing process along with the "talk therapy" and anti-depressants. I also think there's benefits to bio-feedback, reiki and other things along those lines even though I'm still learning about all that.
  8. Goey: OMG! Was he really trying to infiltrate his doctrine in the government? No wonder they lauded Lt. Col. S@m Gr@h@m to the hilt. He's actually a really nice guy, but having government leaders following their "suggestions" is downright scary....moreso than Nancy Reagan consulting her astrologers.
  9. would be interesting to read, My3Cents. Can you give us a synopsis of it?
  10. Oak said: Oak, this happened in my marriage too. I think it's because we were always looking for devil spirits everywhere. I was accused of "thinking evil" of my ex more times than I care to remember. Some of my attacks were out of defensiveness for always feeling like I was inferior or not living up to the standard of da word. Sometimes it was that he did things that I just let slide ("yielding on insignificant matters" I believe they call it) but he didn't let any little thing slide with me. Every little thing was an indication that I was getting further and further out of bounds spiritually.
  11. Well, if it's anything "spacey" I probably didn't see it.... I'm guessing "Space Balls"?
  12. Now, Pirate, I was five years old when that song came out in 1973. :D--> I just happen to be from the south where I learned to appreciate Southern Rock, cold beer, crawfish boils and watching the paddle boats on the Mississippi River. ;)--> This is the kind of music I listen to when I get homesick. Can't find good crawfish down here, so I have to settle for Uncle Jones' BBQ where his slogan's true: Nuthin' Mo Betta!. The fried okra there is to die for! "Joy to the World" by 3 Dog Night is the first song I learned all the words to. Barry Manilow's "I Write the Songs" second. Go for it WordWolf!
  13. Joe & Paula are RC over NC and KY, John. The G*les had a rather rude awakening as their girls got older and started looking at colleges, talking about weddings and they were no longer on the TWI payroll. Pity, like you said. I probably have more money for my retirement in 20-30 years than they do. I'll have a house and it will be paid for by then, too! Realizing you have no real world skills and no way to live above the poverty line while towing the party line must be very hard. They've probably had to swallow quite a bit of ****. Imagine if they had been re-located in the assignments! LOL! Don't know that that didn't happen, actually....
  14. I enjoyed reading their stuff that I did look at. I suppose having not even been out a year, I'm hyper-sensitive to anything that reeks of TWI. Thank you two for your responses. :)--> I really do appreciate it.
  15. Yep, Johniam. Seems TWI spent a great deal of time to teach us how to strain at gnats and swallow camels. We told those brethren who needed coats and blankets that they really only needed "the word" to be warmed. How sick.
  16. Steve! My hq friend has come through: Presidents cabinet/officers: G*ry Fred*ick CFO D*nna M*rtindale Housing Cabinet: M*ke And*rson I*a B*rger D*vid Ch*vistie A*ron H*mpton Andy J*honson J*hn L*nder St*ve L*ngly R*co M*gnelli D*n L*max R*bert McC*lloch Br*an Moneyhands Gr*g Sh*fer Gunnison has V*nce Mcf*ddan Head of Executive Committe with Al*n Dr*m and Gr*g B*lchek Gr*g B*lchek still is WC Coordinator Regions: New England Region (& coord MA NH VT) Gr*mlicks CT Matl*cks ME R*ck Br*wn RI P*rry P*ace North Atlantic Reg (Coord NY) Sc*tt Bod*loskie NJ J*hn Ch*lar Chesapeeke Bay Reg (Coord DE&PA) Er*k Ketter*tz MD B*ll Bearyh*ll Blue Ridge Reg (Coord VA) L*pdallens Wash DC M*rk Ge*rge West VA St*n T*nsley East Central (Coord NC) J*e Wr*n KY V*ctor L*snewski Mid South (Coord GA) B*ll Gre*n SC ? Br*nys TN St*ven R*berts South Atlantic (Coord FL) J*e Nav*elo AL Er*k Ko*ll Ohio Valley (Coord OH) H*rve Pl*tig Midwest Reg (Coord MI) M*rk L*dwig IN J*hn Ry*n Great Plains (Coord WI) J*hn Sp*evak IL R*n Wr*ght MN ND SD B*ll S*ge Central Reg (Coord MO & NE) T*m H*rocks IA H*rm Olth*use KS S*m S*ldon Mid America (Coord TX) T*m M*llens AR J*ck De*rs LA&MS V*rn Edw*rds OK R*dney Gr*llio Rocky Mtn (Coord CO UT WY) M*rk W*llace AZ D*n D*vis NM D*rin S*nds Pacific Reg (Coord Alaska & WA) M*tt St*les ID D*nis H*m MT (state contact) Br*an S*yther OR St*ven D*dley Western Reg (Coord CA & HI) *d O*ding NV R*ck W*lton
  17. Oh Geeze! If that's true then I know someone who's in for a world of hurt if he continues hanging around with me. :D--> Vickles, my parents got married at 18 and 21 because my mom was preggers with me. They had some rocky times, but they are happier now than they ever have been. It's awesome to see them together and to hear how much more patient Daddy is with Mama and how much fun Mama is having doing her "own thing". Now, Daddy did buy a Mustang Convertible and Mama has gone on quite a few "girly trips" to NYC, Chicago and other fun places. They are both having a blast in their own way and they still have fun together. It's a big change from what it was like growing up with them. I'm happy for them, but my kids are never gonna believe the stories I wanted to tell them about Grandpa and Grandma. ;)-->
  18. Peaches, actually that was me quoting Bob. ;)--> But the point is more that the OT had all the laws handed down by God that are absolutely horrendous and not in keeping with an "All Loving" god. And moreso, TWI picks and chooses according to their desired manipulation of people which laws they consider "valid" still today and which laws aren't. They like the letter of the law because it allows them to pigeonhole people, just like these OT laws did. The law literally DID work death, Ham. And if that was to protect the people, then how'd you end up with such evil rulers - even among the Judean people? Here are some other laws TWI doesn't teach because it serves no purpose for them: Deuteronomy 22:20-21 Stone a girl to death for having pre-marital sex?? Is that truly worthy of death – by stoning, no less? Deuteronomy 22:22 – 27 Wonder why they never taught these verses…..If it were OT times, we could have stoned vee pee, craig, don w, howard a, and many more…. Deuteronomy 23:1 Yeppers! This makes perfect sense. Wonder if TWI has considered making this one a standard rule...…nawwwww…....they’d prefer it the OTHER way around so that rosie and donna can eliminate those ghastly men from their congregation This is a great place to learn more about the Law: The Law Plain and Simple Mr. H, you're gonna love that site!!
  19. Nancy & Chuck Missler's Site They look like PFAL grads to me...
  20. :D--> I like any kind of music that mentions the south....cept rap. ;)--> I'll pull a Raf since no one else seems to know it either. Pity, it's a great song! I didn't dream it's be so obscure. I've seen the bright lights of Memphis And the Commodore Hotel And underneath a street lamp I met a Southern belle Well she took me to the river, where she cast her spell And in that Southern moonlight, she sang a song so well If you'll be my {song title}, I'll be your Tennessee lamb And we can walk together down in dixieland Down in dixieland Well we made all the hot spots. My money flowed like wine Then that low down Southern whiskey began to fog my mind And I don't remember church bells or the money I put down On the white picket fence and boardwalk of the house at the edge of town But boy do I remember the strain of her refrain The nights we spent together, and the way she called my name If you'll be my {song title}, I'll be your Tennessee lamb And we can walk together down in dixieland Down in dixieland Well it's been a year since she ran away Yes that guitar player sure could play She always liked to sing along She's always handy with a song Then one night in the lobby of the Commodore Hotel I chanced to meet a bartender who said he knew her well And as he handed me a drink he began to hum a song And all the boys there, at the bar, began to sign along If you'll be my {song title}, I'll be your Tennessee lamb And we can walk together down in dixieland Down in dixieland
  21. I have some too. I think Paw also has some. Thanks, ekfrasi! And, I don't believe we've met, so WELCOME!! and Nice ta meecha! :)-->
  22. Okay, here's the whole first verse by this "Little" band: I've seen the bright lights of Memphis And the Commodore Hotel And underneath a street lamp I met a Southern belle Well she took me to the river, where she cast her spell And in that Southern moonlight, she sang a song so well
  23. Belle

    Tom Cruise Meltdown

    How pathetic is it that a nutty institution like Scientology can get all these famous idiots to send them tons of money and TWI has to pay for any public acknowledgement. Maybe Tom Boy and the others aren't as stupid as we think. NOT that I'm complaining or anything! :D-->
  24. Belle

    We always get our man

    Because they can, Oak. :)--> They probably arrested a non-violent offender once and he got away or became violent so now everybody has to be handcuffed. How much more idiotic can we look in Florida?? This should have been stopped before it even got to her. I'm embarrassed to say I live here. Alabama is going to change their slogan to "At least we're not Florida." -->
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