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Everything posted by Belle

  1. I now have the notes on this, but they're long and it's month end, quarter end and top management meeting time, so it'll be a little while before I can post the notes. :)--> But I'll try to get it done soon.
  2. Belle

    Parents in Jamaica

    No problem, Garth. Go easy on 'em, would ya, Chef? They're new at this. George, thanks! I'm checking everything I can and sending text messages to Daddy's cell. So far the best I've found are: National Hurricane Center and Weather Underground That's where Raf posts the path from. I guess since it's my parents I would much prefer updates every 15 minutes. :D-->
  3. I gained weight on that dang cabbage soup diet! :(--> That's what sent me to the dr. to find out why I couldn't lose weight no matter what I did. I follow a combination of the Insulin Resistance Diet and Weight Watchers Point System (when I'm being good. :D-->). This is a great resource for diet and fad diet information.
  4. Belle

    Parents in Jamaica

    Don't be a s h i t, garth. There's a Category 2 hurricane coming at them and they are obviously concerned and would like to know where it is, how fast it's moving, how fast the winds are....if they're safe. They've never been through anything like this and it's scary for them, especially since they don't have any information.
  5. Belle

    Parents in Jamaica

    Thanks, GC. I'll keep an eye on that site too. Even weather.com only has updates through 8am. :(--> I was hoping to be able to see hourly updates. They don't have access to tv or internet, so I'm text messaging them updates as I can find them. They're staying at a resort just east of Montego Bay. I'm concerned because they're on the beach without much to break up the winds and Jamaica is on the worst side of the hurricane.
  6. Belle

    Parents in Jamaica

    My parents are in Jamaica, Mon. I'm trying to find the best website to get updates on Jamaica and the impact Dennis is having. Most US stations and such are focused mainly on the US. Can anyone recommend a good website to watch for updates and information? Thanks!!
  7. "Rudy" went WD a few years ago and was planning to marry someone shortly after that. I want to say she was from one of the Carolinas and he was going to move there after his WD stint. That guy is something else with the way he was treated by TWI. BTW, Paul Brook* made us quit calling him Rudy because Paul said it triggered devil spirits or Rudy had a devil spirit that answered to that name.....something like that... --> Anyway, he had to start going by "Bill".
  8. Finding Neverland Kelly McDonald My Life So Far
  9. Do you remember when the Mamas and the Papas were invited to the White House by Nixon's kid? In an interview they said they had come "" this close "" to slipping acid in his drink. How do you think ole Tricky Dick would have been on acid?
  10. Belle


    LOL! You'll truely be missed Ham! Enjoy your time away!
  11. The Wedding Planner Matthew McConaughy A Time to Kill My aunt and cousin were in A Time to Kill, but they were extras. :)--> Filmed in the home town where my Mama grew up.
  12. Just checked. I got it right. :D--> Here's my lyric: Sprayin' bright day over what you might say Blood type krylon - Technicolor type A
  13. Spin Doctors "Jimmy Olsen's Blues" I love the Spin Doctors!
  14. Ben & Jerry's Chocolate Fudge Brownie and Oatmeal Cookie! MMMmmmmm!!!! I'm with you Cindy! Sounds like a great way to celebrate this glorious month!
  15. "Do these jeans make my butt look fat?" :D--> I'm trying to think of one OE. Good topic! I hope it doesn't get choo-choo'd.
  17. And why was it okay for two women to have sex if craig could rape them, but not okay for rosie and donna to have sex without him?
  18. Both excellent points, men! They are probably very upset about the possibility of even being associated with TWI. But, if they are having to tangle with rosie and her fuhrers, they will be even more upset as they see how absolutely vicious and un-Chrisitan they can be. I hope it doesn't discourage them from wanting to continue their ministry, just with a name not affiliated with a cult..
  19. Thanks, railroader! TWI is eventually going to pick the wrong place to try to flex any muscle. Hopefully we'll all hear about it when it happens. :D-->
  20. You got that right, Ham! TWI just says, "go be warmed" (Just believe God for it). They don't bend an arm to help anyone and sure as heck wouldn't be "inconvenienced" by doing labor (gasp!) to help those idiots who wouldn't be in that position if they had been believing God in the first place. Sheesh!
  21. cool, Here's the section on bestiality. I think TWI copied it for their new family class. :D--> Bestiality Laws
  22. Belle


    Life IS so much fun when you can think and especially when you can do it without TWIt blinders on. I'm sure my dad was shaking his head and thinking, "I can't believe we're having this conversation" the whole time he was helping me.
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