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Everything posted by Belle

  1. When we get together with other GSpotters for beer & BBQ or a wedding or to exceed the two drink limit, are we still considered offshoots, splinters or what have you?
  2. Weout, I wish it was a joke, but, alas, this IS what TWI is teaching people. Now they just blame God if they can't blame the TWIt.
  3. Today is the one year anniversary of my divorce and freedom from TWI. While I am terribly disappointed that it came down to divorce and that my ex is still entrapped and oppressed by that evil group, I am ecstatic to have my life back and to experience the constant peacefulness that was so elusive during the previous ten years. I will be leaving tomorrow for the annual Smith family reunion that I was not allowed to attend the entire time I was married. I will never miss another one of these again except for the most dire of reasons. My face and sides will be sore from laughter all week next week. (I have Smith, Jones, Brown and Williams in my family. I'm as plain as you can get! :D--> ) I have renewed the closest friendship bonds that only pretended to exist in TWI and made new true friends. I have renewed appreciation and love for my family. I have thoroughly enjoyed learning more about God, other religions, belief systems and the whole spiritual world out there that we couldn't see for the TWIt blinders. It's been quite the journey this past year and while it hasn't always been easy, mostly the worst days "out" have been better than the best days "in". It's so nice to live free from condemnation, intense scrutiny and the pressure to be perfect. Sleep comes easier and is so much more tranquil. There's a calmness and peacefulness in my home, even when it's not spotless. :)--> I owe many thanks to you GSpotters. Your support, advice, thoughts, humor and presence have made it a very good, very healing year (along with professional one-on-one therapy :)--> ). I'm so glad you're here and I'm so glad Paw makes it possible for us to have these awesome experiences and friendships.
  4. Belle


    Those are nice pictures, David. Here in Florida lights are a big deal. It's so much fun to ride around and look at the beautiful yards and the way overdone ones too. I'm glad none of the busy, bright, tacky yards are in my neighborhood, though. I don't like the National Lampoon christmas lights & decorations like those as much as the simple, clean look. One of my favorite yards every year has a couple of deer and very tastefully balanced white lights and white light icicles with red bows on the trees.
  5. Ahhhhh, sorry, Sudo. No, I haven't been to the Nostalgia thread. Guess it shows. :)--> I wasn't trying to cheat,though. Honest! My speakers on the work computer are not functioning properly, but I'll listen and guess when I get home.
  6. JJ, Sorry. I don't play online games, but I have seen where with online poker there are people who set up several computers and play like they are different people at the same table to cheat money out of someone playing honestly on the same table with them. Is that what you're talking about? I thought you meant long distance phone company slamming. :)--> I sent a letter to my phone company telling them not to change my LD carrier unless they get something from me in writing and that has put an end to those kinds of slamming. :D-->
  7. Oooohhhh, David! I like the clips they have that you can listen to!! I'm definitely going to have to order that album! Thank you!!
  8. Belle

    The Cone of Emily

    It's at Rosarito Beach. I leave tomorrow and will be coming back home on Wed. I think that's just south of San Diego, so maybe I'll be safe location and time-wise. :D--> Keeping my fingers crossed, just in case.
  9. I was getting tired of the Hurihallah thread, so I was glad to see the thong thread show up, but I suppose this one is better. What I really hate is that two of my cube farm inmates insist on using the speaker phone option all the time. I don't care about hearing their phone conversations....I hate listening to a phone ring and ring and ring when they're calling someone and I don't understand WHY they can't just pick up the damn phone. Sorry.....this wasn't the pet peeve thread, was it? :o-->
  10. Belle

    The Cone of Emily

    DAMN YOU, EMILY! Any way to make her slow down so she doesn't ruin my family reuion?
  11. Clearly, the context here is someone who is poor, destitute. These are not terms that conjure up any kind of imagery of prosperity. It is people who have fallen on hardship and there not to be taken advantage of by the fellow believers if they’re loaned something. This is not true. The poor, destitute are NOT the only ones mentioned regarding loans, borrowing, etc. in the Bible. Maybe in the few verses that Rico picked out, but not in all verses. In 2 Kings 4:1 does not indicate a poor, destitute family and to imply as such would be private interpretation. He obviously had a loan and was not behind on it, but once he died his widow was unable to pay and THEN it became debt. There are more, but you already know that. ;)--> It just doesn't fit your agenda.
  12. So much for the red drapes, eh? I guess they aren't teaching The More Abundant Life any more and have taken this lesson even further because this is what Rico says on the tape about debt: How's that for teaching you to blame God if you aren't able to buy your own home or start your own business? God determines your success and that success just may not include any material abundance. Don't blame us for you not having a house and not being able to plan for financial security; we didn't make the rules. Yeah, Right! Bite me!
  13. I was talking with a friend the other day and she was relaying to me her experience with attending a church for the first time since leaving TWI. She felt uncomfortable and didn't want anyone to talk to her, although knowing that was an unrealisitc expectation. It was a very intense experience having spent so many years in TWI. The point of my post: How about you? What were your first experiences of venturing back into "church"? Any funny or horror stories? If you found a church "home" how did you find it and what do you like most about it? edited to move these questions to the top for those who don't want to read the book of a post I wrote below. :D--> I had the same feelings and my experiences are almost comical now, although I was pretty upset at the time. I was trying to remember which church a former co-worker attended and couldn't remember the name of it and couldn't find her phone number. I decided to go to the church where I *thought* she said she went. I got all dressed up in my Sunday best and scooted off to church. Got there and it was all old people in their 70's and 80's with a few very young families scattered around. I sat on a pew all by myself and didn't really want anyone to talk to me, but was hoping desperately to see my friend. People would turn around occasionally and look at me, smile and turn back around, but not one person spoke to me. It was a "contemporary" service with a small group at the front singing with words and pictures displayed on a huge screen for us to sing along. I'd never seen that before and the music was nice, but I had really wanted to hear some "traditional" songs that I hadn't heard since leaving the church. The message was really nice, though. I left feeling glad that I had come even if just for the message. BUT I was really craving some good ole hymn singing. SOOOOO, I decided I had just enough time to make it to the traditional 12:00 service at the Baptist Church, so I booked it across town, got a parking spot in the very crowded area and walked to the main sanctuary where there was a greeter standing there in jeans. I should have known then to turn around. :)--> I walked in and the place was filled with kids - grade school, middle school, jr high, high school...few adults. On the stage was a rock band set up complete with the plexi-glass around the drum set. Soooo....not only am I way too old for this crowd, I'm also way over dressed, but I'm here now, so I decide to stay. The music was good even though it wasn't what I was hoping to hear and it was really cool seeing the kids singing, clapping and dancing (in a Baptist Church, nonetheless). THEN, the "minister" stood up to preach. I felt like I was back in TWI. :(--> He must have said, "Look at me!" about fifty times, he yelled and was instilling fear in these kids if they didn't speak of Christ to their friends and live for Him because the world is going to hell in a handbasket....typical Hell Fire and Brimstone of the Baptist church I grew up in and just as bad and accusing as anything I heard in TWI. I left crestfallen and so disappointed. Maybe TWI was right. There IS nothing better out there.... I went back to the first church a few times but still no one spoke to me at all. I loved the message every week, but at least wanted one friend there. I found my friend and found out that she was attending the Methodist church around the corner from the one I had been attending looking for her. They have two services every Sunday - one contemporary and one traditional. I can get whichever "fix" I'm in the mood for that week. The messages are always uplifting and they never claim to have a corner market on the truth, in fact, they do things together with other churches and - GASP! - even other denominations! I love this church! I've met some of the nicest people who don't have any hidden agendas and who don't bug me if I miss a Sunday or two. There are so many things I can get involved with IF I WANT TO and no pressure if I don't. :)--> I'm not ready to go whole hog involved with any group, but if I was, this would be the best one for me. I really enjoy going and hearing what uplifts my spirit and encourages me. It's by far light years ahead of and better than TWI.
  14. Not sure how to comment on that, Roy. It's interesting, but wouldn't that make God gay? Maybe I'm missing something or need another cup of coffee. Can you maybe explain it a little more?
  15. Belle

    Fed up with eBay

    I've never sold anything on Ebay, but thought about selling all my TWI stuff, just never done it. I have bought quite a few things and only had problems twice. Both times I complained to my credit card company and they put the funds back on my account. I keep track of all correspondence with the sellers "just in case" and I will never buy from someone with a negative feedback unless it appears to be one particular unique situation in a long history of transactions. BUT, I only go on when I'm looking for something in particular and know about what I want to spend. Sometimes it's just not a deal once they tack on all the shipping and whatnot. I did get a killer wi fi laptop for a darn good price recently and now I'm totally spoiled. :D-->
  16. Neat stuff, y'all! I love it when you share about your lives growing up and the teen angst and all the stuff going on. It truly is fascinating and so hard to imagine in this apathetic age. Ask a question BluzieQ, and look at all the goodies you get in addition to answers to your question. :)--> Thanks for posting!
  17. Scary Stuff! It's so surreal! I wrote my congressmen and signed up on that site, Dot. Thanks for letting us know about things like this! And.....include me in the "glad to have you back" welcoming committee. :D-->
  18. Belle


    I LOVE LOVE LOVE CHRISTMAS!! I hated it TWI-style, but did the best I could. My ex couldn't care less about it, so I did it all on my own....picking out the tree, setting it up, decorating it, buying the presents, helping plan the meal, watching the Christmas specials, buying cards.... I just LOVE doing all that and now that there are no rules about what I can and can not do, I can't wait for it to get here!! "A Christmas Story" is my favorite Christmas movie and I watch it about ten times during the season. This year I'll: Have my real CHRISTMAS tree as usual BUT put Santa Claus and other contraband ornaments on it send out CHRISTMAS cards with that verbotten word on them bake CHRISTMAS cookies for the office enjoy my family without worrying about them or my ex saying something to start a fight or make anyone feel uncomfortable enjoy eating what (and how much) I want without my ex counting every calorie. enjoy going to hear the singing Christmas Tree at my church. enjoy playing TRADITIONAL CHRISTMAS music in my house. enjoy going to visit my family instead of us having to be split up because someone won't/can't take time off from work. AND someday, I hope to have kids who will put out cookies and milk for SANTA'S much anticipated visit. :D--> Yeah, I like Christmas!
  19. Bummer! We've all been excitedly anticipating it here. Whole offices can be seen standing in the parking lots looking East to see it. If I'm at home I can see it launch straight through the trees at the end of my street. All the neighbors stand in the street together to watch. Even though we live in Florida and get to see all of them launch, it's still a very special event. The night launches are absolutely spectacular. I'm sad that they've scrubbed it for today, but I'd much rather them know that everything is functioning correctly and the crew is safe. There are people here from all over the world for the launch.
  20. Very Nice, Sudo! I'd be interested in a GOOD version. :D--> Can you find me a good deep bass rendition of "How Great Thou Art"? I LOVE that song, but done in the ultra-soprano of TWI's Choir would ruin it for anyone. That song was made for a good deep bass voice. Even Elvis doesn't do it justice in the CD I have. :)--> I'm not picky or anything but my daddy does the best I've ever heard and I don't have that on any recording. ;)-->
  21. How many times did we hear, "your life is not your own"? and "You owe your life to the ministry that taught you the word"? sick, just sick!
  22. I dunno, ex. I'm re-evaluating everything. I think people have different needs and are at different levels of belief in TWI doctrine. I guess the answers depend on the person. :)-->
  23. Good analogy, MO. Ham, I think you've got a point there. Even the victim is too AFRAID to say anything. :(--> He's already been so abused mentally, spiritually, emotionally that the last thing he would do is admit to actually missing his "earthly" family. That would just be too much weakness for them to find out about. If I wasn't afraid being in your presence might set off gag reflexes after all I've learned about you Mr & Mrs Moneyhands, I'd gladly get down on my knees and beg to you reconcile this man with his family. Instead all I can do is hope and pray that there is some small shred of humanity left in you.
  24. Okay, I just checked and she WANTED to purjer herself, but didn't: I do think these answers would be up for debate though: So much more, but that's a serious choo-choo. Just wanted to clarify that I mis-spoke on the debt comment by the fox.
  25. Isn't there a deposition or notes from COURT where Rosie herself says that it's NOT a requirement for people in leadership roles or entering WC to be debt free? I think there is.....would that be lying in a court of law?
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