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Everything posted by Belle

  1. Pick up Sticks Scallops Fresh Scallops (doesn't matter which kind) Red, Green, Yellow, Orange Bell Peppers cut into slivers (I use colors the store has, but you want at least 3 different colors) Sliced Onion Paprika Salt & Pepper Italian Bread Crumbs (optional) In a non-stick pan spritzed with a little Extra Virgin Olive Oil Saute the sliced bell peppers and onions till desired tenderness (I like mine still a little crispy). Add the scallops and sautee till opaque. Add seasonings and Italian Bread Crumbs Voila! Some serve it over Basmati Rice but I eat it just like that with a little salad.
  2. I throw a lot of things together "to taste" and/or "till the colors balance" :D--> I also avoid any recipe that takes more than 20-30 minutes except for the most special of occasions. :)--> Here are a few of my favorites: Corn Salad I always get requests for the recipe when I take this somewhere Canned White Shoepeg Corn Green Onions Tomatoes (I prefer plum or grape tomatoes) Dollop of Mayo (just enough to moisten) Salt Pepper All to taste. You don't want too many onions or it will overpower the salad. The more pepper you add the spicier it is. I usually make it the night before because a day of mingling the flavors makes it especially yummy.
  3. 1 John 1:8 Common doctrinal standard of the devil spirit realm. “Power of the mind” – “all you need is in you” – “spirit will guide you” Liberal theology of the seed realm. Even psychiatrists help people live with problems rather than overcoming them. There is literally a place in the brain where that seed would be. It’s not an all in all inner man like holy spirit. Seed is just a door stop. Seed in itself and after it’s kind is what the adversary had to make. 1 of the vital things JC exposed is seed boys. Most people don’t confront it, but we do. Martindale says he has to confront fiery darts moved in the world by the devil spirit realm all the time. It’s his job. The New World Order is being moved by the Roman Catholics. Russia caving in economically. If you’re in trouble financially you’re weak spiritually. That’s how a bribe makes you go blind spiritually. If you justify debt you’re still blind. You’ve gotta be sharp. They try to seduce you, slip it in when you’re not looking. Gambling and the lottery are also bribery. If you get to the truth they hate it like ecumenical pushers: Charles Colson, Watergate crook/Nixon’s attorney. Some men are willing to compromise on anything to get that religious unity. Jesuits – watchdogs of the Roman Catholics. They devised the tortures in the book of martyrs. See the word then learn to see the effects in your life – spark your heart – pay more attention…..that’s the goal here.
  4. Categories of Devil Spirits MOLE – A plant but not fully aware of who they work for. They are merely bribed into doing the devil’s work STOOGE – Mouth the doctrines of devils unknowingly 1 John 1:4 parallels Ch 2:26 – Jesus tells us not to be deceived by seed boys. For our joy to be full we have to take the lid off & not be deceived. To see this we have to have disciplined our lives to the word of God. Ch. 3:10, 12 Ek = means origin, out from the wicked one. From the middle of and that’s where the seed boys get their nature from. They have the hate of Satan – When you get to a level of spiritual maturity you are not stunned by the hatred brought against you because of your stand. v.13 – “Marvel not” is a command. The first seed boy was Cain. He was born again of the devil’s seed and because he’s the first he sets the pattern. 1 Jo 5:16 – sin unto death = if someone is born again of the devil’s seed there’s no need to pray for them. They are full of hate. When the word of God comes up their hatred boils and you can see it. What we register and notice is the devil spirit functioning and things they move. Seed with no devil spirits wouldn’t be noticed. Ministries are energized. At times they aren’t possessed they can be nice, amiable. You find these seed people in all phases of life and culture. The adversary picks the best he can find. He has to work within natural laws. He can’t make a bubba into an Einstein. They have to follow the natural order of the world.
  5. The Way of Holiness vs The Course of the World We have to take action on the word if we plan to please God. Positions, functions and attributes of those walking by the adversary’s seed: Key cog of the adversary is those seed boys. Spirit – Mind – Body is the Great Principle Prince’s Pull from devil spirit seed – seed opens their mind – they still have to operate devil spirits (that’s where the real kratos is) The word tells us how these devil spirits operate. Seed is the password to their mind, the computer program he runs. Athletes of the Spirit is the best representation of the devil spirit realm, according to craig 2 Spiritual kingdoms: Christ – Archangels Antichrist – Ruling Devil Spirits Angelic appearances are phenomena and by revelation Angel teachings and worship moves devil spirits into people’s lives. It’s the doctrine of devils. An unsound mind is an insane mind and off the word. Matt 12 – a house divided against itself cannot stand. Key cog is the diamon: systematizing of error. Seed people is the key to getting things done Spiritually it’s the children of God vs the children of the Devil Functionally children of the devil stand in opposition to the true ministers of J>C> Ministers confront at every level. Most of the time it’s indirect, but occasionally it’s nose-to-nose We, ministers, confront what they, d.s. teach such as the ecumenical movements, angels, the 2nd heaven & earth. The earth & the fullness thereof belong to God. The devil doesn’t own the universe, but he is in control of the kingdoms. The devil can’t read my mind, but he can predict my behavior. Belial – Beli = without Baal = standard or worth We are not to be deceived by seed, their works/fiery darts/impact (functioning of devil spirits by doctrines, ethics, designer causes of the day such as the feminist movement, ecology.) Those up front are being used by seed boys behind the scenes.
  6. Some people are masters at reading body language. If you’re stale in a category, the adversary can set up scenarios to get you because you’re so predictable. Romans 4:20 – Abraham staggered not….. stagger = mental dispute / unbelief = apistia – refusal to grow, refusal to hear enough to believe Eph 6 – To be strong you must live sanctified – live in the household not just the family In Christ = fundamentals of alignment and harmony, SIT In the Lord = deeper step of maturity & in commitment required in the household. Refers to STS on Corinthians and Zion. Zion is “in the Lord”. v.10 – That strength is only available in the Lord – You can’t be “in the Lord” if you’re not in the household. Eph 1:9 – “In the Lord” 3x3 very significant Re: the homo situation – catching people “in the act” moved to “genuine spiritual suspicion” to get rid of the homos. It’s available to work because it was acted on within the guidelines of being “in the Lord” New light on keys to walking by the spirit. #1 is meekness to leadership Stand on what you received and you’ll get more guidance. People use those keys to justify disobedience. Everything has a framework to work within Eph 1:15, 2:19, v.20, v.22 – You as a vital functioning member of the household SIT bypasses the entire reasoning mind. Eph 4:19 – past feeling – having no remorse Laciviousness – not necessarily moral letchery but spiritual letchery. Uncontrollable appetite – ego trips, spiritual lusts, seeking after signs Phil 4:7-17 We act that the ministry be not blamed (2 Cor 6:3) Filled to capacity, where the manifestations are….Window of opportunity – we must jump and act immediately or the impact is not the same.
  7. I don't know if this fits appropriately with Satori's thread, so I'm starting another just in case.... I picked up my notes from the AC Special on the field because I know that there was a lot of talk about devil spirits in the class. The first page made my stomach turn. I’ll post pertinent information as I get to it, but we’ll start here: “skimming over words is wrong. It minimizes the word of God and it’s out of fellowship.” “Don’t mindlessly go through the word of God. To not keep the bivrancy and working, learning and growing in the word of God is at some point out of fellowship and private interpretation.” “Be strong…..” (Eph 6:10) – It’s a command. Addressed to the faithful and expected of believers at our level. In Aramaic it’s the word for prevail. “The adversary attacks first and foremost our old man nature” “when a person continues to sin it’s devil spirit influence….” “….longsuffering and patience…..adversary has used these admonitions to hide behind….” “Our response to the admonitions in the word of God to the pleas to tithe has kept us afloat. God allowed to hold things together because we’re stewarded over. No reason we shouldn’t be prosperous. “ “Honestly disciple until you’re at the plurality giving level.” “We have to grow to the point of giving all on our own and not out of compulsion. Remember the keys to walking by the spirit?” “ Getting out of debt doesn’t change your thought patterns. The challenge will be to stay out of debt.” “Our goal is to be so strong we’re not even tempted to sin” 1 John 2 – addressed to this kind of group – my brethren, dear ones, terms of endearment, affection trust. Addressed to the faithful who have proven themselves. v.14 you are so strong more of the word opens up because you are doing something with it. Deeper appreciation and understanding of the adversary 1 John 3:2 – 7: Endeared to God by living the word so more opens up to them. They learn the “how” in the spirit realm. Acts 9:19 – Why we’re not unequally yoked. (Paul after being born again). Not like dead headed grads. Romans 4: The adversary mastered the scriptures to use against you. Genius at your behavior. He can effectively predict your behavior.
  8. Belle

    Breakfast Recipes

    Groucho, I had a Mexican Egg McMuffin on my trip to Mexico. It was really good! Who'd a thunk refried beans and salsa would be good on a McMuffin? :D--> I make "egglettes": sautee bell peppers of all colors and some onion then break the eggs on top of them and scramble it all together. Cover with shredded cheese and salsa. Yum!! I make my own Egg McMuffin at home most mornings. Sausage Balls? They smell sooooo good when baking and they're good "portable" food. I take them to dog shows and competitions. If you want a recipe for that I'll be happy to share mine.
  9. Belle

    Breakfast Recipes

    This is my mom's recipe for Sticky Buns (aka Monkey Bread). She's known as "The Sticky Bun Lady" in town because she brings them everywhere she goes. Her license plate even says "STKY BNS". I try not to ride with her much. :D--> When she's visiting where kids will be or if kids visit her house, she takes her homemade "Sticky Bun Kit" and teaches the kids how to make them. They are very good! Sticky Buns 2 pkg biscuits (10/pkg) 1 cup brown sugar 1 stick margarine 1. Preheat oven to 350. 2. Melt margarine & brown sugar in a 2 cup glass measuring cup (or just a glass bowl) in microwave for about 2 minutes. 3. Cut biscuits in fourths with kitchen scissors. 4. Mix about 1 cup powdered sugar (can use granulated, but powered sugar sticks to the biscuits best). 5. Shake cut biscuits in airtight container (tupperware bowl with lid or zip lock bag). 6. Spray bundt cake pan or just a two qt. casserole dish with non-stick spray. 7. Layer biscuits, pecans, raisins, cranberries ending with a layer of biscuits last. 8. Pour melted margarine/brown sugar over biscuits in pan. 9. Bake at 350 for about 22 minutes. 10. Take out of the oven and let "set-up" for about 2-3 minutes. Invert pan/casserole dish on a plate and let that "set-up" for a minute before you take the hot dish off. (This makes them beautiful!)
  10. LongGone, those are some examples. If one does not want to get into a political or religious debate, then they should not bring religion or politics into a discussion. Those are the two topics that people are extremely passionate about and generally with any topic they can generate heated discussions, no? Perhaps if WD had said, "I don't care for the Harry Potter books and feel that they don't promote Christian values." Although, it still would have led to a discussion, it probably would have been much more amiable. Some people DO think HP takes kids off the path of Christianity and others see it as over-reacting. It's not a new topic, but it can be - and I have been involved with discussions - repectful and non-insulting to both points of view. Chef, WD has not read the books. He says he flipped through a few pages of one book but saw no fascination with it. Personally, I don't think he read enough to be able to make a truly informed decision and, as such, is basing his views on whatever some person he must greatly respect has said.
  11. WD: I did ask and was slammed for it instead of getting an answer. ;)--> Here's what you posted: You put words into MY mouth. I don't care that you don't like the HP books. I DO care that you insinuate that I'm not a good Christian because I do like them. Your martyrdom is getting old and your exaggerations are ridiculous. Others HAVE agreed with you that they don’t much care for the HP books, but they have done so without insulting anyone or degrading anyone who enjoys them and enjoys the hooplah surrounding their release dates. Oldies: Ron: Shellon talking about her daughter: Ham: Perhaps you could learn communication techniques from these examples. But probably not, but only because you don't want to and because you refuse to acknowledge the underlying insults in your comments.
  12. Belle

    Icon sizes

    Disco died? Chef, if you have a picture you like, Paw can help you get it to the right size ad posted. Or perhaps one of the moderators can.
  13. My parents are in KY and absolutely love it. I have adopted grandparents who are big wigs in their RV community. I'll ask them this week-end and let you know what they suggest.
  14. Then there were also those who were ordained and then dropped from the WC. They were no longer called Reverend. We have one in Florida. Very sad because these people were so very mistreated.
  15. Simply saying that personally you (rhetorical) don't much care for something has been said many times with no argument, discourse or otherwise "gang bang" as you put it. You and JL, however, have shown a keen talent for insulting and demeaning those who disagree with you (this thread isn't the first time). We've already been through this with you many times and I'm not going to even begin to try to explain it to you again, but as for JL here's one comment in particular that was like a slap in the face to me: Perhaps a little diplomacy, a little less judgmentalism would be too much to ask. But if you are going to continue to insult people who don't necessarily enjoy, think or agree with your pov, then don't be surprised when people treat you like you treat them. :)-->
  16. Belle

    Icon sizes

    Chef, at the top of the page, click on: "GO" - then "My Space", then "Profile" then in the top right corner "Edit/Complete My Profile" then scroll down to "Public Profile Fields" and the "Avatar/Picture URL:" section is where you can add your picture for your avatar Hope that helps! Here's one that might be good. :)-->
  17. Belle

    Murder Mystery Party

    I've never been to one either, but it does sound like a blast. Raf, LOL!
  18. Okay, maybe it IS a fad, but I think it will be around and become a "classic" however long it takes for things to be considered "classic". I consider that HP will be mentioned and shared with kids just like Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, etc. LOTR has been around for a long time as has The Hobbitt and such. I don't get into LOTR, but I certainly don't pooh-pooh those who do. They enjoy that kind of thing. I don't. It's real simple. I agree, also, that there are better ways of putting things and that we DO have to be aware of how we think about people who don't necessarily share our enthusiasm or lack thereof. JL, your post does come across as implying that those of us who are thoroughly enjoying the HP books and the hooplah surrounding their release dates are less honorable than you and your household. I appreciate and understand your distaste for "going along with the crowd" and teaching your children to not get caught up in frenzy and emotions, but I disagree with how you appear to pass judgement on us in the process. Just as many of us are not "wannabees", we're just thoroughly enjoying the books and the hooplah surrounding them. Surely there are SOME things you get excited about like that? I hope so.
  19. Belle


    (((((ex))))) I love that song from A Chorus Line and have the LP.....yep, the old vinyl copy with pops and everything. If there was anyway I could send it to you, I would. If you want it just PT me your address. I don't know if you still have a turntable that works, but I'd gladly loan you mine. :)-->
  20. Oooohhhhh, if'n it's in KY or WV I might be able to swing it seein as how the P's are in KY. Lexington would be perfect! Otherwise I'll just be able to participate in the Oak & Reiki wedding festivities. I would SOOOOOOO LOVE to attend a weenie roast!
  21. Belle

    Icon sizes

    David, I finally got to see yours up close and personal. I must say it's absolutely beautiful! Chef, do you have one you'd like to use or would you like for us to help you find one? Dunno if it works for icons, but Jeff Foxworthy says his deck looks bigger if he trims around it.
  22. If he gets to me early enough he can visit Sea World, Universal and the rat before we head to the wedding. ;)-->
  23. Ahhhhh, but how do you know what their purpose is? It seems to me that you have misjudged the purpose. ;)--> I didn't either, but I did try to wiggle my nose like Samantha. :P-->
  24. Okay. That's why I asked. I think any harm that could possibly be attributed to the HP books would more correctly be attributed to parents not teaching and communicating with their children. HP doesn't harm people. People harm people. :)-->
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