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Everything posted by Belle

  1. Belle


    Tom, I would love to read anything you're ready to share. :)-->
  2. Belle


    Thomas Heller, I can't wait to read your book. My girlfriend from 6th grade on is living the dream we all lived for. We shared my b.s. years openly and honestly but she has lots of kids so Im keen to try to not intrude on her. Another friend did sooooooo much for me but has no clue since we lost contact thanks to TWI. I know where she is and have actually driven by her new house with my dog, but not had the guts to directly conact her. I'm working on it because she was such a wonderful friend. Most I don't want to burden again since I'm still growing through so much. I appreciate your insight and time; really!! More than you could imagine.
  3. Belle


    Thanks, GC. I've met some Gspotters this year that I've corresponded with for years and I'm looking forward to meeting Oak, his lady, the !'s and others, but I sure would be nice to call a girlfriend on the spur of the moment for margaritas or whatnot. I miss those days..... Most dog competitors I have have kids my age or have no interest in girls like me who want kids..... if you know what I mean ;)-->
  4. Belle

    Breakfast Recipes

    Here's the full recipe.....I think i might try the full recipe, but there is a halved recipe for smaller crowds below: Caribbean Christmas Cake/ Wedding Cake This cake is versatile and you can substitute strawberry jam with marmalade or any other flavour of jam. You can use alcohol to flavour it or not. You can ice it or leave it plain. You can serve it as a Christmas fruit cake or use it to make a wedding cake. It does make enough cake to fill a set of three graduated wedding cake pans (7.5 in, 5.5 in, and a 4 in pan). Each cake is about 2 inches high and the total weight is about 11.5 lbs. If you cut it up for a wedding cake, it would probably serve anywhere from 100-150 ppl depending on how small you want the pieces to be. 1 3/4 cups slivered almonds 2 cups seeded raisins 2 cups seedless raisins 2 cups currants 2 1/2 cups chopped dates 2 cups citrus peels or mixed glace fruit 1 (12 ounce) bottle maraschino cherries 1/2 cup brandy or pineapple juice 1 (10 ounce) can crushed pineapple 2 cups sugar (additional sugar listed below) 1 cup strawberry jam 4 cups all-purpose flour 2 teaspoons cinnamon 1/2 teaspoon ground cloves 1/2 teaspoon allspice 1 teaspoon salt 1 1/2 teaspoons baking soda 1 lb butter 2 1/4 cups sugar 12 eggs 125 servings 1 hour 34 minutes 1 hr 30 mins prep Day 1: Measure nuts, raisins, currants, citron peel into a large bowl. Drain cherries and reserve juice. Chop cherries (they should measure about 1 1/4 cups) and add to the fruit mixture. Stir in brandy and soak over night. I actually do this a few weeks in advance and leave it in the fridge and really let the fruit soak in the brandy for more depth of flavour but it's up to you. If you're going to do it the day before baking however, I'd cover it with plastic wrap and leave it on the counter at room temp. In a heavy dutch oven or large saucepan, simmer the entire contents of the can of pineapple with 2 cups of the sugar. Cook uncovered until thickened, about 30 minutes. Stir frequently and make sure the heat isn't too high. When cool, stir in the juice from jar of maraschino cherries (it shouldn't be more than 1/2 cup) and the strawberry jam. This mixture doesn't have to be done the day before baking but it does have to be cool before you add it to the cake. In fact, I'd recommend that you do this step on the day of baking. Prepare cake pans by greasing and then lining with w/a double thickness of heavy brown paper. Brown shopping bags do well or else you can use tin foil with dull side out. Grease the paper or foil well. Use whatever size pans you wish but leave an inch space at the top of the pan. Total wt is 11.5 lbs. Preheat oven to 275F. Sift or stir the flour with the spices, salt and soda until well mixed. Sprinkle a cup of the flour mixture over the fruits and nuts and toss till they are coated with flour. Set remaining 3 cups of flour aside. In a large measuring bowl, cream 2 1/4 cups of the sugar with butter. Beat in eggs one at a time. Stir in dry ingredients, alternating with pineapple mixture. Make 3 dry and two liquid additions, combining lightly after each addition. Pour over flour-coated fruits and nuts and mix until well combined. Turn into prepared pans and they can be filled to about one inch from the top. Bake in a preheated oven for 3- 3.5 hrs depending on pan size. Put a shallow pan of water on a lower rack for added moisture if you'd like. Cake should be fairly firm in the centre and a skewer inserted in the centre should come out clean. Remove from oven and allow to cool in pan for 5 min. Remove from pan and peel off paper and then let it cool on a rack. When cool, wrap it in a piece of cheesecloth that has been soaked in brandy, rum, black wine, liquer, or fruit juice. Then wrap the cake in tin foil (leaving the cheesecloth on the cake). Freeze if not being used right away. Note: I usually start soaking the fruits around the end of October for a couple of weeks in the fridge, then mid nov, i bake the cake, and freeze it. Every couple of weeks, I take it out, re-soak the cheesecloth in liquor and wrap it back up and re-freeze. By the time Christmas rolls around, you will have one moist and intoxicating cake! (you can just use fruit juice if you don't want the alcohol... I think pineapple juice is the best). You can decorate with an almond paste or icing of your choice or serve plain. ********************************** 30 Servings 1/2 cup slivered almonds 1/2 cup seeded raisins 1/2 cup seedless raisins 1/2 cup currants 5/8 cup chopped dates 1/2 cup citrus peels or mixed glace fruit 1/4 (12 ounce) bottle maraschino cherries 1/8 cup brandy or pineapple juice 1/4 (10 ounce) can crushed pineapple 1/2 cup sugar (additional sugar listed below) 1/4 cup strawberry jam 1 cup all-purpose flour 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon 1/8 teaspoon ground cloves 1/8 teaspoon allspice 1/4 teaspoon salt 3/8 teaspoon baking soda 1/4 lb butter 5/8 cup sugar 3 eggs
  5. Belle


    Mstar, I think you're absolutely wonderful and someone I could learn lots from. :D--> If you were closer I might be considered a stalker. ;)-->
  6. Exactly, Roy! :)--> With most any orgainized religion you're able to see through the "teachings" to the pleas for money. Would that they would be more honest about just wanting money like the joke about the bum on the corner with the sign he wants money for alcohol research.
  7. Belle


    You're so right, Vickles. I was thinking tonight that the "fake friends" in TWI are no where near worth the no friends or soon-to-be friends waiting for me. :)--> I can see how some would go back because of giving up family, friends, etc. But I would rather be lonely than subject myself to that fake friendship again. I have signed up for Dog Training Classes again and they start next week. I'm so excited. I LOVE, LOVE LOVE the border terrier community and people who are into training their dogs like I am. They are all mostly older and with kids, but it's a start and I thoroughly enjoy training with Vixen. If no girlfriends like I crave come from the training, I will have had a blast.
  8. Belle

    Breakfast Recipes

    Here ya go Chef.....I plan to start mine this week-end. :D--> I've actually tasted this before from authenitic Jamaicans and it's AWESOME!!!!! They said a white bread girl like me would never be able to get the recipe so I'm tickled to have it!!! Let's compare notes when it's done. :D--> It won't upload so e-mail me at scarlettbelle @ gmail dot com (spelled out with and with spaces to avoid spam)
  9. Belle


    I had THE BEST girlfriends growing up and in college. I lost touch with most of them as we all moved to different areas and I got involved with TWI. I miss having girlfriends who know everything about you but love you anyway. I miss having girlfriends who will go with you just to run through the drive thru of Taco Bell. I alienated all my "true" girlfriends for TWI. Now I have no one to call to meet me at Don Pablos for margaritas on the spur of the moment and it's rather lonely. Not that any TWIts would have met me there, but because of TWI I gave up all my girlfriends and I desperately miss that kind of relationship. Any suggestions or ideas on how to deal with this? Excellent therapy only does so much, ya know?
  10. Belle

    Breakfast Recipes

    My Mama makes THE BEST cinnamon raisin bread every Christmas. I also have the recipe for the famous Jamaican Christmas Cake (takes about 3 months to make). If you want either of these just let me know.
  11. AWESOME!!!! We could see it through a few clouds. The parking lot was full and the roofers on the building in the next plot paused to watch. You could hear cheers and applause all over here in Orlando. :D--> :D--> :D--> WOOOOO-HOOOOOO!!!!
  12. We've got radios and tvs on in the cube farm and will be congregating in the parking lot very soon. The excitement is electrifying! Skies are clear. Not even a cloud in the sky today. We'll have a great view and there are no weather worries today.
  13. If'n yer gonna be swinging by south of yer home base, I'd be happy to host you. :)-->
  14. There have been articles in the mainstream media about the effectiveness of prayer. Modern medicine is even startting to accept and, yes, even encourage some forms of alternative therapies in conjunction with sound medical advice and treatment. The problem with spiritual and ethereal realms is that they can't be measured in double blind studies and sterile clinics. These kinds of things are very personal and they depend on intangible variables, so it really boils down to whether you believe it or not.
  15. Not you, Zshot. :)--> I'm sorry. I meant Satori's sarcasm. I should have been more clear. I'm not sure if Reiki has certifications. I do know they have classes and that a professional should have received one-on-one training. Perhaps Reikilady will shed some light on your question. It's a very valid question. ;)-->
  16. There's not enough WC anymore to be able to fly under the radar. Imagine, only four others in training with you....nowhere to hide! I'm glad some of y'all were rebels, though! It's enabled you to help the rest of us even more. :D-->
  17. These are notes from just the first two teachings. Notice how he hits all the key topics of TWI: - Abundant sharing / plurality giving (equates it to spiritual maturity - the more mature you are, the more you give. We've been protected in TWI because we DO give money to TWI.) - Household vs Family (us vs them mentality. We're better than them so don't leave us or you'll be just like them) - Obey leadership no matter how stupid they are - Give your money and time to us, not to "designer causes" - Don't listen to the world, listen to me. I'm the one saving your sorry @$$... Don't pay for some "friend" to listen to your problems. You don't need therapy; you need the word! TWI has not rescinded any of these teachings. They are either still teaching them, indirectly referring to them or just not mentioning them in detail and allowing TWIts to continue believing them. They still stand behind everything craig taught. It's disgusting....especially to think of how electrifying it seemed when I was there listening to it. Lorna, I'm doing this because it was requested. If it helps someone, I don't mind doing it. :)-->
  18. Ya know, I never went to a ROA. I did listen to the nightly teachings on a phone hook-up the year that craig taught the living sanctified crap about not being unequally yoked with unbelievers or anyone else who isn't involved with TWI. Then it was over.....no more ROA's. I wasn't too upset about it since I had never been and a hotel room without a coffee maker is about as "roughing it" as I like to get.
  19. I feel so much free-er and better remembering what it was like "in". Even then I knew I did not ever want to go WD or work at HQ. "The light of the word shines so brightly there that every piece of lint in your life is exposed." Is what they would say about HQ. Well, YAH, you never got any privacy or time alone. People have their nose so far up your @$$ you probably go through a tube of KY a month. Not for me. No thanks.
  20. Interesting perception, Roy. I never equated messages in dreams with speaking in tongues. I'm not too sure about that. I'll have to think on it, although, I will say that I'm not surprised anymore to learn that vee pee lied to us. He lied about so many things.
  21. Alternative treatments have historically been poo-poohed in the medical community and they are only just recently beginning to take serious, legitimate looks at the validity and effectiveness of these kinds of treatments. Even Christian Prayer has been shown to increase one's immunity and help improve those with health problems. Why wouldn't Reiki? Candace Pert is well renowned worldwide for her scientific expertise, particularly with neuropeptides. Because of her intense study, experiments and knowledge of the immune system, chemical neuroanatomy and such, she strongly advocates that there is a definite mind-body connection.....and that what and how you think and feel is a major player in one's physical health. Likewise, Reiki can contribute positively to someone's health if allowed to. If you don't think the same way, fine, but there's no need to get nasty about it.
  22. Belle

    We Set A Date

    I'm going!! I can hardly wait to hug Oak's neck for being a source of strength for me over the past six years and Reikilady for the past year. :D--> I'm staying at the Villager Fri & Sat nights. Willing to shuttle with my rental car. :)--> I arrive in Omaha 9:40pm Friday and leave out 10:30am Sunday.
  23. Tuscan Tuna Canned, drained tuna Canned, drained Cannellini Beans Chopped Red Onion (if you slice the red onion very thin and soak in ice cold water it brings out the sweetness of the onion) Basalmic Vinegar (I've recently discovered Raspberry Balsalmic Vinegar. It's DELISH in this!!) Extra Virgin Olive Oil (I very seldom add any oil to mine) Mix it all together and you have a yummy non-traditional tuna salad. Serve with crackers, in a pita or on a bed of lettuce OR right out of the bowl. :D-->
  24. Greek Chicken Salad Chopped chicken breast (I use drained, canned chicken when in a hurry) Fresh Parsley chopped Kalamata Olives chopped Cucumber diced Feta Cheese crumbled Tzatziki Sauce: Fat Free Yogurt Dollop of Maoy Oregano (fresh or dried) (I use dried) Garlic, Fresh, minced Mix together chicken and above ingredients in a bowl. Mix in a separate bowl the tzatziki sauce. Add the tzatziki sauce to the chicken mixture and stir it all together. Serve in Pitas with a slice of lettuce OR over a bed of lettuce OR eat right out of the bowl. :D-->
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