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Everything posted by Belle

  1. Belle

    Yellow Water

    I personally like Ham's yellow water (beer) theory. It's oxegynated, isn't it? I think we should drink a few glasses together and see if it makes us feel better. That's a scientific experiment I'm willing to perform for my friends here at GSpot.
  2. :D--> Guess I've been Sunckled. My computer at work stays on mute because I work in a cube farm and any noise coming from someone's cube other than keyboard clicking is subject to prairie dogging. Heck, we don't even have a radio on in here....
  3. Satori, I'm sooo sorry. :(--> Those fur babies crawl into our hearts and lives and it's so hard to lose them. I love the name Snuckles! He's most likely spreading cheer and chasing rabbits across the Rainbow Bridge.
  4. And then there's the guy he wrote a much cheaper "failure to obey traffic control device" ticket instead of the wreckless driving ticket he should have gotten....the guy took him to court even though he was doing over 20 miles over the speed limit. Our plans for his day off were ruined because he had to go to traffic court thanks to this guy who got a break from my ex.....
  5. Sorry. :o--> Yes, it does make me wanna throttle somebody. LOL! I'm passionate about our officers, even though my favorite one chose a cult over me. Here's an example of another type of experience similar in some ways to the one above:
  6. I'm jealous!!! Wish I could join y'all!
  7. Mstar, that's cool!! I only heard this song for the first time last year after reading about it on here. I feel so....so....???
  8. Like the pine trees lining the winding road, I got a name. I got a name...
  9. Belle

    Yellow Water

    The yellow water definitely makes it, Ham! I wouldn't be interested if it was, say, clear water!
  10. Belle's soapbox warning Police officers are people too. They have bad days just like the rest of us. Sometimes they unnecessarily lose their temper....(I know that never happens with any of us), but, well, when you deal with criminals, morons and idiots most of the day on most days, well, it happens. I am not justifying this guy's behavior We don't REALLY know what happened, nor do we have the whole story. Remember that there are 3 sides to every story: Yours, Mine and what really happened. :)--> Perception is everything. Maybe this lady puts out poison to kill the neighbor's cats who roam the neighborhood; maybe she's been visited by the police numerous times for harrassing neighbors.....who knows. The police will not speak of any record or encounters they've had with her previously because they aren't allowed to. If the media knows or finds out about it, they will never tell because it just doesn't make for a good story like it does as it stands. Maybe she's just a sweet little old lady who encountered an officer having a really bad day. I'm sure there's an internal investigation going on and, IF they find that the officer acted inappropriately he will have some sort of discipline applied to him. It has happened with officers that I know very well. That being said.....one bad officer or one bad incident doesn't make the whole force bad, nor does it make all police officers bad.
  11. WWJLA, I'm only 36, but I hope you don't mind my chiming in... I know I am more confident and more in tune with what "just be yourself" means. As a result, I have more fun dating and can enjoy the process of finding that special someone who compliments me and my life instead of "settling" or trying to change who I am to please someone or to make them love me. Been there - done that. ;)--> Do those things come with age, experience, upbringing or are they inherent in some moreso than others? I don't know. My parents got married when my mom was 18 and they are still very happily married and both very unique individuals who have always done their own thing. Good question! I'm more concerned about being too anxious and moving too fast because I so don't want to be too old to have kids when Mr. Right does find me. :D--> And....congrats on the relationship! Enjoy and continue having fun! Classmates just now meeting....what a cool story!
  12. Hey Chas! One of the cousins I was re-acquainted with this past month home schools her children. I think Holly is 4. If you'd like for me to contact her or hook the two of you up just let me know. Otherwise I'm pretty darn igernant. :D-->
  13. Belle

    Yellow Water

    Well, I can tell you from experience "don't drink the wine in Mexico" stick to the beer or the tequila. :D--> Now......as for that lava lamp........... ;)-->
  14. Eagle, you make my heart melt! What wonderful parents y'all are! I'm wiping tears from my eyes. I'm so thankful for people like you and your wife. Here's to a wonderful "happily ever after" to Scott and Heather. You've obviously been a wonderful example.
  15. Yes, ICE stands for In Case of Emergency: Meaning: in case of an emergency and I find you and your cell phone, who do I need to call? I've ICE'd my cell phone and I think it's a great idea! I actually have an ICE1, ICE2 and ICE3 because if I'm ever hurt and someone needs to get in touch of a loved one of mine, I want them to be able to do so. :D--> Yeah, I'm that concerned about them being able to find my Mommy if I ever need her. I guess hurricanes and bad car crashes will do that to a gal. :o-->
  16. Sorry, I was just tired of looking at the Polish Lard Diet. :D--> Alice is much more appealing. ;)-->
  17. You know, Ham, I played the nice game on a few co-workers of mine. One girl I kinda liked, but thought she was too young to get to be tooo buddy buddy with. She thought I was really wise (HA!) and would come to me for advice, so I shared da verd with her and brought her to fellowship. She loved it (of course)! Then after a few times I was "encouraged" to loan her a few STS tapes....then to find out if she listened to them.....then to make sure she listened to them. She got annoyed with all the pressure and split. I don't blame her and I still feel bad about it. Another girl I absolutely adored and enjoyed being around had some major life issues going on so I invited her to fellowship. She had a blast (of course) and started coming regularly and even took the WAP class. I didn't "undershepherd" her for that, though. Soon after taking the class she split because our hfc started confronting her on everything; I think she did more pointing out what was wrong instead of encouraging and showing patience. shock shock!
  18. Ain't that the truth? Hoooray for intelligent, thinking kiddos!!
  19. Chef, I agree. That's why I said "MOST" ;)--> Sure churches are good for some people. Some of my fondest memories growing up are from church activities. And yeah, they need money to operate, but I feel that IF they are doing their job then people are giving from a pure heart and because they want to, not because they have to listen to teachings on it consistently. If a church is preaching about money and tithing and giving all the time then they should look at what needs the church isn't meeting instead of trying to pound doctrine into their brains.
  20. Belle


    Lindy, It's great to hear that friends were concerned about you, isn't it? I've learned about so much talk going on behind my back since leaving. People I never suspected of being concerned have mentioned things to me...regarding TWI and my ex and how he treated me. I know what you mean about the friends of convenience, too. I love my job and the people I work with. We go out for beers occasionally and I get invited to the "Southern Living at Home" and Tupperware parties, but it's not the same. I also have great neighbors and we stand around someone's yard shooting the bull a lot. But again, not the same. People our age either do already have as many good close friends as they want (friends do take time and we're all short of it) or, like you said, don't feel right saying "Do you want to be my friend? Circle one" LOL! I've gotten much better at just being me and not taking it personally if someone doesn't like who that is. No sense forcing a relationship (friendship or otherwise) if the "chemistry" isn't there. TWI made us do that. Some of the people in my area I wouldn't have spent 10 minutes with if I didn't have to (and vice versa), but we had to friends because we really didn't have anyone else to turn to. There's a country/western bar that has line dancing and I think there actually is a swing club downtown....I'm extremely rythm challenged, but it does sound like fun. Thanks for the suggestion and the e-mail offer. ;)-->
  21. Belle


    Reikilady, thank you. I know I always enjoy talking/e-mailing with you. I'm sorry for your friend. I know people like that who live in such a whirlwind that they are unable to contribute fully consistently. It's like precious drops of nectar when you're the one in their field of focus.
  22. Belle


    Rascal, I hated going out with my mom for the very same reasons as your mom not wanting to go out with you. LOL! Now when I go home to visit we hang out in Wal-Mart so I can see people I wouldn't have otherwise looked up while I was there. That's what attracts us to others, isn't it? Like interests. I've put all my interests on hold for so long that I don't even know what they are anymore. :D--> I'm working on it, though. Hearing that you've made those dear friends is encouraging.
  23. Belle


    Tom, I asked because I wanted to read it, so this is the perfect place for that kind of post. :)--> I love it! You left me wanting to read more, though. How old were you? My first memories aren't till I was about 4 years old. I'm impressed! BTW, I also have been told I have an addictive personality and I can see how that might be. It can be a good thing or a bad thing depending on the situation. I can't wait to read the later criminal incidents! Sounds like you and your Party Pals have some great stories to share.
  24. Belle

    Kick Boxing!!!

    Happy Birthday, Act2!! Kick Boxing sounds like a fun way to get some exercise. And I promise to buy something from you and ChattyCathy if I'm ever in your neck of the woods! ;)-->
  25. I'm embarrassed to say it because FL doesn't need any more bad press, but we had a string of things like this happen a few months ago. You couldn't turn on the news without hearing about someone calling the cops because someone stole their pot or someone stole money from them and when the cops came to take the report they find plants growing in the house. Once it was two little old ladies! One incident was because a child called 911 when some men showed up at his house with guns to steal beaucoup pounds of pot. It resulted in a shoot-out and two of the three bad guys were killed, but two cops were shot (and lived) as well. :(-->
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