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Everything posted by Belle

  1. Funny, isn't it, how we were the ones working our butts off to clean, set up, serve and then clean the whole dang thing up, but because they showed up to teach us for a little while they get these elaborate cards and/or gifts we also labored to design, buy or make.
  2. There's a new poster here, Patriot. Welcome! Patriot started a topic on this in the Doctrinal section, but I know a lot of us don't venture down that far very often. To allow that conversation to continue doctrinally, I wanted to re-post this that I learned from my buddy at hq because it's related but not necessarily doctrinal:
  3. BTW, I just learned that they are teaching from Craig's Rise and Expansion Book right now! They're going through the foundation for rise and expansion, the disciples multiplied and growing etc. They still consider it the "best" research on the Book of Acts, you know? Now.....where's that puke icon??
  4. Dot, Gramma Mary asks if they are looking for a single family home or if they are looking for a place to park their motorhome to live in. Also, do they belong to any RV clubs, like Coast to Coast? Usually they have lots for their members to rent inexpensively. She also asked if they subscribe to any of the RV-ing magazines. She said that might be a good place to start depending on how much time they have. She's going to look through the ones they have and will cut out anything she thinks is pertinent. They haven't been in those areas long enough to learn anything about permanent residences. They've only been to RV parks for a week or week-end with their club. Sorry that's not much to go on, but sh said she'll help any way she can. :)-->
  5. Patriot, WELCOME!! I don't wander down these parts too often.... generally the discussions seem to be over my head. I *did* ask those questions. :D--> Shock, Shock! I was told that we in TWI are the remnant. Even Paul was deserted by everyone near the end of his life. Even Jesus had only the few faithful disciples and even they deserted him. Blah, blah blah.... Sad thing is that they never saw the irony and completely opposing teachings. If you're going to teach "remnant" then you can't teach "expansion"....unless you're teaching TWIts, I guess...
  6. Wrong Alice, indeed, but I do agree with your assessment of our other favorite Alice. :D-->
  7. I totally understand that, Bliss! I felt like the rug had been ripped out from under my feet. It was like someone died when I finally realized/faced facts that TWI was founded on lies, evil and abusive intent. I felt kicked in the gut when I found out how much was covered up and how much we were lied to, especially by a couple I had highly respected (the Moneyhands). I think I cried for a month straight. I hung in there for five years. I know it takes time. :)--> I just hope it doesn't take as long for you as it did for me. I'm glad you and Hubby have open lines of communication. That's a very important and wonderful thing!
  8. Also, can't remember if I recommended "The Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse", but just in case....I highly recommend it. I also think once you read it, you'll see how TWI is NOT getting any better at taking care of their people or living the Word they claim to teach. :)-->
  9. Belle


    Okay, we'll quit posting on here so it'll quit coming up to the top of the page. Right, everyone? ;)-->
  10. Bliss, you've gotten lots of great advice and wisdom on here. If you haven't checked out the threads that talk about the doctrinal errors and problems with PFAL and the Blue Book, I highly recommend them. You might be surprised at how wrong some of the things we were taught are. Also, like your dad asked...what DOES TWI do for people? For anyone? They don't even help their own, much less others outside their group? That's NOT what the Bible says. TWI is no better than the men who passed the man beaten on the side of the road. Good Samaritans they aren't. It's sad because they have the resources to be good Samaritans.
  11. Oh wow! So if you serve as an indentured servant for seven years living under their thumb in those ancient dorms, then they just might let you live "off campus"? What's wrong with this picture? Does your employer tell you where to live? Mine doesn't. But then again, mine lets me eat whatever I want for lunch and lets me use that time to run errands and do other things I might want to do.... Yeah, TWI's gotten better. -->
  12. But he DIDN'T continue to sin! It was a one time affair....okay, two time affair, but that's it! :D-->
  13. And at what point did getting THEIR approval become more important than the approval of our family and loved ones, ESPECIALLY our spouse? I, too, like Joyce Meyer, but, like Highway I don't listen to her all that much, so I haven't heard the requests for money. I have sent money to her and I get a magazine every so often, but I like how practical and logical her teachings are. BTW, D*ttie Moneyhands gave me a Joyce Meyer book shortly before I left TWI. Now tell me...what would happen if my HFC had found out I was reading a Joyce Meyer book on my own without having gotten a copy from D*ttie? Hmmmmmmm.......
  14. LOL! House, I'm glad that you post those things for us to read. It shows us that they aren't really changing and that they are still teaching the same ole b.s. AND it p*ss*s them off to be so exposed on here! :D--> If I was still getting the rags, I'd be helping you post though. I've just always wanted to say that. ;)-->
  15. Belle


    I thought she got a snow cone..... :D-->
  16. Thanks! Y'all give me hope! Especially you, NIKA. I have been wondering if I should just give up the hope of ever having kids. I have a friend who adopted a child for her 40th birthday since she was single and didn't see that changing anytime soon but had always wanted kids. I've kinda put that thought on the back burner, so to speak. Hopefully it won't come to that, though. I do know I'm a lot more "particular" ;)--> these days which can be a good thing or a bad thing.
  17. Thanks Ron. I thought about you and wondered if you were at the Jamboree. They are definitely in my prayers.
  18. Belle


    And remember to "report back" that you've completed the task at hand. :D-->
  19. WWJLA, how close is an airport? Bus station? It looks and sounds wonderful!
  20. Here are a couple other locations I found: Renfro Valley KOA has cabins, tent & RV lodging. They are about an hour South of Lexington. Cave City is about 2 hours from Lexington and they have tent, RV & less "rustic" cabins than the KOA. :)-->
  21. Abigail the Natural Bridge Park is 52 miles SE of Lexington and has camping, RV hookups, cottages and a 35 room lodge. It also says it's open year round. Natural Bridge Park this is another website for information.
  22. Here's the one in WV. I've been there and it's absolutley beautiful with awesome accommodations and cabins. Ace Rafting
  23. Hey, Y'all! If you have it in KY, I will be more likely to be able to make it. :D--> I sure would love to come and meet everyone! Here's one place I found and ordered a brochure from: Natural Bridge KY My parents live in KY. I'll ask my parents for any suggestions they may know about also. I do know one place that has cabins and beautiful grounds, but it's in WV just over the KY line. Would that be too far?
  24. Bliss I've been out for about a year now. I tried for five years to get my husband to decide to leave with me. He chose TWI over me and so I've also been divorced for about a year. I've been in your shoes....well, kinda. It's good that you and your husband are at least discussing things. :)--> Which things bother you the most and which things make you want to leave TWI? Which things do you think mean the most to your family and friends? For me it was the corruption but my ex justified all the things that I was able to tell him by saying that the ministry would be perfect if it weren't for people, but that people are fallible and will certainly make mistakes. The doctrines are the things that would have gotten him to see, but he cosidered me absolutely ignorant and didn't respect or even consider any doctrinal errors i tried to show him. I highly recommend the books "The Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse" and Steve Hassan's "Releasing the Bonds: Helping People to Think for Themselves". I have to be somewhere in about an hour, but if you want to chat, pt or e-mail me, I'll help in any way I can or just lend an ear. My e-mail is scarlettbelle at gmail dot com. :)--> and WLECOME!!!
  25. Likeaeagle, I called hq a few months ago and got to speak with someone on the President's cabinet right away. If you want to pt or email me you can. I *think* I have the moneyhands info, but that probably wouldn't help you unless your situation is in FL. my e-mail is scarlettbelle at gmail dot com (spelled out to avoid spammers) :)-->
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