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Everything posted by Belle

  1. (((((Psalmie))))) Before you go back to the vet, try this.... Prepare some rice and boiled chicken - no spices, no salt, no pepper, no onion, no garlic.... nothing but plain ole chicken and rice Fix a little of that and mix in one teaspoon of mineral oil. Do this every time you feed Zippie. The rice & chicken is standard for upset tummies and the mineral oil helps move things along. Dunno if Zippie is getting into the cat food, too, but that can also cause big problems. The nutrients, composition and needs for cats are very different from doggies and can make doggies really sick and cause crystals in their urine ..... not that I found out cause Vixen was eating the neighbor's cat food or anything like that, mind you... :ph34r: I sure am keeping you and Zippie in my prayers. Hopefully he'll be "zipping" around chasing feathers in no time! ^_^
  2. One of my favorites: Bulgur with Mushrooms & Blue Cheese 1 tablespoon olive or canola oil 1 cup uncooked bulgur 1 cup sliced fresh mushrooms (3 oz) 1/3 cup chopped green onions 2 cups veggie broth 1/2 cup chopped Granny Smith apple 2 tablespoons chopped walnuts 2 tablespoons crumbled blue cheese 1. In 3-quart saucepan, heat oil over medium heat. Add bulgur, mushrooms and onions; cook, stirring frequently, until bulgur is golden and mushrooms are tender. 2. Stir in broth. Heat to boiling, stirring once or twice; reduce heat. Cover; simmer 15 minutes (do not lift cover or stir). Remove from heat. 3. Stir in remaining ingredients. Fluff lightly with fork. ************* Spinach Calzones with Blue Cheese Ingredients 1 (10-ounce) can refrigerated pizza crust Cooking spray 4 garlic cloves, minced 4 cups spinach leaves 8 (1/8-inch-thick) slices Vidalia or other sweet onion 1 1/3 cups sliced cremini or button mushrooms 3/4 cup (3 ounces) crumbled blue cheese Preheat oven to 425°. Unroll dough onto a baking sheet coated with cooking spray; cut into 4 quarters. Pat each quarter into a 6 x 5-inch rectangle. Sprinkle garlic evenly over rectangles. Top each rectangle with 1 cup spinach, 2 onion slices, 1/3 cup mushrooms, and 3 tablespoons cheese. Bring 2 opposite corners to center, pinching points to seal. Bring remaining 2 corners to center, pinching all points together to seal. Bake at 425° for 12 minutes or until golden.
  3. IF you think it's perfectly okay for a 70 year old man to put a young woman's hand on his erection during a "Bible Class", you might be in a cult. IF you think it's acceptable to "clock a woman like she deserves", you might be in a cult. <_< IF you defend your husband for making the above statements, you might be in a cult.
  4. What's your favorite? I'm getting ready to curl up and watch Shrek the Halls and then How the Grinch Stole Christmas. My all time favorite, though, is A Christmas Story!
  5. I just do not understand why you would waste time someplace where it appears that you do not like to be. :unsure: Unless you just like taking pot shots at people and this is an easy place to be a bully since Paw is especially longsuffering. It's not like anyone is forcing you to be here against your will. I simply avoid message boards where the people are annoying. I don't hang around and tell them how annoying they are. Maybe you can explain or correct my impression - maybe you really do like the folks here and you really do enjoy the conversation. It sure does not appear that way to me, but I could be wrong - it has happened once before.... maybe twice. As for the corps comment - Bumpy, I was never more than a joe believer - I never had any real responsibility in TWI and never did more than assist my ex with coordinating a fellowship. I never even went to a ROA or Word in Business gathering and only went to one or two AC Specials. So, I'm really a nobody - I just happen to have been quite a regular here since Paw opened the doors - nothing more and I'm sure there are just as many people here who do not like me as there are folks who do. I like this place and I adore most of the patrons, that's why I keep coming back. My question to you is, if you find us so pathetic, why do you keep coming back? If that is a mistaken perception of your opinion of us, then please clarify. You can be very entertaining when you want to be, but comments like the one I commented on are cruel and uncalled for, imo.
  6. Actually, I only knew one of the posters here before bellying up to the counter for my first cuppa java. I rather like most of the usual patrons here, so I stick around. I'm very well aware of what happened; that's not why I'm here. If this place is so detestable to you, why are you here? Does that door need some WD-40 again?
  7. WhiteDove, I shoulda known. Please forgive me. :)
  8. Belle

    Song of the moment

    I LOVE Zydeco! Have quite the collection, meeself. :) Thanks to my little bro, I've been enjoying Gillian Welch, Wilco and Uncle Tupelo.
  9. Belle


    Is this guy groping seats around here? Can I sit in his booth?
  10. Psalmie, how is Zippie today? :( When Vixen was only about six months old she got a plastic grocery bag stuck around her neck and slammed head first into the sliding glass door so hard it knocked the crap out of her, literally, and stunned her long enough for us to get the bag off of her. She was sore for a few days and now has "plastic bag" phobia, but she's healthy. I hope Zippie was just really shaken up and is doing fine now.
  11. Belle

    Happy Birthday, RonG

    HAPPIEST OF BIRTHDAYS, RON!! Baked Especially for You!
  12. Belle


    How neat, Jim! Pity he wasn't feeling too social - I'm sure you two would have had lots to talk about, especially with your background. It is always fun to run into someone like that, though.
  13. :unsure: The Invisible Dan is the same person as the AnotherDan???? Please say it ain't so!! :o
  14. Here's one of my favorite corps stories, courtesy of Hope: From the "You Might Be in a Cult if...." thread:
  15. (((((Mstar))))) It does NOT get old! In fact, I was sharing your sharings about it with my family while we were enjoying it. :) ex, I must have missed the mention. Thanks. Now I'll go look for it. :)
  16. Awesome!! Awesome news, Nero!! Oh, yeah!!
  17. Yeah, generally those who genuinely set out to help others, go about their business very quietly and never live a lifestyle that would even cause one to question their motives.
  18. I do believe this is the first Thanksgiving at the cafe with absolutely no mention of . :unsure: We listened to it and sang along while tooling around San Fran this past week and I explained that I had never heard of it till I started spending Thanksgiving with a bunch of greasespots.
  19. Belle

    Ho Ho Ho

    I'll be watching for my card, Geo, and can't wait to taste those cookies, Abi. I think kids are what makes Christmas uber special regarding the festivities. There are no young ones on either side of my family right now, so it's just a great time to get together to visit, laugh and eat till our sides ache. Still very special, but in a completely different way. I do decorate and love to have my house full of festive-ness during the holidays, but I decorate for Halloween, too. I'm thinking of putting the tree in the kitchen this year so that it can be seen from the road and I'll be able to see it all lit up every night when I get home from work. In fact, I'm trying to get my jet-lagged arse motivated to pull out all the decorations and start the process. I will also watch "A Christmas Story" a few times and hurry home on the nights that the Christmas specials I loved growing up will be playing.
  20. HAPPIEST OF BIRTHDAYS, PAW!!! Thank you so much for all you do to keep the doors open for us here at the Cafe. You are truly special! I hope this coming year is filled with lots of love, laughter, joy and peace for you!
  21. Dang, and all this time I thought it was GORP. Happiest of Thanksgivings!! Paw, thank you sooooo much for providing this safe cafe for us to grow, stretch, put our feet on the table (we are allowed to put our feet on the table, right?), store our gum under the counter and learn, love, laugh and live amongst so many good friends. I hope it was a wonderful holiday for all y'all!
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