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Everything posted by Belle

  1. Learning, I don't know. I do know that we usually had admonitions to stay home and safe or we would have dinner together as a fellowship and then play a few games before sending everyone off to make sure they were home before "the witching hour" -->
  2. Isn't the color of the fountain of dead waters changed by devil spirits swimming around?
  3. Oh GAWD those d*m n phone hookups!! Did everyone else have to listen to the services on crappy crackling, popping, barely audible reception because they were too cheap and too.... something to let each place call in? We had as many as five phone lines on one friggin hookup! There was a "system" of who called who on three way calling so that everyone would be on the one phone call. Eventually I quit going because I got a headache from the peripheral noise and straining to hear anything.....okay, I never strained to hear, but it sounded good with the excuse to not go. :P--> Besides that, it took all friggin day! Get there an hour early to set up....listen to b.s. for two hours...."socialize" and talk about how "blessed" you were for an hour.....another hour to put everything away. All in the middle of the day nonetheless. Heck, the Baptists don't even require that much of your time!! NASCAR I don't mind giving that much time to, but that doesn't require set up (unless you count icing down the beer).
  4. Wayfer Not! was that related to the urinals in the women's bathrooms? Were they there for practice? How many times did you have to stay at someone's house overnight because a hurricane was coming and they wanted everyone to be together? I would have much preferred to stay in my own bed in my own house, besides....didn't we always pray away the hurricanes?
  5. Maybe they should change their name to the Rehash, Reading and Stepford Ministry. It would be more honest. They don't even have a friggin research department anymore!! Haven't had one in at least three years that I know of. How the H*LL can they justify teaching from craig's book when "a double-minded man is unstable in ALL HIS WAYS?" Well, the same COULD be said about vee pee, but since his books were mostly all plagarized, I guess that doesn't count.
  6. George, isn't that the worst feeling in the world? You're sitting there listening to a teaching that has already gone on too long and then all of a sudden you realize how much longer it's going to be? When it hits everyone at the same time you can almost hear a collective groan in the room. Also, when they tell you up front they're gonna cover 7 points and an hour into the teaching they're only on the third point...... :(--> Sometimes that's when I'd start making my grocery list and itemized "to do" list for the week.
  7. I belong to a forum that's really just a bunch of friends but we've lost our home. I'd like to set up something very simple, but with the forum design as opposed to the Yahoo! Groups design for us. I'm igernant when it comes to this and not sure how to go about it. Can y'all give me some tips and pointers? I looked at EZBoards, but I had trouble getting logged in even. I don't have time to fight with that. Any suggestions, advice?
  8. Hey Bliss, I have the syllabus, but missed the exciting class. We could take turns posting juicy tidbits like that profound quote if'n ya want.
  9. Well, Allan I guess you'll just have to call me dumb then. I was dumb enough to take all the **** thrown at me and not just from leadership, either. I don't let it eat away at me, but it's only been a year. Ask me again next eon. I certainly don't blame God for my ride on the short bus, so I'm not sure what you mean there. I haven't seen any examples of anyone blaming God for theirs either, not that I can recall anyway.
  10. Do you have enough naughty elves lined up for the gig? I''m willing to help and I'll bring my own saran wrap and vaseline!
  11. The debbil makes it look like a Mazda. He's pretty good at it too. I haven't been found out yet!
  12. Belle

    Hell for a MOG

    And Pina Colada's and other fruity drinks with little umbrellas in them....with a 2 drink minimum.
  13. Naw, it's probably because I'm a slimy, unbelieving flea on the back of a possessed camel and the devil clears that spot every time I head toward the store.
  14. ((((tempelady))))) Will be praying and thinking good thoughts for and of you and your family.
  15. Every single time I have to stop at the grocery store on the way home from work I get the EXACT SAME SPOT....2nd spot in, right in front of the door. In fact this week is the first time since I can remember that I DIDN'T get that spot. That's the first time I thought about it. I hope I'm not permanently booted from that spot. I have grown rather attached to it....
  16. LOL! I enjoyed reading this again, Ham. Thanks! Will you be playing a naughty elf again this year? And where IS that toga picture? Inquiring minds want to know!
  17. Belle

    Hell for a MOG

    23b. If you don't have blue jeans, cut off jeans and flip flops or bare feet are perfectly acceptable.
  18. That's why I'll NEVER live in a 2 story house, O&A! LOL! Those conversations are boring it's the ones on the cell phones that are the best! The cube mate in front of me has his so loud I CAN hear both sides of those conversations and let me tell you......
  19. Belle

    Banjo and Mandolin

    Yep, he's awesome! I can frequently be heard singing to his music while cleaning the house and we won't talk about the looks I get when I've got him on in the car.
  20. Let me first say I agree 100% with Ham. In fact his post is almost word for word what I was planning to post. :D--> Sure, truth can stand on it's own and no one is saying that it can't...least I don't think so. BUT truth is NOT standing at TWI and it is not being taught there either. If people really want and need the truth, they need to go somewhere else or they will end up as abused, hurt and screwed as we are/were. Horneyhands is still at it! That's why I post about him. People should be warned and made aware of how utterly evil, lying, sneaking, conniving and devilish he and his wife are. In fact, I had an odd meeting with a gal in a bookstore not too long ago who's sister had run into some people in TWI and had attended one of their functions. I told her about TWI and directed her here. Since I don't know the girl, I don't know what came of it, but I'm darn glad there's a GSpot to warn people. Those in charge are still promoting, living, teaching and condoning the actions of craig and vee pee. They're still teaching craig's book for Christ's sake!! They are still treating people terribly wrong. It's NOT a Godly organization and people need to be warned! As for beliefs....well, not everyone believes that everything TWI taught was correct. Many people have stepped back from simply believing something because someone told them it was true and decided it wasn't true and found that they actually don't believe anything the Bible says as true. Others believe the Bible is true, but not most of what TWI taught. Some still believe everything TWI taught is true. To each his own....I actually understand and agree with what WhiteDove posted earlier about this. ;)--> You can't put people into extreme classifications because it just doesn't work that way. I think when people leave they tend to re-evaluate everything they were taught in TWI, which is a good thing. Then they come to their own conclusion regarding what they hold on to and what they don't. Every person is different when it comes to this. Me? I'm still re-evaluating. :D-->
  21. Belle

    Hell for a MOG

    17. Snapping of the rings in binders shall be allowed and encouraged at any time during the service. 18. The bathrooms shall all have hair on the floor/counters, bad aim residue around the toilet, scrunge on the tile and toothpaste spittle on the mirrors. (MOG can clean with his own hands with his own purchased supplies if he so desires) 19. The temperature shall not be cryogenic during the teaching, but rather a comfortable temperature thereby allowing people to fall asleep if they so choose or just can't help it. 20. Screaming, talking, crying, giggling kids shall NOT be silenced.
  22. Belle


    Sorry! I actually went to bed at a decent hour last night. :yawn: and I'm still tired!
  23. Oak, I remember that. Catcup said: This is what eventually happened to me. It wasn't the only reason, but it was a big reason why they were glad to get me out of their group. I even talked to our HFC's at the time (J1m & B@bette Densm0re)and J1m said that he had research he had submitted that showed something they were teaching was wrong. He said they wouldn't acknowledge it and they STILL teach it wrong. BUT Jim won't push the issue because they are too afraid of being kicked out and B would leave him in a heartbeat if he left TWI. She already abandoned her daughter because of Moneyhand's command. So now you can only use the TWI published material and that still includes Craig's book on Rise & Expansion when there's no expansion much less rise going on in the group....pathetic.
  24. def, This is what was always quoted to me when I mentioned how much TWI was shrinking: Told that everyone had deserted him over time.
  25. And then there was the time while in the class control room he got some great revelation and had P@ul Bro0ks stop the class! so he could go up there and go on and on for about 20 minutes about how great craig was and how he started with the foundational class and how we can be that great too if we just apply ourselves.... Yeppers! Decent and in order
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