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Everything posted by Belle

  1. dmiller, I think Song is wondering why anyone would announce that they've sent a private topic. Think, being the operative word there. :)--> Song, not everyone checks their private topics on a regular basis and some don't realize that there's a notification that you have a private topic at the top of the forums. Usually when someone sends a PT it's because they do not have the person's e-mail and sometimes it's important or urgent and we want them to get the message right away. :D--> Sometimes, it's not important, but we still want them to get the message right away. ;)-->
  2. I think I remember that, Cowgirl. Was it when we were talking about JK Rowling and what she went through to get Harry Potter published? I'll hunt and peck around to see what I can find.
  3. :o--> Awwww, shucks! Thank you.
  4. Ham, when people who have been on staff for years - decades even - ask to come off TWI's payroll, I always wonder if they're reading what's posted on here and realizing that they have no future, no security and no retirement. It's a rude wake-up call. I think, too, they become tired of having to jump through hoops and being ordered around like children. Think about it: they're told where to live, how to live, when it's okay to have a family, whether or not they can have pets, how many/how big/what kind of pets.... They can't make any decisions on their own. TWI owns them hook, line and sinker. Because TWI doesn't just give people salaries and let them spend their money however they want to, every penny is accounted for to TWI. It's expensive being on TWIs payroll.
  5. likeaeagle, The Lally's left shortly after the lawsuits were announced. They fled in the middle of the night. Just disappeared! They were actually the one couple we were told about leaving TWI during that time when it seemed like WC were dropping like flies. We were told that Barbara's family had lots of money and their "love of money" got the best of them and Barbara "made up" with her family just to get back in their good graces and put back in their will. --> We were told not to say anything unless someone specifically asked us, though. There's details on this somewhere here. I'll see if I can find it.
  6. See Me said: This bears repeating. TWI has a history of supporting, covering for and promoting people of this ilk. They even continued to support this jerk after he was found guilty in a court of law. Think they aren't still supporting craig? Think again! They're promoting and teaching from his friggin book right now! Why? Why when they trash everything from people who are M&A or just merely left TWI? LLP, are you there? How are you doing? Have you gotten answers from your leadership? Are they telling you the truth?
  7. I hope the F*rts stick it out. It's extremely difficult to get a REAL JOB when you've done nothing worth value in REAL WORLD and have no skills that translate well. Good for them, though!! Course, the REAL blessings come once you leave TWI. Maybe this is a step in the right direction for them. :)-->
  8. (((((Georgio))))) I'm speechless. Adults should be protecting kids not hurting and allowing them to get hurt.
  9. Belle

    Hell for a MOG

    Cotton Candy?? Over here! Cotton Candy Man!! I'll take TWO! :D-->
  10. They let that b@st@rd continue to molest and rape women for YEARS before they did anything about it. He'd been doing it for DECADES!! He learned from vee pee how to do it and who would secure the prey for him. It took a lawsuit to force them to act. If they were really living the word they would have kicked him to the curb many, many times before that. Why didn't Dottie Moneyhands do anything to put a stop to it? Because it would have stopped her paycheck from coming. Why didn't the leaders who had their wives and daughters raped do anything about it? Oh, wait! They DID!! They got kicked to the curb and slandered and the BOD let it happen! They chose keeping their cash cow around over justice and all that's good and right according to God. It's the same story with these child molestors they move around the country and protect. They talk to the parents of the victims and convince them to DO NOTHING! The kool-aid drinking parents choose loyalty to a frigging GROUP OF PEOPLE over PROTECTING THEIR OWN KIDS!! Disgusting!!!! Not all parents have fallen for the TWI b.s., but I know some have. :(--> This group is not and never has been a Christian organization. They've only been able to exist as long as they have because truly Godly, loving people have been fooled into working for them at various times.
  11. "how to pick your battles..." EXACTLY!! TWI leaders never knew how to pick battles. I think they looked for battles!! Moneyhands proudly tells of flicking his kid's ear for a good hour or two because he wouldn't say "thank you" to someone who cut his hair. This person was also trapped and unable to leave because Moneyhand's wouldn't allow it till his kid said "thank you". I understand teachinng a kid manners, but REALLY, was this necessary?? There's other stuff too, but I won't bore y'all....
  12. Ham, I hope this reunion has the same effect on him. There are a few more details I can't share on here, but it does give me hope that he is beginning to see that all's not what it has appeared to be with TWI. I figure he probably still hates and resents me, but knowing that he's got his family around is what's really important. I continue to pray that he'll one day be completely free from TWI, but if that never happens at least he's got his family who loves him so much back in his life.
  13. Thanks Y'all!!!I am crying tears of joy for my ex.... I just can't explain it! He's been alienated from his family for about 10 years. It's just soooooo good to know that he's back among the comfort of his loved ones.
  14. Yeppers! I had some extremely off the wall dreams right after leaving and getting divorced. Major wild dreams. This on I dreamed over and over again for months: I was in an alley being beaten, kicked, spit on and cursed at by the Moneyhands and other wc leaders. It was so "real" I woke up crying, screaming and trying to protect my face. I've had a some really scary ones like that and some more "odd" than scary, but all related in one way or another to TWI or my adjustment to life outside TWI. Therapy has helped a lot, but I still get chills and have impulse reactions to things that remind me of TWI, like you ran into with the woman with the tea. All I can say is "Thank goodness for therapy and GSpot!" :D--> and "Thank God it does get better!"
  15. I just got off the phone with someone who has been very happily reunited with their still involved TWI relative!!! :D--> :D--> :D--> I don't have many details and I can't say for sure, but I seriously doubt Moneyhands had anything to do with it. I'll wager it's that this TWI relative has realized how lonely life can be when you're not around a single person who loves you unconditionally. Hopefully he has begun to see the performance based religion of TWI and the hoops one has to jump through continually in order to be accepted. The reunion was a few months ago and I'm kind of sad that the relative that I had been corresponding with didn't let me know, but, I'm just so happy to know that he is back together with his family. That really heals part of my heart so that I can move on. I know it probably doesn't make much sense, but my divorce was much, much more difficult on me and the guilt tremendous because I knew he didn't have a single person left in his life who truly loved him like I did. I feel so much better and I'm so very, very happy for him! What a glorious day this is!!! :D--> :D--> :D-->
  16. Well, gee, Ron, we coulda told ya that!! :D--> :D--> :D-->
  17. I think you two just qualified this thread for the Just Plain Silly Section!!
  18. Ham, Ham, Ham, I'm surprised at you! You put vaseline on some of the toilet seats so that people who think they outsmarted the saran wrap still get to be in on the fun. You can also put vaseline on door knobs, faucet knobs, car door handles....lots of fun places. Lesseee....You can take the bottom off a coffee can, put it back on the shelf and fill it with marbles. When they go to take the can down.... :D--> We use toilet paper to decorate the trees in Mississippi too, but we call it "rolling" someone's yard.
  19. Any place that charges YOU to get paid by THEM is a scam. I've worked for one. :(--> I took people's last $100 for a promised job my company didn't have for them. We had a sweat shop in the back room of people scouring the Help Wanted sections just like these people would have been doing on their own. Beware also that there are MLM scams posing as "work from home" companies too. One of my girlfriends got into this and started sending e-mails out to everyone on her joke lists and harvesting e-mail addresses from the jokes where people don't remove all the other e-mails before forwarding the joke.
  20. --> Aloha! See you in September!!
  21. Rascal, I'm sending you the cleaning bill for my screen and keyboard. :D--> These eggs don't look so appealing anymore, but I shan't soon forget your analogy! :P--> Very good analogy!
  22. Napkinlady has helped SOOOOOOO MANY PEOPLE with her words of wisdom, experiences and research - particularly her awesome study on debt!! She and her family are living the truly more abundant life now and serve as an inspiring example of how wonderful life can be when we put God back where He belongs in our life. "A real heart cry to be close to God...." I hope many more in TWI re-cry that heart cry and listen to Him instead of TWI, cause He surely will come through for them. Glad to have you here, Bliss. :)-->
  23. LOL! I hear ya, Shaz! I'll have to pay better attention....and here I was thinking I was spay-shul all this time!! I do have to admit I've been tempted to park in the "Expecting Mothers" parking spot at times. There's no $250 fine for that, but if your self esteem is as low as mine is already it's no good to hear people asking when you're due. :D--> Your ex was just doing what he was taught. Beg for it from God and if you don't get it DEMAND it 'cause if you ask God HAS to obey His own word!
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