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Everything posted by Belle

  1. WordWolf, you never cease to amaze me with your knowledge and resources you're able to provide. :)--> Thanks!
  2. Belle

    Caption Contest

    Their parents must be so proud!
  3. I missed the sonic booms this morning. :(--> Wish the weather had been cooperating here in FL. Glad everyone is home safe and sound! I know their families will be eager to touch, hug and kiss them. This was an historic flight with all the new tasks, camera angles and safety measures. Yeah for progress!
  4. That was the hardest lesson for me when I graduated from college....finding out that adults act worse than kids sometimes. Even more pitiful is that TWI adults have perfected it to an art. Pathetic that they treat kids like that. Teachers of all people should not hold kids responsible for "the sins of the fathers" (not that y'all sinned in any way!). I mean if you're so low and so juvenile that you're gonna treat someone like .... do it to the adults. Good for your daughter!! She's obviously had a very good example in her life of taking the high road, acting with integrity and catching flies with honey. :)-->
  5. Belle

    Caption Contest

    What scares me, GC, is that 20 years ago when I was in college I just very well might be one of those kids!! I grew up going to New Orleans for the week-ends!! Corona beer was illegal in Mississippi because they didn't bottle their beer for 2.5%, which is the only % allowed in MS. We would buy the 5% in LA and call everyone to meet us back at the dorm when we got home! A case for the road and two for the party when we got home.....it's a wonder I lived through my college years.... but we won't go there. :D-->
  6. Your secret is safe with me, Tom. ;)--> We'll give 'em till the morning, ya think? Or should I post more lyrics? BTW, glad to know you have such exellent taste in music. :D--> Not surprised, though.
  7. Belle

    Peter Jennings is Dead

    Peter did say that he had smoked a lot and that he had quit 20 years ago, but started back up during 9/11. He was very real about it and very admirable in how he spoke of his plight. It really stinks to lose great people to something that can be so preventable. It hurts to lose people anyway, but especially to something like Cancer. Congrats on your success, Raf!! :D--> That's awesome!
  8. Belle

    Art Debut

    Oooohhhhh MStar and +odd on a project together? I'd LOVE to see that!! :D--> :D--> :D--> I hope y'all will share your work with us! +odd, the Winter Park Arts Festival down here in FL is supposedly major in the art world. A guy I grew up with sold quite a bit of his work there and now he's pretty renowned in the watercolor world... http://www.pauljackson.com/ If you decide to come down this way, I'm very near Winter Park; I have a guest bedroom and love to have company! :D-->
  9. K, here's my lyric It was a hot summer night and the beach was burning There was a fog crawling over the sand When I listen to your heart I hear the whole world turning I see the shooting stars
  10. Me too, Strange one! I saw that you had posted down here and just HAD to come see what song Mr. Strange would post. :)--> Reading the lyrics I broke into song.... I'm assuming you've read the stories on http://www.harrychapin.com? Some really neat stuff on that site!
  11. And she said, "How are you Harry?" I said, "How are you Sue? Through the too many miles and the too little smiles I still remember you." Taxi Hary Chapin I love that song!!
  12. Belle

    Caption Contest

    Let your kids come to Mardi Gras this year. It's safe, REALLY!!
  13. Very interesting Cynic! Good question, learning. These are the definitions as I remember them: 1. Love of and for God became 2. Love of and for God in the rewnewed mind became 3. Love of and for God in the renewed mind in manifestation became 4. Love of and for God in the renewed mind in manifestation in the household and I think there was even an extension of that, but my brain isn't working right now. I believe shortly after I left they started back-tracking on the "in the household" part, but the damage had already been done. Unless they come right out and say "we've changed this..." people stay with the latest teaching and I doubt if they even realize the definition has changed. I did a word study on this and it's nothing along the lines of what we were taught, imo. It's used of the men who "loved" the high places and other obviously unGodly uses.... Maybe it is just plain unconditional love since they would have loved the high seats even with all the evil and immoral egos and actions behind being able to sit in those seats.... hmmmm....
  14. Once again, Ham posts perzackly what I was going to post. :D--> TWI was bad, founded by bad people and those bad people promoted and encouraged other bad people. The good times, the healings, the blessings all came from good people who usually weren't in leadership positions (or were very new to their leadership positions). TWI brought out the worst in most, if not all, of us. I know it did in me. OMG, I could be the most arrogant, self-righteous know-it-all - come to twig and tell about "confronting the world with the word" - get applauses and go back out and be even more of a b*tch because of the support and the examples in leadership I had around me. I was also miserable and took it out on everyone around me. And those days, the miserable days, you didn't want to be within five hundred miles of me. I'm so glad I never did make it to any leadership position. Scares me to think of what I would have been like with that kind of power....
  15. Belle

    Hell for a MOG

    I'm surprised they didn't buy the spray on hair filler for him.
  16. Thanks, George. Nobody should be all alone in the world and if cult members are the only ones in your life, then you really are all alone in the world. I'm just so happy for him and for his family. 10 years is a long time. His oldest nephew will be getting his license this year and his brother will be starting middle school. He and his Grandpa are taking music lessons together. He's also got a couple of new additions to the family that he's never met. I'm sure there's much more.... :)-->
  17. WELCOME, GOIA!! It's never too late to mend those fences. :)--> My ex just reunited with his family after nearly 10 years of no contact thanks to the suggestion of a certain reverend jerk-wad.
  18. So many things come rushing to mind..... Five years ago I started fighting for my marriage and our freedom from TWI. Five years ago I learned that there was way more than a "one time affair" problem at TWI. We've seen that clearly, in contradiction to what Rico Spaghetti claims, TWI followers are not (nor have they ever been) informed soup to nuts about anything TWI related. Five years and how many dollars later is TWI still paying high priced lawyers to clean up their messes? Five years and TWI is changing tactics on a daily basis trying to stop the bleeding, but nothing is working. (Gee, maybe apologies and the TRUTH for a change???) Five years and TWIts are still being told it's none of their business what is going on with craig, much less craig & donna's marriage. Five years and leaders are being passed around like used furniture.... they are either putting up with it to keep getting that paycheck or, like the F*rts, they are realizing how bad it is and working on getting free. Five years have passed and the innies are so bored they either cry when they think about having to go to another function or they have become zombies and just show up out of habit. Five years have passed and they are still quoting craig and reading from his book. Five years have passed and they are teaching nothing new. They aren't even dressing up the same old ...., just re-teaching it with the same old examples, same old song and dance. Five years later and the kool-aid is still being stirred.....
  19. I'm a dork! That worked, thanks Ham!! :D-->
  20. Bob, I can't get Mark's link to work. :(--> Can you help me? But be careful, you're about to hit 300 posts! :)-->
  21. Maybe check out the "Problems with the Blue Book" or the errors in PFAL threads. Start pointing those out to him a little at a time and see how he feels. You could order the pamphlet from John Juedes site that shows the plagarism of vee pee side by side with the originals. It's like a whopping $2. I think, too, J B*rr*x has a site that's got the WayDale discussions on PFAL posted and those really opened my eyes! Raf has done an excellent job as well! Something that I had in the works before the divorce decree came down was a planned meeting with some of the upper-ups who have left TWI that my ex respected a great deal. I was going to fly them into town to tell him the true story of why they left as opposed to why craig, the moneyhands and other leaders had said they left. I also was working on an outline to show him the doctrinal errors of what TWI teaches. Since he wouldn't listen to me, I was hoping that these more educated, well versed, once respected individuals would be able to get him to see how twisted the TWI doctrine is. This is an idea I put together based on what I read in Steve Hassan's "Freedom of Mind" book. Also, appeal to your husband's "authentic self". What were his interests before TWI or before getting dead serious about TWI? Non-TWI friends? Non-TWI related hobbies? Encourage those, remind him of those and support any thing he wants to do unrelated to TWI. Hopefully that helps. Those were things I did and I did notice a little bit of a change, but he had quit loving me when he realized I was no longer interested in being the perfect Stepford TWI wife, so much of what I did accomplished nothing.
  22. Cowgirl, I am them resident "find it on the web" person at work and it's sort of a joke with me and a co-worker to race to see who can find stuff the fastest when it comes up. I've been looking and found these. I'm not sure if any of them are what you're looking for, but if not, please let me know and I'll challenge my co-worker. :D--> One of us is bound to find it. http://www.topachievement.com/persevere.html http://www.refresher.com/!lsdynamic.html http://www.sau.edu/presidentsoffice/salutetoacademics.htm http://www.aish.com/SSI/articleToPrint.asp...l&torahportion=
  23. Belle

    Peter Jennings is Dead

    He was by far my favorite anchorman. He will be missed and he leaves a massive hole and huge shoes to be filled. Tis a sad day indeed. :(-->
  24. Belle

    Art Debut

    Awesome, +odd! Thank you for sharing with us!
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