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Everything posted by Belle

  1. Belle


    Ooohhhh, I like that! :D--> Especially the slogan. I'm guessing Tom should save his privates for himself? I have some I'd like to keep around, too.
  2. oh, and.... WELCOME jkboehme!!! I'm sure Raf will be by with the coffee, but could I buy you a danish?
  3. Are we all gonna be arrested for receiving stolen property?
  4. Thank you WW, you took the words right out of my fingers, especially: Hey, Ham, I'd buy your work just because I like you. I wouldn't ask for any of my money back and I'd defend you like, well, like nobody else if they were to attack you, call you a liar and a thief.
  5. Excellent post, Highway!! AMEN! Parents know their kids and what communicates to them. Some kids just need a glare and they feel terrible for having disappointed Mom or Dad. Others may need a swat now and then.... It's the parents who are around the child who know which forms of punishment and attention getting techniques are best for their child. TWI said that out of one side of their mouth, but got onto you if you tried something other than what they taught. Ridiculous!!
  6. I love that book, Smurfette! It was so healing and so grounding to me. Mostly because, I think my answer to #4 was a resounding NO!!! I became a mess in every sense of the word. Looking back I was having stress attacks as far back as the first year I was married. I think they were mini panic-attacks because I couldn't catch my breath and had trouble with tightness in my chest. Dottie Moneyhands said it was stress-related, but didn't offer any help or suggestions on what to do about it. My ex had me do some breathing exercises from a book he got while in residence. Stupid me, I didn't want to admit I was unhappy and stressed, so I put up with it for years until it got so bad I couldn't ignore it.
  7. I'm attempting to get a copy of Pressed Down so I can converse intelligently with you, TLB. :)--> I don't listen to the Christian radio station here much, but I do like the song about cartoon characters getting saved. Wasn't there a guy at the ROA who used to do excellent impersonations? I think I remember hearing about him. There's also a song about the resurrection with the words, "You can't keep a good man down" in it. I like that one too.
  8. Would you really help me, WD? ;)--> Does this mean I can crawl out of the dog house? :D-->
  9. Belle


    Maybe I'm a ditz, a dork or just plain stupid, but I've always trusted and opened my heart to people until they've given me a reason not to. Sure, I've been burned, TWI and my marriage being the worst, but I seem to have bounced back to the same trusting, open-hearted person I was before TWI. I've always shared my life with people and many say I make myself too vulnerable. Others say I have an "extreme" personality and it's all or nothing with me. I don't know which is true or if either one is true. I do know that when I was in TWI I couldn't share my heart with anyone. I couldn't talk to anyone about what I was going through and it was a very difficult, lonely and depressing time for me. My parents were always taking college kids in and letting them stay in our guest bedroom so they could afford to finish college or go to summer school. I can't remember a time when my parents weren't taking care of someone. As a result we've/they've got a great network of friends all over the US. The kids and their parents are like family to us. I know it's cliche, but I would rather take the chance of getting burned because the times I don't are so worth it, imo. I like Mr. Strange's signature for that same reason. Thankfully I have a lot to regret. :D--> ** edited for spelling **
  10. I repeat: Ham, I quite using capital letters for vee pee and craig a long time ago, so I understand. Moneyhands.... I should probably do the same with him too. ***************** So if vee pee made his claim about throwing out all the books in the middle of the PFAL, then he was essentially leading us to believe that all of PFAL came from his widdle head, the Bible and God, wasn't he? And, IF he was so super intelligent and so right on and teaching the word like it hadn't been taught in the first century, then why weren't all these great men beating down his door? Why didn't that raise a flag for us?
  11. Belle

    Hell for a MOG

    Give him a gallon of water to drink, put him in front of the old PFAL videos and tell him he can't get up to go to the bathroom till he finishes the class.
  12. OM does not like to read anything negative about his faddah in da verd. I just ignore him when he gets off on these annoying little tirades, like the one on the child abuse thread. (I just wish it didn't happen so often) So, did vee pee learn about Bullinger before or after he supposedly burned all his books and stuck with only the Bible? Anyone remember when he claimed to have chucked every bit of information that came from "man"?
  13. Well, alrighty then! Who can I contact to hook me up? :D-->
  14. Awwwwww, shucks, WhiteDove....we've agreed on LOTS of things. :D--> I 'spose it's the more ah... animated discussions that stick with us, eh? ;)--> Ya, know, even when I thought I was "searching whether those things were so", I wasn't really. I was re-reading what they taught or re-looking at the same verses in the concordance or, for some reason, never even realized that the concordance showed absolutely contrary verses. Stupid? yeppers! Moreso for the times I just took forgranted what they said was true. When I did start finding inconsistencies I was quickly shut up or told that I misunderstood the teaching... --> After I found y'all out here on the world wide web I really started questioning things and that's when I was allowed to choose to no longer attend fellowship. (how kind)
  15. Belle


    I can help hang pictures or something.....I can put gum under the new tables so people feel at home right away.
  16. Can't say for sure, OM. Some of us may have preferred to go to the source for our information. Some may not have. But we were never given the truth so that we could make that choice.
  17. Awww, Thomas Loy Bumgarner, I'm sorry. I haven't commented because I never went to a ROA. They were cancelled the first or second year I was involved. For that reason also, I don't know any of the groups that you've mentioned. Seems I missed all the good ole days! I definitely missed the good music days. :D--> All I know are Singing Ladies......well, I shant say a thing about them 'cause I'm sure they did/do the best they can with what they got. However, what they got obviously isn't anywhere close to what others had. I listen to books on tape or my personal music CD's so I'm pretty ignorant when it comes to any modern music, especially Christian music. However I do love the one about if cartoon characters got saved and the one about how you can't keep a good man down. :)-->
  18. Belle


    gotcha bookmarked, Raf! Thanks for the reminder. :D-->
  19. Belle

    New internet scam

    Cheers, indeed! :D--> Think of all the beer he'll be buying when he finds someone who does fall for that one. Thanks for the heads up, Jim!
  20. Belle


    Sucks, don't it, Shell? :)--> Road rage is so common here and I frequently see crashes where someone has gotten rear-ended because some fool was in a hurry to get to the red light. --> Makes me mad when someone gets on my asterisk because, even if they're paying attention if the dude behind them isn't, I get taken out too. I found this year how much I need my neighbors and how important it is to have people you can trust to help take care of you. I've needed them desperately on more than one occasion and they love to be the ones I call 'cause they love to help people. I'd much prefer to be entirely self-sufficient, but life just isn't like that. No man is an island, much as we may want to be.... Thanks for the thoughts! :)-->
  21. Thanks, Garth! They come out with something new every day, don't they? I was reading about the Nigerian scandals becoming common on the online dating sites. They're going to great lengths to court men and/or women for months before asking them to cash money orders and such for them.
  22. Very happy for you, Zix!! :D--> :D--> :D--> Thanks for letting us know what's going on in your world. We sure do miss you around here, though.
  23. You shouldn't be! Fruit doesn't fall far from the tree, my friend. :D--> Congratulations and thanks for bragging on here so we can be pleased, excited and proud with you!!
  25. I never heard it, OM, but I don't have kids and so didn't really pay that much attention when they did talk about kids. Although, I must say, spaking your kid and then turning around and hugging them seems wrong. Maybe I'm mis-understanding the teaching, but many abusive husbands beat the crap out of their wives and then turn around and send them flowers. Craig would yell, condemn, belittle and verbally abuse people and then turn around and say how much he loved us and how he yelled because he cared. --> How is spanking your kid and then hugging them immediately afterwards any different?
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