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Everything posted by Belle

  1. Belle

    Shock & Anger

    Matilda, I LOVE that song!! I'm the master of back roads, Ham. But this one can't be avoided unless you take another road that's even more crammed full of cars. I'm just floored at the total apathy of so many people. That would NEVER happen in Mississippi.
  2. I'm pretty sure about my answer, George, but I'll give her till the morning to confirm. Then I'll double check the lyrics database. BTW, Carole King is my absolute favorite version of your guess. :D--> I totally love love love everything she sang!!
  3. He just wasn't the man he knew to be That sounds like a personal problem to me. Not a devil problem.
  4. Matt 24:24 And, in vee pee & craig's own words: the value of the counterfit is increased by its likeness to the original. "deceivers and devil sirits will give you just enough truth to suck you in and then they hit you with the lies and they'll get away with the biggest lies they can" They were telling us what they were doing. We just didn't listen.
  5. Belle

    Shock & Anger

    I know, Ron....That's exactly why I want to move back to the true south so badly!! I was raised in that environment and I that's one thing I really miss - true hospitality and looking out for one another. :(-->
  6. Belle

    Shock & Anger

    I am so freaking peeved!!! What's wrong with people today??? On my way home tonight I'm crawling along at the typical rush hour snail's pace. I see a girl all by herself over in the median on this busy road. She's standing by her car with her flashers on. I pull over onto the median out of the way of traffic and ask if she's okay. She said she was. I asked if she needed to use my cell phone to call someeone or if I could help in any way. She said her car had overheated and a friend was coming with some water. So, since she was okay, I put my blinker on and tried to get back in traffic. Not one flippin' person slowed down enough to let me in!!! I laughed and, with my window down, told her I couldn't believe this. She said she had been there on the side of the road for over an hour and I was only the 3rd person to stop and ask if she was okay or needed help. WTF???? It took me a good 15 minutes before someone would let me back in traffic. I'm so upset! It was the end of the day for pete's sake!! It's not like it was going to cause someone to be late for work. Geeze!!! I'm so freakin' peeved!!!
  7. Yeppers! How arrogant we were. :o--> Ya know, before I got divorced I prayed with my ex one time in particular that I remember and I threw in "if it's your will"....OMG, you'd have thought I committed blasphemy or something! It ended up in this huge fight about me no longer telling God what to do for me since I figured he knows what's best for my life. I just wish I'd have listened to him sooner.....
  8. with your life. Oh, Mama Dear, you're still number one and Girls Just Wanna Have Fun! They really wanna, they really wanna - Girls Just Wanna Have Fun! Cyndi Lauper That's my guess
  9. Sunesis, that is an excellent post! Thank you so much! I'll ditto what Skyrider said, vee pee definitely fits the characteristics of the devils we were taught about in DTA and the AC and the AC Special. We were taught to manipulate God, weren't we? "If you do this then God HAS to keep His word and do that for you". We were telling God what to do all the time and Christ was nowhere around.
  10. Belle


    George asked, but I'll comment anyway.... :D--> Sucks, don't it?? I grew up never locking the doors to our house and even if we did, the whole neighborhood knew where we kept the key outside. :D--> I've locked myself out of the house a couple of times, but now I've traded keys with a few of my neighbors. :)--> It's a great deal, but it'd be much nicer to be back in the "good ole days" where no one had to lock their houses.
  11. So you need a case? Man, I'd be a really cheap date compared to you!
  12. I'd prefer Ham's Yellow Tail. I'm especially partial to the Shiraz~Grenache blend.
  13. Ted Ferrell, I'm so sorry to hear about your mom!! :(--> Thank goodness you're there to take care of her. 93 years old?? She must be doing lots of things right! I loved the first CD and really enjoy listening to it. I will e-mail my information for you to send me the new ones and thank you for offering! I don't mind paying for them, though. It does cost you something to put those together and share them with us. :)-->
  14. Sounds exactly like Moneyhands. --> Are they running a cloning operation up there?
  15. Acts 20:35, even the man TWI worships more than Jesus said: I don't recall any of this being taught much less shown by example by TWI leadership.
  16. Rascal it starts in 1Ti 3:1 That's through verse 12. Each break is a new verse. Hmmmmmmm......doesn't sound like any ministers I've had contact with in TWI.
  17. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!
  18. It's nice Juan. I hope you get a bundle for it. :)-->
  19. Absolutely Skyrider! And those good, nice, kind hearted people that did keep many around wouldn't have stayed either and they surely wouldn't have brought anyone into that pack of wolves.
  20. Maybe some "chapter and verse" would help? Acts 13:6-13 Notably: To the False Prophet Barjesus: Ezekiel 22:24-31 notably: There's more, of course. And it would be the exact opposite of the requirements for a minister in Timothy.
  21. Belle


    I missed it, Tom. Sorry. Please apologize to your privates for me.
  22. Actually, that's WW's quote, but I agree with him, so I'll bite: vee pee he told us that. Even you said it.... he knew the word like it hadn't been known since the first century. You're contradicting yourself all over the place, my friend. Also, in TWI II we were constantly being told that those egg-sucking so-called Christians didn't know squat and that there wasn't anything better out there. We were told that if we left TWI, God's one true household, that we'd be a greasespot by midnight. That God wouldn't be able to protect us. Call me stupid, but I actually believed them.
  23. No internet's bad enough, but no plumbing either??? I haven't been camping like that since I was a Brownie....
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