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Everything posted by Belle

  1. Help in what way? So that people can be pre-judged and have the GSpot version of a nametag? So that people can be pigeon-holed into a single classification and be automatically discredited on whatever they say regardless of the topic just because of a classification? GSPOT IS NOT A CHRISTIAN FORUM! Someone's path after TWI is in no way relevant to their comments on their experience in TWI. It also in no way discredits them and, in many cases, is totally irrelevant to the conversation. How else do you want us to label ourselves? Want us to tell our sexual orientation? Our race? Our heritage? Our education level? Our occupation? Our shoe size? I would like to think we're no longer as small-minded as we were while in TWI. I would also like to think it's enlightening and a good exercise to listen to and allow others' points of view, experiences, beliefs and thoughts.
  2. Belle

    "Help Wanted"

    Ham, I wonder if he did shoot himself. My ex is supposedly contemplating a job offer to go to HQ. His background is law enforcement and he definitely has all the requirements: He's extremely handsome and in impeccable shape (6-pack abs 365 days out of the year) He is unmarried He can take out not only a cat, but the rat the cat is chasing at 1000 yards. He has his own gun collection, so John can keep the beretta. He lives for encounters with "bad characters". It allows him the perfect excuse for taking out all his frustrations. He's extremely computer literate and can even show John how to find websites he's probably not found yet. He only uses vacation time for ministry events and doesn't have any retirement funds to speak of and doesn't seem to care, so negotiations would be quick and painless for Rosie. Why would someone WANT to go on staff at HQ? Why go willingly? The only thing I can figure is he's so bitter about the divorce that he's decided to never get married again. He's so angry about life that the requisite day to day interaction with people who are happy, healthy and living the life he wanted and dreamed about just p1sses him off. He has been so beat down by TWI that he doesn't trust his own judgement anymore, so that can avoided if one turns their life whole hog over to TWI. They'll tell you where to live, when and what to eat, where you can go, how to spend what little money they let you have, who you can spend time with and how much you can spend on taking care of yourself. You're so insulated from the real world that you don't have to face reality or even make any decisions that you don't want to. There's always someone around to tell you what to do. Who wouldn't want to move to hq?
  3. There are also people who are out, but have an ex spouse with kids who are still in. Given the predatory nature of TWI it's not wise for them to expose their identity. Divorces, visitation rights and court battles are already difficult enough without giving TWI more ammunition by bringing GSpot into the situation. Think that's b.s. and doesn't happen? Think again.
  4. Laleo, I'm afraid that if I started listing the ways my life is better after having left TWI, that it would be boring to many. It's been so enriching to learn about other cultures, other beiefs, other research material that I would have been otherwise un-allowed to study. Life as a whole? SOOOOOoooooo much better! A better job, closer to home, with more respect for my abilities, no toll road fees, better pay, closer friends - true friends who will be and always have been there, no matter what - better family relationships, more hope for the future - and real hope at that, not just ethernet hope ---- Freedom to be me!! Freedom to ask questions!!! Freedom to grow auxano truly!
  5. Greek Salad 1-2 cans chicken breast or a couple of cups of cooked, chopped chicken 1 cucumber diced 1 pkg feta cheese 1 bunch chopped parsley 1 cup or so of choppped seeded Kalamata Olives Dressing: 1 TBSP Mayonnaise 1 TBSP Dried Oregano 1-3 cloves Garlic 1 Sm Pkg Yogurt Plain, Unflavored, Unsweetened Mix together dressing ingredients and then blend with salad ingredients.
  6. Tuscan Tuna Again: to taste 1-2 cans drained tuna in water 1-2 cans canellini beans 1/4-1/2 Chopped Red Onions 1-2 TBSP Basalmic Vinegar 1 TBSP Olive Oil Served over a bed of lettuce & tomatoes
  7. My all time favorite and has won me awards at different gatherings: Everything is to taste, but I'll try to put comparable amounts: White Shoe Peg Corn (1 can) Tomatoes (preferably, plum about 4) Green Onions (about 2 chopped from the white all the way to the top) Mayonnaise (1 Tablespoon) Salt & Pepper You want more corn than anything else, but a good portion of tomatoes and a little bit less onion. It's much better the second day and I usually make it the night before for that reason.
  8. I was already born again. I had heard of SIT but in the Baptist church I was told that people didn't do that anymore. What attracted me to TWI was that I felt like I was getting answers to questions I hadn't been able to get in the Baptist church. NOW I consider those answers that were so exciting and feeding my ego to have are either b.s. or insignificant regarding my life and my relationship with God and JC. I see what you're saying Ham. Most people who weren't born again before TWI were most likely lead to the Lord by someone OTHER THAN vee pee. Very, Very few people were actually born again or taught to SIT by the man himself nor by his ministry. I also think you're right. ;)-->
  9. p.s. This is not a Christian forum. All are allowed, encouraged and appreciated for sharing their opinion or point of view. Expect to have those opinions and points of view challenged, questioned and/or discussed. However, sometimes we have to agree to disagree. :)-->
  10. LOL! Would have been very interesting kool aid indeed! :D-->
  11. He was a false prophet with no ministry. He merely took credit for the wonderful things that the true ministers around him were able to do IN SPITE OF vee pee.
  12. Are they giving out cootie shots for those who - gasp! - have to work with homosexuals?
  13. sometimes, too, the way things are worded - regardless of position - will generate so called flaming or perhaps less than cordial comments. It's easier to get people to listen to your position or to seriously consider one's position when spoken politely and from an informed, unemotional position than as an attack or as if one is looking for a fight or "daring" someone to disagree.
  14. Bliss, I know exactly what you mean! There's this one church that has grown by leaps and bounds and everyone I've talked to absolutely loves it. I could hardly wait to check it out. I went on the web to look them up and to see when their service hours are. I was shocked to find similar things to what you found. There's a class you have to take to become a member and they have different levels of classes.... --> No thanks! Thankfully they are at least upfront and honest on their own website. I'm so glad the world wide web and GSpot are out here for people to learn more about what they might be getting into.
  15. Belle


    We're supposed to behave?
  16. Bliss, I have some stuff I want to share, but can't right now. I need time to organize my thoughts. You're taking it slow, right? So I still have time? :)-->
  17. Welcome, Anne! Last I heard (and that was about 8 years ago) Jon was working at a restaurant in Orlando called The Ale House. I have no clue if he's management there or if he has moved from the Orlando area, but it's a start. You might also check Kissimmee, FL as it's nearby and he may be still in the area.
  18. College? Did I say college? I meant High School. Sorry. :o--> I started school early and was the youngest in my class every year. I was smart, but not THAT smart! ;)-->
  19. I'm very sensitive to "performance based" religion or anything else. I let 'em have it at one of our "Purpose Driven Life" small group studies once because it was so freaking TWI performance based that I was getting physically ill. I quit the group and the people who were in it went to the preacher with the same concerns that I had voiced because they saw it once I pointed it out. I'm also hyper-alert to "we have all the answers" attitudes. This church isn't like TWI at all and the first few months I was attending I listened carefully for any hint that they thought they as a church or their religion was better than anyone else. I was expecting it and I was ready to pounce. Never heard it. Never even got a whiff of that kind of attitude. After a while I relaxed and ya know, it's real refreshing to not be subjected to that kind of arrogance. A friend gave me a copy of "What God Wants" to read. I started but the whole first five chapters are nothing but...."the whole world is wrong and going to hell in a handbasket if everyone doesn't change and listen to what I have to say." Makes my blood boil!
  20. Belle


    That's too manual, Tom! I'm a lazy pack rat. I know there's GOT to be an easier way. That's why I have the job I have. I always find the quickest, easiest way to get things done. Write a couple o programs that automate stuff and they have no idea how long it takes to get things done, so you have plenty of time to, say, post on your favorite website. :D--> I have a feeling one of our web gurus will be able to make a suggestion that will save our little fingers. I'm "believing" they will, anyway.
  21. LOL! MTGal, my rebellion started at 13 and I vividly remember my mother yelling that the house was not big enough for the both of us. Since she was sleeping with the guy who paid the bills (Daddy) I quickly changed my attitude, but not before several, "you made your mother cry and should go apologize to her" conversations with Daddy. At 17, my senior year in college, I got in trouble for something and told Daddy I was too old to get a spanking. He proved me wrong on that one, too! :o--> I really don't know how they put up with me. I'll ask 'em. I do remember that I was always encouraged to have my friends over to our house and my parents were considered pretty cool by my friends. They always showed an interest in my friends and what they were up to and good at encouraging them in their endeavors as well. I came up very upset one day and was crying and my mom sat down with me and cried too. She said that when I hurt - she hurt. I think that was a major turning point for us in our relationship. She also bailed me out of a few bad situations (not really, really bad, but I had made some stupid decisions or didn't do something I should have). She did it gladly and willingly and never rubbed it in my face because she knew that I knew I was wrong and could see that she was really going out of her way for me. I doubt that helps you, but those are the things I think about when I read posts by parents like you because I know you care and want to be the best parents you can be. I know now that my parents wanted the same things. Maybe just knowing that I was once in your kids' shoes (and probably worse :D--> ) and that I came out okay and have very fond memories and great appreciation now for my parents helps a little bit.
  22. I'm wavering between "I don't know", "Christian" and "a little bit of everything"..... Haven't voted yet. Any suggestions? Also, I'm willing to sell my vote to anyone who wants to increase the votes for their favorite category. Contact me for my "reasonable" price and details. :)-->
  23. Belle


    Hi, My name is Belle and I'm a pack rat. :o--> Hi, Belle Is there an easy way to save ALL my privates? I'm familiar with the "print friendly version" view, but I'd really prefer a quicker, easier way to save them. Any tips, ideas?
  24. Belle

    We Set A Date

    I'm not going to be able to make it to the wedding after all. :(--> I have a room reserved at The Villager, so if anyone needs it, please contact me.
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