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Everything posted by Belle

  1. AMEN, Sistah! :D--> I wonder, too, if vee pee thought that if it was possible to get people to "fake it" or think that they were really doing it then he would have them hooked. I mean, if you're willing to LIE for acceptance, then they really have you hook, line and sinker, don't they?
  2. Not necessarily. ;)--> You've been invited to the doctrinal section many times, Alan. Are you afraid to go down there or do you just enjoy derailing threads?
  3. ROFLMAO!!! Brother Speed, you are greatly appreciated here. :)-->
  4. Georgio posted this on the Child Abuse Thread. While, it is indeed child abuse to raise these poor children like this, I think that some who need to read this might miss it on that thread: Georgio, I hope you don't mind me re-posting your post. :)--> Kinder, gentler? Looks like SSDD, to me. :(-->
  5. (((Georgio))) It's terrible what they're doing to these kids! Hopefully some of them will at least ponder and consider your words. God bless your heart for trying! This happened to me, too. I asked them how they could say they never had a policy on debt when people were kicked out for not selling their homes. They said I was lying that not one person was kicked out for that. When I gave them examples, they started backtracking and making excuses also. My ex always says that "the ministry would be perfect if it weren't for people." He says people aren't perfect and we can't chuck the whole ministry just because of one person. They just don't see that it's wayyyy more than one person and that it's the whole system that's corrupt, evil and destructive. 'Tis sad, really. Then out of the other side of their mouth they say no one can argue with your experience when you're witnessing or speaking of TWI's "blessings". --> Do they, then, think it's okay to plagarize their school papers? They don't care that he was a thief and a liar??? LOL! They must have invoked the wrong Jesus. ;)--> A liar just because you speak against TWI? Yeah, that makes sense. --> I see they still have the elitist attitude. Not surprising. "Looks" can be deceiving. :)--> You have more money than they do and most likely have 100X more savings and future security than they do unless they are kids of the almighty BOD or the president's lover. Did they say how much happier and more peaceful that you look? Did they notice that you look more content and satisfied with life? If you've gained weight since leaving TWI, it's because you no longer have to spend all your time jumping through their hoops and you're able to really enjoy your food and afford good food now! Was told "no one wants to hear this" What happened to Rise & Expansion?? In order to keep an eye on people?? So they admit that they micro-manage people's lives now? They admit they stick their nose where it doesn't belong? Well, that's a start, I guess. Now if they'll just tell people upfront that they're going to do that instead of waiting till after they've "taken the class." Then how did they reduce their numbers? By lottery? Change the subject when you are shown to be wrong. Yeppers! Those kids have learned very well from their parents' examples. And nothing bad has ever happened in their life? How do they know that people who leave TWI have "streaks of bad luck"? Have they talked to people who have left TWI or are they just believing yet another set of lies fed to them by adults who are supposed to be teaching them truth? Besides that....what the H#ll are they doing using the word "luck"???? :D--> I believe God's word. I believe they are gonna be in for a very rude awakening one day, hopefully it's before they have to stand before God Almighty. Georgio, it's truly heartbreaking. The good news is that most of them DO come around once they are exposed to many different cultures, beliefs and kinds of people outside of the influence of their parents (college or real world life). Georgio, you don't know that they aren't considering your side. :)--> Darlin', you probably caused them to stop and think, but they may not admit that to you. They may also need some time to chew on what you've said and some private introspection time. Since there was just you and more than one of them, they would be afraid to admit that they agree with you. That could be very detrimental to them. Doesn't mean that they don't agree with you or that you didn't get through. Sometimes it takes people to come around. You're planting seed, Georgio, and you're doing a darn good job of it, too. Keep on keepin' on! I'm proud of you!
  6. Belle

    Another one

    I agree, Shellon. Shot is too quick and painless.
  7. Belle

    Caption this

    Melts in your mouth AND in your hands!
  8. Belle

    My massage today

    That's a price I can live with, Shellon! Thank you. I'll do that! :)-->
  9. Belle

    My massage today

    Oh yeah! My budget's a little too tight now, but I absolutely LOVE my massage therapist and wouldn't trade her for anything! She'll even accommodate on a moment's notice if I'm in pain or seriously stressed out. Warning, Jim: It's addictive! Also, being single and living alone and trying to re-establish friendships, I miss the human touch. It's so important, too, especially for healing.
  10. Maybe you've rubbed off on him, Tom. ;)--> I'm sorry, Raf! You can come to Orlando - if she decides to come our way we've gotten pretty experienced with our Post-Hurricane Parties. Our whole neighborhood stocked up on supplies together this year.
  11. Belle

    Caption this

    Come here, Wendy. I'm not gonna hurtcha!
  12. Belle

    Remind you of anyone?

    Ha, Oakspear! Actually, I got this joke today right after a rather annoyingly righteous "Christian" co-worker of mine stood up for that idiot tv preacher saying we should go kill Chavez but then turns around and calls Islam a bunch of murderers.
  13. Belle

    Remind you of anyone?

    I'm with David, Raf. Which one?
  14. Belle

    Remind you of anyone?

    WG, think of how many people that girl probably saved from the clutches of TWI with her driving and attitude. ;)-->
  15. Belle

    Remind you of anyone?

    Brother Speed, don't think I've properly welcomed you to GSpot. Welcome! I've enjoyed reading your posts. I don't like bumper stickers either except for one....My MSU Alumni Sticker :D--> I get to meet a lot of other people from Mississippi with that sticker. 'Course we're all related or know each others' relatives so it's always fun. I also have a "Sportsmen for Bush" bumper sticker and it's the first time I've had anything besides my alumni sticker on my car, but it's a darn tootin' cool looking sticker, imo! :)-->
  16. Belle

    Remind you of anyone?

    George: George, if you ever come to Florida, never, but never hit the breaks at a yellow light! You'll get rear-ended for sure! And when the light turns green, wait a few minutes for the crossing traffic to finish. --> It's all the friggin' New Yorkers down here. Cause it's definitely not the blue hairs!
  17. Belle

    Remind you of anyone?

    LOL! Littlehawk, they've given out bumper stickers a few times in the past, but no one will put them on their cars. :D--> I wonder why...
  18. Give that lady an "Amen!!!" from the congregation!
  19. ((((((MO))))))) ((((((CW)))))) I'm apalled. Truly apalled. I don't read any posts by a certain someone anymore, but after reading Rascal's comments I had to go back and read what she was talking about. Cold, cruel and just plain uncalled for....and people wonder why victims don't post more on here. Sheez!! Mo, you don't have to explain, much less, defend yourself to anyone and I'm sorry that you felt like you had to. I hope that those who knew and did nothing to help you whether by hinderances or by just not speaking up....I can only hope that they get what they've got coming to them. We already know one of them is miserable because her posts make it obvious.
  20. So true, Bliss. :)--> I was young, excited, energetic and would give people the shirt off my back if they not only needed it, but merely wanted it. People seemed to genuinely enjoy being around me. 10 years later: I felt like my prayers were bouncing off the ceiling. I was oppressed and suffering from major self-esteem issues. I was sad that I was never good enough for God. I was worried about not being where God could bless and protect me. I was suffering from panic attacks (but they were my fault) I was egotistical because I knew more Bible than anyone outside TWI I was cold and harsh with people because their "believing" was causing all the problems in their life. I was un-sympathetic because they wouldn't listen to my know-it-all advice. I was giving money out of fear and out of greed. I felt so taken advantage of that I didn't want to help people with anything, much less give them my shirt. I became very lonely. I became very depressed. I became physically and mentally ill. Now, after only one year of freedom: I have hope I have joy I have peace I'm way more patient with people and situations I have more control over my temper I'm feeling, experiencing and enjoying my emotions! I am getting healthy again I have friends - TRUE friends I have a great relationship with my family I get along great with my co-workers (most of them :)--> ) I have a home and confidence in my savings and my future security I love life! :D--> I love others (regardless of what they believe)! :D-->
  21. So, they're teaching craig's R&E and they're talking expansion out of one side of their mouth, but out of the other side they're still playing up the "precious remnant" teachings? Not surprising. Not surprising that the die hards either don't see it, refuse to acknowldge it or are afraid to mention it. IMO, the innies are probably glad to have the "precious remnant" teachings and excuses because it frees them from the oppressive admonitions to witness, sign people up for the classes and go door to door. :)-->
  22. An honest woman was being tailgated by a stressed out man on a busy boulevard. Suddenly, the light turned yellow just in front of her. She did the right thing, stopping at the crosswalk, even though she could have beaten the red light by accelerating through the intersection. The tailgating man hit the roof, and the horn, screaming in frustration as he missed his chance to get through the intersection. As he was still in mid-rant, he heard a tap on his window and looked up into the face of a very serious police officer. The officer ordered him to exit his car with his hands up. He took the guy to the police station where he was searched, finger printed, photographed, and placed in a holding cell. After a couple of hours, a policeman approached the cell and opened the door. The driver was escorted back to the booking desk where the arresting officer was waiting with his personal effects. The officer said, "I'm very sorry for this mistake. You see, I pulled up behind your car while you were blowing your horn, flipping off the lady in front of you, and cussing a blue streak at her. I noticed the 'Choose Life' license plate holder, the 'What Would Jesus Do' bumper sticker, the 'Follow Me to Sunday School' bumper sticker, and the chrome plated Christian fish emblem on the trunk. Naturally, I assumed you had stolen the car."
  23. Now THAT would have been fun!!
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