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Everything posted by Belle

  1. Georgio, here's the link to Pat's site with some information. There was a thread here, too, I'm looking to see if I can find it. TWI's Toledo Property
  2. Very poignant, Long Gone. Thanks for sharing it with us. I've got it bookmarked. My ex is a police sniper and belongs to an online sniper group who also sponsors the Adopt a Sniper Program for the snipers in Iraq. I always enjoyed reading their first hand accounts that they woiuld post to the list. It's an exclusive group and you have to jump through all kinds of hoops to join so that they can make sure it's really just snipers so they can talk about things that maybe might not be fit for "Joe Public". Down home, real live, personal accounts are what I find the most interesting and heartening.
  3. Glad to hear you're safe and sound, Raf. :)--> I hope everyone else is. Heard that four people were killed, but three of them were hit by a tree after being told to stay inside during the worst part of the storm. :(-->
  4. They've been teaching it. It started with the cancellation of the WOW program and then the "homo purge" and just got worse from there. M@tthew H@rmon refused to call them anything but sodomites and told some rather disgusting jokes and other comments about them that I thought was inappropriate, but "we need to know how reprobate these people are." Craig said that he wished we lived in the OT times so we could kill them, but that we have to wait to see them get their just end. He called them reprobate, lowest of the low and worthy of death. For about two years every freaking single teaching had some tirade about the gay community. You could count on him mentioning money, living on a need basis and how much God hates "homos."
  5. Georgio, TWI owns a house in Toledo. I can't remember the details, but I think Pat Proberge's site has more information on it. I'll look for a link to it for you.
  6. They say that they can't apologize because it would open them up to too many lawsuits. Well, DUH!! If you did something wrong, don't you think you should have to provide some sort of recompense??? --> This from the mouth of wc leadership, including Dottie Moneyhands. She knows, says and freely admits that "lives have been ruined." She knows. She was responsible for some of those lives. AMEN, Lindy!
  7. Georgio, I'm sure you're making waves that will reverberate for a long time with these kids. You've been gentle with them, too, so they will feel comfortable coming to you one on one and especially when they are hurt and realize the truth about TWI. :)--> You have my utmost respect.
  8. Oakspear, I believe you're right on the money. I shouldn't have gotten defensive with my SIT beliefs. I am actually open to hearing more. OM, I agree, Oakspear is right on the money. I also have to say that I'm impressed with your response here. Thank you for posting this. It's shows a human side of OM that I wondered about. :)--> I think that's a marvelous idea! I think you'll find people more receptive to discussion with you even if they don't agree with Stiles or Leonard. It will certainly take the vee pee issue out of the discussion and, I think, make it more profitable. It takes a real strong person to even consider re-examining their beliefs, especially those beliefs that have formed who they are over many, many years. Kudos to you, my friend! Your willingness to read and consider other points of view is admirable. :)-->
  9. :o--> Awww shucks. Thank you coolchef. :)--> My e-mail is in my profile and I do check my private topics anytime you want to send a note.
  10. Sounds like a man vee pee and craig would really respect and love to have seen involved with TWI. Imagine, he coulda been on the BOD with those kinds of beliefs. -->
  11. Def's down that way too! I hope y'all stay safe. :)-->
  12. Belle

    Remind you of anyone?

    Why, Mistah Strange, what-ev-ah do you mean? ;)-->
  13. Belle

    Remind you of anyone?

    Oh, Def, I really feel for you! I've heard you never make eye contact with anyone when you're driving down there. What happens if you get in a crash down there and can't speak Spanish??
  14. Belle

    Remind you of anyone?

    Raf, you're so loveable, I'll bet no one even notices that you've got road rage. :)-->
  15. and another thing..... I've only been out a year. My thoughts, beliefs, what have you, change on a daily basis. I'm re-thinking, re-working, re-considering what TWI taught and thoroughly enjoying reading material that would have been considered contraband in TWI. Christian, pagan, spiritualism.....all kinds of things. How're ya gonna peg me, Alan? Which label are you going to put on me so you can hate me for it? Geeze, man, you are so out there..... I feel sorry for the people who have to live around your negativity and oppressive attitude all the time. Not one person on here has tried to discredit you and no-one has an agenda against you. You're sorely mistaken if you think you're that important to anyone here. ;)--> You might want to tell your psychiatrist about your paranoid delusions. He should be able to help you.
  16. We're not into labels around here and we're not that easy to pigeon hole. You'll need to find a kindergarten board to play on for that. So you really are just here to stir up trouble, label people and cause a ruckus. We know the people you continually attack and none of us needs to or has to answer any of your questions. Nobody here owes you anything. If you want to know what someone thinks or to know something more about someone you'll need to get off your foot and go read their posts - check out the archives, bucko, they were here long before you came into this place like a bull in a china shop. You want people to respond to you? Maybe you should try actually reading what they wrote. "People don't care what you know till they know you care." Remember that? You sure don't act like it. I, personally, think you're a child of h3ll cause you sure aren't like any Christians I know - even the bad ones. H3ll, the TWIts are more pleasant to be around than you are.
  17. Yep, OM, vee pee made craig "twofold more the child of h3ll than" he was and rosie is now fourfold the child of h3ll. (see Matt 23:15) When we say TWI II and III were like living in h3ll we weren't lying. ;)--> Bramble said: Sadly, this is so true. For as bad as they have it in TWI, they are afraid of leaving because their whole lives they've been told it's a thousand times worse outside the walls of TWI. Tell a lie long enough and people believe it....especially if they've heard said lie since they were babies.
  18. Mrs. W - Hi Honey, how was your day? vee pee - Hey, I raped five women, got three of 'em drunk and re-read the WC biographies and lined up four more for tomorrow. Oh, and I also led a couple of people into speaking in tongues. - Now where's my robe? I'm sleeping in the camper tonight.
  19. boxers or briefs? ;)-->
  20. You're right, Raf. Sorry for not being more accurate.
  21. Many cities in Florida are trying to pass laws now that prohibit convicted sex offenders from living anywhere within the city limits.
  22. OM, not all of us think in black & white like you do. I speculate, muse and ponder things out loud on here. Some things I'm still thinking about, others I've decided I may never have a firm grasp on. Goey points out some very valid observations, theories and beliefs about tongues. Why try to start a fight? Why not just consider what he's shared and, if you can, share nicely what you think about those things and not attack Goey personally? Geeze! You, Alan and mj really should consider starting your own site. You could call it, "Flamers for vee pee and TWI"
  23. Ham, we think too much alike! :D--> Good points, Lindy. My take on things? TWI has indicated that it will never change. The people making the decisions have absolutely no remorse and, imo, putting Mrs. W out like they did just shows how cruel, heartless and willing to break promises and vows they are. Say a woman is battered and abused. Sometimes she justifies her husband's behavior and sets a limit - "if he ever hits me" becomes "if he hits me again" becomes "if he hits the kids" becomes "if he ever REALLY hurts one of us and puts us in the hospital".... and so on. Eventually her view of normal becomes SO FAR OFF NORMAL that she doesn't know what normal is. Say he yells at, abuses verbally and physically the kids and her - she threatens to leave him if he doesn't "get better". He gets "better" by just hitting her but continuing to mentally abuse her and the kids and she thinks things are "better" and stays in the relationship. TWI is so far from "normal" that "better" is a relative term and most likely only means that they are covering up the abuse better or have swapped one form of abuse for another, so that it appears to be better to some. Personally, I think Georgio's post speaks for itself. That leopard has not changed its spots in the least.
  24. I'm speechless. I'm so glad that I have been able to overcome the hard-heartedness, judgementalism and egotism that TWI taught and promoted. This is why I ignore certain posters and have added yet another to my list. :)--> I shan't feed the monsters and, MO and CW, God bless your hearts!! Thank you for sharing your hearts and experiences with us despite the insensitive attacks. You are also at the top of my prayer list. Brother Speed, thank you for your service to our country! Thank you, also, for your input here in our little corner of cyberspace. :)-->
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