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Everything posted by Belle

  1. George, you haven't been reading much in the "About the Way" section lately then. :)--> Check out just about any of the top 10 threads on there and you'll quickly see what kind of attacks some of our beloved posters have been under.
  2. Brother Speed you remembered more than I did. :D--> I was just proud to remember the name.
  3. Belle


    And "ignore" options.
  4. They are annoying as are a few who have no recruitment platform. I think, though, that they are an excellent example of "what it's not" to people and as said before, a terrific reminder of how far I've come. :D--> I try to ignore most of the posts of those people, sometimes, like a bad car crash, I can't help but look. Some are easier to ignore than others, but the more obnoxious, vicious and devilish they are the easier they become to ignore. Sometimes I get frustrated watching people get unjustly attacked and slandered and even more frustrated watching them in futile argument against the attacker. I wish that they would just ignore the demonic troll, but I understand, too, that we have to pick our battles and sometimes it is better that the attacker be corrected and confronted. I spose it's a balance and I don't know where that balance is. I know that I'm glad we're largely allowed to work things out on here, but sometimes I wonder where the line should be drawn. Some people have been enduring vicious, uncalled for attacks that would have left me in a lump on the floor crying my eyes out by now.
  5. Mamas don't let your babies grow up to be homos... I remember it, but don't think I have the words anywhere. I suspect that any copies of that song were burned with the lyrics to the "Wash my feet in the blood of the wicked".
  6. Cowgirl, is this it? Zixar takes up the Mandolin
  7. So much for that! say what you mean and mean what you say
  8. I'll be calling family in Baton Rouge, Jackson, MS and other southern cities who will be in the path of Katrina and the Waves to make sure they are hunkering down and taking it seriously. Charlie came into FL from the opposite side of the state from me, but still, what 100+ miles away?, he was a Cat 1 and still caused catastrophic damage with "mere" --> 60-85 mph winds. Prayers are needed for all those in the path of Katrina. If she, indeed, stays as big and powerful as she is this morning, those on the coast are not the only ones in danger. Praying fervently for those in the path.....
  9. You got 'em, Bro, Lots of 'em! Thanks for your service!! :)-->
  10. :o--> I'm beginning to feel as though my integrity and character are being compromised. Just for the record, I repeat: I'm sure (well, I hope anyway) that anyone who knows me personally can vouch for the fact that I have not played those games in many years and sometimes I can make a New Yorker blush with my assertiveness/ vocabulary. It's how I was raised and, like I said, it's not talked about, the lessons are very subtle. I am, however, as kind and hospitable as possible and have a knack for disarming people and making quick friends. Garth, I wasn't insulted and I hope you weren't either. I actually enjoyed the banter. :)-->
  11. LOL! I'd be very careful if I were you. The evil twin bee-yatch is 99% evil in 3 out of the 4 versions of my name. :D-->
  12. I wonder how TWI feels seeing their work plagarized. :)-->
  13. Well, that explains a lot of the attitude and treatment of people here. I hope he's not trying to recruit people.
  14. Belle

    Men of old

    (((((LikeaEagle))))) I think God wants us to be married if we want to be. I think, too, that He knows what we want in a spouse and He wants that for us. Please stay hopeful and optomistic! You just moved and are haven't been where you are with a much shorter commute that originally, if I remember correctly. :)--> Maybe your Sean Connery was waiting for you to get settled in and into a new routine with the extra time you finally have. If it makes you feel any better, I'm 36 and still want to have kids (I don't have any at all). I don't want to do it on my own and sometimes I get frustrated and scared that it's never going to happen. :)--> Some days are better than others. Hang in there! We'll find our Ephesians 3:20's yet!
  15. I'd LOVE to get some lunch with you, Rascal!! :D--> Please let me know! I'll private topic you my phone numbers.
  16. Awwww, Garth. It doesn't matter if you know you've been insulted, in fact, it's best that you don't. It's hard to explain having grown up in it. I suppose it's a type of defense mechanism and it's sometimes used to manipulate people. If you have no idea I'm insulting you then you'll think I'm just sweet as pie and I'll be able to catch more flies with that honey than if I were to outright insult you. It also keeps us on even footing in my mind because I'm able to insult you in my mind, so, even if you're unaware, I keep my self-esteem.... I don't think I'm explaining it very well, though. When I moved to Orlando people thought I was stupid because I was a girl, I spoke very slowly and with a really thick southern accent. Men and NY'ers especially. :)--> When I would ask if they were from NY, they were so proud of my ability to discern their accent or impressed that I seemed to be genuinely taking an interest in where they were from. I didn't give a .... where they were from, but it took them off the defensive and made them treat me just a little bit more nicely and I was inwardly amused at the reaction. When my parents would call to check on me, we'd spend a bit of time laughing at the stupid NY'ers and their responses to my innocent sounding question. I suppose another example is when someone starts to explain something to a redneck like they have no idea what he's talking about when the redneck perhaps know more than he does but the redneck asks the most simple of questions and eventually the initiator catches on that he's being made a fool of because he treated the redneck like he was the fool. Like I said, southern culture is quirky and different (and even more different from that other southern country - Texas). Maybe only southerners can "really" get it. ;)--> But keep that "Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn" attitude. It's rather endearing. :D-->
  17. Charlie was a Cat 1 by the time he hit Orlando and out of all the hurricanes I went through last year that was by far the scariest and worst regarding damage and sleepless nights at my house. (((((GC))))) Take care!! Sending many many prayers your way!
  18. Save your fingers mj. I seriously doubt anyone is going to be reading anything you have to say.
  19. Oh, and they're called "designer causes". ;)--> At least from the lcm administration.... -->
  20. No one from TWI would even imagine doing something like this yet most of the posters on here who are continually flamed by ignorant and cold hearted TWIts do as much if not more for people. Who's the better person? Doesn't take much to see the difference. Those verses also throw the TWIt teaching about who your neighbor is under the bus....the short bus they're riding on. :)--> Despite the fact that the epistles (and correct TWIt administration) says the same thing, they continue to ignore Jesus's teachings because they are in the "wrong administration." methinks some certain posters are going to be shocked when they and the kool-aid drinkers are told, "I never knew you"
  21. I may know someone I can check with regarding the AC meeting. I also think someone posted about that already shortly after it happened. I'll search around and see....
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