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Everything posted by Belle

  1. They may be contributing now, but at one time they had all their "employees" sign Social Security Withholding Waivers. Many gladly signed because TWI is of God and surely they wouldn't do anything to hurt people, right?? ;)-->
  2. Brother Speed, I must know. Are you a Dick Marcinko fan? O&A, I agree! I think they either don't really believe in God or they really don't believe the Bible and that they are going to have to answer for the way they've abused and allowed people to be abused.
  3. Belle

    Feel the Noize

    Shellon, my Daddy tells of a teacher when he was in grade school who wore a hearing aid. When he would call roll in the mornings the kids would start out at normal voice and then gradually as each kid answered "Here" they would get softer and softer. The teacher would turn up his hearing aid as they got quieter. Once he turned it up a few times the next kid would yell, "HERE!" Kids can be so cruel, but it's funny to hear him tell it.
  4. Belle

    Caption this

    THAT'S IT!!! Brother Speed, I am from this day forward putting down my coffee before I read anything you post! :D--> :P--> My computer screen can't take any more.
  5. Bliss, does yer PA have any Mississippi relatives? He sounds just like my Daddy! Same questions and everything. I remember him asking, "So, what does Moneyhands do all day?" Shoulda heard the flubbering trying to answer that one! LOL! Well, he goes swimming, Dottie takes tap dance lessons, shops, goes to watercolor classes..... Well, I don't know but it MUST be important because they pay him full time pay and let him live in a really, really nice home and drive nice cars....
  6. Scary but true, Highway. I've never heard it put like that, but it makes total sense. Thank you.
  7. AMEN! There's no hiding behind the doctrinal flag, though. He won't even discuss doctrinal issues or visit the doctrinal forum even though he's been invited to many times.
  8. Plagarizing the plagarizer....funny irony. That he's in jail is rather apropo, no? ;)--> Laleo, WILD! Thank you!! This site credits him with it back in 1973 Guadalupe de Saavedra I guess I can't exactly prove he didn't write it, but it also can't be proven that he DID write it. :)-->
  9. My ex has reunited with the family he cruelly cut all communications with 10 years ago at the suggestion of Bob Moneyhands. Bob Moneyhands is moving to the UK and will be far away from being able to directly influence my ex anymore. There's some very exciting news looming on the horizon for the upcoming anniversary and we've speculated here that it's the anniversary of the invention of kool-aid, but no one knows for sure just yet which color they will be serving. I've gotten a very nice raise and promoted to the management bonus plan. :)--> My house has increased in equity by nearly $100,000 since I refinanced in my name alone because of the divorce. I've reconnected with friends and family I haven't seen since getting involved with TWI. We're closer now than we ever were. :)--> My relationship with my family, especially my immediate family has been absolutely amazingly healing. I've also become rather fond of sushi. How's about you, Chas?
  10. I don't think you'll find a 30% CES/CFF/Offshoot response, but I think it would be higher than 10%. More people follow their doctrine and structure than readily admit on here because of the backlash from those who don't, I think. :)--> Anonymously I think more people would admit to it. Sounds like a great thread and yes, it could become inflammatory because of the high emotional investment people make regarding their spiritual beliefs. MOST of us can discuss heated things without flaming others and hopefully we're all learning to ignore those who do flame. ;)--> I'd also like to know more about the people who voted that they wished the TWI they knew and loved was still around. Do they mean that they loved being involved with TWI so much that even knowing about all the abuse, plagarism, lies and manipulation they'd still go back to TWI if they could feel the same way they did when they were initially involved? Do they mean that if TWI really was what they THOUGHT it was when they were involved and feeling all warm and fuzzy about it, that they would go back? What exactly do they mean that they would go back to? Given the answer it could be perceived as them voting that if TWI brought back PFAL, re-instituted the ROA and WOW program, started playing awesome music again and people went back to love-bombing and allowing people to come and go as they please that they would return despite all the ugliness and evil that would most likely continue..... *shrug* I dunno. Good questions, Mark. Thanks for asking them. Thanks to everyone for voting. :)-->
  11. Wide range of beliefs on doctrine here. That's really interesting. What's amazing to me is those who think TWI was mostly right doctrinally. Or maybe just that there's such a high percentage of people who do based on the poll.
  12. That's pretty much a clincher, isn't it, Bramble? I felt so unloved and so cut off from my family while married and in TWI. I hadn't alienated them like my ex did to his family, but I also wasn't completely comfortable around them because my ex and TWI kept them at arms length since they weren't involved with TWI. Through it all they were very loving and very accommodating to our demands and weird schedules. Our relationship is 1000000 times better now that TWI isn't in the middle of it. Interesting that most all choices are 50% Good time while in and glad to be out and 50% Regret even being in and glad to be out. Not one vote for glad to be in or wishing to be in. Speaks loud and clear to me. What do you think, Mr. Linder? Moneyhands?
  13. Dear, Sweet, ROR, :D--> I'm on wi-fi so my puter is always online and it always appears as though I'm signed in and active when, in fact, I'm sawing logs in the next room. I spect I'm not the only one who does that. So solly that you were looking for us and we weren't there. I miss chatting with you!! We need to catch up, but this gal needs all the beauty rest she can get so it will have to be before 9pm EST. ;)-->
  14. Belle

    Feel the Noize

    Well, Paw, you know I talk really loud. :D--> All my life I grew up with my mom and other relatives saying, "You don't have to yell, I'm right here." I also constantly ask people to repeat themselves, but I always pass every hearing test ever given to me and usually they say I have textbook healthy eardrums. At work they call it "selective hearing" but they enjoy being able to talk about me while I'm right there. Mama worked for the concert committee at Mississippi State for many, many years so we always got great seats for the concerts. :D--> My Daddy blew out an ear drum at a Willie Nelson concert because our seats were right next to the very loud speakers at the front row. He seems to be okay, but I think the one ear causes him problems sometimes.
  15. I've been scouring the web and the only references I can find to this poem are not attributed to anyone or they are attributed to Terrell Yarbrough aka Michael Poole, a death row inmate in OH. I just seriously doubt that vee pee would write anything like that and that album of verse is mostly full of "anonymous" poems or poems written by others, if my memory is correct. It just doesn't seem right....
  16. Galen, you have demonstrated your love for God and your love for people, not to mention your uncanny ability to avoid the legalistic pharisees who ruled and continue to rule TWI. Because of your fun, gentle nature so evidently displayed here on GSpot and for so many more reasons, you wouldn't have to recruit me. I'd be asking to come to any fellowship you and Bonnie may be running in my area. :)-->
  17. Right that he didn't write it or right that I'm reading it wrong? :)--> I'm sure vee pee didn't author it, but can't find who did.
  18. Mark, I didn't want to let this one die on the 2nd page just yet. You've asked some very good questions on these polls of yours. I think there was no value at all to TWI, but I was in during the 90's and missed all the great times that people wax nostalgic about. I have tried to find something good about my experience and I can't find a d*mn thing. I am smarter and wiser, but I don't think it's because of anything GOOD or of value from TWI. ;)--> That being said, I do completely and honestly see how people DO have good things to share and good memories of their time in TWI. I love to read about those times and about the fun people had. I'm just not one of those people. :)-->
  19. I'm pretty sure the poem is older than 1980 and that that Terrell on death row didn't write it. That's what it looks like that site is saying....am I reading it wrong?
  20. Who wrote this? Anyone know? I need proof of the author and the date, if possible. I have a TWIt who insists vee pee wrote it and I can't find authorship. I need a better Google-er than I am to help me. :)-->
  21. Bliss, I totally understand! I fought for five years and got real tired of reading comments like that from people who know not me nor my situation. Some of them have never loved someone so much that they would be willing to go through what you are going through to try to save a relationship. Others just speak like idiots because that's what they are and yet others don't understand and some of those do not care to understand what someone is going through. I commented or ignored the comments depending on the poster. ;)--> Regarding unbiased advice? I would highly recommend contacting Raf and/or WordWolf privately and asking if they would be willing to talk and/or e-mail with your husband. Raf is a journalist and very good at presenting both sides of a situation. His research on PFAL and the Blue Book are two excellent examples of how he is able to objectively see the right and wrong in those works. Wordwolf has shown himself to be equally objective and logical. IMO, they are both professionals, post logically from an educated stand point and do not (usually) allow their emotions to overrule their thoughts. (I hope y'all don't mind me recommending you. ;)--> ) If you'd like someone/oneS to discuss primarily the injustices and evil committed within TWI, then that's a few different people and I'd be happy to help you with the best people for that as well, privately. :)-->
  22. Good point, Mstar1. :)--> Interesting that even the most staunch TWI supporters have either not voted or not chosen "absolutely correct".
  23. Since I have absolutely no lemonade to share with anyone, I have chosen wish I was never involved. Bliss, IF you were already out, which choice would you pick?
  24. Isn't one of the classic indications of a liar someone who embellishes and gives a lot more information than necessary to make a point?
  25. Yeah, Moony. I think I'll worry about it tomorrow. ;)--> Mstar1, I think it means you're off the charts and it doesn't know how to calculate something with that much goodness. I did put in mstar1 and got 50% Good / 50% Evil. Are you putting your name in the Rate a text passage section?
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