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Everything posted by Belle

  1. Not ---- gonna ---- go ----- there ----- :o-->
  2. Wonder what they're doing for all their people who live in those areas..... Here's what one group they poke fun of is doing: Hmmmmmm.....which church is setting the better example and taking care of their "neighbor"?
  3. Considering how long it took for them to tell people that Don died, I'm thinking it'll be next Sunday before they announce it at hq and then the other 20 states with fellowships left will find out little by little.
  4. PAGING RAF TO THE THREAD! Bring your hand stamp!
  5. More news from my family coming in. This is from my uncle who is the "class clown" of the family and is the one you can always count on to bring levity and humor to a situation. To hear him talking like this is really a shock and tells me how really bad things must be. They live in Madison, over 200 miles north of New Orleans. Sly being MSU's football coach and the first game of the season this week-end
  6. We had a WC Alum who wanted desperately to have a child. She finally got pregnant and very excitedly shared her news after the requisite three months. Soon after a sonogram showed something terribly wrong and she had to have an emergency abortion. Because she was so far along in her pregnancy she had to basically give birth to a stillborn baby. We were told this, but then told NOT to contact her and NOT to call her and that SHE REQUESTED to be left alone. I spoke with her about this a few months later and she just poured her heart out to me and said how upset and depressed she was and that she couldn't figure out why not one person in the area seemed to care and not one person sent her a card, called to check on her or otherwise acknowledged her and her pain during that time. --> WE HAD BEEN LIED TO! This poor woman went through the most horrendous ordeal of her life all by herself and thinking that no one cared about her and her husband all because of LIES from the local leadership. She was even more upset when I told her why no one had conacted her and how bad we all felt and how some of us cried for her pain and cried even more because we had wanted to comfort her but were told that she didn't want to even talk to us.
  7. I never looked at it that way, Kit. Thank you. Thank you very much. :)--> Your words ring so true!
  8. I'm in Orlando, Mstar1. Let me know what part of GA you're gonna be in. Hopefully the storm recovery and gas panic attacks will be over by then. btw, 50/50 is probably about right for me too......depending on the day ;)-->
  9. Belle

    We Set A Date

    I still have a room reserved and will be cancelling the reservation tomorrow. If anyone needs/wants it, please let me know as soon as possible.
  10. Belle

    Evan watch....

    Thanks, Danny. Yes, mere survival becomes of utmost importance and focus afterwards. Especially if you have a family you're trying to protect and care for. It is good to know that your area is okay in the relative scheme of things and that people are safe.
  11. Heh heh heh, you make a good point, Raf. :)--> I suppose, then, WHAT is being promoted and the reputation of WHOM is doing the promoting have a lot of influence on the acceptance of said promotion.
  12. Ahhhhhh.....anoTHEr is set to join us! :D--> BroTHEr Speed, I hope Raf gets back with you soon.
  13. George, you have got to be the funniest curmudgeon I've ever met. :)--> Thank you for induldging us!
  14. Actually, Verb, most places aren't even counting the dead right now because they are too busy rescuing and taking care of the survivors. In New Orleans they are having to push bodies out of the way for the boats to get through the neighborhoods to even check for survivors. There are lots of news footage that they can't show on tv because of all the bodies lying around and floating by. The death toll is going to rise exponentially over the next few WEEKS and MONTHS! Dunno if you realize it but the Gulf Coast is the central hub for MUCH, MUCH MUCH of our economic stability. 90% of next week's groceries should be on the road in 18 wheelers right now. Between gas prices, shortages and most of the roads being flooded and/or destroyed, there WILL be an impact felt all over the nation. My uncle owns a gas, propane and oil distributorship in N. Mississippi. He is selling gas as fast as he can but when he runs out, he's out of business because he can't get in touch with anyone to get anymore and his main suppliers are from the Gulf Coast area. I don't compare catastrophes. People losing lives, homes, livelihoods and economic despair is not pretty no matter what the country - no matter what the numbers.
  15. Dunno, Radar. I found his mother's name is Rachel and he had a little brother named Chris. Both have said that they forgive Terrell for killing Brian. http://www.journeyofhope.org/old_site/a_mother.htm
  16. BroTHEr Speed, I think you were MEANT to be a follower of THE. It's in your blood.... I mean, your name. ;)--> Ahhh would that Mama had named me something as cool as BroTHEr Speed.....
  17. Praying too, Danny. Hopefully they are able to bust a hole in the roof to climb on top where they can be seen. At least it's also encouraging to see the rescue workers busting into places to make sure that there's no one trapped in there. Please let us know that your son's friends are okay when you find out. :)-->
  18. Danny, thank you! Thank you very much!!! I've heard from other family members that my wonderful cousins are all okay. They don't have power and some have minor damage to homes, but everyone is safe. I still would like to hear their voices, though. :(--> Grandma says they've opened I-55 and I-10 all lanes heading out of the south. That should help with the traffic and evacuations so much! I don't know why they didn't do that earlier, but better late than never, I guess. Hopefully we'll all hear from our other loved ones, like Evan, soon.
  19. Psalmie, I keep hoping that GC will check in with us, too. I know how hard it is to not hear anything. I FINALLY got through to a few cousins tonight. I sincerely hope your friend is okay and please know that it took me over four hours to just get an open line to even be able to dial to one of my relatives. All the cell phone towers are being maxed to the limits and most of the cell towers in the area are down. Also, if they only have wireless phones (cell or otherwise) they may not have power to dial out. I'm still trying to contact some of my relatives but have heard about the safety of most of them - if not directly then through other cousins. I know you're concerned. Please let us know if hear anything and know that they are probably wanting to contact you as badly as you want to hear from them. It can be VERY OVERWHELMING to be in their shoes. Trying to take care of yourself, much less a family in those situations can be stressful as all get out. Communicating to those you know love you and want to hear that you're okay can be extremely frustrating with limited resources, too. I firmly believe that God is taking care of all our loved ones. Things can be replaced. People can't and God is taking care of our beloved people. :)-->
  20. Danny, how is Baton Rouge? Heard anything about Ruston and Winnfield or Alexandria? My cousins are there and I can't get through to any of them. One of my very favorite cousins lives there and it's bothering me to not be able to get through and that I haven't heard from her. :(--> Course it's hard to get a line even on the cell phones. She overnighted me Plylox clips last year to board up my windows and I would have been totally unprotected last year if it hadn't been for her. The news down here is concentrating on the worst hit areas and at least MOST of the broadcasters are pronouncing Biloxi correctly. :D--> But I would really like to hear how Baton Rouge and other parts of mid and northern LA are.
  21. Just give them my number, Mstar1. I'll gladly tell 'em. :)--> I'd absolutely LOVE to meet you sometime and I'd really like to see some of your stained glass work, too. ;)-->
  22. Belle

    Caption this

    LOL! Welcome Samurai! I have problems with clumsy service, so I'll leave the coffee to Raf, but may I interest you in something to nibble on?
  23. Don't know about you but if I squeeze my eyes shut really tight for a while, when I open them up I see snowflakes and white, too. Especially if I've been sipping Drambuie.
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