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Everything posted by Belle

  1. Well, looking at the picture I don't see much room at the top of the windows to secure them from the outside. It does appear as though there would be enough room on the inside of the building. Especially since they wouldn't have an awning hanging over that close to the top of the windows on the inside. Not having any space between the windows and the huge space that needed to be protected, it appears to me that they made a wise decision. Also, if there is a deep enough ledge around the windows on the inside, they could have used Plylox, like I did to hold the boards in place. *shrug* An inside picture would show how they actually secured the windows, but regardless, I can see where it would be easier to secure the windows from the inside given what they had to work with. P.S. Thanks for the Snopes link, Raf. Saved me some time from having to look it up myuself. Nevertheless, I'll still put an Ole Miss bumper sticker on my car next time I have to board up just in case someone wants to take pictures of my boards being on the inside of my house. ;)
  2. Well, I use Plylox to secure my hurricane windows and the outside of the house isn't deep enough for the Plylox to have anything to grip on my bay windows, so I have the wood on the inside of the house where there is enough room for the Plylox to be able to work. I figure replacing glass is cheaper than replacing the whole kitchen. *shrug* I hope no one takes a picture of my house when it's boarded up and my car is in the driveway or they'll be sending out Miss State Alumni jokes....maybe I'll put an Ole Miss bumper sticker over it when I need to board up, just in case. :D
  3. Belle

    It was 1975

    Starts? Darlin' you're already in the middle of it! :( Bless your heart! I remember that feeling all too well. Pity we let them do that to us. Having to live with a family like that is one thing, but non-family....well, that hurts worse, I think.
  4. I've been looking at the Bible a lot different lately and Groucho, I like how you put it. That's a lot of what I think, too. I think there's a heck of a lot more to it than the Bible scholars (like we were told we were in TWI) can fathom. I think they're too blinded by their preconceived notions and ego, maybe. *shrug* Regardless, the facts are that there are a lot of things left out of the Bible because some MEN thought that they shouldn't be included. There are a lot of political influences on HOW things were recorded, too. A cursory view of the Nag Hammadi and Dead Sea Scrolls among other things makes that real clear, imo. When people try to make their point by quoting the "rightly divided almighty God-breathed word" it just doesn't hold the same power over me that it used to. That's religion and Jesus *did* say that the whole thing could be summed up with "love God and love your neighbor". That's good enough for me and seems to work no matter what religion, belief, culture, color or "label" you are. :)
  5. Well, I sat and looked at the heading for a long time before even opening the post....wondering what the heck sjprtfuse could mean. :wacko: I don't know which I like better, though. Shortfuse makes me think WAYGB and/or someone with an extremely volatile personality.....maybe it's my ex since I hear he's gone to HQ and is most likely going to be working with Mr. Linder given his job experience. Dunno, could just be someone who excelled in "Blowing Things Up 101"
  6. Roy, I always read what you write (okay, not in the doctrinal section, but only because I don't go there very much) :) . I love reading what you write. I've learned from what you write. I'm glad that you write. :)
  7. Belle

    Answer me this...

    Thanks ex70's. Sorry for the previous post, but I don't want anyone trying any dangerous experiments on here. ;) The only reason I passed physics was thanks to this really shy, really cute guy with a pocket protector, thick glasses and a homemade bowl cut. I taught him some things....he taught me some things. :wub: It was a win-win situation.
  8. LOL! Zshot! :lol: :lol: :lol: Click on the top left corner "Greasespot Cafe" word to the left of "General" It'll show you all the forums. They're grouped into different classifications and you can see all the classifications that way. :)
  9. LOL! Not exactly a problem you'd expect to have is it? I remember the first time I had a party at my house for a group of ladies I had gotten rather close with online..... Shoulda seen my ex's face when I told him I was going to have the party. "You want to WHAT?? :o Who are these ladies? You know them HOW?? What are their names?" "Uh, well, uh..... :unsure: Gatorgal, Frog Lover, Debelli, BigOrangeBabe, Melf, Big Knight's Mama, Yellow Rose....." "I mean their REAL names" "Uh, well, ummmmmm, you see......um, I don't really know their REAL names..... :mellow: " "So you're inviting a group of STRANGERS to OUR house?" (This doesn't go over very well with an overly protective and paranoid police officer with serious TWIt brain) "Well, they're not REALLY strangers. Not technically." I got to have the party and it's ended up being an bi-annual thing now. :D Funny thing is we usually call each other by our screen names or the nick-name of the screen name when we're together and many of them I STILL don't know their last names, but I know their e-mail address, where they live, what school their kids go to and their cell phone number among other things. It's gonna be an awesome time! I can hardly wait!! Rascal, I PM'd you my full name and I'll be there Friday night. Jest tell me what to bring since we aren't going to get to enjoy Sudo's Better Than Sex Delicacy.
  10. Belle

    Answer me this...

    Be careful lighting those farts! There is a serious danger in lighting farts because there is a natural sucking reflex when you light your fart and some people actually suck it in and singe their private parts. If there's still gas in your intestines, it will all ignite and if your pants are down there could be some serious bodily hair damage.....especiallly if one is extremely hairy. Yeah, I hung around some really fun guys in college. :blink: :wacko: :o
  11. The maker of Tamaflu is a Swiss company and they are now filling orders on a "first come - first served" basis and the USA is nowhere near the top of that list, according to the news. So what has been the catalyst to bring all of this out in the open and create this sense of urgency and media induced panic? Is it because the "inevitable" has finally happened to New Orleans? Is it the increase in natural disasters? Are people of influence and action finally being promoted to important positions where they can cause change?
  12. Happy Birthday!! I'll ring the cowbell in your honor tonight when I get home. :D[/size]
  13. Belle

    Answer me this...

    Y'all are both right! :D In a TRUE frictionless system we decided that the ball would slide, BUT it would depend on any inertia put on the ball to roll when it was first "set" into motion. There are really so many variables that can affect the answer. In the Earth's atmosphere and in a non-sterile, truly scientific setting, the ball would roll, as Brother Speed pointed out, because there is friction created naturally. In a sterile, scientifically controlled setting, the ball should slide. Most scientific experiments used to validate Galileo's formulas and theories are used with a disc instead of a ball because it doesn't roll. :)
  14. Contribution or foundational source for plagarism? ;)
  15. Belle

    August STS

    Didn't John Reynolds write that Prevailing Word Report? I wonder why they didn't mention his name.... Anyone know if he's gone, too, or if they just quit mentioning anyone's name or giving credit anywhere?
  16. No, Ham. That was in Pascagoula, MS where the squirrel got loose: Ray Stevens wrote a song about it. ;) But being the squirrel lover that you are, you probably already knew that.
  17. Members in particular Plain and simple. I learn from everyone here, even you Alan. ;) Like it or not we are all part of one body and we're all connected in some way, but not everyone realizes that, wants to acknowledge it or act like it. Pity. Rascal, Your post reminded me of something I've been thinking about lately: I love, Love, LOVE Whitewater Rafting! LOVE IT!!!!!!!! Last time I went I saw the coolest shirt and had to get it. The back of it says, The Journey is the Destination. It's so true! When you go whitewater rafting you hit smooth water, rough water, white water, dangerous as he** water....all kinds. In the raft you have to all work together or all or some of you will get thrown out of the boat or hurt really bad. The rafts all take different courses based on how the guide reads the river, but we all end up at the same place safely and having had a great time. We don't rush to get to the end of the ride. The whole reason we paid to go on the trip was for the trip, not to race to the end and be done with it. So often, it was so much fun we wish the trip had been longer or that we could turn around and go again. The adrenaline rush is so intense that rafting is used as therapy for many drug addicts and many of them become river guides themselves because they enjoy it so much....but, that's beside the point. The point is, like white water rafting, we should enjoy the trip and not rush to the end or keep looking around the bend for the next set of rapids. We also have to work together as a team and we're always ready to help folks out in the other rafts if they need us. We enjoy the calm waters and the rough waters and know that the opposite is right around the corner and we can enjoy that when we get there. Now....if I could just remember that when I'm neck deep in white water.
  18. Belle

    Knocking on My Door

    Brother, they're probably better team players and more interested in taking care of the whole unit and not just those they judge to be "worthy" of their assistance. Well, heck, why WOULD TWI have very many people in the military?? Y'all are over there helping God-forsaken sinners better themselves and live peacefully. They don't deserve that kind of support ..... unless they want to truly change and sign up for this great Bible class I know.... ;)
  19. Hey! I've got Muscadine Wine I'll trade! :D Red or White
  20. Belle


    Reminds me of the great memories I have with my mom picking Pecans, Blackberries and Muscadines. Thanks, Cowgirl! Beautiful picture, too!
  22. Belle

    Answer me this...

    Y'all didn't scare me! Didn't mean to post & run, but I am actually trying to get some work done and to make my point on the lesbian thread without sounding like one of the posters who get my blood pressure to boiling. :P My physics teacher and I went round and round on the friction question for a while. Each week we had a different answer and a very plausible reason for said answer. I'm having fun watching your brains in gear, though. :D I think I'll give you a little bit longer to ponder it before I tell you what we finally came up with. Mind you, it may or may not be correct, but it's what we determined.....based, Ham, on the plane & the ball being in Earth's atmosphere and therefore subject to gravity. ;)
  23. Belle


    Wow, def, that "study" you presented was about as relevant and about as substantial as the study that My3Cents posted earlier regarding: Societies worse off 'when they have God on their side'. And, thanks for seeing what my point was in posting that information. :) I maintain that we are ALL sinners and NONE of us is perfect, THEREFORE, it's none of my d@m* business what someone else's sins are or aren't. FURTHERMORE, not everyone believes the same thing. What I might think is a sin someone else doesn't. Judging and focusing on someone else's sins does me no good whatsoever and in TWIt words, "has no profit in it." Besides that, if vee pee apologists will remember vee pee said that ALL SINS ARE EQUAL! Not one sin is more "sinful" than another. Remember all those X's he put on his poster board? All of 'em are bad. Not one is worse than another in God's eyes. So who the heck am I to worry about my brother or sister's sins when mine are just as bad in God's eyes? Judging and avoiding and not helping, loving and caring for one another is also sin! Besides that, by behaving that way, we miss out on so much in life and on getting to know someone who could make a difference in our lives. I know some of you prefer to “pick and choose” which parts of the Bible you want to believe, follow and obey and a lot of the vee pee apologists don’t give much credence to the teachings of Jesus, but this is how I try to look at things: Luke 6:22-37 Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you [from their company], and shall reproach [you], and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man's sake. Rejoice ye in that day, and leap for joy: for, behold, your reward [is] great in heaven: for in the like manner did their fathers unto the prophets. But woe unto you that are rich! for ye have received your consolation. Woe unto you that are full! for ye shall hunger. Woe unto you that laugh now! for ye shall mourn and weep. Woe unto you, when all men shall speak well of you! for so did their fathers to the false prophets. But I say unto you which hear, Love your enemies, do good to them which hate you, Bless them that curse you, and pray for them which despitefully use you. And unto him that smiteth thee on the [one] cheek offer also the other; and him that taketh away thy cloke forbid not [to take thy] coat also. Give to every man that asketh of thee; and of him that taketh away thy goods ask [them] not again. And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise. For if ye love them which love you, what thank have ye? for sinners also love those that love them. And if ye do good to them which do good to you, what thank have ye? for sinners also do even the same. And if ye lend [to them] of whom ye hope to receive, what thank have ye? for sinners also lend to sinners, to receive as much again. But love ye your enemies, and do good, and lend, hoping for nothing again; and your reward shall be great, and ye shall be the children of the Highest: for he is kind unto the unthankful and [to] the evil. Be ye therefore merciful, as your Father also is merciful. Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven:
  24. Belle

    Answer me this...

    How about a ball on a friction-less incline.....does it roll or does it slide?
  25. Belle

    Knocking on My Door

    Come on, STL, you were in TWI, weren't you? ;) Some people still have the TWI mindset that THEY and what THEY know and have to say are more important and "better" than anything or anyone outside of TWI's doctrinal bondage. I was one very self-important person when I was in TWI and considered those who wouldn't listen to, much less agree with me, as ignorant low-life body & soul scum...."empties walking by" - "no better than an animal" in LCM vernacular. Obviously some people learned very well and STILL have that egotistical attitude. Mo, those gentlemen made more of an impression on me than I think I EVER made on someone the whole time I was in TWI combined. :) They are certainly more "Christian" in their attitude, behavior and presence than most of those who hold fast to the TWI doctrine and continue to defend vee pee and all things TWI.
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