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Everything posted by Belle

  1. Y'all will want to get autographs of this wonderful lady! She is going to be famous one day with that superb voice of hers!
  2. Seasoning! It's all seasoning! Dirt adds so much flavor to campfire food......
  3. Belle

    Such a face!!!!

    Yes, Folks, this is YOUR Pawtucket. Aren't you proud?? I got to have Paw as a captive audience on the way to the airport Monday. It was a great treat for me, but I think Paw might tell you otherwise....
  4. The Princess is as much fun as her Mama and delightful to be around! She made 'smores for everyone and made 'em extra good and extra gooey! Yummmyyy!!!!! She's got a great sense of humor!
  5. Belle

    Rascal's angel Z

    Z is absolutely precious!!! And has the voice of an angel. I just adored her! Tried to get her to come home with me, but no doing.....
  6. That is some serious concentration on those faces!! Wonder if this was when they were discussing who's sausage gravy was the best???? I think I need another batch of both before I can make a decision!
  7. I loved hanging with these girls! They were absolutely delightful and totally reminded me of myself when I was their age.
  8. Belle

    You know who

    There sure was! We could even hear it down at our campsite. Lots of kids performed and it was quite the show.
  9. Belle

    Let's See What Happens

    LOL! I suppose I'm a flipper at times. ^_^ I got my hair cut once and the length was PERFECT for turning my head in the "no" motion and my hair felt so cool and light and feathery on my neck. I flipped it a lot until my ex started yelling at me to stop. He thought I was using it as a "flirting" technique - nevermind that we were usually alone at home or in the car together. I did use tilting my head and maybe a gentle flip when I was dating and flirting or trying to get a guys attention.... :P I also flip my hair, like Abigail said, if it's in my face, down my shirt or otherwise annoying me in some way. With some girls, I think it's habit. I don't *think* I flip my hair much anymore, the weenie roasters will have to tell you since I'm not aware of it if I do. But sometimes it does just feel neat to "flip" your hair. :D
  10. If Mike would spend half of his time actually answering questions instead of attacking people; looking up "big words" to use on www.dictionary.com and defending why he can't/won't/shouldn't/wouldn't take the time to answer the questions, people might actually take him seriously. And, "NO", I do not want a private message from Mike. I have his posts (along with Allan's posts) blocked, so all I can see is that he's still playing the same old game he's always played. All this despite his threats (promises?) to move along to someplace that would actually appreciate him (wherever that may be).
  11. Belle

    Life is messy..

    Ham, Check out Meet Up. This is a great place to find people who maybe share an interest in the same things as you, or an interest in something you'd be excited to learn more about. There's usually a "Newcomers" group of people who just get together to do things going on in the area - be it a free concert, free movies in the park, dinner at a local restaurant, happy hour gatherings, etc..... There's just about something for everyone on this site and you can look by location. I belong to the local newcomer's group in Orlando and they are always doing something. I just pick and choose which things I want to go to. They're easy that way. :)
  12. TLB, not a drop of rain at all! We had a most wonderful time! I invite you to the gallery to see our mugs and grins. I will look at what you've posted tonight as I don't have time since I've played hooky from work the past few days. :P Thank you for taking the time to post it; I really appreciate it.
  13. Welcome, SouthernGentleman, May I offer you some ice cold lemonade or a mint julep? Also, there's a forum section called "About the Way" and your post will most likely get more responses up there. This section is for people who are looking for other people. :) My life has been extremely wonderful, free and peaceful since leaving TWI. Sure things happen, but overall a bad day outside of TWI beats a good day inside TWI hands down!
  14. Brother Speed, you can see the poster on their website..... www.theway.org
  15. Groucho, there's more coming and I've talked to a few who are fixin' to walk the plank. :P Heck, I'm even hoping that going to "serve" at HQ will convince my ex that I was right all along. Surely being that close to the "light" of corruption and with his keen observation and people reading skills, he should be able to pick up on how wrong so many things are at TWI. I only hope he does it before he loses all his money and time to build that retirement account.
  16. Allow me to add my welcome too, Nato! :D You ARE among friends here and it's good to have you aboard! Funny how they conveniently forget to tell people about these things, isn't it? In my area they DID tell us about the 2nd lawsuit, but they only read information about both of them to us and would not let anyone have any actual copies of anything. I suppose they figured if we didn't have it in front of us then we wouldn't be able to question what and how much they were telling us, much less be able to read it for ourselves to figure out how involved Donna, Rosie, Ramona and others actually were with making it "available" for craig to rape these women. I actually asked about Donna and Craig's marriage a few times and each time was told that it was none of my business. :blink: :huh: These people paraded their family around as the perfect Christian family and the prototype we were all coerced into following and yet now that they have been exposed it's none of my business??? :unsure: Uh, not so! There's a ton of information here, as you've already discovered. I also highly recommend reading "The Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse" and Steve Hassan's "Releasing the Bonds: Enabling People to Think for Themselves". Those books were extremely invaluable to me before and after I left TWI. I think you and your wife would benefit from seeing what a true loving relationship with God should be and how a true pastor of God's flock should treat them and protect them. Danish?
  17. ROFLMAO!!! Too true!!! Just Say NO! I think you will find that most people here will not harrangue you about still being "in" and those who will, well, it's to be expected of them. :huh: I was "in" and visiting here for about five years prior to finally deciding to leave regardless of the consequences on my marriage. (My ex chose TWI over his commitment to me) I understand the need to stay "in" for various and sundry personal reasons and if you need someone to vent to over this, please feel free to contact me. :) I got the feeling (and I think many of us have) that TWI was just biding their time and "letting" people "get away with" things just for a bit until they got "comfortable" again. Since Rosie and Donna were the primary ones making all the decisions even while Craig was the "front guy", there's no reason to expect that they would change anything. In fact, I see things getting even more "religious" and "legalistic" in an ever but slow manner, after all, Rosie's the one who had her employees signing out just to go to the bathroom. That leopard hasn't changed her spots at all and the cover-up make-up is starting to fade. Thanks for letting us know our suspicions were right. :)
  18. The only things I continue to operate since leaving TWI are the things I had already learned prior to getting involved with TWI. In fact, there are so many things I no longer operate that I learned in TWI that I think it would be impossible to list all of them. Groucho did a great job of explaining it: - I give to individuals and organizations as I "purposeth in my heart" - I no longer classify anything other than TWI as a "designer cause" - I no longer judge people according to TWIt standards - I am free to get to know, love, care for and enjoy the company of people without labels - I am free to manage my time according to MY needs and wants - I am free to manage my money according to MY needs and wants - I am free to plan for my future, my retirement and my financial security according to common sense and not some man-made doctrine - I am free to pray to God and to - GASP - ask Him for things - I am free to read whatever literature I want to - I am free to ask questions - I am free to question leaders, doctrine and to confront hipocracy as I see it - I am free to skip church, meetings and events without having to RSVP or give excuses - I am free to learn without having to pay exorbitant class fees - I am free to live! I know that's the opposite of what you asked, but it's how I view things.... I honestly have nothing good to say about my time in TWI except that I learned first hand all too well what it's like to live under the thumb of oppression, fear, manipulation, control and fear. Welcome to the Cafe! May I offer you a danish?
  19. Rhino: :lol: :P :lol: :P :lol: Friggin' Hilarious!!!! Welcome, Nato! Sure is "odd" how he yelled and ranted and raved about it while practicing it behind closed doors. I wonder what those women thought when they would hear him going on and on about how horrible homosexuality is. Did he justify it by saying it was only man-o-man-o acts?
  20. Awwww shucks..... Thanks, John. :) I don't understand at all. The only thing I can think of is that it's the easiest, no-brainer way to live and it won't bite you in the @$$ till you're too old to do anything about it.
  21. Belle

    red neck woman

    Too many to mention! I do love Gretchen Wilson and crack up at the lyrics to her songs. I couldn't possibly mention all the country songs I like either, but a few of my favorites are: "I'm Gonna Hire a Wino to Decorate Our Home" and "I'll Make You the Queen of My Double Wide Trailer" and "If I Have a Clean Shirt I Might"
  22. Not mine :D But if WWJLA and her man left behind that really cool chair..... :P
  23. Oh Rascal, it's probably a good thing Mark didn't show up at the airport. :D I was missing everyone so bad that by the time I got to O-Town, I would have probably strangled the poor guy and talked his ear off about how wonderful you and the kids are! LOL! BOWTWI, I'm sooooooo glad that you found the camera! That had to make you sick to your stomach till you had all your things back into your hands. (I smiled when you called us "weenies" - I considered it a term of endearment - glad that's what it was! :) ) I can't wait to look at the other pictures you added! Please e-mail the whole album to me. I'm on a T1 here at work and have high speed wi-fi at home when my neighbor's system is up. :P Did y'all get a picture of Zena? I was thinking what about "Duffie" as the mascot name or "Gravy"? I need to know about this "Darkness in a Bowl" name...... I'm sure that's a good story! I bet the Princess loved seeing all those deer! As long as they don't get into the middle of the road or bust out windshields they're nice to see. WWJLA, remember me on the CD request list, please!! I want to buy 2 copies of each one. :)
  24. And remember that TWI still teaches that just reading ANYTHING except those things on TWI's site opens one up to devil spirits. By that reason, some people who are extremely concerned about devil spirit possession from reading things, should not even be on this site given the discussions here. Pirate, I loved it! Thanks for sharing the joke with us!
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