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Everything posted by Belle

  1. My options are set to ignore allan, but I think we can all see why he didn't come to the doctrinal section after being challenged to numerous times....he can not have an intelligent conversation or debate. His only purpose was to follow Mo down here and continue attacking her and her beliefs. Given the behavior of each, I'd say allen is helping people accept and see the goodness in the Mormon religio and see more clearly why it's good to continue to separate themselves from any and all TWI doctrine and practice. Penguin, I only have my personal experience to go on and given your personal experience, can you honestly say that you never faked tongues, interpretation or prophecy? I did, all the time. I would even prepare ahead of time in case I was called on. I also got complimented many times for my "beautiful" T&I or prophecy. Also, what IS "manifestation of the spirit"? We never heard any other word used to describe using the "gifts" of the spirit, except for "manifestation". Also, how can one really "operate all nine all the time"? I venture to guess that there's not one person who can honestly say that they have ever been in that position. Don't we get the "gifts" of God and different "powers" when we need them? We don't always have the ability to heal someone, there's lots of variables (that we don't fully understand) in play with healing, but when we need it and when it's "right" some pretty awesome things can happen. I think SIT and prophecy are in that same category. We don't always have discerning of spirits unless you count "genuine spiritual suspicion"....but when we need it, it's there.... *shrug* "Manifestation of the spirit" is not the same thing as the "gifts of the spirit" One is a noun - expression or symptom of the spirit whereas the other is what "things" one can use to show "expression of the spirit" You can use the "gifts of the spirit" to show that you have the spirit.... That's the way I see it today. Tomorrow I may have a different answer. :)
  2. Of course my all time favorite is: I can't think about that right now. If I do, I'll go crazy. I'll think about that tomorrow.
  3. I agree that having many different viewpoints to read and discuss gives those looking outside TWI different perspectives and different things to chew on. Some of the "innies" may already be questioning things or thinking back on how what TWI teaches doesn't line up with what they were taught growing up. If someone here practices the same beliefs that they grew up with, it gives them someone to connect with and someone to help them reconcile parts of TWI doctrine with their core beliefs that had gotten shoved under the rug, so to speak. Also, it gives those who've never known anything but TWI doctrine different avenues to consider upon leaving. TWI teaches that "there's nothing better out there". GSpot gives folks a glimpse of some of what's out there and allows them to explore in a safe environment. I myself have considered things I wouldn't have otherwise considered if everyone here believed the same thing or if they weren't allowed to share their beliefs, theories and studies. I've learned a lot about the history of religion, Judaism and Christianity. I've learned about the Celtic culture and beliefs, many other religions and even how different "offshoots" operate and which teaching of TWI they've "corrected" vs. which ones they hold near and dear. I've "seen" the attitude, behavior, compassion (or lack thereof) and the fruit in the lives of these people as they interact with others on the board and that, too, has lead me to or away from certain groups. Variety is a good thing. A closed mind is not. That's how TWI got into trouble in many ways....not allowing differences of thought and questions from their own people. It's good that most of the people on here can discuss, disagree and continue dialog without resorting to name-calling, attacking, flaming and de-railing threads. I'm always impressed with those discussions and the people acting so maturely as to stay on the topic at hand.
  4. Top of the World, that's one of my favorites too!! :P :D :P
  5. Wow, Radar! I NEVER heard about them. They aren't EVER mentioned so far as I know.....I wonder why? I wonder if they are going to start being promoted and paraded around TWI since the Wierwille population in TWI has declined so dramatically.....
  6. I just remember the noun/verb thing, but I use my own little weird self-talk that no one else would understand.... ^_^ How about "A"ffect is the "A"ction "A"ffect and "E"ffect is the "E"nd or "E"ssence?
  7. (((((OAK))))) You and so many others have been sooooo invaluable to me over the past five years!! I totally owe my sanity and strength to get out of TWI to y'all! Believe me, no one was more heart-broken about not being able to come to your wedding than I was! I'll send you an e-mail regarding the details of that one. I bought you and Reikilady a present, but had held onto it to bring with me to the wedding and, now I realize I didn't mail it when I discovered I wasn't going to be able to make it. You contribute so much to the forums and, I've even wandered down into the depths of the doctrinal section a bit. You're extremely articulate and bring up very good points, ideas and observations. I truly appreciate your participation here at the Spot. I know that having a new family can require a lot of our time and energy. You've married a most wonderful lady and she deserves your loving attention. I'm glad that you posted this and I know we'll miss you around as much as you have been and I hope dearly that you don't write off the Weenie Roast and other events because of our disappointing you. I was so looking forward to hugging your neck and meeting Reikilady in person! I still hope to get to do so one day!!
  8. Mo, Mixed blessing, eh? :mellow: I agree with what coupcake said. You just love 'em and tell them they have to work out their relationships independent of their relationships with you. I have to do that with my aunts sometimes. :) My ex, before cutting his family out of his life at Moneyhands "suggestion", would talk to his mother every Sunday afternoon and would visit with them at least once a month, if not more. Me? I may talk to my parents once a week for a while and then not talk to them for several months.....just depends on what's going on in our lives. We pick up right where we left off and none of us get our feelings hurt over it. My little brother and I are best friends and when the chips are down, we're the first person each other thinks of to call to discuss things.....then we call Mama. :D We will go for months without talking and one day one of us will pick up the phone and say, "We need to catch up" and we'll be on the phone for hours, but it'll be another four months before we talk again. LOL! It doesn't mean we aren't as close as siblings who talk all the time, it's just what works for us. :) I guess different people have different needs and since you were raised an only child, you are used to having "your space" and "your time" and not really having to check in with someone or keep constant contact. If your sister's too needy then maybe letting her know that you need to have more space and ease into the relationship at a slower pace will help any guilt feelings you might have about not wanting or needing to talk to her so much.
  9. Jet, that's very well said and I agree. :) I've pretty much chucked everything I've learned in TWI and started with a clean slate. It's been a fun adventure and I've got much more I'd like to learn, so I really don't have many convictions one way or the other. Occasionally on here I seem to play devil's advocate or waver back and forth between two issues, but really I'm just still working things out in my brain and when we can discuss, disagree and debate issues without bringing name calling and personal attacks or attacks on someone's beliefs then I think we can all get something out of it. Like the body, soul, spirit thing....If the dead in Christ rise again and, as you commented, it's a physical body raising back up out of the ground, then how does that figure with the dust to dust and the bodies completely decomposing, the bodies eaten by sharks and other animals, the bodies that were burned in the holocaust, those who were blown up in the WTC, those who decided to be cremated, those who donated their bodies to science or their organs to other people? If the spirit goes back to God for safe keeping, then why couldn't the spirit still be vital, aware and "live"? Otherwise, what is it? Like something in a cryogenic freezer?
  10. Which must be the same books I've been reading. ;) I've been beginning to see things in a whole different light after reading said books. :unsure:
  11. It seems to me that the mandate that one must get baptized and the mandate of other that one must not get baptized are mere elements of religion and man-made doctrines. It seems to me that if the act of baptism enhances, ingrains the commitment and gives a person something to reflect on and strengthen their commitment and relationship with God and with Jesus, then it should be allowed. If someone doesn't want to get baptized, then that should be fine, too. In the church where I grew up people could choose if they wanted to or not. Some religions baptize the babies and, again, I say if it helps with the faith of the parents, then who am I to judge them? I think it says somewhere in the Bible, "Judge not, lest you be judged..." Even Peter asked if anyone could forbid water for some who had been born again. For me, getting baptized and the whole celebration behind it was terrific and helped me tremendously to start out my "new life" on the right foot and feeling high as a kite. To each his own....
  12. I picture rosie and donna taking off before the whole thing collapses. They'll tour Europe together, quit shaving their legs and find some little haven to build their love nest while they live off the booty they've stashed away from the ABS of innocent people. Harvie and Rico Spaghetti will continue rowing the boat till they reailze there's no one else with them:
  13. Exactly JKBoehme! There have been discussions on that here before and it's a very accurate description. The sad thing is that all the people at the bottom of the pyramid were not only working for free, they were also PAYING to run the class.... It was their electricity, the wear and tear on their carpet, their chairs/tvs/vcrs, their toilet paper, their snacks, coffee and cups.... those at the very bottom were spending money on things TWI should have been providing out of the money they were charging for the class. All they got for all the time, hard work and money they spent on the classes in their homes was a homemade card....whoopee!! :blink:
  14. (((((((((excathedra)))))))))))
  15. Belle

    red neck woman

    Kenny Rogers! Hank Williams Jr came to MSU every year when I was growing up and I'm especially fond of him. I saw Kenny and Dolly perform on a round stage one year - no bad seats in the house! I've seen Willie, Waylon, George and many others. I agree that the new stuff, mostly, isn't really country, but I do like a lot of it. I love Gretchen's "When I Think of Cheating" - it sounds like the good old time country music I grew up on. :)
  16. I've never heard of them. Who are they? How are they related?
  17. Look at that smile! GQ look out! Here's your next top model!
  18. Aaron is THE MAN!! This is my Mammoth Cave Buddy and Personal Trainer inspiring me to get up that huge hill so we could get to the bathroom!! Thank goodness we made it just in time!!
  20. LittleHawk was a true joy to meet. Very kind and I'm so glad he made time to come hang out with us. His Elderberry wine was really good, too! His son, an absolute gentleman! My parents and I really enjoyed having him in our car on the way to Mammoth Cave. He's got a lot of very interesting stories and was just delightful to be around....besides that, I LOVE their accents!!!
  21. When he was awake (which I hear is way more than previous Weenie Roasts) this man had that sh*t eating grin on all the time! How could you NOT like being around someone as personable and fun as our own HerbieJuan?
  22. Y'all shoulda seen the huge catfish J caught! And the one that got away.......
  23. We didn't clean the fish, really, but not because the kids didn't want to! Our neighbors at the campsite would have gladly taught the kids how to clean the fish, but they had already done enough. The kids would tell you that their campsite was more fun than ours....they had the fishing poles.
  24. Look at the concentration on that face! Jacob was absolutely adorable, even if he did turn me in for being the one to teach him how to make balloons squeal.
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