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Everything posted by Belle

  1. Thanks, OM. I appreciate that. :)
  2. OM, I actually started to look up old threads for you, but you know what? You don't care. You won't look at them and it would just start another "victim attack" and justification of TWI on your part. I don't want to go there and I'm not gonna waste my time. You're gonna believe what you want to believe and "a fool convinced against his will is of the same opinion still." Go ahead. TWI didn't hide, harbor and protect child molesters. They didn't allow psychopaths and criminal people in the WOW program. TWI never hurt a single person. They aren't and never were evil and you wish they hadn't kicked you out. You wish they had fellowship close to your home so you could go back into the fold. It's okay. You're entitled to believe whatever you want to believe - whether it's correct or not. :blink:
  3. OM, Craig's whining about money going elsewhere is just that - selfish whining, imo. Didn't vee pee cause a great break-up and destruction of The Way East and the Way West by demanding that all money come to hq instead of each twig being self-sufficient as he touted at one time? ;) The second part of his whining is NOT about the money going elsewhere, it's about people not giving at all. He's complaining and threatening people because he's not getting their money. Two separate issues, imo. I don't know for sure because I wasn't there, but weren't people at one time encouraged to send their ABS directly to NK? If God says to give as you purposeth in your heart, then it shouldn't matter where the money goes as long as you're giving, right? Then why on earth should craig care if people are giving to other places? Because he wants it all. Craig was already abusing people; playing power games and acting like he was God almighty at this time. His future actions only became more public because he got caught and because we have the internet to expose them. He was no different then. He even admits it himself by saying that he changed. If he had been right on to begin with, there would have been no need for change. Besides that, he didn't change even though he said he did, he just became twice the child of Hell than he was during this time. Have you been asleep or just ignoring all the talk about how he pushed vee pee to the side and quit respecting him once craig had access to the throne and the ring kissing TWIts himself?
  4. Mo, Rahab, Ruth, Sarah, Rebekah and Bathsheba are the women I most remember being taught about being in the Christ line. I have notes somewhere, I'll look this week-end.
  5. Can we just ignore the troll and let this thread die?
  6. Awwwww, Thanks, Eagle. :) It was pretty painful, but I"m stronger for it I 'spose. They definitely weren't "Godly" in their doctrine and handling of things regarding family and relationships. I'm much better off outside the confines of TWI, but also coming to terms with the fact that I many never have the kids I always wanted since I wasted my most "fertile" years with a man who didn't love me the way a husband should. 'Sokay; I've got an awesome family and a spoiled rotten dog. I also think I'll make one heck of a crazy aunt when my little brother starts his family. :P
  7. Then your knowledge is seriously lacking which is pretty pathetic given how long you've been coming to the cafe.
  8. Irony of ironies: “God’s Word says that knowledge puffeth up and charity edifieth. Where is your heart going? Where is your tenderness, love and compassion? Where is your “longsuffering and doctrine”? I see very little, if any, in many of the lives of those who have become so inclined. Love covers a multitude of sins, not knowledge, or personality, or techniques, or discipline. Jesus taught his men they’d be recognized as his disciples by their love, not their adamancy, egotism or knowledge.” Where was the love and the longsuffering under craig’s reign? Where is it now? Love only covers a multitude of sins when it comes to craig and the BOD when it comes to TWI. And, funny, he says that Jesus taught that his disciples would be recognized by their love when he and all his henchmen were never accused of being loving, much less too loving, despite what he claims… “….I have been patient and longsuffering many times to a fault….. Some adamantly believe that I have not changed and am out of alignment and harmony with God and His Word. I have done all I know to do to live and share the Word of God. If that’s not enough evidence to convince you that I have changed, then I have nothing else to do but to invite you to leave.” So, Craig has really NEVER been in “alignment and harmony” since we already know his pattern of behavior during his tenure. It appears as though at least at one time he did recognize that and admit to it. Pity he didn’t really change. “Another major category of ‘Phariseeism’, as I call it here, is this whole penchant, mind-set, and lust to catch a man in his words.” Gee, craig, where did they learn that? Seems it was a requirement for your WC and leaders on the field. “It is a shame that some people have consequently discountinued abundant sharing at all and are not reaping the promies of God in that category, and in fact, are reaping the consequences of unbelief.” If that’s not spiritual blackmail and threatenings regarding NOT giving our money to TWI, then I don’t know what is. Right there – clear as day – he’s telling people that if you don’t give your abundant sharing (not tithe, even) – then you’re gonna reap the consequences of unbelief. What are the consequences of unbelief? According to TWI, sickness, accidents, job losses even death. “Let me add that the Board of Trustess plans to continue supporting the programs and activities that Dr. Wierwille began……” And that lasted how long? Five years maybe??? Sounds like an advertisement for keeping him as president, if you ask me.
  9. LOL! I think teenagers will always be choking chickens whether it's condoned or not.....
  10. Granted, my house isn't very large, but when I'm home my doors are seldom locked. I suppose if I felt like I lived in a high crime neighborhood, I would be more conscientious, but given where I llive, I don't see the need. *shrug* Maybe I'm just really stupid! I have to laugh, though, thinking about growing up in a very small town. We never locked our doors and when someone knocked on the door or rang the doorbell, we'd just yell, "Come In." Same thing with all our neighbors. I'd love to have seen the reporters' faces on that one!
  11. Brother Speed, that would depend on whether or not you can see the image of the virgin Mary in the bottle.
  12. Belle

    Dog Story

    Sudo, Laddie is ADORABLE!!! I love his color!! AND his name!! ;) The video is precious! and he has grown quite a bit! Modern technology is indeed wonderful! Thanks for sharing him with us!
  13. Belle


    Awwwww, Outofdafog..... :wub: :( It's so hard! When I got homesick, I called my mom to get the recipe for my favorite dishes that she used to make. One of 'em was a dish we called "Comp'ny Chicken" and we ONLY had it when we had comp'ny. ;) It's not just the dish though, it's the green beans, the mashed taters, the crescent rolls and the bananas foster for dessert.... She gave me the recipe for the Comp'ny Chicken and it was sooooo friggin easy! I yelled at her, "It's THAT EASY and we ONLY had it when we had company????" She laughed and said that the reason we had it when we had company was BECAUSE it was that easy. :D Maybe you could send her a few recipes for her favorite dishes y'all had together and a funny little card to make her laugh. PM me your snail mail and I'll send you a funny card to make YOU laugh. I'm good at picking 'em out, if I may say so myself, and I LOVE to send 'em! B)
  14. Belle

    Dog Story

    What great big hearts we have on here! Brother Speed, sounds like you and your wife both are incredible dog lovers! Bless your hearts for saving those wonderful little sweeties! Vixen has several names too, like Franklyn/Franky/Hot Dog. She's also known as Squirttle Butt, Squirt, Vixxy Vix and "You Little Sh1+" (always spoken lovingly!). :D Linda, I love that name: Cleveland Brown! :) I hope he recovers quickly from having the growth removed. Emma will be so glad to see him back, I'm sure! Those little terriers are the biggest dogs I know. :D Vixen's best friend is a pit bull-dalmation mix and I swear she thinks she's as big as they are. At the dog show I once caught her standing on her hind legs trying to get her nose up close enough to a Great Dane to smell him. LOL! That would've been a great picture! She has always picked the labs, great danes and goldens at the park to play with. She has no time or tolerance for "small dogs" LOL! This is my first full breed dog. I've had two golden~chow mixes and they were the best dogs! Beautiful, too. This time I fought my ex for over a year before he would even consider allowing me to have a dog and I had this huge list of qualifications the dog had to meet - one of them being a full breed. The breeder wanted Vixen to be a show dog and I saw my opportunity to get out of TWIt meetings to show her, so I readily agreed to do it. Then I got hooked and now, I'm a bonafide dog freak and get sooooo excited when Vixen learns something new and even more excited when we get closer to getting those coveted AKC titles. Yep, I'm a dork! Jim, thank you so much for your offer! I e-mailed you my info.
  15. Well don't let that stop you, White Dove! We could always use a good food fight!
  16. Belle

    The Cone of Wilma

    Dadgummit!! At least I still have my hurricane plywood and my plylox clips.
  17. Do a search nationwide without the OH restriction and there's tons more!! Thanks White Dove!
  18. Jet, I thought you had been here long enough to see that most people here don't use any kind of lable system and when the word "cult" comes up, there is usually some sort of debate about the definition of cult. :) If you're looking for a strictly Christian website where people still hold to some sort of TWI doctrine, then may I suggest Raf's site: Living Epistles. I do hope that you don't let a few threads deter you from all the other great things here at GSpot. There really are some great people here, it just gets a little heated at times and it takes a while for people to quit feeding the trolls sometimes, too. :) I haven't read the books or authors you mentioned, but I have been delving into Elaine Pagels and "The Origin of Satan" as well as her research on the Nag Hammadi Scrolls. I've read "What Does Go Want?" and I'm currently reading "Why People Believe Weird Things" by the guy that founded Skeptic Magazine. It's fascinating reading! I've also checked out things on the Mind-Body connection (ala Candace Pert) and What the Bleep. It's been a fun, enlightening experience! I feel like a kid in a candy store reading about all these other things, beliefs, history of religion and such.... It's pretty neat to see where people go and what kinds of things they start looking at once they are free from TWI's confinement and can study anything and everything they want.
  19. I have a bunch of tapes of craig's ranting and raving......does that count?
  20. Belle

    CSI and TWI

    Sorry, David, that's not what I meant. I meant that the media focuses only on the very extreme cases and so when a group like TWI is brought up, because they don't believe in alien life forms and other things considered "weird" so to speak, and because TWIts do actually appear relatively "normal" in everyday life, that people don't take the destructiveness of groups like TWI seriously. My parents didn't understand the extreme pressure and stress that I was under until they got to talk to other former TWIts at the Weenie Roast. They still don't fully understand, but they have a greater appreciation for what it took to get out. Now, that being said.....I would like to think that I would never have taken the kool-aid, but I honestly can't say for sure that I wouldn't have. :o I was so effen obedient that I very well might have. :blink: Pretty scary to think about, so I don't..... I'll think about it tomorrow.... maybe....
  21. AMEN, SISTAH!! B) My divorce was extremely painful, but it was because of WHY we were getting divorced (he chose a friggin' group of people over his commitment to me) and not because of the actual divorce or because of leaving TWI. Life is sooooo much better now!
  22. Publicity, Publicity, Publicity GSpot has been invaluable for people looking into TWI before getting involved and for those sensing that something's "just not quite right". The more we can get the word out there and warn people, the less likely they are going to be to have fresh meat to abuse and destroy. Those billboards were great and there needs to be a way to make people without computers or internet know-how aware of TWI and all the lies. I just don't know how to do that without spending tons of money we don't have.
  23. LOL! That must come with every Class Coordinator Syllabus and every entrance package into the WC. :) I can see it much more clearly now.
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