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Everything posted by Belle

  1. Belle


    Ya gonna help me go get it?
  2. I dunno, Krys. Didn't Jessica Simpson say that was "chicken" of the sea? Shouldn't we be concerned? It must be true! She's too pretty to lie to us. ;) Seriously, what about the factory workers over there? Someone comes to work with the flu and starts canning my chicken of the sea?
  3. Belle

    Rosa Parks

    VERY FITTING TRIBUTE, INDEED, JARDINERO! I, too, was extremely please, proud and touched that she's getting the respect she deserves. :) The flags will also be flown at half mast in her honor. Rosa Parks' legacy goes to show how much of an impact one person can make without even being aware of the consequences of the decisions we make. People are always watching and observing us and the ripples aren't always as apparent at Rosa's, but they're there nonetheless. Jerry, my Great Aunt Elsie Smith lives in Bessemer or someplace nearby (gonna have to ask Mama). She had twelve children and they mostly all live on the land that she owns in trailers and some in real live houses. I had a blast going there as a child and when I was a baby it was so crowded I had to sleep in a drawer in the chest of drawers. I'm so thankful for women like Rosa Parks!
  4. Belle


    I've always loved Halloween - probably for obvious reasons. B) There's nothing like getting sugared up on cake and ice cream while dressed as your favorite character and THEN getting to go trick-or-treating with all your best friends every year. :P During the TWIt years we were always discouraged from participating in Halloween (Bless and Treat, anyone?). We always seemed to have some sort of meeting or twig going on that night, too. Finally during my last few years when I was getting more and more obstinate, I'd start buying candy and telling my ex that I was not going anywhere, but would be staying home to hand out candy to the kids. I thoroughly enjoyed every doorbell ring! This year I'll be hanging with some friends at their haunted house tonight. It'll be fun and I'll get to see all the kiddos having fun but not have to worry about Vixen getting all ballistic with the doorbell ringing constantly. One of the guys at work had a costume party this week-end and there were some really good costumes there. The theme was the letter "D" so everyone had to dress as something beginning with "D" - the winning costume was Disney on Ice. The guy put Disney characters all over his shirt (front and back) - took an ice bucket and cut a hole in it so he could walk - had it around his waist. Filled it with fake ice and - voila - Disney on Ice. Cheesy Another guy came dressed as a "bee" - everyone told him the theme was "D" and he said - "Oh, I thought they said "B" - boy am I DUMB! lol! It was a gay party so of course there were lots of "Dorothy's" from the Wizard of Oz, Divas, Drama Queens and Drag Queens. Very Cool!! Sounds like it was a blast and I wish I could have made it to the party!
  6. WHERE IS CW??? Anyone heard from her? :(
  7. I hate changing my clock! But, now the one in my bathroom is correct, since I never did adjust it last year. :D I also hate that it gets dark so much earlier now that we fell back an hour. :( I'm in the "quit messin' with my clock" camp, too. Maybe we should all move to AZ with WN! and Zshot!
  8. That's not your daddy's station wagon! Not your average daddy selling it either! :P Exxcie! You scared the ever living crap out of me!! I do hope that's just a Halloween costume and not a permanent avatar! we don't want to be scaring people away....or do we? :o Could you follow Mike and Allan around for a few days? ;)
  9. AWWWWWW, Y'all are too sweet! Thank you very much! It was a wonderful week-end. My parents called yesterday morning and I talked to both of them for a while - catching up and they got to tell me about their awesome week-end. We hung up and I thought - "Hmmmmm, they didn't say Happy Birthday, but that MUST have been why they called." and laughed at the thought. Later last night they called falling all over themselves for forgetting that it was my birthday when they called. :lol: I chuckled and said that I would have been disappointed if they had remembered since it's typical of us to all send birthday greetings late in our family. ;) They actually sent me some money at the beginning of the month because I needed to use a "Daddy Card" for something. :ph34r: Yes, folks, even when your kids reach their mid 30's they will STILL need your help. :o The most impressive thing, though, was that I got a card from my little brother on Friday --- That means he thought ahead! So unlike the rest of us! LOL! Unfortunately I have a lot of things to get done before month end reporting starts tomorrow, so this week will find me kinda scarce. I'll come play as much and often as I can, though. I am totally addicted to y'all! :wub: Thanks again! It really means a lot to me to read all your greetings and well wishes. :wub:
  10. HAPPY BIRTHDAY THELMA!!! :P :lol: :D :P :lol: :D I hope it's awesome!!!!
  11. Just bumping this back up to the top. :P
  12. :lol: :lol: NOW I get it!! I was wondering what the heck the peupsetta text was and why I had never heard of it! That's a good one!! :P I don't know the names of any of those people, nor do I see anything in your post about plagarism of said text. Could you elaborate a little more? What specifically are you looking for?
  13. Belle


    Oh that would be soooo KEWL!! Can you just see Marvin and Brother Speed hanging out together? B) Imagine the trouble those two could get into!
  14. WN! I'm so glad you made it home! Hopefully they'll reimburse you for your expenses since the travel company obviously fell down on the job. Hurricanes are very scary and the sounds and force of the wind is indescribable! Thankfully your hotel was built to withstand such force! Being that close to the shore, I can't believe they actually expected people to stay on the first floor - Kudos to you for moving up to the second floor! I know that cabin fever, extreme boredom and wanting to sleep all the time feeling all too well.... -_- Please don't let this one experience keep you from travelling and especially from travelling during hurricane season! We can't live our lives in fear and hunkered down all the time. Look at how many months and YEARS that area HASN'T been hit by hurricanes.....same with Florida. Sorry, coolchef, but I think your attitude is an overreaction. By your logic none of us should live in Florida because of hurricanes, California because of wildfires, mud slides and earthquakes, Okalahoma because of tornados, New Orleans because it's so vulnerable, etc. The past two years have been extremely atypical hurricane seasons. Nature and the cycles ebb and flow - even Disney engineers, when building the Orlando theme parks built them on a 100 year flood plan whereas most homes are only built on a 10 year flood plan. That's because they KNOW there is at least a 100 year cycle in the weather patterns so they plan for it. I missed a trip to Hawaii one year because I wasn't allowed to go during hurricane season..... Not one da*# hurricane came anywhere near Hawaii that year. To say I was upset and extremely peeved would be an understatement. Someone's fear kept me from being able to go. I just think it's ridiculous and an overreaction to the possibilities. If we are vigilant and aware, there's nothing to be afraid of and absolultely no reason why we should move or avoid places just because of the possibilities. B)
  15. Belle


    Hiway - I stand corrected. Yes, that was a blanket statement, however, the point I was trying to make is, that here in Orlando I know disproportionately way more gay men than I do women. Most of those friends do work at Disney and actually a huge percentage of them play characters like Tigger, Pluto, Goofy, Mickey and Minnie. If one were to form an opinion or draw a conclusion based on my experience, it would be that there are way more gay men than there are women, which also isn't the case scientifically. I can't speak for California. There were other points I was making as well in my post. I hope that you don't focus on just that one. No, Orlando is not your average American workplace, but my point in mentioning it was that each one of us is in differing environments and that we can't necessarily take our own perceptions and make them the rule.
  16. Almond Joy's got nuts - Mounds don't Roy, I'm very sorry about your mom. Before I left for the Advanced Class in '96, I was at a believer friend's house with some other friends, one of whom was Georg1a Rave. I was hugging her goodbye and I just knew at that moment that it would be the last time I would see her alive. I couldn't explain it, but I knew. I took my then-fiance into another room and was crying as I told him what I just felt. Sure enough, one week into the class one of the other people from my area who was also a HFC, came and told me that Georgia had died. It wasn't such a shock and I had been prepared for it thanks to God telling me before I left. Those kinds of things are very personal and not really meant to be shared. It's God preparing YOUR heart for what's to come. I think we're supposed to keep those things personal and God will let each one of us know what we need to know when we need to know it. Maybe you're right and maybe you're wrong, but even if you're right, why did God tell you those things? Did he also tell you to share them? I think most likely not. And what happens when/if they don't come to pass? Is that going to shake your confidence in God? Is it going to make you think twice next time you get some "feeling" or "revelation"? Obviously your feelings haven't gone over very well here. Maybe it's just a learning lesson here. :) I know you have a great big wonderful heart. You do a great job of sharing uplifting, thought provoking and delightful things on the board here - I much prefer to read those things from you.
  17. WN!, I know we can do it because I've done it, but for the life of me I can't find it now! Maybe Paw or one of the moderators will be able to help. Sorry!
  18. Belle

    Nametag Challenge:

    You should come to one of my parties, George! ;) I meant using the short end of the nametag, not the nametag lengthwise. ^_^ But I like the way you think!!
  19. Belle


    Jerry said: I agree completely! I think we just don't know and to assume or assert that we do is arrogant, ignorant and just plain wrong. Jerry said: Jerry, That's why you just can't trust the media. ;) And why personal experience can not be used to make a blanket statement or judgement. I actually know way more gay men than I do women, but I live near the Rat where most of the employees are gay men. B) It's not easy for anyone to "come out" and I've been told by the two gay men that I work with that the ease (or lack thereof) has absolutely nothing to do with gender, but more with family relationships and support systems in place. Outofdafog's daughter is a great example. She has an excellent support system and a superb relationship with her mom, so she's got it a lot easier than someone who knows that they will be ostracized and possibly kicked out of the family - regardless of gender. (Not saying that it's "easy" by any means, just that in the whole scheme of things, she has an easi-ER job of coming out than the other example). Scientifically though, you may be surprised at what the facts say about your gender assumption..... The National Health and Social Life Survey found that 1.4 percent of women and 2.8 percent of men thought of themselves as homosexual or bisexual, while more than 4 percent of women and more than 6 percent of men report a sexual attraction to people of the same sex. Another analysis that combines data from the NHSLS and several waves of the GSS finds that 3.6 percent of women and nearly 5 percent of men report having had sexual contact with a partner of the same sex since they were age 18. A national survey in Canada (2003) found that 1.9 percent of men and 1.6 percent of women reported being gay, lesbian, or bisexual. (NHSLS)
  20. AWESOME, GEORGE!!! I love it!!! :lol: :P :D :lol: :P :D
  21. Thanks to both of you and, please, feel free to ramble at any time! I love reading your musings and thinking out loud. Priceless! Very well worded, imo, and worthy of the Gems section, if you don't mind my re-posting it there.
  22. Vixen and I will be at Earthdog Trials at Jim Miller Park in Marietta on Saturday and Sunday, November 12 & 13. Earthdog Trials are not really over at a "set" time, but I should be available to meet for an early dinner or drinks for a bit on Saturday. Vixen isn't good in a hotel by herself, so I will have to meet someplace that's Dog-Friendly. :) If anyone is in the area and would like to meet up on Saturday, send me a private message. B)
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